The Day After Tomorrow

Guest Post by The Zman

The general consensus regarding the future of the American Empire is that it is headed for demise like all empires. The rapidly declining quality of the ruling elite in general and the political class in particular is the biggest sign. Then there is the changing demographics, which will reach a point where the human capital of the empire can no longer support empire. Then there is the life cycle of all empires. This one, while short lived, seems to be in the late phase of that cycle.

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While We Were Distracted: The World “Roll Up Your Sleeve” Congress

Guest Post by Mary Christine

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – President Ronald Reagan

The week began with a circus they called a presidential debate and ended with the President being shuttled to Walter Reed after testing positive with The Rona.

Meanwhile, a virtual conference was taking place in Washington, DC called the World Vaccine Congress. This was a 4-day brainstorming session with 300 speakers and thousands in attendance; which of course included representatives from several pharmaceutical companies, plus military personnel, HHS, other government agencies and NGO’s. Our favorite Dr. Shortstuff Fauci opened the meeting as one of the first keynote speakers. There is a second World Vaccine Congress – Europe beginning October 19.

Only one person with press credentials covered this extremely important meeting and reported on it. The Washington Post had a speaker there, but I have found no coverage, from The WAPO or any other media outlet yet. Much of what transpired there will eventually impact everyone in the world.

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Life Within The Matrix Is Our Future

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The question each of us needs to ask ourselves, and one another, is why do we get so much misinformation about Covid from public health authorities, political authorities, and press prostitutes?  We get a lot of misinformation from health practioners, because they get the bogus information from health authorities and from researchers associated with Big Pharma.  But why do health authorities themselves lie to us?

Take the issue of masks.  The masks being worn by the vast majority of the world population, including health care providers, cannot prevent the inhalation and exhalation of bacteria and viruses.  If a person wearing one of these masks is sick with a cold, flu, or Covid, the mask can prevent the person from sneezing and coughing on others, countertops, and fresh produce.  But the masks cannot prevent the wearer from breathing in and exhaling out Covid, which is airborn and aerosol spread.  The only people who should be wearing one of these masks are people who are out in public areas coughing and sneezing among other people.  To avoid the spread of the virus, infected people should stay at home.

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The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“We’re run by the Pentagon, we’re run by Madison Avenue, we’re run by television, and as long as we accept those things and don’t revolt we’ll have to go along with the stream to the eventual avalanche…. As long as we go out and buy stuff, we’re at their mercy… We all live in a little Village. Your Village may be different from other people’s Villages, but we are all prisoners.”— Patrick McGoohan

This is not an election.

This is a con game, a scam, a grift, a hustle, a bunko, a swindle, a flimflam, a gaffle, and a bamboozle.

In this carefully choreographed scheme to strip the American citizenry of our power and our rights, “we the people” are nothing more than marks, suckers, stooges, mugs, rubes, or gulls.

We are victims of the Deep State’s confidence game.

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Shots have been Fired

The battle lines are drawn.  And, it’s no longer a battle of words, symbolism or politics.

The Mainstream media (MSM) has enlisted drones (aka Mercenaries) to take on the people they despise – Trump and ALL of his supporters.  They have upped the ante now with shots that may be ringing like Fort Sumter.   A Conservative “Trump Supporter” has now been murdered in the streets by a hit man of the MSM with a bullet through the head. Will we cower or fight back?

BREAKING UPDATE: Denver Trump Supporter Was Shot and Killed By Local News Bodyguard

I have noted in several blogs that the real enemy of America is not the Elitists in Universities, Democrats, Black Lives Matter or even Antifa.  All of these people have one commander in chief who calls the shots – the American Mainstream Media.

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Dems Criticize ACB For Constantly Interrupting Their Campaign Speeches

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats have blasted Amy Coney Barrett for showing up to a Senate hearing concerning her nomination to the Supreme Court and constantly responding to their questions instead of letting them give their campaign speeches for political clout.

