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What Is Biden’s Obsession With Using F-16s To Kill Other Americans?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Alleged president Joe Biden is on his “ban assault rifles” kick again because the government apparently needs to keep firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens and in the hands of meth-addled whoremonger scumbags like his son. One constant component of this stumped stump speech is a line of nonsense that essentially boils down to us not needing real guns to fight government tyranny because the government – his government – will unleash the F-16s on you uppity peasants if you fail to obey your elite masters. I’m not persuaded by the argument that says, “You are crazy for thinking you need guns to resist tyranny and, also, we will murder you and your family if you attempt to resist tyranny.”

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Migration & War = Deadly Disease Cycle

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The border crisis that we have in the United States is part of the cycle of disease that our model has been projecting. In late May, Sarasota County, Florida, health officials confirmed that they had identified a case of locally transmitted malaria. Then a second confirmed case appeared on June 23 rd in Texas, discovered in Cameron County. There are several thousand cases of malaria in the USA each year, but these are contracted overseas – not locally. A mosquito contracts it by biting a person who has malaria and then it bites another person giving them malaria. There have been ABSOLUTELY ZERO domestic malaria cases in over 20 years.

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Contaminated COVID Products and Green Monkey Virus

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and his team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots
  • SV40 have long been suspected of causing cancer in humans
  • DNA contaminants may have the ability to alter the human genome. One of Pfizer’s vials also had an SV40 promoter with a nuclear localization sequence (NLS), a 72 base pair insertion that makes the promoter “much more aggressive and also drives the sequence into the nucleus” of the cell
  • DNA contamination is a warning sign that endotoxin, which causes anaphylaxis when injected, may be present
  • A cinnamycin-resistant gene is also included in the sequencing vector, and it’s unclear if or how this might impact human health. In a worst case scenario, it could make your microbiome resistant to antibiotics

In the video above, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., interviews microbiologist Kevin McKernan on “Good Morning CHD.” McKernan’s team recently discovered1,2,3,4 simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots, which, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancer in humans.5 As explained in the abstract, posted on OSF Preprints in April 2023:6

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The “Russian Coup” that Wasn’t

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday I posted a video discussion that Larry Sparano and I had about the  alleged “Russian coup.” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/06/24/the-russian-coup-that-wasnt/

Looking back at our discussion, I am satisfied that we did a good job given the unresolved situation about which there was not much information.  I am addressing the “coup” again because there is a great deal to be learned from it that is not being learned.

It is discouraging to see that the Russian media is as capable of creating false narratives and setting them in stone as Western presstitutes.  The Russian media has set in stone the narrative that Prigozhin, the commander of the Wagner Group which has done most of the fighting in the liberation of Donbass, launched an “armed rebellion” against Putin despite the fact that there is no evidence of an armed rebellion.

Continue reading “The “Russian Coup” that Wasn’t”

“Blatant Political Corruption”: The Rot In America’s Democracy Explained In Under 1000 Words

Via ZeroHedge

Over the last several weeks and months, a deluge of damning breadcrumbs have been revealed by various whistleblowers, congressional investigators, and investigative reporters – the entirety of which has been a shotgun blast of information overload.

When put together, they paint a picture of such shocking corruption, that one can only conclude that the period we’ve lived through, between the 2020 US election, the funding, origins, and coverup of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the overt corruption of the Biden family, one can only conclude that we’re living through one of the worst, if not the worst, periods of political scandals and institutional rot in American history.

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OPERATION WAGNER: Here’s what really happened!

Via State of the Nation

A Consummate Chessman’s Very Risky
But Necessary Black Op & Psyop

In 2021, the Foreign Policy report noted the origin of the name “Wagner” to be unknown.[87] Others say the group’s name comes from Utkin’s own call sign “Wagner”, reportedly after the German composer Richard Wagner, which Utkin is said to have chosen due to his passion for the Third Reich (Wagner being Adolf Hitler‘s favorite composer).[88][89] As such, some believe he is a neo-Nazi,[90][91] with The Economist reporting that Utkin has several Nazi tattoos.[89] Members of Wagner Group say Utkin is a Rodnover, a believer of Slavic native faith.[92] Radio Liberty cited insiders as saying that the leadership of the Wagner Group are followers of the Slavic Native Faith, a modern Pagan new religious movement.[13] In August 2017, the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak speculated that Utkin was possibly a figurehead for the company, while the real head of Wagner was someone else.[93]

Various elements of Wagner have been linked to white supremacist and neo-Nazi far-right extremists,[60][89][61] such as Wagner’s openly far-right and neo-Nazi Rusich unit,[94][95][96][97] and Wagner members have left neo-Nazi graffiti on the battlefield.[61][98] However, Erica Gaston, a senior policy adviser at the UN University Centre for Policy Research, noted that the Wagner Group is not ideologically driven, but rather a network of mercenaries “linked to the Russian security state”. Russia denies the connection and officially the group does not exist.[58][87]
(Source: Wagner Group)

Submitted by An Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer

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International Political Expertise Needed at a Discount (help wanted ad outside our State Department)

The rebellion by the Wagner Group soldiers in Russia throws a very bright light on the governmental elites understanding of their own level of fragility and that of their systems. The allegedly evil Mr. Putin is in trouble to say the least. His corrupt and incompetent sycophants have dropped the ball as do all bureaucracies.

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MUST WATCH VIDEO: ‘We are at the most dangerous moment in this war right now’

Guest post by Leo Hohmann

The Western mockingbird media is full of propaganda today being fed to them by U.S., British and European military intelligence operatives. Some of it is so detached from reality as to be laughable.

Below is an excellent 8-minute analysis by Clayton Morris of Redacted followed by my take.

I agree with Morris’s conclusion, that the war in Eastern Europe has now entered a new and much more dangerous phase.

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A collaboration of: “The Classic Music Mafia”
Anthony Aaron, and Steve C.

Every Sunday morning we present selections for our TBP family to enjoy.

We present symphonies, ensembles, quartets, octets, etc.

Not all of our music is strictly ‘classical’. We may stray a little, but we strive to make all of our selections ‘classy’.

We offer tips on proper ‘symphony etiquette’ and even some selections that are a bit light-hearted and fun aimed at a younger audience. Those pieces will be so designated, and might be a good way to introduce kids to a world of music that they might not have been exposed to or think of as old and ‘stuffy’.

A full symphony will run as long as it will. We don’t want to cut a symphony short. However, we also include some shorter pieces that we try to keep under fifteen minutes in length. You can sample each and hopefully find one or more that pleases you.

We hope that you enjoy our Sunday selections.

Steve C.


Trump cautions those rooting for a Russian coup

Via RT

The former US president has warned that ousting Vladimir Putin could make matters worse Former US President Donald Trump speaks at an event earlier this month in Bedminster, New Jersey. © Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla

Former US president Donald Trump has splashed cold water on Western hopes that this week’s conflict between military contractor Wagner Group and Russia’s top generals could lead to the toppling of Moscow’s government, warning that ousting President Vladimir Putin could have unintended consequences.

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