The Clocks Struck Thirteen

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Was it just me, or did you also notice that NBC’s Savannah Guthrie decided to play Special Prosecutor in Thursday night’s “town hall” gotcha-fest with Mr. Trump, who they had perched on some Modernista stool-of-punishment? The hectoring interrogation started from the get-go — the “townies” distributed around the set apparently just props — while Ms. Guthrie barked over the President with various renderings of the old shyster’s retort, but do you still beat your wife?

Over on ABC, Ol’ White Joe Biden lounged comfortably in low light and cushy seating with his therapist, George Stephanopoulos, free associating on the wonders and marvels he will bring about in the Kingdom Come of his presidency. Strangely, the subject of his family’s lucrative business dealings in Ukraine, China, and Russia a few years back never came up in the confab, a therapeutic omission that seemed to amount to malpractice.

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Official “Vote Joe” App Security Flaw Leaks Private Data Of All 250,000 Users

Originally Posted at FMShooter

[Guest Post] Catboy is a conservative Gen-Z college student in his early twenties with years of experience in software engineering, application/network security, and product design.

In the vast majority of Joe Biden‘s never-ending stream of screw-ups on the campaign trail, many of his decisions are not yet impacting voters at home. Unless, of course, his mobile application leaks data about hundreds of thousands of Americans via his campaign’s very own “Vote Joe” app.

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Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

Still, this thing is not over. For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey in 1948.

“Apres moi, la deluge,” predicted Louis XV after his army’s stunning defeat by Prussia’s Frederick the Great at the Battle of Rossbach in 1757.

“La deluge,” the Revolution, came, three decades later, to wash the Bourbon monarchy away in blood and to send Louis XV’s grandson, Louis XVI, and his queen, Marie Antoinette, to the guillotine.

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Election War Games: “A New America Waits In The Wings” After Pre-Planned Chaos

Via The Organic Prepper blog,

You may initially read this article and find that it is partisan and unfairly targets the Democratic Party. We urge you to look beyond that initial reaction at the facts, not the emotions. Chaos is inevitable after this election, regardless of who is declared the winner. This gives you a glimpse at a powerful group that has been “war-gaming” the situation and their predicted outcomes. As a person who wishes to be prepared, it’s important to know these things so that you can be ready for something that seems to be a planned event.


Authored by Robert Wheeler,

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You Should Absolutely NOT Read The Disgusting, Totally False Story About Joe Biden’s Son That We’ve Linked To In This Article

Via The Babylon Bee

There’s a disgusting, absolutely 100% false story about Joe Biden’s son going around. It’s so bad that it has been condemned by the wise, moral, upstanding people who run Twitter and Facebook. Even mentioning the story can get you banned from these platforms. That’s how bad and false the story is.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry – 1859


Abolitionist John Brown leads a small group on a raid against a federal armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), in an attempt to start an armed revolt of enslaved people and destroy the institution of slavery.

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“The U.S. went off the gold standard in August 1971. With no benchmark, central banks could print money and debase currencies. That opened the door for huge bailouts after big banks screwed up in a big way. Taxpayers—not incompetent bankers—paid the price.

By [the late 1980’s], the Federal Reserve Bank and large U.S. banks had established a pattern to control the public relations damage each time banks had a major screw-up: accountants and regulators let banks lie about the size of the problem to stall for time; the Federal Reserve blew smoke at the media; finally, the Fed would bail out the banks in a way that most taxpayers would not understand.

Banks didn’t have to get smarter or more competent. The Fed trained the banks that uninformed taxpayers would eat the losses, and fake accounting would let bank officers keep their positions and their money.”

Janet Tavakoli, Decisions: Life and Death on Wall Street

The Problem with Biden’s “Kitchen Sink” Solution to Social Security

From Birch Gold Group

The Problem with Biden's "Kitchen Sink" Solution to Social Security

No matter who is elected president in less than three weeks, Social Security will be one of the largest challenges they’ll have to address during their term.

According to a Bankrate article, time is running out for anyone to do anything: “The Social Security Administration (SSA) is projecting that retirees will receive 100 percent of their promised benefits for only 15 more years, after which only 79 percent of those payouts would be recovered. Meanwhile, about 65 million Americans in 2020 will receive payments.”

