I feel as bad as anyone for those injured and killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. I wish it had never happened and I wish there was some way to prevent similar things from happening in the future. But there isn’t.

The overall reaction to the bombing by our Media and the various Government segments all running in circles searching for the remaining suspect is an absolutely vivid illustration of how to bring the United States to its’ knees with perhaps a dozen people, a wee bit of planning on the part of the bad guys and the selection of a dozen vital locations to disrupt or destroy that are not guarded or watched by the massive army of local police, FBI or the HLS.

If the so called authorities indeed have killed one perp and are closing in on the second one, I’d be very upset if they blow away the second perp. They may not have a choice or the suspect may suicide but dead men cannot furnish information of any sort that might assist in explaining why the bombings went down, who financed it, where the perps were trained, etc.. The complete lock-down of the city of Boston, continued lock-down of a number of areas (as I write this), no public transportation, no taxi’s, people instructed to stay indoors, lock the doors and hide under the bed, not to mention the absolutely massive mobilization of swat-type troops and everyone from Government Agencies from local city, State to Washington D.C., has cost the country several billion dollars or more in economic activity.

Now, multiply this very small and limited act of terror by 12 or 15. Spread it out; one in LA, one in Seattle, a bomb in Denver, a boom in Phoenix, bang in NYC, pop in Miami, maybe a car bomb at a cruise ship terminal when the boat was loading and so on from coast to coast. With that kind of tactic, they wouldn’t even have to kill anyone. The U.S. Government and or ever over alert Media would go absolutely bug shit, 24 hours a day of pumping out rumors, quotes from people who know nothing and interviewing every publicity hungry chief of police and politician from coast to coast.

In my opinion, what this teaches Al-Quida or whomever the bad guys are that touched this off is that someone can shut down the whole country for days at a time with miniscule effort at multiple population centers (or an atomic power plant).

Since the shoot out that apparently killed the older brother used up hundreds and hundreds of rounds for suppressing a single shooter probably explains why the HLS has bought a billion rounds of ammo to allow them to use between 200-500 rounds per person they plan on taking out.

The 24 hour coverage of this activity lends joy to a terrorists’ heart. He thirsts publicity and credit for his despicable and evil actions and the damage to the morale of the people and the economic loss caused by the terrorist actions feed enthusiasm to recruit and deploy more of the same. His handler wants the publicity and credit even more!

Mark my words…. We will now lose more and more of our freedom in the name of “We are the Government and we’re here to protect you!”. They will NEVER be able stop such terrorists actions such as these except by accident, luck and their specialty, entrapment. Then they all stamped onto the scene after the terror action has happened (or aborted) and hopefully figure out what happened and if they are lucky, find the assholes who did it and capture them alive if possible (but not at the risk of losing a single good guy!).

You can bet these lessons are being studied by a whole lot of people in a whole lot of places who have no compunction about turning what they have learned from this into future efforts and campaigns.



Chris Matthews doesn’t have a tingle up his leg this morning. His desire for the Boston Marathon Bombers to be white Republican Tea Party anti-tax activists has been squelched by reality. MSNBC is reportedly investigating whether the two suspects voted for Mitt Romney in the last election or have links to Ron Paul. They have information that leads them to believe they were members of the Chechnyan Tea Party. The Federal Government is attempting to link them to Iran, so we can get our next pre-emptive war under way. Wall Street and weapons dealer stocks are set to soar today, as war is always good for the economy. Obama is pleased as punch, since the whole country is focused on the Boston Bombers Reality Show, and have foregotten they are unemployed and being screwed by Ben Bernanke and the rest of the oligarchs. Expect this to be the top story for the next month. Three best seller books will be on shelves next week and an Oscar worthy movie should be out by the end of the year. The bodies of the suspects will be buried at sea, and all of their emails and written communications will be sealed for national security reasons. The FBI and DHS will provide the storyline that the sheep are supposed to believe. Stay tuned for further developments.

Boston Suburb, Transit Under Lockdown Following Shootout With One Bombing Suspect, Manhunt For Another, Both From Chechnya

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2013 06:34 -0400

In a series of bizarre if morbid events, things in Boston have gone from bad to surreal. According to Reuters, police killed one suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing during a shootout and were engaged in a house-to-house search for the other on Friday in the Boston suburb of Watertown. The suspects, incidentally, as AP reports, are reportedly brothers and originally from the separatist Russian region of Chechnya, who lived in the US for at least 1 year and were Cambridge residents at the time of the incident.

The night started off in a just as dramatic fashion, with the violence beginning around 10:30 p.m., with the robbery of a 7-11 in nearby Cambridge, authorities said. The two men then fatally shot an MIT campus police officer and carjacked a Mercedes sport-utility vehicle at gunpoint, keeping the vehicle’s owner hostage for about a half-hour, police said. The owner was released at a gas station in Cambridge, authorities said. He wasn’t injured.

Police pursued that car to Watertown, where explosives were thrown from the car at police and gunfire was exchanged, the statement said.

“During the exchange of the gunfire, we believe that one of the suspects was struck and ultimately taken into custody. A second suspect was able to flee from that car and there is an active search going on at this point in time,” Colonel Timothy Alben, superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, told a news conference.

The WSJ adds that a Boston Marathon bombing suspect was killed in a confrontation with police and a manhunt was on for the second suspect—both of whom were believed to be involved in the fatal shooting of an MIT campus police officer during a chaotic series of events Thursday night.

Authorities said the bombing suspect who had been shown wearing a black baseball cap in photographs released Thursday was killed when confronted by police in Watertown, Mass. The second suspect, a light-skinned man with long curly hair and wearing a hoodie who police said was the bombing suspect identified wearing a white hat, was still at large Friday morning. Neither man was identified. Police warned residents that the at-large suspect was armed and dangerous.

An interactive map of the events from the WSJ:

Fast forward to this morning, when authorities warned people in Watertown not to leave their homes and not to answer the door after a night in which a university police officer was killed, a transit police officer was wounded, and the suspects carjacked a vehicle, leading police on a chase.

Police were searching for the man known as Suspect 2 who was photographed wearing a white hat just before the explosions that killed three people and wounded 176. The blasts triggered security scares across the United States and evoked memories of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

The AP reports that the name of the surviving suspect is Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass.

The bombing suspects attacked police with explosives and gunfire before the man known as Suspect 1 was shot, apprehended, and taken to a hospital, where he died, officials said.

Officials shut down area transit systems while the manhunt was under way.

“We believe this to be a terrorist,” said Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis of the bombing suspect still at large. “We believe this to be a man who has come here to kill people. We need to get him in custody.”

The two unidentified men were wanted for Monday’s twin bombings at the Boston Marathon, when two blasts ripped through the crowd near the finish line.

The massive police operation was under way in Watertown after the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Thursday released pictures and video of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing.

The FBI had enlisted the public’s help in identifying two men wearing backpacks and baseball caps in the crowd minutes before bombs exploded near the finish line.

A photo of the surviving suspect Tsarnaev:

For those confused by the plotline here is the WSJ’s summary:

We have just gotten news that both Harvard and MIT have canceled classes for Friday, and that all Boston transit has been suspended in the manhunt:


Boston police said on Friday that all transit service by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority “has been suspended until further notice” as a manhunt for a suspect in the bombing of the Boston Marathon was ongoing in a city suburb.


Vehicle traffic was also suspended in and out of Watertown, Boston police said.

Doug Casey on Internationalizing

Doug Casey on Internationalization

By Doug Casey, Chairman

Since writing The International Man in 1976, I’ve had quite a bit to say about internationalizing yourself. The book’s subtitle was Making the Most of Your Personal Freedom and Financial Opportunity Around the World; but in going over past editions of our newsletters, I find that most of what I’ve written in recent years has been about the financial aspects of expatriation. Now seems a good time to confront the rest of the subject head on – the reasons to very seriously consider leaving your home country, and to do so now, not next year.

The International Man is long out of print, of course, and only available through used bookstores and finders (including While I’m obviously biased, it’s actually still an excellent read, although the world is a different place and I’ve learned a few things since 1976. The book was directed to Americans, but found a fairly broad international market – becoming, among other things, the biggest-selling book in the history of Rhodesia. That, in and of itself, provides a bit of an object lesson in how things can change, I think.

