Biden Crime Family

Via Branco

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“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Aldous Huxley

“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”

Aldous Huxley

“We are living now, not in the delicious intoxication induced by the early success of science, but in a rather grisly morning after, when it has become apparent that what triumphant science has done hitherto is to improve the means for achieving unimportant or actually deteriorated ends.”

Aldous Huxley

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.”

Aldous Huxley

Full Story Behind Hunter’s Laptop Debunks Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory

Authored by Larry C Johnson via Sic Semper Tyrannis  (emphasis ours)

This is the story of an American patriot, an honorable man, John Paul Mac Issac, who tried to do the right thing and is now being unfairly and maliciously slandered as an agent of foreign intelligence, specifically Russia. He is not an agent or spy for anyone. He is his own man. How do I know? I have known his dad for more than 20 years. I’ve known John Paul’s dad as Mac. Mac is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who flew gunships in Vietnam. And he continued his military service with an impeccable record until he retired as an Air Force Colonel. The crews of those gunships have an annual reunion and Mac usually takes John Paul along, who volunteers his computer and video skills to record and compile the stories of those brave men who served their country in a difficult war.

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Hyperinflation Is Here

Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com,

Definition: Hyperinflation is the condition whereby monetary authorities accelerate the expansion of the quantity of money to the point where it proves impossible for them to regain control.

It ends when the state’s fiat currency is finally worthless. It is an evolving crisis, not just a climactic event.


This article defines hyperinflation in simple terms, making it clear that most, if not all governments have already committed their unbacked currencies to destruction by hyperinflation. The evidence is now becoming plain to see.

The phenomenon is driven by the excess of government spending over tax receipts, which has already spiralled out of control in the US and elsewhere. The first round of the coronavirus has only served to make the problem more obvious to those who had already understood that the expansionary phase of the bank credit cycle was coming to an end, and by combining with the economic consequences of the trade tariff war between China and America we are condemned to a repeat of the conditions that led to the Wall Street crash of 1929—32.

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Klaus Schwab – The New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

So many people are really just ignorant. They think this election is about picking Trump v Biden. They are clueless because mainstream media is once again supporting this agenda of the Great Reset. Listen carefully to Schwab’s words. He expressly states “equality” which is the dream which began with Karl Marx.

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The Year of Disguises

Guest Post by Roger Koops

2020 is a year of disguises. Some examples include computer models/modelers disguised as “science/scientists,” Tyrants/Dictators/Totalitarians disguised as “elected officials,” propaganda machines disguised as “news sources,” brainwashing disguised as “information,” censorship disguised as “public health safeguard,” panic and fear disguised as “social responsibility.”

Even the virus itself has been disguised by humans as an “apocalypse.” But, the last part is not the doing of the virus, but the doings of a select number of humans who are responsible for many of the other disguises as well. And if you look at the totality of events in 2020, it is clear that the average citizen has been treated generally less than human, certainly not as adults in any case.

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Gov. Newsom Limits Gatherings to Three Families, Two Hours Or Less, No Singing

Via The California Globe


Do riots and protests count as ‘gatherings?’

It’s clearly past time to make George Orwell fiction again.

Gov. Gavin Newsom and his California Department of Public Health issued another “new” set of  social distancing guidelines prohibiting gatherings that include more than three households at any time.

The Oct. 9 document, “Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings,” explains that all private gatherings must limit the number of attendees and are required to be held outside.

“Gatherings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place.  When people from different households mix, this increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19.”

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Maybe that’s what those little tiny front pockets are for in jeans. All this time nobody even thought about tucking their beaver pelt hair into it and the answer was right in front of our faces. Well, behind us actually, but you know what I mean.

Buddy, you aren’t Justin Trudeau, you aren’t going to get away with black face in 2020.

Think we found the cover art for our People of Walmart album.

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The Diaper Cometh… or Maybe Not

Guest Post by Eric Peters

There are many sound reasons to not vote for the Orange Man. But there is one powerful, arguably epochal, reason to put them aside and vote for him anyway.

It is simply this:

An Orange Man not-evicted means a chance, at least, that we will not be forcibly Face Diapered.

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A FRESH Look At Trump

Please read this article with an open mind. Pray that the Lord gives you an understanding heart. The article is written by Rudy Giuliana’s daughter. She is a very brave woman for writing this insightful article. She will give you true and real insider information. The fact that you are still reading is proof that God brought you to this page to teach, edify, and comfort you.  Don’t blow it! I sincerely pray that your eyes, like mine, are finally opened to the Truth … and that the truth will set you free.

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Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

I have a difficult confession—something I usually save for at least the second date. My father is Rudy Giuliani. We are multiverses apart, politically and otherwise. I’ve spent a lifetime forging an identity in the arts separate from my last name, so publicly declaring myself as a “Giuliani” feels counterintuitive, but I’ve come to realize that none of us can afford to be silent right now. The stakes are too high. I accept that most people will start reading this piece because you saw the headline with my father’s name. But now that you’re here, I’d like to tell you how urgent I think this moment is.

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Letter from Great Britain – 10-17-20

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and now is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”

NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected]. Also a hardcopy of the book, “The Financial Jigsaw” is available priced at £25 GBP plus P&P in A4, workbook format, bound with clear plastic covers, printed locally on demand.

I am starting the week as we witness an open revolt by the mayors and councils in Northern England.  This is the first shot across the bows of the London-orientated central government led by Boris and his team of misfits.  Boris will be launching a whole new set of lockdown rules on Monday – more on this below.  In the meantime, our gallant local authorities, at least in the north where the lockdowns are hitting businesses hard, are challenging the very root of our dysfunctional central government decisions about how to deal with this pesky non-lethal virus.

“The mayors criticised the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, expressing their support for the accusation by the Labour leader, Keir Starmer, [who said] that Boris Johnson had presided over “serial incompetence”.

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Biden Suggests Stopping Criminals By Making Them Slip On Banana Peels

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Joe Biden made a novel suggestion for cops and people who want to defend themselves against violent criminals: making them slip on a banana peel.

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