Should Joe Biden be elected, he has some proposed solutions, which were listed in the same article:

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Ask Ann Anything! ACB Edition

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Ask Ann Anything! ACB Edition

With the Amy Coney Barrett hearings in full swing this week, my mailbox has been overflowing with questions from absolutely no readers! Here, I will deliver the answers that no one asked for.

Q: How can you say it’s fair to fill the seat of a constitutional giant like Ruth Bader Ginsburg with this far-right, anti-choice, conservative woman?

A: You’re right, RBG had patience, will — and almost no black law clerks. One (1) black law clerk out of 160, to be precise. To borrow from my journalist colleagues, “Are you a white supremacist?”

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Why Do They Diaper?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This business of most people voluntarily Diapering is depressing and has several facets. Perhaps the largest is simply that most people are two-legged cattle who go as the herd goes.

This seems to be generally true throughout the ages. The course of history – for good and bad – seems to be determined by the minority who are not cattle.

These are good – and bad as well. The good ones nudge the cattle toward green pastures; the bad ones nudge them toward the chute that leads to the meat grinder.

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Where We Are Now: The Cthulhu Collapse

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“Tomorrow the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself. The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time.” – Batman Begins

H.P. Lovecraft walks into a bar, and the result was such that any man would be driven mad by the events that followed.  Oh, and there was a rabbi and a horse.

When I was a kid, as I’ve established before, I read.  A lot.  At least an hour a day on the school bus.  I’d read at home, too, since the nearest kid lived miles and miles away from Wilder Mountain, and occasionally Ma Wilder ran out of pork chops to tie around my neck so the dog would play with me.

Reading, though, held a very special place around our house, and was something that was revered by both Ma and Pa.  One example?  While I technically had a bedtime, Ma Wilder actively encouraged me to stay up as late as I wanted to if I was reading.

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Antifa is real. It’s violent. And you need to plan for it.

Guest Post by Simon Black

American diplomat George Messersmith found himself in an awkward situation while attending a luncheon in Kiel, Germany in August of 1933.

As lunch came to a close, the attendees erupted into song with arms outstretched in the Nazi salute.

First they belted out Germany’s national anthem, followed by the anthem of the Stormtroopers– the paramilitary ”Brownshirts” who violently enforced Germany’s new social rules.

Continue reading “Antifa is real. It’s violent. And you need to plan for it.”

Doug Casey: “This is Going to be One for the Record Books”

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man

economic depression

Just because society experiences turmoil doesn’t mean your personal life has to. And a depression doesn’t have to be depressing. Most of the real wealth in the world will still exist—it will just change ownership.

What is a depression?

We’re now at the tail end of a very long, but in many ways a very weak and artificial, economic expansion. At the same time we’ve had one of the strongest securities bull markets in history. Both are the result of trillions of new dollars created over the last decade. Right now very few people are willing to consider the possibility of tough times—let alone The Greater Depression.

Continue reading “Doug Casey: “This is Going to be One for the Record Books””

Xi Jinping Tells Elite Troops “Prepare For War” As US Destroyer Sails Through Taiwan Strait

Via ZeroHedge

China has again put its military in a “high state of alert” after two US Navy warships recently sailed through the Taiwan Strait. Late last week the US destroyer John McCain sailed near the disputed Paracel Islands administered and militarized by China, upon which the PLA military warned the US to “halt its provocations”.

The latest incident was Wednesday, when the Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry passed through the strait. Washington was quick to emphasize that it was a “routine transit” like others toward the purpose of peaceful ‘freedom of navigation’ operations, while Beijing once again denounced the “trouble-stirring statements and moves”.

USS Barry (DDG 52) transits waters of the Taiwan Strait, Oct. 14, 2020. Via US Navy

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The Perils Of Inflation

The Perils Of Inflation - Currency valuesInflation is defined as, “A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of currency.”

Inflation is a silent killer of retirement dreams. Most retiree’s income can’t keep up with inflation; even with the social security inflation rider.

Jeff Clark’s article, “How to Deprogram Your Friends & Family from the Cult of Fiat Currency,” is a primer on inflation.

He provides this graph:

What "low" inflation looks like - GoldSilver Chart

“The US dollar has lost 44.2% of its purchasing power just since the year 2000.

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