When I first went to Rhodesia in 1978, war was still raging, but I was able to find an entrepreneurial local publisher, Gordon Graham. At the time, there were still about 250,000 people of European extraction among the 6-million population. And it was clear most of them were eyeing the exits and wondering where to go.

Most of the whites were native Africans, born to families that had been in the country for generations, and they felt they had just as much right to be there as the blacks. But when it comes to such things, it’s not a question of rights but of political power. Today there might be 5,000 whites still hanging on. But making what they called “the chicken run” 30 years ago was definitely the smart course. However, few of them had a “bolt hole” elsewhere. In any event, my book flew off the shelves, as people desperately scrambled for alternatives.

The problem – your problem – is that any country can turn into a 1970s Rhodesia. Or a Russia in the ’20s, Germany in the ’30s, China in the ’40s, Cuba in the ’50s, the Congo in the ’60s, Vietnam in the ’70s, Afghanistan in the ’80s, Bosnia in the ’90s. These are just examples off the top of my head. Only a fool tries to survive by acting like a vegetable, staying rooted to one place, when the political and economic climate changes for the worse. When the going gets tough, the mentally tough go elsewhere. The way your forefathers once did – at least, if you live in an immigrant-built country like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Argentina.

I don’t know exactly when I became interested in exploring other lands. Maybe it began with reading Uncle Scrooge comics when I was a kid in the ‘50s. Uncle Scrooge (who is a fantastic character and one of the great heroes of American literature) was always taking Donald Duck and his three nephews off to an exotic clime for a high-adventure treasure hunt. Maybe it was when I wanted to be a paleontologist and read about Roy Chapman Andrews (a model for Indiana Jones) rooting for fossils in Mongolia. Or when I decided I’d like archaeology better and read about Heinrich Schliemann discovering Troy. But a couple of specific things really set the bit in my teeth.

One was when I was in Milan, looking to buy a Ferrari. The seller was a guy I remember well, Viviano Corradini, who was actually an American. I asked him why he was living in Italy. “You see this?” he said, as he veered the car way into the opposite lane and back again a couple of times, then slammed on the brakes, then accelerated – a wild little ride. “You can’t do this in the States. They’ll throw you in jail. Here, you can do anything you want!” He was right. After I bought the car we realized I didn’t have any plates, so he reached up into a closet and found some old New Jersey plates. “Here. Use these.” I did, no problem, for the next six months, all over Europe. It gave me some practical reality about not being controlled by other people’s arbitrary rules.

Another was in Switzerland, when I was hanging around for about a month with an ex-Foreign Legionnaire named Ron Schneeberger. He was planning to rob the national bank of Haiti, figuring that Papa Doc had about $50 million in negotiables sequestered there. That was a lot of money in those days. Ron reasoned, quite correctly, that if you robbed the corner liquor store, you’d get $50 and likely get killed. If you robbed an ordinary bank, you might get $5,000. But if you hit a government… who was going to pursue you?

Of course the world in general – and absolutely, positively Europe – is a bit more tightly wrapped now. And I don’t endorse the idea of reckless driving. Or of robbing national banks – at least not without the cover of being an executive with Goldman Sachs…

But the point is that, at different times, there are places that are good for doing certain things. And places where it is bad to be. Who wouldn’t have preferred to be in the USA, rather than the USSR, from 1920 to 1990? Ireland was a dismal, depressing place for decades after WW2; then in the ‘90s it blossomed. Africa was a very safe, prosperous, and enjoyable place before about 1960, when it started to degenerate into a giant hellhole.

About every country on the planet has had its good times and its bad times; that’s one reason the original Baron Rothschild sent his sons to several different ones. Some countries, like Russia, have been living at Hard Times Central since day one; others, like the US, have had good times for a long time.

A wise man, at least in my view, doesn’t allow himself to be limited by an accident of birth.

It’s most unfortunate (for them, anyway) that most people have a peasant mentality. They’re idiotically indoctrinated into thinking that their country is the best place in the world, simply because that’s where they were born. It makes sense in a way; their ancestors rarely ventured more than a day’s walk from the village where they were born. After all, there were stories of dragons and demons over the hill. Things haven’t changed much, except people have exchanged the mud hut for a McMansion. But they’ve retained that medieval serf worldview. And the CNN and BBC newscasts on their widescreens only reinforce the notion that things are dangerous outside their borders; they’re probably even more scared than their primitive ancestors. Assuming they watch anything beside sitcoms and sports.

It’s certainly possible to be happy living your whole life in the place you were born and grew up. But unless you were born a member of the lucky sperm club, it’s almost always suboptimal, and sometimes it can be disastrous. I suspect now is one of those unhappy times.

We’re of the opinion that the world at large, and the US in particular, is heading into some seriously turbulent times. The diminution of personal and financial freedom looks like a hyperbolic curve, at first with an almost unnoticeable slope, then one that gets steeper and steeper, at an accelerating rate. I think an excellent case can be made that the current crisis is an inflexion point, beyond which it goes vertical. As one of Obama’s closest counselors (and he’s a very scary guy) has said, “One can’t let a good crisis go to waste.”

A crisis (and this will be a very real one) always draws exhortations from the authorities to “unite” and “pull together” – which usually boils down to following orders and turning in those who don’t. People will want, and will get, “strong leadership.” This does not bode well for libertarians, classical liberals, and free thinkers, in general.

As the crisis deepens, it’s likely to be dangerous for someone who doesn’t agree with groupthink. Things are likely to be much mellower if you’re living somewhere they consider you a tourist, than to stay on your home turf where questions will be asked if you don’t join the hooting and panting chimpanzees that will surround you. You can absolutely plan on unwelcome social pressure in the years to come, especially as the wars expand.

Coincidental with this is going to be the near destruction of the US dollar; I just don’t see any realistic way around that eventuality at this point. The consequences of that are going to be disastrous, but it’s possible to insulate yourself from many of them. The biggest problem, and also the one most people just don’t see, is political. There is almost no way you can effectively insulate yourself if a government, and society as a whole, goes crazy.

You might argue that really tough times in the US are a long shot; the US is “different” from other countries. It’s certainly true the US has been particularly blessed for most of its existence, because it actually was different. The problem is that what made the US different from every other country – a Constitution that expressly limited the powers of the state, and an explicit acceptance of property rights and the free market – has evanesced. It’s why I refer to it as the US, which is just another country, rather than America, which was a unique and excellent concept.

In any event, I suggest you at least consider the possibility of transplanting yourself, or at least start by transplanting some assets. Don’t look at it as a negative thing. The world is your oyster. Make the most of it. This is directed not only at Americans, but at everybody, everywhere. It just seems a little more urgent for Americans, as well as for Europeans, at this point.

In many ways the world seemed to turn over a new leaf in the ’80s. Not just with the election of Reagan and Thatcher, but with the appearance of many more like them, almost everywhere. Whether it’s the “hundredth monkey” hypothesis, or whether there really is such a thing as the “spirit of the century,” the majority of people tend to hold similar views at the same time. It’s strange. From about 1980-2000, all over the world, tax rates went down, regulation was relaxed, markets were freed up. The Soviet Union collapsed, apartheid in South Africa nonviolently disappeared, New Zealand fired two-thirds of its government employees, China liberalized. Even the constipated continents of Europe and South America loosened up. It looked like freedom was in the ascendant. But it couldn’t last.

Now, certainly since September 11, 2001, the tenor of the world has changed again – radically. And the negative new trend has been supercharged by the financial crisis that began to unfold in 2007. Now practically everywhere, much higher taxes, onerous new regulations, border controls, and capital controls (to prevent the make-believe crime of money laundering), among other things, are the new order. It seems as if the clock has been turned back to the 1930s, but much worse, in that governments are much more powerful. And I fear a redux of the 1940s is in store. The whole world acted pretty much the same in the ’30s and ’40s as well, you’ll recall.

One thing I think you can plan on is foreign exchange controls. A government turns to FX controls during a currency crisis, to prevent its citizens from swapping the local currency for something foreign – transactions that would further weaken the local currency. FX controls, in effect, force people to stay with a sinking ship. But they are politically popular, for a number of reasons. They allow the government to “do something” during a crisis. They appeal to the average yahoo, partly because he doesn’t travel abroad and tends to question the patriotism of those who do. Only the rich (especially the “unpatriotic” ones) have assets out of the country, and it’s now time to eat the rich.

