Declassified FBI Spreadsheet Exposes Steele Dossier Farce: Media Reports On FBI Reports Of Media Reports

Authored by ‘sundance’ via,

CBS News Catherine Herridge has obtained a 94-page spread sheet (pdf here) showing dates of media reports, dates of Steele reports on the same material, and the FBI effort to verify or validate the circular process.   In essence this is evidence of the process we initially shared almost three years ago; only now we know the names.

Former SSCI staffer Dan Jones, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, and Simpson’s crew at Fusion-GPS, pitched and planted phony Trump-Russia evidence with the media and simultaneously gave those fake points to Chris Steele to supplement the dossier.  Using the same method of Ezra Klein’s “JournOList” replication, Dan Jones and Fusion-GPS paid the journalists to run the stories.

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Democrats Hiss In Terror As ACB Pulls Out Crucifix

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Amy Coney Barrett has eloquently defended herself through the Senate confirmation hearings this morning. But as Dems grew increasingly vicious, she was forced to turn to desperate measures.

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When ancient Greece experienced their own ‘2020’…

Guest Post by Simon Black

For the powerful city-state of Athens in ancient Greece, the year 430 BC was one of the most tumultuous and dramatic in its history.

Prior to 430 BC, Athens had been at the pinnacle of stability and power for decades.

But in the course of that single year, the city was invaded by Sparta at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War; Athenian officials essentially impeached their leader, Pericles, and put him on trial; and a deadly plague killed off up to 20% of the population.

In short, for ancient Athenians, 430 BC probably felt like 2020 does for us.

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Is War With China Becoming Inevitable?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Is War With China Becoming Inevitable?

Tensions are rising between the U.S. and China, as the list of ideological, political and economic clashes continues to lengthen. And there is a transparent new reality: China seems in no mood to back down.

“The Indians are seeing 60,000 Chinese soldiers on their northern border,” Secretary of State Michael Pompeo ominously warned on Friday.

He spelled out what he meant to commentator Larry O’Connor:

“The Chinese have now begun to amass huge forces against India in the north. … They absolutely need the United States to be their ally and partner in this fight.”

Pompeo had just returned from a Tokyo gathering of foreign ministers from the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or “Quad,” the group of four democracies — U.S., Japan, Australia, India — whose purpose is to discuss major Indo-Pacific geostrategic issues.

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Love It or Leave?

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

love it or leave it?

Countries that are in the decline stages tend to lose their best and brightest.

What happens is that, as a country becomes more socialistic, it attracts thousands of new residents who are seeking free stuff. They wish to cash in – to live off the state.

But someone has to pay for that free stuff. And of course, that means that the more productive people in the country are handed the tab.

As a country grows more socialistic, an ever-larger number of dependent people must be paid for by those who are productive. This, of course, diminishes the retained earnings of those who have been productive.

What happens then is that a quiet exodus begins to take place. The very people who are ordered to pay the bill for everyone else tend to look for greener pastures.

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Judge Amy Coney Barrett vows to Follow Justice Scalia

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett intends to honor her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia in her opening speech to the Senate. As I have explained, candidates for the Supreme Court NEVER appeared before the Senate until 1925 when one senator objected because he was being investigated.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the Judiciary Committee is a former law clear to former Justice Scalia who has invoked his judicial philosophy that she tries to mirror. According to her opening statement, Judge Barrett is stating clearly that she learned a critical lesson from Scalia to “apply the law as written, not as the judge wishes it were.” Of all the Supreme Court decisions I have read which are far too many to even number, no other legal mind ever impressed me so much as Justice Scalia. He was truly an unbiased person and applied the law as a strict constructionist.

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Welcome To Your Future

Submitted by Joe

Via Dissident Thoughts

Most of my politically aware life has been consumed with concern over the size and scope of the state. The growing influence of the government in our lives, the expansion of the intrusion into every aspect of American life and the outright murder of Americans in places like Waco and Ruby Ridge combined to make me extremely distrustful of the government.

At the same time, I generally was a good Republican in the sense of supporting pro-business policies, thinking that what was good for business was good for America. More jobs, better wages, etc.

Over time, I began to realize that I was believing a fake narrative with a false dichotomy. It turns out that the people in Big Government were the same people in Big Business and that while the regular middle and working class Americans were voting Republican to benefit Big Business, Big Business was working at odds with our interests.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Palestinians hijack German airliner – 1977


Four Palestinians hijack a Lufthansa airliner and demand the release of 11 imprisoned members of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof terrorist group, also known as the Red Army Faction. The Red Army Faction was a group of ultra-left revolutionaries who terrorized Germany for three decades, assassinating more than 30 corporate, military, and government leaders in an effort to topple capitalism in their homeland.

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“If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that, too.”

Somerset Maugham

“Terror is a tactic. We can not wage ‘war’ against a tactic.”

Ron Paul

“The only kind of freedom that the mob can imagine is freedom to annoy and oppress its betters, and that is precisely the kind that we mainly have.”

H. L. Mencken

“Ask not what the government can do for you. Ask what the government is doing to you.”

David Friedman

Can the Fed End Racism?

Guest Post by Ron Paul

House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters and Senator Elizabeth Warren have introduced the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act. This legislation directs the Federal Reserve to eliminate racial disparities in income, employment, wealth, and access to credit.

Eliminating racial disparities in access to credit is code for forcing banks and other financial institutions to approve loans based on the applicants’ race, instead of based on their income and credit history. Overlooking poor credit history or income below what would normally be required to qualify for a loan results in individuals ending up with ruinous debt. These individuals will end up losing their homes, cars, or businesses because banks disregarded sound lending practices in an effort to show they are meeting race-based requirements.

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