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Racial Deception

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Racial Deception

During slavery, many black women, often in a forcible union with a white man, bore mixed-race children. Based on their percentage of white blood, they were deemed “mulattos,” “quadroons,” “octoroons” or even “hexadecaroons.” Depending on skin color, they could pass as white and avoid the gross racial discrimination suffered by their darker skinned brothers and sisters. This was portrayed in a 1949 motion picture titled “Pinky” that highlighted “passing” for white.

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Pelosi Slams CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “You’re Always An Apologist For Republicans”

Via ZeroHedge

The world just turned upside-down for a few glorious minutes when CNN’s Wolf Blitzer removed his anti-Trump activist mask and dared to ask House Speaker Nancy Pelosi some uncomfortable questions.

The conversation about why the Democrats refused to accept the $1.8 trillion COVID Relief bill offered by The White House quickly turned ugly when Blitzer brought up the following tweet from one of her own – Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna…

Pelosi grinned awkwardly, then unleashed on the bearded reporter:

I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position… Ro Khanna, that’s nice. That isn’t what we’re going to do,” wagging her fingers in a matronly way.

She went on briefly reverting to talking points about supporting “our heroes” by funding state and local governments, but in an uncharacteristic move, Blitzer refused to back off, “…there are million of Americans out there who can’t pay the rent, feed their kids and $1.8 trillion [is a lot]” adding that he’s also spoken with former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who said to take the deal, “it’s not everything you want, but there’s a lot there.”

Pelosi was rattled – this is what what she signed up for ….

Honest to God, I really can’t get over it. Because Andrew Yang, he’s lovely. Ro Khanna, he’s lovely. They’re not negotiating this situation… they have no idea…

and then said “I didn’t come over here so you’re the apologist for the Obama…” but before she could correct her mis-speak, Blitzer fired back by urging her to reach out to the president and make a deal.

“Why not work out a deal with [President Trump] and don’t let the perfect as they say here in Washington, be the enemy of the good?”

That was the tipping point and Angry Nancy was exposed…

What makes me amused if it weren’t so sad is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table... It is unfortunate that we do not share our values with this White House.”

More talking points gushed forth, not addressing any of the issues that Blitzer dared to utter. Pelosi exclaimed:

With all due respect, and we’ve known each other a long time, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. . . Do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with.”

The cage-match ended even more stunningly as Blitzer and Pelosi spoke over each other, fighting for the last word…

“Madam speaker, these are incredibly difficult times right now and we’ll leave on that note,” Blitzer said.

“No, we’ll leave it on the note that you’re not right on this, Wolf, and I hate to say that to you,” Pelosi responded,

Pelosi refused to allow Blitzer – the anhcor of the show – the final word on his show:

“Thank you for your sensitivity to our constituents’ needs,” Pelosi said with dry sarcasm.

“I am sensitive to them because I see them on the street begging for food, begging for money,” Blitzer said.

“Have you fed them? We feed them,” she snapped as the show ended…

Watch the full 10 minutes here…

Did CNN just realize that if Trump loses, their viewership will truly go thru the floor?

The Thailand Wuflu experience

Guest Post by Thaisleeze

Why is this story not part of the conversation? 3,622 cases, 59 deaths (including 1 returnee in quarantine), 66 million population.

1. The country was the first to detect the virus outside China on January 13. Two locations, 26 cases in the first instance. Contact tracing instantly initiated.

2. Swift closing of airports after Trump blocked some China/US flights.

3. Quickly followed by closing all borders.

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Incorporated America

Guest Post by The Zman

The old left-wing critique of post-war America was that it was rampant consumerism resulting from the embrace of unfettered capitalism. Everything is commercialized and that which cannot be turned into a reason to buy stuff is discarded. The old right-wing criticism is that America is not free enough. Everywhere the tentacles of the state invade the normal activity of society. Both are correct in that America now operates like a giant corporate entity, rather than a country.

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The Coming Flood of Mainstream Money into Gold

From Birch Gold Group

The Coming Flood of Mainstream Money into Gold

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: The gold market is about to see a new wave of investors, the factors that could cement gold’s gains further down the line, and what a Biden presidential win would mean for gold.

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