We’re heading into a currency crisis for the record books, and I think you can plan your life around some type of FX controls. If you don’t get significant assets out of your home country now, you may soon find it costly and very difficult to do so. Already, very few foreign banks and brokerage firms will take accounts from US persons. But although there are reporting requirements, there’s currently no law against Americans having overseas accounts, and no laws against foreign banks and brokerage firms accepting American business. Many institutions find that it’s simply not worth the aggravation and worry to deal with Americans.

At a bare minimum, you should have a meaningful amount of gold in a foreign safe deposit box. In addition, you should own some foreign property, preferably in a location where you would enjoy spending some time. These things are currently not reportable, and it would be impractical for the government to get you to repatriate that capital.

The ideal scenario, of course, is to have your main residence in one country, your assets in another, your business in a third, and your citizenship in a fourth. That isn’t practical for most. But you can certainly get assets abroad. And you may want to consider acquiring a second citizenship, which can considerably expand your options. The International Man has a lot on this topic. It’s not necessary, and often not even desirable, to establish official residency in the country where you’d like to spend time, because that risks getting stuck in its tax system. It’s usually smarter just to leave every 90 days to renew your tourist visa and not spend more than six months per year in any one country. That way you’ll be treated as a valued tourist, who should be courted, rather than as a citizen, who can be milked like a cow.

Once you do acquire another passport, the next question is whether you should renounce your US citizenship, which could give you huge tax and regulatory benefits. As everyone knows, the US is one of the few countries in the world that taxes its citizens regardless of where they may live – although it must be said that other governments seem to be moving in this direction.

The problem with renouncing your US citizenship is that the US assesses what amounts to an exit tax on Americans who do so.

Since 2004, any high-net-worth individual who renounces his citizenship is automatically assumed to have done so for tax reasons. And any individual deemed to have expatriated for tax reasons is deemed to have sold all his assets at fair market value on his last day as a US citizen. And, if the expatriate spends more than 120 days per year in the US, he can be taxed on his worldwide income and potentially is subject to estate tax.

In the near future, however, even that option may not be feasible. So let’s plan ahead…

I wrote The International Man as a guide for those who were looking for a place that could offer more of what they want. I can’t rewrite the book in this short report. But it’s worth making a few observations about the world in general, then about some areas and countries in particular.

First, there may not actually be any one “best” place, simply because you’re dealing with the human animal, who’s subject to all manner of fears, hysteria, vices, and assorted aberrations. I don’t know where Shangri-La is located. Therefore, you want some degree of diversification, so you always have a “Plan B” available.

Second, there are roughly 225 distinct political entities around the world, and there are likely to be more as time goes on. There are advantages to places that are unstable, poor, repressed, and backward, just as there are disadvantages to places that are stable, rich, free, and advanced. A lot depends on who you are and what you want to do. Try to keep an open mind.

Third, I don’t think there’s any doubt that the West – meaning North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and Japan – is in relative decline. Meanwhile, places like China, India, and Vietnam are on the way up.

The reasons are simple. In the developing world, a worker earns between 1/5 and 1/30 what his counterpart does in the West. But he’s just as smart, might be even better educated, is likely to work twice as hard, and has less of an attitude of entitlement. It may be true (but less and less) that the developing country has less infrastructure. But now a number of them have telecoms, roads, airports, and such that are among the world’s newest and best, while many of those in the West are falling apart. At the same time, the general level of taxes and regulation tends to be much lower in developing countries; that’s a big reason why they’re developing. Part of the better social ambiance is reflected in people being free of debt; they may not make much, but they save something like 10% to 20% of what they do make. So, instead of a mountain of debt that must be paid off, there’s a growing pool of savings to be invested.

The days of automatically having the odds tilted in your favor simply because you were born an American are coming to an end. By the end of this century, wages will be more or less normalized the world over. Americans also have had a huge advantage in speaking English, the world’s most commonly spoken language, its lingua franca, and the language of science, business, aviation, entertainment, and other fields. But that advantage is also diminishing, as almost every educated person now has English as a second language. Most Americans have only English.

Negatives? Many of these places have large bureaucracies, as a legacy from buying into various strains of socialism imported from Europe. There may not be much regulation (of the type we have in the West), but there are still plenty of forms that need to be processed and approved. In order to make things happen, bribes must be paid. I’ve discussed the ethical implications of paying bribes in the past, but suffice it to say that as developing countries become freer and wealthier, bribery and general corruption will likely diminish. At the same time, as the US becomes less free and wealthy, bribery and general corruption will greatly increase.

I think it’s incumbent upon any self-directed free man to go where he can most fully realize himself. But where that is depends on who he is. And sometimes happenstance plays a part. I’m reminded of one of my favorite scenes in Casablanca. Claude Rains, as Renault the police inspector, asks Bogart:

“Rick, how’d a guy like you ever wind up in Casablanca?”

“I came for the water.”

“But there’s no water in Casablanca – this place is a desert…”

“Yeah, I was misinformed.”

Doug Casey is chairman of Casey Research and a highly sought-after speaker on investments and the economy. At 2 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 30, you can hear him discuss how to legally move your assets abroad in a special web event, titled Internationalize Your Assets. Joining him will be Euro Pacific Capital Chief Global Strategist and CEO Peter Schiff; founder and owner Michael Maloney; World Money Analyst Editor Kevin Brekke; and Casey Research Managing Director David Galland.

Get the details and register here.

The Three Keys to Saving Western Civilization

Although never one to indulge in controversy, I’d like to offer my humble opinion on three solutions that would lead these United States back from the edge of abyss of total fiscal and societal collapse and into a future of self-responsibility , freedom and prosperity for the individual, family and nation.

Whilst these solutions are undoable due to a diverse mass of ignorant, self-serving voting blocks, they are nevertheless viable solutions to keeping the lid on a melting pot that’s quickly turning  int a boiling cauldron of regional tribal interests that in time will inevitable come to blows over  scarcity of resources.

This inevitable  slide into tribalism masquerading as multiculturalism( or, the farce of the melting pot , if you will)  has been unnaturally exacerbated by a  central command and control government that’s largely been captured by rent seeking global corporations via cheap labor subsidized buy US taxpayers.

Currently, the fascist putsch is on to flood North America with millions more of  uneducated and culturally feral third worlders who will  change the political and socioeconomic  moorings of  these United States forever.Bet on it.

There is no surer way of corrupting the citizens, and to divide the city against itself, than to foment the spirit of faction that may prevail there; for each party will strive by every means of corruption to secure friends and supporters. — Niccoló Machiavelli, The Discourses. 1517.

844-Page Bill Would Take 3 Days to Read NONSTOP Before Friday Morning Hearing…


That said , and with further ado , I present my three solutions.


1) Re-establish the Articles of Confederation, thereby disabusing the people and states of a central based command and control structure in which they have no voice and return the sovereignty to the people and states where it belongs.

When the US Constitution and the black-robed rulers began to serve the Rule of Law and the Bill of Rights please let me know , because anomalies are often so quaint.

Back To the Articles

Economic reasons these united States should restore the Articles of Confederation as the legitimate central government of the US

Step Five: Our goal should be to ultimately replace the failed Washington federal government that is operated for the benefit of a few wealthy special interests with a central government controlled and responsible to productive working American citizens where the states and people are sovereign. Although some sovereign states might want to remain outside the framework of a central government, our goal should be to remove the offending bankrupt entity and replace it with a debt-free, restored legitimate confederation government based on America’s first government, The Articles of Confederation.

Step Six: The individual states in state convention should meet again or once the Articles of Confederation is established, at the secession convention adjourn and immediately reconvene and adopt the Articles thus recreating “these united States” so declared in the original Declaration of Independence. We will have restored the original first government of our patriot founding fathers but with the necessary checks and balances and right of referendum and initiative for the people to keep out the former special interests who have previously stolen our government from the people.

Finally, two key points about this proposal need to be discussed. First, it isn’t necessary for all 50 states to go through the state convention process and obtain the necessary majority support to secede from the federal government and then join a restored Articles of Confederation. In fact, it may not be necessary for even one state to actually secede from the current Washington-led forced political union.

