Young woman gives a play-by-play of being randomly punched in the face on the NYC subway

Via Not the Bee

Violence in New York has become so commonplace, so everyday, that even the victims of it seem to treat it like, you know, just sort of a thing that happens:

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Prigozhin ‘Exiled’ To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?

Via ZeroHedge

Update(1735ET): This entirely bizarre slightly less than 24-hour short-lived coup attempt has just gotten even stranger, given the terms of the truce which evidently caused Evgeny Prigozhin to announce his Wagner fighter columns would turn around and go back to their bases.

The Wall Street Journal has confirmed based on Kremlin statements that “As part of the agreement, Prigozhin will leave Russia for Belarus, and criminal charges against him will be dropped, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. His fighters will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian military.”

And Russia’s RT provides some further details as follows based on Peskov’s statement:

“He added that Wagner’s fighters will not be persecuted, taking into account their efforts on the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. Peskov explained that President Vladimir Putin’s team “have always respected their exploits.”

Those PMC contractors, who refused to take part in the mutiny – and whole units did not – will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, Peskov stated.

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True Confessions

Guest Post by Captain_Obviuos

When I was 23, I was sitting in a small cafe in Bratislava, enjoying the fine Spring day. Bratislava is one of the most beautiful Eastern European cities; its cathedrals and castles are truly works of art. It has a rich cultural history of which the Slovakians are rightfully proud. It is like a rare jewel, to be protected and treasured, and a wonder to have survived so long, intact, in such a volatile part of the world.

I got there not long after the Communists were ousted and Chekoslovakia was dissolved, and then split into two separate countries, Chechia and Slovakia. It was a time of great joy for them, to be free of the oppressive so-called Communist regime. There were almost daily street parties, some until late at night. People who did not even know one another would get together, and by the end of their revelries, everyone was like family, like one big, happy family. If such a word is relevant, it was almost miraculous how these strangers, who only months before would have never considered such open displays of brotherhood, were so eager to be with each other. A great time for Slovakia, and a great time to be visiting it.

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Karl Marx on the “evil” of “life” under constant medical “tutelage” (and the comparable evil of press censorship)

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

If we’re going to win this (final) war, we must get over the distracting fantasy—or (as it were) red herring—that Karl Marx started it, and that the Kremlin has (somehow) been driving it

That life under the “new normal” is, or will be, much like communism there can be no doubt; and that “woke” ideology—especially Critical Race Theory and, to some extent, queer theory—derives in part from the works of certain Marxist intellectuals (as James Lindsay holds) is surely true. (I strongly recommend his book Race Marxism, on the rise of CRT.)

While both those things are true, however, it is certainly not true that this catastrophe was hatched by “Marxists,” intent on realizing “global communism,” as Lenin (say) envisioned it, and Trotsky spent his life pursuing it (a Bolshevik game plan that ended with the rise of Stalin). The retro conviction that COVID is a commie plot (along with all the other horrors of these last three years, including radical transgenderism) has all but taken over the health freedom movement, or at least its rightist membership. This is apparent in (to name a very few examples) Stew Peters’ rants, the fiery output by Emerald Robinson, Jesse Watters and others aiming endlessly (and only) at the CCP, and—most disappointingly—in Plandemic 3.

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The New York Times spits the bit on the lab-leak theory. Yes, again.

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The Times’s intelligence community reporter, Julian Barnes, seems to have forgotten that his job is to COVER agencies, not vomit up the pablum they feed him at readers

The New York Times embarrassed itself mightily on Covid yesterday.

I know, day that ends in a Y.

But this time was even worse than usual – and for worse than the usual reasons.

Julian Barnes, who covers the intelligence community for the Times, failed to report actual news about the likelihood the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab and the White House’s failure to declassify information on the leak.

Instead, Barnes let “senior intelligence officials” offer a idiotic narrative that the new information didn’t matter. This kind of “reporting” is a great way for Barnes to convince the world he’s nothing more than a Central Intelligence Agency mouthpiece.

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Bobby Kennedy, Jr Verses Ron Paul

Submitted by CCRider

                                                                                                                Kennedy      Paul
Against all wars                                                                                         [ ]             [ ]

Closing foreign military bases                                                            [ ]             [ ]

Make Fortress America invulnerable to attack                             [ ]            [ ]

Friendship with all nations                                                                    [ ]           [ ]

Learn and understand a potential adversary’s predicament   [ ]           [ ]

Constitutionalist                                                                                          [ ]          [ ]

The same set of positions over decades                                             [ ]          [ ]

Has the courage of his convictions                                                      [ ]           [ ]

Accurate predictions going back decades                                         [ ]           [ ]

Held his ideological ground no matter the criticism or scorn [ ]           [ ]

The deep concern of the CIA/FBI powers                                          [ ]           [ ]

Hated by the elites/corporate media                                                   [ ]           [ ]

Reliance on free markets                                                                          [ ]           [ ]

Deep skepticism of corporate medicine                                             [ ]           [ ]

Ignited a populist uprising                                                                      [ ]           [ ]

Broad-based appeal                                                                                   [ ]           [ ]

Spoke on the record about the Kennedy assassination coup   [ ]           [ ]

Unfailingly polite and respectful                                                         [ ]           [ ]

Deep medical knowledge                                                                         [ ]           [ ]

The sole peace candidate in their party                                             [ ]           [ ]

Neocons Pushing for Nuclear War NOW!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The most notorious Washington Neocon, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and his equal Neocon on the Democratic side, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), have introduced a Resolution in the Senate in hopes of justifying World War III stating that if Russia, or one of its Proxy Belarus just as Ukraine is our Proxy, detonates a Tactical nuclear bomb inside Ukraine, or if something happens to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant causing radiation leakage, then they want to use nuclear weapons and are saying they will completely annihilate Russia. They are calling that “an attack upon NATO” claiming that radiation would spread to Europe,  triggering a full-blown nuclear war.

