China Braces For Summer Of Floods As 97 Rivers Exceed Warning Levels

Via ZeroHedge

China braces for another dangerous flood season with 97 rivers already exceeding warning levels as of Thursday, according to Chinese state media Global Times. Major floods are expected this summer, and Western media will soon be drumming up headlines about how confidence in China’s flood control capabilities is faltering.

Water levels along the Yangtze River basin and its tributaries are expected to increase over the next week, the Ministry of Water Resources said, adding that major floods are possible throughout the country from June to August.

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Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?

Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, cultural and ethnic diversity the nation can accommodate before it splinters into its component parts?

After nine people were shot to death by a public transit worker, who then killed himself in San Jose, the latest mass murder in America, California Governor Gavin Newsom spoke for many on the eve of this Memorial Day weekend.

“What the hell is going on in the United States of America? What the hell is wrong with us?”

Good question. Indeed, it seems that the country is coming apart.

In May, Congress, to address a spate of criminal assaults on Asian Americans, enacted a new hate crimes law to protect them.

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Faces Showing Again . . . And What’s Scary About That

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Just like that – literally – the Diapers are coming off. It is good to see people’s faces again. But it is alarming to think about the why.

As recently as two weeks ago, I was the only person showing his face at Kroger – and could not show my face at many other stores, where not only were there signs that Faces Must be Effaced but also enforcement.

They would not let you in – or they told you to get out.

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Alien Reboot

Guest Post by The Zman

For reasons no one has bothered to explain, the government went on a strange public relations tour, informing us that it has for years been documenting unidentified objects in the air and sea. These events have been captured by cameras mounted on military ships and aircraft. They released a bunch of these videos, some of which had audio of the people recording them. Those voices in the videos tell the viewer that the cameramen are baffled by the blurry images they are seeing.

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Comedy is Dead

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I remember going to see Donald Rickles (1926–2017)  at the Latin Casino back in the day. There wasn’t a race, gender, or religion he left untouched. But he always simply exploited the differences in a humorous manner. Back then, if you could not laugh at yourself, you were considered unsociable and something was wrong with you. Today, the left seems to have flipped everything upside-down for now if something is offensive to say, then you are not allowed to say it, and everything seems offensive to someone, even calling your parents father and mother.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – John Steinbeck publishes “Tortilla Flat” – 1935


John Steinbeck’s first successful novel, Tortilla Flat, is published on May 28, 1935.

Steinbeck, a native Californian, had studied writing intermittently at Stanford between 1920 and 1925, but never graduated. He moved to New York and worked as a manual laborer and journalist while writing his first two novels, which were not successful. He married in 1930 and moved back to California with his wife. His father, a government official in Salinas, gave the couple a house to live in while Steinbeck continued writing.

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“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.”

Noam Chomsky

“Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“What we should have fought for was representation without taxation.”

Sam Levenson

“The state is the mafia pretending to be a human rights organizations.”

Dave Smith

‘Are You on the Take?’

Guest Post by John Stossel

'Are You on the Take?'

Home prices keep climbing. It’s another reason to let people build housing.

But corrupt politicians sometimes prevent that.

The little town of Edgewater, New Jersey, sits right across the Hudson River from Manhattan. A developer, Maxal Group, bought a dumpsite there and proposed building more than a thousand new waterfront apartments.

The town said no.

Why? The development would generate $12 million a year in taxes for Edgewater. To please the politicians, Maxal even offered to build parks and a school at no cost.

But Edgewater Mayor Michael McPartland and his town council rejected the parks, school and extra tax revenue.

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Not even the Soviet Union paid people to stay home

Via Sovereign Man Blog

[Editor’s note: This letter was written by Viktorija, our Sovereign Woman]

Last week after my little ‘incident’ when I was almost mugged in downtown Las Vegas, I felt the need to unwind and have a drink.

Apparently everyone else had the same idea, because the hotel bar was packed as tightly as a ‘mostly peaceful’ protest.

Curiously, though, despite such brisk business, there was only ONE waitress working.

She couldn’t possibly keep up with all the orders and looked like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. So I walked over to see if she was doing OK.

She was almost in tears as she told me that there would usually be at least 4-6 other servers… but all of her colleagues had simply stopped showing up and the hotel hadn’t found anyone to replace them.

After all, why actually work if the government is willing to pay you to Netflix and chill all day?

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Life Insurance & COVID-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense

Authored by Jeff Harris via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

You would think that during the worst Pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu life insurance companies would be hedging their bets to avoid major losses from Covid-19.

I haven’t written a life policy for several years so I was wondering what was going on?

I called one of the brokers I deal with that interacts with hundreds of big life insurers to get an inside look into how the Covid crisis has changed their business.

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AngloZionist Empire VS The World

Gotta love The Saker!  Here is a brutally painful yet honest analysis of America and her delusions of grandeur.  It is a bitter pill to swallow to realize that the entire non-Anglo world laughs at us, despises us, and prays for our demise. Amazingly, however, The Saker still holds out hope that a Better America will emerge from the ruin that is about to come.


The planet can be divided into 2 rough parts: ZONE A full controlled by the AngloZionist Empire and, ZONE B, which includes everybody else. The vast majority of Americans are only really aware of Zone A. Why? For the following reasons:

— Most Americans have never traveled outside Zone A.

— Those Americans who have traveled outside Zone A typically did so without speaking the local language, thus cutting themselves off the locals and the local media.

— Most Americans get their news from US-based outlets, often combined with a few from elsewhere in the Anglosphere (UK, AUS).

— US media outlets lie even more about what happens in Zone B than they lie about Zone A.

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Dr. Fauci Gets In Heated Debate With Seventeen Previous Versions Of Himself

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a brief temporal anomaly occurred in Washington, D.C., causing a version of Dr. Fauci from just two weeks ago to materialize in the city, the current Dr. Fauci got in a heated debate with the manifestation of himself from the past.

“The virus was created in a lab!” present-day Fauci said indignantly, causing past Fauci to wag his finger and shake his head emphatically.

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Money As the Greater Depression Deepens

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man


We talk a lot in these pages about what to do with one’s money, but I question whether most subscribers (forget about the public at large) have an adequate grasp of the basics. Without it, much of what we say may seem capricious or outlandish, crazy ideas readers tolerate only because we’ve been so right about the big trends. But the basics in speculating and investing are like the basics in martial arts: Just remembering them isn’t enough; they need to be second nature. That means reviewing and practicing over and over.

It’s not an accident that we usually make good investment calls; the selections arise from a constant awareness of the basics. So I want to briefly review those fundamentals. Let’s start with gold. We’re very gold-oriented around here.

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