2) Repeal the 19th Amendment . Regardless the hyperbole and empty rhetoric, historically the  voting patterns of womynz have been detrimental to limited government, moral and fiscal responsibility.

O’ the wailing and gnashing of teeth and throw in a little renting of sack clothe and colour me amused . Facts are not negated by emotion…regardless the fine pair of tits doing the emoting.

 See e.g. here:
 Explaining the Gender Gap On Gun Control

Most women support strengthening gun laws, compared with fewer than half of men.

And i.e. here:

Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government

by JR Lott Jr1999
 We find that government continued to grow as female voter turnout increased over time.  


3) And lastly.Limit voting participation to male property owners thirty years of age or older.For obvious reasons.

By the time a male is thirty, the testosterone driven insanity pounding his will into submission has largely subsided to a mild nag and most( Stucky not included) have had enough of the red snapper to not be turned into a pile of quivering jello at the hands of a wily seductress seeking support and gold.

One thing is certain, none of these three legislative suggestions will ever be considered as solutions to the ongoing death of Republicanism by Mobacracy , but nevertheless , I suspect what prevails will be magnitudes worse.

No need to thank me for the keys to saving western civilization, I’m just doing my duty as a fellow voyager on this ship of fools known as humanity.


For those not paying attention, we have entered a global deflationary depression. The nutjobs running the world’s central banks and the moronic politicians elected by the sheep have tried Keynesian fiscal pork, zero interest rates, fraudulent accounting, printing money at hyper-speed, propaganda, austerity for the peasants, bonuses for the criminal bankers and crony capitalism for the super rich. It is five years later and it hasn’t worked. The grand experiment has failed. Bernanke and Krugman’s theories have been discredited. The world is on the edge. Bad shit is happening. Behind the scenes, the oligarchs are panicked and scrambling to retain their wealth and power. They are criminally inept. Their solution will be to accelerate what has already failed. This is how deflationary depressions turn into hyper-inflationary collapses. The massive buying of physical gold and silver by individuals and Far East countries is rational and prudent. The oligarchs won the battle in the past week. They may win a few more battles, because they have many weapons, but they will lose the war. This Fourth Turning is about to get really interesting.  

Fed and Bank of Japan caused gold crash

Commodity prices have been falling since September, culminating in a rout over the past two weeks. That is a classic warning for the global economy.

Traditionally shaped pure raw gold bars stacked in a secure bullion room safe


7:22PM BST 17 Apr 2013

It is becoming ever clearer that the roaring boom in global equities since last summer has priced in an economic recovery that does not in fact exist. The International Monetary Fund has had to nurse down its global growth forecasts yet again. We are still stuck in an old-fashioned trade depression, with pervasive over-capacity in manufacturing plant and a record global savings rate of 25pc of GDP.

German car sales fell 17pc in March. That should puncture the last illusions that Germany is about to pull Europe out of a self-inflicted slump.

As you can see from the chart below, the divergence between stock markets and the Deutsche Bank index of raw materials is astonishing to behold, so like the pattern in early 1929.

Steel has fallen 31pc this year. Brent crude is off 17pc since early February, and copper 15pc.

You have to be careful reading too much into commodities, distorted by China. The time-honoured cycle is a surge of investment that comes on stream at once with a lag. America’s shale drive has turned the gas market upside down, diverting liquefied natural gas to Europe and Asia. Copper output in Chile rose 7pc last year. The crash in the Baltic Dry Index for shipping rates is partly a tale of too many ships.

Yet excess supply does not explain the collapse in gold over the past week. Cyprus may have been an incidental trigger. If the EU-IMF Troika is determined to strong-arm the Cypriots into selling most of their pint-sized holding of 14 tonnes, it may do the same to Portugal when the time comes, and then you are talking about the world’s 14th biggest holding of 382 tonnes.

Bank of America says the gold crash since Friday has already discounted sales of the entire Cypriot, Portuguese and Greek gold reserves combined. “As we believe additional gold selling in the European periphery is highly unlikely, we find it hard to fully justify the sell-off,” it said.

The central banks of China and the emerging powers bought 535 tonnes last year to escape dollars and euros, the biggest wave of state purchases since 1964. Their strategy is to buy the dips, and they are no fools. The head of China’s reserve manager “SAFE” used to run a US hedge fund.

They won’t try to catch a “falling knife”, prefering to wait until the dust settles. The upward trend of the great bull market has been broken. The technical damage is brutal. Bank of America expects a further drop to $1,200. Be patient.

My view is that the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan “caused” the gold crash. The rest is noise. The Fed assault began in February when it published a paper warning that the longer quantitative easing continues, the harder it will be for the bank to extricate itself.

The report was co-written by former Fed governor Frederic Mishkin, often deemed Ben Bernanke’s “alter ego”. It said the Fed’s capital base could be wiped out “several times” once borrowing costs climb. The window will start shutting by 2014, with trouble then compounding at a “dramatic” pace.

This was a shock. It suggested that the Fed has lost its nerve, and will think long and hard before launching a fresh blitz of money if growth falters.

Then came last week’s Fed Minutes, with hints of tapering off QE earlier that expected. That was the next shock. What they seemed to be saying is that the US economy is groping it way back to normality, that the era of silly money is over, that the dollar will stand tall again.

If that were the case, gold should fall. But it is not the case. The US economy is growing below the Fed’s own “stall speed” indicator. Half a million people fell out of the workforce in March. Retail sales fell in March. So did manufacturing.

The US faces fiscal tightening of 2.5pc of GDP this year, the most since 1946. Ex-labour secretary Robert Reich said the effects have been disguised so far, but a “stealth sequester” is just starting: $51m of grant cuts to Brandeis university; $1m for schools in Syracuse; and so on, the reverse of the stealth stimulus before.

My guess is that the Fed will be forced to row back smartly from its exit talk, but first we must look deflation in the eyes.

As for the Bank of Japan, it had been assumed that the colossal monetary stimulus of Haruhiko Kuroda would revive the yen-carry trade, leaking $1 trillion into world asset markets. But the early evidence is the opposite. Japanese investors brought money home last week.

“Mrs Watanabe” is selling her Kiwi and Aussie bonds to bet on stocks and property at home. And she is selling gold like never before. That too is a shock.

Japan’s “Abenomics” may prove a net drag on the world over coming months. It is exporting deflation through trade effects. This already visible in Korea and China, where soaring wages have eroded competitiveness. “Investors may have forgotten that yen weakness was one of the immediate causes of the 1997 Asian currency crisis and Asia’s subsequent economic collapse,” said Albert Edwards from Societe Generale.

China’s growth rate fell to 7.7pc in the first quarter. It will fall further, though the catch-up boom in the hinterland cities of Chengdu, Chonquing, Changsa and Xi’an may have further to run.

Fitch Ratings says credit has surged from €9 trillion to €23 trillion over the past four years, a rise equal to the entire US banking system. Beijing pumped up loans yet again after its recession scare in the summer, but is gaining less traction. The GDP growth effect of credit has halved. It is the classic sign of an economy sated on debt. China too will have to deleverage.

The world is still in a contained depression. Sliding commodities tell us global money is if anything too tight. “There is a threat of deflation almost everywhere. A lot of central banks will have to follow the Bank of Japan, whatever they say now,” said Lars Christensen form Danske Bank

The era of money printing is young yet. Gold will have its day again.


Obama Said NRA Lied

While driving home today, I heard Obama talk about how the NRA lied and lobbied to stop the gun control bill from passing. He talked about how the politicians were playing politics (imagine them doing that!). He said it was shameful that the bill did not pass.

But the thing that most enraged me was that he talked about how the people of America wanted the bill to pass, and that 90% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans wanted the bill to pass. He said there was no known or real reason that such a bill would not pass.

He calls the NRA liars and has the unmitigated gall to say that over 85% of the American people wanted that bill passed. The hypocrisy of the man knows no bounds. How the American people could ever elect such an incompetent, ethically-challenged individual is beyond my ken.


The number of 18 to 24 year olds rose from 27.3 million to 30.7 million between 2000 and 2010, a 12.5% increase. The percentage of 18 to 24 year olds enrolled in college rose from 9.7 million (35.5%) to 12.6 million (41.2%) over the same time frame. So even though the overall population of 18 to 24 year olds has grown by 12.5%, the percentage in college has risen by 30%. This is a fascinating development because test scores reveal that students have gotten dumber since 2000.

