The “Covid Pandemic” Is a Money-making Hoax and Perhaps Serves Darker Agendas

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Covid Deception is the worst criminal act in human history.

Recently I pointed out that Big Pharma runs an Internet operation to muster Democrats to the defense of Tony Fauci, who has been caught in a number of lies and would face indictment if the US had a rule of law.  Big Pharma apparently  also funds Coronavirus World Updates which pours out lies to counter the overwhelming evidence that can no longer be suppressed about Covid and the ineffectiveness and danger of the vaccines.

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Marijuana is not the safe drug you have been led to believe

Via Gen Z Conservative

At age 13, Leonna Davis lost her father to suicide. Years later, a little-known, marijuana-related disease forced Davis to a place where she, too, considered taking her own life.

A recently identified disease caused by chronic use of marijuana, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS), has become increasingly common across the country. Its symptoms — severe stomach pain and nausea, depression and suicidal ideation — have caused increasing health care costs, emotional and physical distress.

Brian Smith Jr., 17-year-old Indiana high school student, died after suffering from dehydration due to the disease, according to the coroner’s report. Neither Smith nor his mother, Regina Denney, believed the doctors when they diagnosed him with CHS. He was dead three months later.

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Covid Vaccines May not be Safe OR Effective — Swedish Economy Robust — Gold and Silver under Pressure [08-08-2021]

My colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics posts a weekly editorial Hat Tip: Gerry:

BOOM seeks out the very best information from authoritative sources and strives for consistency in its quality and trustworthiness. In evidence of this, BOOM has developed a loyal readership which includes many of the world’s most senior economists, central bankers, fund managers and academics. We strive to always have good relationships with our readers. If you want a real edge in understanding the complex world of finance and economics, subscribe to BOOM as a Follower on LinkedIn or as a Subscriber (Free) to the BOOM Newspaper at


THE COVID VACCINES MAY NOT BE SAFE OR EFFECTIVE:  The current dominant narrative that “the vaccines will save us … and the economy will therefore recover” is an assumption. If it is true, then the economic future may well be bright. But if it is false, then the economic future will have to be re-assessed. False assumptions result in false conclusions.

BOOM has been a fan of Gail Tverberg and her Blog “Our Finite World” for many years. She has a strong following because she consistently writes excellent articles on economics and energy. But this week she has produced a review of the so-called Covid “vaccines”. Her article is called “Covid Vaccines Don’t Really Work as Hoped”. It is one of her finest efforts.

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Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens… We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, defend our own.

Suddenly, Sunday, a riveting report came over cable news:

The U.S. embassy was urging all Americans to “leave Afghanistan as soon as possible.” Message: Get out while you can.

Adding urgency was news that three northern provincial capitals, including Kunduz city, had fallen to the Taliban, making it five provincial capitals overrun since Friday.

The huge investment in blood and treasure by the United States over two decades to remake Afghanistan appears about to be wiped out, whole and entire, and we appear about to sustain our worst diplomatic and political defeat since the fall of Saigon.

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The Good is Always the Enemy of the Best, Part 2 – Dumpster Life

Guest Post by Freed Radical

In Part 1, I wrote of a girl named Mia who lived on grubs in the desert, but journeyed to the Big City to discover a wealth of food and drink. The only problem was that her eating establishment was a dumpster out back of a restaurant. Mia was so taken with her new found food source that she refused to look for better, and she even rejected her best friend who was calling her forward to better. Take a minute and read Mia’s story if you have not already.

There are lots of dumpsters in life, some we discover, like Mia’s, and some we are forced into, or suckered into. Our benevolent government is doing its best to get every group of people to settle for some dumpster as their life’s normal. Might be a “we’re all in this together” lock down to flatten the curve, ridiculous face mask mandates in the name of safety, trading freedom for security, stimulus payments of play money while the currency is being destroyed, transgender mutilation for the praise of the woke, or welcoming infinite government as an eternal nanny. If you can get someone to accept eating out of a dumpster when they could be eating fresh food, and con them into loving it and even defending it, the game’s pretty much over for them.

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What ever happened to the McCloskeys?

Republican Missouri Governor Mike Parson on Tuesday pardoned Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who were seen in a viral photograph waving guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in June 2020. The couple pleaded guilty to misdemeanor gun charges in June, although Mark McCloskey announced in May that he would be running for U.S. Senate.

Parson issued 12 pardons and two commutations on Tuesday, including the McCloskeys.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Son of Sam serial killer is arrested – 1977


On August 10, 1977, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz is arrested and charged with being the “Son of Sam,” the serial killer who terrorized New York City for more than a year, killing six young people and wounding seven others with a .44-caliber revolver. Because Berkowitz generally targeted attractive young women with long brown hair, hundreds of young women had their hair cut short and dyed blonde during the time he terrorized the city. Thousands more simply stayed home at night.

After his arrest, Berkowitz claimed that demons and a black Labrador retriever owned by a neighbor named Sam had ordered him to commit the killings.

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Gigaohm Biological Live

Submitted by Ghost

“JC deleted yesterday’s wonderful rant to avoid problems he really doesn’t need right now. He really does NOT want four floors in an elevator with Dr. Fauci.

He is “live” on his site via Twitch now with a second attempt to address the issues of the day in a rational manner.

He makes so much sense he has to be careful.”

Open Letter to TBP: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

I’ve lurked around this site for years, and, on occasion, put forth an article or two. Mostly I just read and listen in on the commentary. Some of it is humorous, some of it is vile, and much of it is informative, but the little bubble of free speech this site represents is a virtual “city on the hill” from Matthew (5:14). The spirit of freedom is what connects us, and even if most of us talk a bigger game than we walk, we are at least willing to talk which is where the intention to walk is born.

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Three Ways For States To Fix Education

Via Blue State Conservative

*Author’s note: No amount of public-service bandaids will ever replace proper parenting. At best, a school can only reflect the values of the community which it serves. Why are suburban schools so often called “good” schools and urban schools labeled as “bad” schools? We need only take a look at the type of communities in those areas. That being said, some reform is possible and indeed vital to the development of healthy young people.

The problem with public education is that it is public (i.e. government bureaucracy). In the history of government, it is hard to tell where private enterprise hasn’t done better, or wouldn’t do better, than its tax-payer subsidized counterpart. From a Constitutional standpoint, the government exists to protect its citizens natural rights and that’s about it. Somehow or other, though, this basic premise has been expanded to include mandatory education, income tax, social security, alphabet agencies, healthcare, welfare, and most recently, masks, lockdown, and vaccinations. If the Founders could talk, they would say little more than “To arms!”

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