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The Reset Riddle

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In June 2020, King Charles III, then The Prince of Wales, announced he was launching a “new global initiative, The Great Reset,” along with WEF’s and His Royal Highness’ Sustainable Markets Initiative
  • King Charles’ charitable enterprise spans a “global web of trusts, foundations and funds” intent on creating a control system in which the world’s resources are owned by the richest of the rich, while the rest of the population can be controlled through the allocation of those resources
  • Terms like “social finance” and “impact investing” are used to hide an underlying impact agenda, or impact imperialism, which is present throughout Charles’ empire and will lead to digital serfdom
  • Charles III may continue the imperialistic agenda of his predecessors, “fusing old-style feudalism with modern corporate control to forge a “sustainable” global empire built on digital serfdom and impact vampirism”
  • By becoming educated and exposing wrong-doing, we can move from passive spectators to active resistance, and change the course of the future

Throughout the pandemic and beyond, you’ve likely heard top political figures and Big Tech leaders talking about the opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab is often said to be the mastermind behind this and is credited with circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part.

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Jesus and the Sleeping Disciples

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Shouldn’t we not rest until every man, woman, and child alive on earth has a roof over his or her head and food to eat and clean water to drink? Wasn’t that what Jesus was getting at? At the very least? But no, that has never even been close to happening.

People, for the most part, do not live their lives “in service” to the greater good. They don’t survive on the minimum and give the excess to the poor. They don’t focus their creativity, their fortitude, and their industry, on saving the world from despair. In fact, for the most part, they do the opposite. Me included. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…as most of us have.

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RUSSIAN MUTINY: Khazarian Coup, Chess Trap or Martial Law

Via State of the Nation

…Or All Three Since They Are Not Necessarily Mutually Exclusive

Time will soon tell what the real story is behind this ongoing military coup in Russia.

In the meantime, there are only these three possibilities.

First, that we are witnessing a very serious Khazarian-directed coup against the Putin administration and especially the Russian military establishment.

From a strictly military perspective, such a move makes absolutely no sense since the Wagner Group relies 100% on logistical and materiel support from the Russian military.  Not only that, but the Russian Armed Forces control all air power, naval power, satellite power, etc.  The Wagner mutineers could be wiped out in a Moscow moment if Putin wanted to.

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Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt

Via RT

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt

Russian President Putin delivers a televised address to the nation after Evgeny Prigozhin, the owner of the Wagner Group military company, called for armed rebellion and reached the southern city of Rostov-on-Don with his troops, in Moscow, Russia. © Getty Images / Gavriil Grigorov

Russian President Vladimir Putin has delivered an address to the nation amid a coup attempt by the private military company Wagner. He described the mutineers’ actions as “backstabbing” and called for unity.

Late on Friday, PMC Wagner’s boss Evgeny Prigozhin accused the Russian military of striking his group’s base – something the Defense Ministry has strongly denied.

Russian authorities, in turn, have launched a criminal investigation into Prigozhin over staging an armed insurrection.

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Putin Is Paying the Price of His Never-ending War

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt

Putin is responsible for this, because he has let a conflict continue for 16 months that should have ended in one week.  But Putin wanted to avoid being labeled an aggressor and confined combat to the Russian Donbass.  He got the label regardless, and created a situation of an ever-widening war that he has been fighting with a private military group who are tired of the no-win situation Putin has created by his pretense that it is a “limited military operation.”

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WAR is PEACE – IMPLOSION! – Ivermectin – CB-Man – Secret Seven – GB News Update – “The Faces” – Global Digital – Mortgage Bomb – US Assets – Tolerance? – Letter from Great Britain [06-24-23]

All wars are Bankster’s wars, always and everywhere. All you need do is FOLLOW the MONEY and ask: “WHY NOW?”

A sincere appeal to people around the world: Wake Up – Speak Up – Do Not Comply! Here are two minutes of desperate appeals to the 99%; spoken at the European Parliament recently.

Some 48% of people around the world are very or extremely interested in the news – down from 63% in 2017. In Britain, the proportion is even lower at 43%, researchers from Oxford University’s Reuters Institute reported recently. The authors said that audiences “cut back on depressing news and look to protect their mental health”.

Continue reading “WAR is PEACE – IMPLOSION! – Ivermectin – CB-Man – Secret Seven – GB News Update – “The Faces” – Global Digital – Mortgage Bomb – US Assets – Tolerance? – Letter from Great Britain [06-24-23]”

Military Deploys In Moscow As Wagner Chief Sought For ‘Armed Mutiny’

Via ZeroHedge

Update(1815ET): There are now widespread reports and circulating footage of additional armored vehicles deployed by military police units in key parts of Russia, including in Moscow and Rostov regions, with TASS saying they have been ordered to protect government buildings, as speculation that Wagner’s Prigozhin is making real moves against Russian leadership tonight.

The Washington Post is meanwhile recapping the following of reports that authorities are seeking his arrest:

Russia’s Federal Security Service late Friday announced a criminal case against Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeniy Prigozhin, accusing him of “incitement to armed rebellion” after he declared an open conflict with Russia’s military leadership and called on Russians to join 25,000 Wagner fighters against Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other top commanders.

Footage like the below is widely circulating as beefed up military security deployments have been observed in various places:

Russian media has confirmed–

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