Over this time frame average SAT scores have fallen. In 2012 1.66 million students took the SAT exam and 43% met the minimum score necessary to achieve a B minus average in their first year of college. That means that 700,000 high school seniors were intelligent enough to attend college. Based on these scores, there are only between 2.8 million to 4.2 million 18 to 24 year olds that have the necessary ability to attend college. But, somehow there are 12.6 million attending college.

For the 2010–11 academic year, the average annual price for undergraduate tuition, fees, room, and board was $13,564 at public institutions (including $5,076 for in-state tuition) and $32,026 at private, not-for-profit and for-profit institutions. That’s a pretty penny to be paying when two thirds of the kids in college shouldn’t be there.

Of course we all know how these kids are able to attend college. The government has lured millions of young people into debt servitude by handing out hundreds of billions in cheap loans for college. Total student loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion and federal student loans outstanding exceed $600 billion, headed to over $1 trillion by the end of the decade.

Banks wrote off $3 billion of student loan debt in just the first two months of 2013, up more than 36% from the year-ago
period, as many graduates remain jobless, underemployed or cash-strapped in a slow U.S. economic recover. Delinquencies have spiked, with about 17% of the nearly 40 million student loan borrowers at least 90 days past due on their repayments, a February report from the New York Federal Reserve Bank showed. So, while students are defaulting at a record pace, the Federal government accelerates the issuance of new loans. They aren’t worried about getting paid back. They’ll just stick the American taxpayer with the losses. The purpose has been to artificially deflate the unemployment rate and hoping their Keynesian fantasies would eventually lead to an economic recovery. But it didn’t happen.

The Obama “Big Mac & Fries Jobs Recovery” has done wonders for our recent college graduates. McDonalds is now requiring fry cooks to have college degrees. College graduates are finding tremendous opportunities at Taco Bells, KFCs, Pizza Huts, Burger Kings, Wendy’s and McDonalds across the land. At least their jobs can’t be outsourced to India. I think this development offers the University of Phoenix a tremendous new opportunity – a degree in “Do You Want Fries with That?” They can offer a Masters Degree in Advanced Fry Cooking. Maybe even a Doctorate in “Hold the Pickles, Hold the Lettuce”.

food services as proportion of the economy

Enslaving millions of young people in billions in un-payable debt to get degrees that obtain them jobs at fast food joints is going to backfire on the Feds when these young people get pissed off enough and when the taxpayers get a bill for hundreds of billions in bad debt that will be written off.


“One of the things the government can’t do is run anything. The only things our government runs are the post office and the railroads, and both of them are bankrupt.” – Lee Iaccoca

You may have heard that the U.S. Post Office lost $16 BILLION last year. You may also have heard that Congress snuck a requirement into a bill that had nothing to do with the Post Office, mandating that they must deliver on Saturdays, even though eliminating Saturday delivery would save the Post Office $2 BILLION per year. Congress evidently can’t read a financial statement or interpret a chart. I’m sure the trends detailed on this chart will reverse themselves shortly.

While reading an editorial today supporting the Post Office in its efforts to save money by eliminating Saturday delivery I saw another MASSIVE LIE perpetuated by the MSM and the government.

Here is the Orwellian statement:

“The U.S. Postal Service is an independent governmental agency that doesn’t take taxpayer funds.”

This is complete and utter bullshit. This statement also described Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac until 2008. They were just little old independent government agencies helping out the housing market – until the shit hit the fan!!! Then they became albatrosses around the necks of the American taxpayer. You own them now. They have lost $200 billion of your tax dollars, and will lose billions more before all is said and done.

You can access the U.S. Post Office financial statements online. Here is their December 2012 report:

The honesty of the people writing this report is refreshing. They essentially admit they are BANKRUPT and unable to meet their financial obligations. In other words, a truly INDEPENDENT entity admitting they can no longer operate. How is this for honesty:

“The Postal Service continues to suffer from a severe lack of liquidity. The Postal Service held total cash of $2.9 billion and $2.3 billion as of December 31, and September 30, 2012, respectively, and had no remaining borrowing capacity on its $15 billion debt facility (See Note 3, Debt, for additional information). The increase in cash balances for the quarter is largely attributable to the seasonal impact of holiday mailings, along with additional revenue resulting from this year’s political campaign and elections. Cash balances generally decline during the remainder of the fiscal year, as revenue is not as strong in the remaining quarters. By the end of this fiscal year, the Postal Service projects it will have a liquidity balance that will be less than its average weekly expenses of $1.3 billion. This low level of available cash means that the Postal Service will be unable to make the $5.6 billion legally-mandated prefunding of retiree health benefits due by September 30, 2013. Further, this level of cash could be insufficient to support operations in the event of another significant downturn in the U.S. economy.

Through the three months ended December 31, 2012, the Postal Service has suffered 5 quarters of consecutive net losses and net losses in 14 of the last 16 quarters. The net loss of $1.3 billion for the first quarter of the year included $1.4 billion of expense accrued for the legally-mandated prefunding payment for retiree health benefits. The requirement of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, Public Law 109-435 (P.L. 109-435) to prefund its retiree health benefit obligations, a requirement not shared by other federal agencies or private sector businesses, plus the precipitous drop in mail volume caused by changes in consumers’ uses of mail, have been the two major factors contributing to Postal Service losses since the recession ended in 2009. Without structural change to the Postal Service’s business model, it will continue to be negatively impacted by these factors and, absent legislative change, it anticipates continuing quarterly losses for the remainder of 2013.”

The politicians that are mismanaging this country use governmental accounting fraud to cover-up the fact that the obligations of this bloated pig of an operation are going to be paid by YOU, the taxpayers of the United States. Today, none of the past, current, or future liabilities of this INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT AGENCY are reflected in the Federal budget projections or the National Debt calculation.

Do YOU want to know how much YOU really owe? Brace yourself.

  • In the past six years they have lost $41 BILLION and they have a cumulative deficit of $36 billion. How many INDEPENDENT organizations can run up deficits of $36 billion without going out of business? YOU are on the hook for these accumulated deficits, just like you were on the hook for all of the Fannie and Freddie backed toxic mortgages.
  • The Post Office will lose another $10 to $15 billion this fiscal year. You will be on the hook for that too.
  • They have $15 billion of debt on their balance sheet, with $9.5 billion payable in the next 9 months. How will this INDEPENDENT government agency that is losing $16 billion per year pay off $9.5 billion? They won’t. The government drones will pass a bill in the middle of the night extending the terms with no cash flow requirements or expectation of repayment. I wonder if I can get a loan like that?
  • The really interesting stuff is buried on page 42 of their report. I wonder why it is all the way back there? In addition to their $15 billion of debt, they have another $70.5 BILLION of unfunded future obligations. The two biggest are:
    • $33.9 Billion of payments for pension and health benefits for retirees, all due within the next 5 years. It’s not cheap providing gold plated benefits to government workers.
    • $25 billion for workers compensation and sick leave payments. Yikes!!! It must be all that stress, because the mail never stops. It keeps coming and coming. It’s almost enough to make someone go postal, or at least file a stress related workers comp claim.

This really sounds like a promising story. Mail volumes continue to plummet. Someone should tell Congress the internet age has arrived. The Post Office has thousands of money losing, unneeded outlets. It has 637,000 employees when it only needs 300,000. Over 70% of Americans favor ending Saturday delivery, so Congress passes a law making that impossible to implement, ensuring $2 billion more losses per year. That’s par for the course. Over 70% of Americans were against passing TARP too. And according to your leaders in Washington, and parroted by the MSM, you are not on the hook for their losses.

It’s beyond laughable, but so is most of what is going on in this tragedy of a country, disguised as a comedy. The truth is that you are on the hook for the $36 billion of accumulated deficits, the $85 billion of debt and contractual obligations, and the annual $16 billion losses they continue to pile up. But what’s $120 to $150 billion among friends? Bennie can print that out of thin air in a few days. Why run an operation efficiently at a surplus, when you can keep hundreds of thousands of union government drones employed (until they go on workers comp) by sticking it to the working American taxpayer. I sure hope I don’t get a visit from the Postmaster General because of this article.



