Fauci Knew since 2005 that the Malaria Drug Can even Cure Coronaviruses & Conflicts of Interest Abound

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Trump is disbanding his team on the virus and that include Fauci. It is hard to go against him for the Democrats will continue to raise him falsely as the savior of America along with Bill Gates. But in a NIH 2005 study, the found that “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” Fauci has been rejecting the use of this and has been preaching the Gates vaccine solution. The report stated:

“We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – General Lee’s army beats Grant’s Union troops to Spotsylvania – 1864

Via History.com

On May 8, 1864, Yankee troops arrive at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, to find the Rebels already there. After the Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-6), Ulysses S. Grant’s Army of the Potomac marched south in the drive to take Richmond. Grant hoped to control the strategic crossroads at Spotsylvania Court House, so he could draw Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia into open ground.

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“It’s wrong for someone to confiscate your money, give it to someone else, and call that ‘compassion.'”

Harry Browne

“Until we can reestablish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very severe and distinct curtailment of our liberty.”

Calvin Coolidge

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophe.”

Ludwig von Mises

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report, Issue 12: Censorship and COVID-19

Guest Post by John Wilder

“You were going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I’m the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.” – Avengers: Infinity War


After several years of looking, I found a book on Amazon® about how clocks work.  It’s about time.

  1. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  2. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  3. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures.  Just in case.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.

The clock didn’t move this month for the third month in a row.  That’s good.  But I see pressure building up quickly.

Continue reading “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report, Issue 12: Censorship and COVID-19”

The Negative Mind

Guest Post by The Zman

For a very long time, the radical conception of politics was the struggle between the radicals advancing society forward and reactionaries trying to block the way. In this formulation, the radicals push for reform and the reactionaries concoct an argument against it and the resulting struggle advances society forward. The result is imperfect, so the ideal solution from the radical perspective is to eliminate the reactionaries, who stand in the way of the project and the path of human destiny.

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The View From Here

Via Nostrofucious

Today is 7 May 2020.

As supply chain shocks continue to cause disruptions across our modern economy, many people are left wondering when all of this will go back to the way it was.

After months of trying to stay ahead of the curve, I have come to the saddening conclusion the instant just-in-time economy we knew six months ago is unlikely to return to its former state.

This is not some apocalyptic scenario from a movie. The next few years will be more like my Grandparents and Great Grandparents lives than what we have known in the last 30 years. I may finally understand why my Grandmother Nina would dry out and reuse paper towels. And why Mamaw Bert’s collection of butter tubs was so extensive.

The best way to face uncertainty is to prepare, not fear. In the spirit of that I wanted to share some tips I have learned from the broader preparedness community.

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Guest Post by Southern Sage

The pandemic hoax is over. This is not and never was a “pandemic”. A pandemic is a disease that kills – repeat, kills – million of otherwise healthy adults and children, as in the Spanish Flu, the Black Death or the Plague of Justinian. Corona virus (Covid-19) is a serious public health threat in the same way many other diseases have been, from AIDS to Swine Flu, Hong Kong flu, and so one. Thanks to nincompoops (or corrupt evil bastards) like Fauci , Gates and Ferguson, our political leaders were panicked into adopting unnecessary and arguably counter-productive tactics that have wrecked our economy and likely saved hardly anybody.

If New York is any indication, ignorant government intervention cost thousands of lives. A targeted approach concentrating on public transport, large crowd events and the vulnerable (hospitals, nursing homes, people already suffering from serious health programs) would have cost a fraction of what was spent and would have been far more effective.

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Rand Paul: ‘Reopen The Economy, No More Imaginary Money’

Via InfoWars

Rand Paul: 'Reopen The Economy, No More Imaginary Money'

Senator Rand Paul has called for the economy to be reopened, saying that it is the only solution for recovery.

Appearing on Fox News, a bearded Paul said that Americans need to be allowed to go back to work imminently or there will “continue to be economic calamity.”

“To people [who] ask me I remind them that we have no money,” Paul urged.

“We have no rainy day account. We have no savings account. The $3 trillion that we’ve already passed out is imaginary money.” The Senator said, referring to the already staggering national debt.

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Lab Theory of Wuhan Virus Cooked Up in a Neocon Lab

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Lab Theory of Wuhan Virus Cooked Up in a Neocon Lab

Just because the media say something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not true. In the case of Trump’s claim that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab — or as I call it, the All Cultures Are the Same! Theory — the media are probably right.

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The Ruling System

Guest Post by The Zman

There are a variety of ways to hold power. Some are better than others and over the history of man everyone one has been tried with varying degrees of success. By far the most effective way of maintaining power is to get those over whom you hold power to think their interests lie in you remaining in power. If you can get your subjects to think that their very survival depends upon you remaining their ruler, not only will they obey your orders, but they will volunteer to defend your position.

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Doug Casey on Why You Should Consider Private Placements to Profit from Gold’s Rise

Via International Man

private placements

International Man: What is so attractive about making investments through private placements versus buying in the open market?

Doug Casey: There are a lot of advantages. To start with, you don’t pay a commission to a broker. If a broker is involved, the company pays the commission.

Second, private placements are almost always done at a discount to the current market price. Depending on the price of the stock and how badly a company needs money, it can be 5%, 10%, even 15% or 20% below the current market.

Third and by far most important is that you almost always get a warrant attached. A warrant gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy another share at a fixed price. Warrants are critically important, and they come in many flavors.

Continue reading “Doug Casey on Why You Should Consider Private Placements to Profit from Gold’s Rise”

Do You Need a Financial Advisor? Are They Trustworthy?

Can you trust your financial advisor?Investors are understandably worried!

Quality bonds and Certificates of Deposit are paying almost negative interest rates. Bonds defaults are rising. The stock market and economy are shaky. The Fed is printing money faster than the world has ever seen. We have Great Depression levels of unemployment.

What else could possibly go wrong?

Pundit Bill Bonner predicts:

“Stocks will rise…and then give up another 50% of their value.

…. Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, says that upwards of 20% of the workforce could be unemployed.

The feds will print…trillions to rescue the situation.

…. The feds will face a terrible choice. Printing more money may bring a hyperinflation, like Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela.

But not printing will risk a deep depression…a “throw out all the bums” shock in the next election…or even a revolution.

The feds will make their choice… the same choice made by von Havenstein in Germany and Gono in Zimbabwe. They will print.”

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Facebook’s New Censorship Czar Is Anti-Trump Leftist Who Made Barron A Punch Line

Authored by Chip Somodevilla via Summit News,

One of Facebook’s new “content oversight board” members who will decide what information is censored by the social media giant is Pamela Karlan, a leftist who infamously made Barron Trump the punch line of a joke.

“The independent board, which will be able to overturn Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decisions on whether individual pieces of content should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram, is a high-profile response to criticism of how the social media company handles problematic content,” reports Channel News Asia.

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