Image created by a Japanese neurologist. It stays still when you are calm. It begins to move when you experience a slight amount of pressure. It moves like a carousel when under a great deal of stress.

How are you doing?

Via Automatic Earth

USDA Approves First Lab-Grown Meat in U.S., But Scientists, Food Safety Experts Aren’t Sold on It

Guest Post by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday approved the sale of lab-grown meat for the first time, giving two California-based food technology startups the green light to sell chicken grown in a lab from animal cells.

usda lab grown chicken feature

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Wednesday approved the sale of lab-grown meat for the first time, giving two California-based food technology startups the green light to sell chicken grown in a lab from animal cells, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

The approval granted to Upside Foods and Good Meat — the first two companies to go through the regulatory approval process — makes the U.S. the second country in the world, behind Singapore, to allow sales of lab-grown or so-called “cultivated” meat.

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Fingerprint Cards AB – One BIG Step Closer to Digital IDs

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The World Economic Forum (WEF) quietly partnered with Fingerprint Cards AB, the world’s leading biometrics company. The WEF has been discussing combining biometric data with financial services since at least 2016. Fingerprint Cards AB, based in Sweden, specializes in digital security and aims to make humans “the key to everything.” The company has installed programs on nearly every device, from smartphones to smart homes, and relies on personal data to access accounts. This new partnership with the World Economic Forum is intended to push forward the digital ID system in the quest for total control.

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How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • The internet was likely not intended to remain free forever. The intention for it to be used as a totalitarian tool was baked in from the start
  • Google started as a DARPA grant and was part of the CIA’s and NSA’s digital data program, the purpose of which was to conduct “birds of a feather” mapping online so that certain groups could be neutralized
  • All of the early internet freedom technologies of the ‘90s were funded by the Pentagon and the State Department. They were developed by the intelligence community as an insurgency tool — a means to help dissident groups in foreign countries to develop a pro-U.S. stance and evade state-controlled media. Now, these same technologies have been turned against the American public, and are used to control public discourse
  • In the past, censorship was a laborious task that could only be done after the fact. Artificial intelligence has radically altered the censorship industry. AI programs can now censor information en masse, based on the language used, and prevent it from being seen at all
  • One of the most effective strategies that would have immediate effect would be to strip the censorship industry of its government funding. The House controls the purse strings of the federal government, so the House Appropriations Committee has the power to end the funding of government-sponsored censorship

In this video, I interview Mike Benz, executive director for the Foundation for Freedom Online. Benz started off as a corporate lawyer representing tech and media companies before joining the Trump administration, where he worked as a speech writer for Dr. Ben Carson, the former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and President Trump.

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The Catastrophic Failures Of The Biden Administration Are Motivating More Americans Than Ever To Prepare For An Apocalypse

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

The verdict is in.  Joe Biden is the worst president in the entire history of the United States, and that is really saying something because we have had some absolutely horrible presidents.

Just about everything that Biden has done since he entered the White House has turned out badly, and our once great nation is now barreling down a deeply self-destructive path.  If we do not reverse course, our country is not going to have a future, and more Americans than ever are losing faith in the federal government.  In fact, a brand new survey has discovered that a lack of faith in the government in Washington is motivating large numbers of Americans to hoard “water, food, warm clothing, weapons, and cash” for the extremely chaotic times that are ahead of us…

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Durham Says FBI Heads Should Roll But He Passed Up the Opportunity

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Special Counsel John Durham told the House Judiciary Committee on June 21 that the US cannot exist under circumstances where the FBI and the Department of Justice run a two-tiered system of justice.

Durham said he did not file criminal charges against the FBI because the charges could be hard to prove, but he didn’t say why.  The answer for failing to bring criminal charges against the corrupt FBI probably is that Republicans fear putting the FBI on trial because discrediting the FBI would discredit their cases against real criminals and unleash a crime wave.  Republicans’ concern with law and order shield the FBI from accountability.

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Starbucks India Scandal – The Real Reason Companies are Going WOKE

By Martin Armstrong

Indians are boycotting Starbucks after the company released a new ad normalizing the woke agenda. They sell overpriced coffee produced from cheap labor—what is Starbucks trying to achieve here? The marketing department for Starbucks India certainly heard about the Bud Light scandal that ruined the brand. People across India are stating that they do not want the Western woke agenda to infiltrate their culture built on tradition. But, there is a reason companies are trashing their brands to adhere to the woke agenda. Follow the money! Continue reading “Starbucks India Scandal – The Real Reason Companies are Going WOKE”

Professional Basketball Player Dies Of Heart Attack, Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine For Myocarditis

Via Outkick

Basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames died Thursday of a heart attack while undergoing a stress test at a health center in Santo Domingo. He was just 28 years old.

Dominican sports commentator Héctor Gómez announced the news on Instagram.

Cabrera suffered from myocarditis, a disease that can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood.

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Who is lying? Merrick Garland or the whistleblowers?

Guest Post by Jonathan Turley

The Merrick Garland You Don't Know - POLITICO

“I’m not the deciding official.”

Those five words, allegedly from Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, shocked IRS and FBI investigators in a meeting on October 22, 2022. This is because, in refusing to appoint a special counsel, Attorney Garland Merrick Garland had repeatedly assured the public and Congress that Weiss had total authority over his investigation.

IRS supervisory agent Gary A. Shapley Jr. told Congress he was so dismayed by Weiss’s statement and other admissions that he memorialized them in a communication to other team members.

Shapley and another whistleblower detail what they describe as a pattern of interference with their investigation of Hunter Biden, including the denial of searches, lines of questioning, and even attempted indictments.

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