Yessiree. Last Saturday Ms. Freud’s best friend Broomhilda (name changed to protect her identity) came over for a visit. She told Ms Freud that she came across this “incredible” business “opportunity” that she just “had” to share. We said ‘yes’ because this dear friend is a dear friend who helped Ms. Freud a lot when she had chemo.

I shall start with the conclusion. I am now a proud Amway Business Owner. The details ..

It’s all about “control”, Broomhilda said. Don’t I want to be in total control of my time, she asked? Fuck yes! Don’t I want to decide when I work (fuck yes), how long I work (fuck yes), how hard I work (fuck yes). Don’t I want to be in complete control of my future (goddamn, right I do.). My enthusiastic responses only encouraged her.

It’s also all about “family”. Do I want to work in a cubicle and the rat race or do I want to work where people care about each other, encourage each other, help each other, and make each other wildly successful? (At this point I’m wondering; “Why is Broomhilda throwing me these fucking softballs??)

It’s also all about “Financial Independence”. This part lasted almost an hour and I shall relay only a couple highlights.

One of her charts had a bunch of people on the bottom row, fewer people on the next row, and so on until there was just one person (ME!!!) on the top row. I said, “Hey, that looks like a pyramid!”. This startled her momentarily, but she recovered nicely; “Yes, it is. We call it the pyramid of success.”. Fucken A, this chick is quick on her feet and I got so excited that I noticed a slight movement, you know, down there.

So she tells me ALL I need to do is get seven people to join my business … (it’s soooo easy she said cuz the products are “world class” … and then all I gotta do is train those 7 people how to get their own 7 people. She said that with my “outgoing personality” (really) that I should be able to accomplish this in just 4-5 months. (I suspect she’s bullshitting me because when I first met her she later asked Ms Freud “What do you see in him?” … which is not, IMHO, a sign that I could get even one person, no less seven.) Anyway, she said I should be making $20,000+ per month in no time at all. Selling soap and shit.

Nevertheless … seven. Such a small number, really. I told Broomhilda that I was a Big Dog on a website that gets 10,000 hits a day. I think she had an orgasm right on the spot. She wanted to develop a “business development strategy” right then and there on how to “seed” the business. I told her the site Admin only makes $45 a year on Ad revenue clicks and that you all are generally a bunch of cheap-ass tightwads, and that I would get back to her. She then helped me understand my “circle of influence”, and told me start there.

I hit up my sister first. It was a short meeting. She told me to fuck off. I love her for that .. for not beating around the bush. I really didn’t want her to be part of my group anyway. She whines and bitches too much … plus she voted for Obama twice. I just wanted to sign her up so that I could fire her … like llpoh does. Everybody should be able to fire someone once in their life.

I can’t hit up my parents. My ex-wife is already in Melaleuca. My youngest son has two full time jobs. My oldest son is nuts. And, so, my “circle of influence” is drier than Joan Rivers’ vagina. And we got over a hundred bucks invested …. yeah, we bought some fucking products. Shut the fuck up.

So, that’s where you guys come in. WHO WANTS TO BE PART OF MY TEAM?? Fuck gold. Fuck silver. Fuck guns. Amway is the way to go!! I’ll get you stuff at wholesale. We’ll gang up on the Newbies and sign them up. We’ll all be rich in no time at all. What could go wrong?

Who will be first?


Keep the following stories in mind the next time you see yet another insane Bank commercial telling you how much they care.

============================================================== =

During the last housing crash, the big banks begged the federal government for help and they received it, but when average Americans ask the big banks for help most of the time the banks show no mercy whatsoever. If you fall behind on your mortgage payments, the big banks have shown that they are willing to be absolutely ruthless. They will change locks in the middle of the night, they will toss disabled veterans and families with children out into the street in the middle of winter, and sometimes once the foreclosure process has begun they will not even allow someone to come forward and offer to pay off the loan if they think that they can make more money by selling the home. The big banks will often string homeowners along for months or even years with loan modification promises, only to drop the hammer on them at the most inopportune time.

Over the past several years there has been case after case where mortgage documents have “disappeared”, where big banks have “manufactured” missing documents out of thin air and there have even been cases where big banks have tried to foreclose on homes that do not even have a mortgage. Once in a while, the big banks get a small slap on the wrist, but nobody ever really gets into much trouble for any of this. In fact, the big banks just continue to gain even more market share and even more power. Hopefully when some of these foreclosure horror stories start to become publicized more widely we will start to see some real changes in the marketplace.

The following are 10 foreclosure horror stories that will blow your mind…

ONE ========================================== =

If you get behind on your mortgage, your family might be tossed into the street at gunpoint in the middle of the night…

“This week, Christine Frazer and her family were thrown out of the Atlanta home they’d lived in for 18 years, at gunpoint in the dead of night. They were not set upon by robbers, but by the Dekalb County Sheriff’s department, which evicted the family at the request of Investors One Corporation. As Steven Rosenfeld reported for AlterNet, it was the fourth company to buy the family’s mortgage in eight months.”

TWO ========================================== =

Time after time we have seen authorities show absolutely no mercy when conducting these evictions…

“It was bad enough when 62-year-old disabled veteran Ramsey Harris was evicted from a foreclosed house on Jamaica Lane where the former owner had been letting him live. Then it started to rain as all his worldly possessions sat in a heap by the side of the road and Harris noticed some of his valuables were missing. “It was just ugly,” Harris said Friday. “I was just broken-hearted. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I ended up standing, watching all my life’s work go down the tubes.”

THREE ========================================== =

Sometimes financial institutions will promise you a loan modification for many months and then turn around and foreclose on you anyway…

When the economy crashed and his business slowed down, Wells Fargo offered to modify Steve Bailey’s loan to lower his payments. After making a series of trial payments, Wells Fargo notified Steve that his modification was on the way. A few days later he received a letter stating that his modification had been denied. The Wells Fargo representative he spoke with reassured him that they had made a mistake and that he should keep making the payments, which he did for seven months. Steve then started to receive foreclosure notices. Again, the bank representative assured him that the notices had been sent in error. Then Steve checked his credit. Wells Fargo had reported him delinquent on his mortgage for the last six months. The reduced payments that Steve had agreed to pay for the previous months had been put into a separate trust by Wells Fargo, and they had not gone towards his mortgage. Steve took the case to court but lost despite mountains of evidence in his favor. He lost his home and his business.

FOUR ========================================== =

Other homeowners have found themselves trapped in loan modification hell for years…—the-horror-stories-continue/?tag=mwuser

“I am self-employed, have been all my life and have owned a home for 30 years. When I started my Loan Modification process in August of 09 I WAS NOT behind on any payments. I sent full documentation, over 150 pages, with the things they needed to verify my income. I am now 2 payments behind and I am getting nowhere. They keep flipping me between Loss Mitigation and Imminent Default, back and fourth month end month out. I made a habit of calling every week, then every two weeks just to be sure all was moving forward. From the middle of November I was told my file was with the underwriter and it would only be 30-60 days. I began automatically updating my income verification, verification that I still resided at the property and an updated 4506-T every month. In the middle of April a rep finally told me I was not in the loan modification process. In fact, that I had been denied on March 2. Keep in mind, I’m talking to these people every 2 weeks. She did a financial interview and sent me a new packet so that I could start all over, resubmitting all the documentation yet again. She told me she was my Account Manager. I completed the packet, called with a question (2 weeks later – over a week to receive the packet and another few days to complete it and gather all my documents again) and learned that my “Account Manager” was on maternity leave and I now didn’t have an account manager. Also, I was told that I had received the incorrect packet…it was the old version rather than the updated version. She asked me to fax four or five pieces of information in the hopes it would, quote, “jump start my file back into the process” and said she we send me another packet. That was mid April. Here we sit, 2-1/2 months later, I have still not received anything in writing about my rejection. And, though I’ve now had people tell me on three separate occasions that I would receive a new packet, it has yet to show up on my door step. I asked several times why my application was denied and the answer I finally got last week was that it was because I was DELIQUENT in my payments. Call me crazy but I thought that was the whole point??!! I almost hired a third party but am so hesitant to take that step. Every time I get on the phone with them it takes an hour out of my day and I am usually so upset I find it difficult to work, so I just don’t call. I’m going to sit back and regroup and decide what I need to do next.

FIVE ========================================== =

Sometimes a big bank will kick someone out of their home and then never actually take possession of the house. As a result, many former homeowners now find themselves stuck with thousands of dollars of unpaid bills. For example, a recent CNN article told the story of Rose Nathan, a 37-year-old office manager…

Nathan lost her South Bend, Ind., home in January 2009, after working out a deal with CitiMortgage to voluntarily walk away in a “deed in lieu of foreclosure.” “On Christmas Eve, the bank called and told me a sheriff’s sale was coming and I had to move out right away,” she said. “So that’s what I did — seven days after New Year’s.” She sold her belongings and moved to Hawaii. Nearly two years later, she received a property tax bill from the City of South Bend for $5,000. The bank had never taken possession of the house. These unpaid taxes that she didn’t even know about have absolutely destroyed Nathan’s finances… Meanwhile, the unpaid debt has crushed Nathan’s credit score. The deed-in-lieu alone lowered her score by 80 to 120 points, but the unpaid debt meant her credit kept taking a hit. Eventually her credit card companies cut her off, even though she said she was making her payments. Her auto loan now carries a 25% rate. Her car insurance premiums have skyrocketed. She can only afford a one-bedroom apartment where she lives with her three kids. And forget about buying another home. “Nobody will give me a mortgage,” she said.

SIX ========================================== =

Sometimes a big bank will decide to foreclose on you even when you have been making all of your payments. Just check out what real estate agent Mark Conca went through with one major bank…

He decided to approach his lender, Bank of America, to see if he’d qualify for a modification. After he applied, many months passed and Conca heard nothing from the bank. Knowing lenders had huge backups in modification requests, he remained patient. Conca, 41, continued to make the full payment on the mortgage for his Caldwell home, on time, every month. But that’s not what Bank of America said when it sent Conca a letter about its intent to foreclose. “I would have been better going to a loan shark and borrowing all that money,” Conca said. “At least with the street mafia, you know where you stand.”

SEVEN ========================================== =

Sadly, the customer service at many of these large financial institutions is almost non-existent. In fact, sometimes representatives from these companies will literally tell you that they won’t lift a finger to help you…

After a car accident Kathryn Nava wound up on disability and had trouble making her mortgage payments. She had a friend who was willing to help her make her back payments, but that friend wanted to see a payment history before giving her the money. Nava called her mortgage lender to request that history—and was told it would cost her $50 per hour, and take 90 days to receive it. So she tried again, calling the president of the company. She got a voicemail response that shocked her so much she recorded it and saved it. “Let me enlighten you, Kathy. First of all, there’s nothing in your contract with us says we owe you any history, now, next year, five years from now or the next time…I’ve begun foreclosure today. I bet you’re sorry now that you made that phone call. I don’t need to put up with your crap, OK?…Bottom line, I’m doing nothing for you now.” Indeed, she did end up losing her home.

EIGHT ========================================== =

Sometimes the big banks will try to foreclose even when you paid cash for your house and you don’t even have a mortgage…

Charlie and Maria Cardoso are among the millions of Americans who have experienced the misery and embarrassment that come with home foreclosure. Just one problem: The Massachusetts couple paid for their future retirement home in Spring Hill with cash in 2005, five years before agents for Bank of America seized the house, removed belongings and changed the locks on the doors, according to a lawsuit the couple have filed in federal court.

NINE ========================================== =

Dealing with these big banks is so incredibly frustrating that some homeowners have completely snapped. For example, one very frustrated homeowner in Ohio decided to crash his SUV into his own home…

30-year-old Steve Doak told deputies he was recently served with foreclosure papers and wanted to destroy the house rather than turn it over to the bank. The sheriff’s office says Doak drove the vehicle into fencing and then into the rear of the house.

TEN ========================================== =

Another very frustrated homeowner literally bulldozed his own home…

“The average homeowner that can’t afford an attorney or can fight as long as we have, they don’t stand a chance,” he said.

Hoskins said he’d gotten a $170,000 offer from someone to pay off the house, but the bank refused, saying they could get more from selling it in foreclosure. Hoskins told News 5′s Courtis Fuller that he issued the bank an ultimatum. “I’ll tear it down before I let you take it,” Hoskins told them. And that’s exactly what Hoskins did.

===================================== =

Meanwhile, the big banks that are doing all of this continue to receive billions of dollars in assistance from the federal government. The following is from a recent Bloomberg article…

“When JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon testifies in the U.S. House today, he will present himself as a champion of free-market capitalism in opposition to an overweening government. His position would be more convincing if his bank weren’t such a beneficiary of corporate welfare. To be precise, JPMorgan receives a government subsidy worth about $14 billion a year, according to research published by the International Monetary Fund and our own analysis of bank balance sheets. The money helps the bank pay big salaries and bonuses. More important, it distorts markets, fueling crises such as the recent subprime-lending disaster and the sovereign-debt debacle that is now threatening to destroy the euro and sink the global economy.”

Sadly, when the next wave of the economic crisis strikes, we are probably going to see millions more foreclosures and thousands upon thousands of more stories just like these.

So what do you think about all of this?


Do small businesses, which account for 65% of all the new hiring in the country, become less optimistic during an economic recovery?

After another false start, small business confidence has sputtered and stalled again. For the sector that produces half the private GDP and employs half the private sector workforce -— the fact that they are not growing, not hiring, not borrowing and not expanding like they should be, is evidence enough that uncertainty is slowing the economy. Virtually no owners think the current period is a good time to expand, because they simply don’t know what the future holds. So why invest? And with the lack of any sustainable fiscal policy or a federal budget, no one’s banking that Washington will be at forefront of any meaningful change. Overall, it appears that there will be little growth coming from the small business half of the economy; as the world economy slows, even big business may suffer. NFIB chief economist Bill Dunkelberg

Small Business Optimism Down in March

The March NFIB Index of Small Business Optimism ended its slow climb, declining 1.3 points and landing at 89.5. In the 44 months of economic expansion since the beginning of the recovery in July 2009, the Index has averaged 90.7, putting the March reading below the mean for this period. Of the ten Index components, two increased, two were unchanged and six declined. Among the greatest declines were labor market indicators, inventory investment plans and sales expectations. 

Small business optimism report for April 2013

Small business owners are on the ground near the real people. They aren’t sitting in ivory towers at Princeton playing with regression models. They aren’t programming their high frequency trading computers to buy the dip. They aren’t calculating their bonuses and stock option compensation. They are trying to make payroll. They are trying to sell products. They are trying to understand how badly Obamacare will screw them. They are trying to navigate through the hundreds of thousands of rules, regulations and laws that are passed by politicians. They are paying experts thousands of dollars to decipher and comply with the IRS tax code. Well guess what? They have no plans to hire anyone and they expect sales to go lower.

Small business optimism components

Ben Bernanke’s money printing is not benefitting them in any way. His policies are not generating jobs. His policies are impoverishing savers, who now have less money to spend at small businesses. Ben Bernanke’s policies are designed to benefit Wall Street banks and mega-corporations. His policies are designed to drive stock prices higher and enrich the connected crony capitalists that control the country. Meanwhile, small businesses and small people are dying on the vine. The real economy is withering away under the weight of massive debt, crushing taxation, and ponderous government regulations and red tape.  

Top problems of small business owners

There has never been a greater disconnect between Main Street America and Wall Street in our history. It will not end well. Bill Dunkelberg seems to be an economist with common sense, as opposed to the Keynesian morons like Krugman and the other Wall Street shills paraded on CNBC.



Bill "Dunk" Dunkelberg
NFIB Chief Economist
William Dunkelberg

Small business produces half the private GDP and employs half the private sector workforce. But it is not growing, not hiring, not borrowing and not expanding enough. Small business owners have been depressed since 2007 and that has not changed. In the March survey of NFIB’s 350,000 member firms, 77% expect the economy to be no better or even worse 6 months from now that it is currently. Only 4% think the current period is a good time to expand substantially, compared to an average of 17% for the period 1973 to 2007. More owners plan to reduce employment in the coming months than plan to create new jobs. More owners plan to reduce their inventories than plan to order new stocks. The bulk of growth comes from the increase in our population of about 3 million people and the growing need to simply replace stuff that is wearing out, not enough to get the economy back to trend growth much less the strong growth needed to restore employment to 2007 levels.

The Federal Reserve continues to assert its intention to purchase a trillion dollars of Treasury securities and mortgages, adding a trillion dollars to its portfolio and stuffing a trillion dollars of new liquidity into the banking system, until the unemployment rate falls below 6.5% or inflation breaks out. Then it will “consider” changing policy. Unless something really bad happens, this is a winning strategy for the Fed because eventually the private sector will improve, the labor force will shrink (as boomers leave), the unemployment rate will fall and the Fed can claim its policies “worked”, even if their policies made no contribution to the improvement or even slowed it down by creating uncertainty and fear among investors and business owners.

This is a risky strategy. The evidence that “uncertainty” is slowing the economy is pretty clear now (research at the San Francisco Federal Reserve for example) and uncertainty probably increases with the size of the Fed’s portfolio (as has the price of gold). The real economy is hardly growing yet the stock market and corporate profits are at record high levels. How do we make a record amount of money without producing more output and employing more workers? Such contradictions breed uncertainty.

In the meantime, a record low percentage of small business owners claim that credit is their top business problem (3%) while taxes get the most votes (23%). Record numbers of owners have no interest in a loan (over 60%), because they have no use for the funds that have a high probability of successfully generating a return so the loan can be repaid. The Fed has made sure that there is plenty of money to lend, but in the process may have reduced the confidence that borrows need to take risks, borrow, spend and expand. And then there’s the impact of fiscal policy (or the lack of a policy). The President is flying around the country doing fund-raisers and stumping for gun control, but he still has presented no budget proposal. Enough said.


2 injured in Northeast Extension crash in Whitpain Twp.

Last Friday I was stuck on the Northeast Extension for an hour as an accident had blocked both lanes for two hours. I listen to the Preston & Steve Show on WMMR as I drive to work. Preston lives up near me and was also stuck in this traffic jam, making him late for his morning show. Yesterday he received a call on air from the guy who caused the accident to apologize for making him late. He was driving a tractor trailer at 5:00 am going South on the Extension. Traffic had come to a stop up ahead due to a minor fender bender further down the road. This guy said he was distracted and looked down. When he looked up again it was too late. He crushed an SUV that had stopped in front of him. Here is some advice for assholes across the land. Don’t get distracted when you are driving a lethal vehicle at 70 mph. Don’t look down. Don’t text. Don’t talk on the phone. Don’t be an asshole. 

Besides seeing idiots all over the road being distracted by their gadgets, I’ve noticed something else in the last few weeks. Extremely aggressive, angry, ignorant drivers seem to be proliferating on all roads. I’ve been cut off by dickheads at least three times in the last week. I’ve seen pricks barreling up the shoulder of the highway with traffic stopped, as if cutting off drivers following the rules will get them to their destination sooner. I’ve seen dozens of idiots flying by in turning lanes and then stopping completely to cut into the non-turning lane. Then there are just the general jerk-offs who are zigging and zagging on the Schulykill, cutting off anyone that slows them down.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but most of the aggressive motherfuckers seem to be driving BMWs or other expensive cars. I don’t know if this proves anything, but I wonder if this is another example of the deteriorating mood in this country that goes along with the Fourth Turning. People are growing increasingly angry and lashing out, especially the people who have bought into the lies spun by those running the show. Most of those BMW driving assholes are probably leasing them and are in debt up to their eyeballs. They are terminally pissed off because their life built upon delusions and debt is crumbling. Buying shit on credit did not make them rich. Their techno-gadgets, leased luxury automobiles, and underwater McMansions are an anchor around their necks. They take out their frustrations on the world by driving like maniacs on a suicide mission.  I expect to see further aggression when the economy really implodes over the next two years.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, if one of these assholes ever has an accident with me and fails to kill me, I will get out of my car, grab a tire iron and beat them to death.

But meanwhile Philly went directly from Winter to Summer, with no Spring. It will be 82 degrees today. Have you ever been on a college campus when it is 82 degrees? It is hard to be in a bad mood.


I guess that turnaround touted by the idiots that pass for Wall Street analysts isn’t going well. Poor Ron. I wonder whether his severance package was $3 million or $4 million for destroying a 100 year old retailer in 15 months. That lear jet commute from Palo Alto every Monday morning must have been a real bitch. His acumen in deciding not to move to Plano Texas proves how smart this douchebag really is. Maybe Apple will rehire him so he can work his magic in their Apple stores. 

Next stop – Bankruptcy.

JCPenney CEO Is Out

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/08/2013 17:06 -0400

So much for the “transformation” CEO. As per CNBC, he “is out”:


At least he lasted just a bit longer than the former JCP president Mike Francis, who came, saw, collected $10 million, and quit nine months later.

Why the stock is soaring after hours on this latest admission of defeat is beyond us. If anything, this means JCP is closer to filing than ever as the last bastion of hope at the distressed retailer is now gone.


Admin was parked on the Northeast Extension for 30 minutes this morning due to an accident that blocked both lanes for two hours. The frustration began to build.

Then he made it to the Schuylkill Expressway and it was gridlock. Now Admin was really getting pissed off.

After finally making it into lovely West Philly, he attempted to make his normal left turn onto 36th street.

But there he was behind a school bus with its red lights blinking. Not only was this bus picking up a kid, but it was picking up a disabled wheelchair bound kid with the special lift. Do you know how long it takes to get a kid in a wheelchair onto a school bus?

My Friday trek to work, which normally takes 45 minutes, took 90 minutes. I feel sorry for the department that has to present their FY14 budget to me at 9:30 this morning. This is how I will arrive at the meeting.

And now I have this weekend to look forward to as I slog through my overly complicated tax return and try to write an article for you shit throwing monkeys. I recommend that no one disagree with me today.


GM and Ford reported “strong” sales for March, up 6.4% and 5.7% respectively. The current annual rate of auto sales has “surged” to 15.2 million. Last year sales rose to 14.5 million from only 12.7 million in 2011. This sure sounds like a tremendous recovery led by great new models from our “saved” GM and wonderful iconic Ford Motors. The MSM was crowing about the results today, except the details tell a different story. GM’s car sales FELL 3% in March. The surge in sales was due to fleet sales going up 12%. It couldn’t possibly be the Federal government buying vehicles, could it? Cadillac sales surged as subprime loans in West Philly to the FSA reached record levels. There were 1,478 Volts sold in the whole country – so there will be 15.2 million vehicles sold in the country and the Obama Volt will account for less than 20,000 of these sales or .0013 of all car sales. Ford car sales FELL 0.2%. Their increase was also driven by fleet sales and truck sales. How dense is the average American? Gasoline prices are above $4.00 per gallon in many cities and they continue to buy low gas mileage trucks and SUVs.

The auto market is completely dependent upon 7 year 0% financing for good credits and subprime lending for 45% of sales and this is all they can achieve?

If sales have been so awesome for the last two years, why are their stocks and their profits in decline? Inquiring minds want to know.

If auto sales were 12.7 million in 2011 and they are pacing at 15.2 million in 2013, why has GM stock dropped from $38 to $28, a 26% decline? I thought Obama saved GM and they were doing awesome. Vehicle sales are up 20% since 2011 and GM still managed to earn $3 billion less in 2012 than they earned in 2011. This doesn’t even take into account the massive channel stuffing that has artificially boosted their sales figures.

It seems that selling vehicles to your dealers and to deadbeats through Ally Financial doesn’t generate profits. But who needs profits when a storyline will do.


Chart forGeneral Motors Company (GM)


If Ford Motor is doing so well why is their stock at $13 today when it was at $19 in 2011? For the math challenged, that is a 32% drop when auto sales are up 20% since 2011. Is the MSM reporting that Ford sales dropped by $2 billion in 2012 and their net income from operations dropped by $1 billion? Are we really having a strong auto recovery if the two biggest US automakers are making significantly less profit?

Chart forFord Motor Co. (F)

The MSM is not in the truth business. They are in the propaganda business. The storyline of auto recovery is false. The reported sales increases are due to channel stuffing and easy money from Bennie. The 45% of sales from subprime loans will bite the taxpayer in the ass when Ally Financial reports billions in losses over the next few years. You own Ally Financial. So it goes.