We Are Many. The Oppressors Are Not.

Guest Post by Hiroyuki Hamada

I remember chatting with a man from Iraq in 2016. He was driving a taxi in Germany. I wrote about him in one of my essays[1]:

Last month, I was chatting with an Iraqi taxi driver in Berlin. My 12 year old son and I took a cab from the Museum for Contemporary Art to our hotel. I couldn’t help but ask the cab driver why he ended up in Berlin. He said it was something to do with the availability of the visa. He stressed that he had to leave because he didn’t like Islam. He said Muslims were killing each other.

I felt very slightly sad because he sounded like he had to say that to prove that he wasn’t a “terrorist”. I told him that it was the US that supported Saddam when it was convenient. Then, the US flipped, changing its policy, as doing so became more convenient. I asked him, Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, same old story, no?

Then he said something unexpected. He said it was a “people’s revolution”. “We stood against Saddam”. He was referring to the first gulf war in 1991. He went on to describe how it didn’t go as people wished, and it brought about the devastating trade embargo, more war, ISIS and so on. His voice was passionate. I felt the anger and frustration against war and imperialism that I also feel myself, in his voice.

The imperial war against countries that defy the US hegemonic imperatives involves a few steps. The target population is deprived of their basic necessities by economic embargo, trade sanctions, travel restrictions and demonization of its leader.

Continue reading “We Are Many. The Oppressors Are Not.”

“It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

Guest Post by Addison Reeves

It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed.

It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s just theaters. It’s just concerts. It’s just dancing. It’s just intramural sports. It’s just choir.

It’s just non-essential medical services that you have to give up. It is just non-essential items that you are not allowed to buy. It’s just not being able to exercise. It’s just gyms. It is just the closure of your business for a while. It is just not making money for a while. It is just not being able to pay your bills for a little while.

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Dems Try to Disqualify DeSantis As RINOs Disqualify Themselves

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Dems Try to Disqualify DeSantis As RINOs Disqualify Themselves

You can feel the cold terror of the Dems as Ron DoomSantis strides across the American political stage laying waste to the puny mortals nipping at his ankles, President Asterisk among them. The doddering old pervert might have thought he was cunning when asked by a reporter about the Lord Humungous of Florida by asking back “Governor Who?” Of course, the question became whether or not that mush-junkie Matlock superfan was trying to high-hat the competition or whether he really had no idea who the reporter was talking about when DeSantis riposted, “I’m not surprised that Biden doesn’t remember me . . . The question is what else has he forgotten?” Way to turn your diss gambit into a massive self-own, Crusty.

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Pictorial Essay: Most Expensive Home For Sale In Every State

I’m on a roll. I can’t help myself. I’m a loser with no life. I need a hobby. And curses on whoever thought it was a good idea to give me internet access.

There are no converted churches here. No whimsical photos. Almost without exception, these are phenomenal homes, inside and out.  Although,  I would only want to live in a handful of them … who the hell needs 30,000+ square feet?? Or, even 5,000 square feet, really. (I will make an exception, begrudgingly, for the house in Hawaii!)

Sizes range from 5.3k square feet (SD) to 62.6k square feet (FL). Prices range from $2.2m (ND) to $165m (CA). The age of homes ranges from 120 years old to brand new.

This is my third, and final, “Houses” article.  I always wanted to write a trilogy!  The only search criteria is price, and I will display the most expensive home in the state.  Zillow will be the primary source, but not always.

For a fast and easy read there will be minimal commentary. Generally, two exterior pictures per house; close-up and from a distance (because they are so yuge). Info included;  name of town (w/ link to web site)  / price / square feet / year built.



Madison  /  $11,999,999   /    9,754 sqft   /    2015

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Michael Brown is killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri – 2014

Via History.com

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was suspect in robbery | Fox News

On August 9, 2014, police officer Darren Wilson shoots and kills Michael Brown, an unarmed Black teenager, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Protests and riots ensue in Ferguson and soon spread across the country.

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“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom.”

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

“When July Fourth rolls around, and you’re all swigging your beer and waving your flags, does the fact that we are infinitely less free than we ever were under British rule ever make its way into what’s left of your brains?”

Larken Rose

“You were born free, you got fucked out of half of it and you wave a flag celebrating it.”

Doug Stanhope

“These so-called governments are in reality only great bands of robbers and murderers, organized, disciplined, and constantly on the alert.”

Lysander Spooner

14 Israelis Have Caught COVID-19 Even After Booster Shot, Some Hospitalized

Via ZeroHedge

The population of Israel has been looked upon of late as a global guinea pig of sorts given it was the first country out of the gate to implement a large-scale booster shot program for people 60 and up who’ve already been vaccinated with two rounds of the COVID-19 shot. This was announced only at the end of July, and the early data is beginning to trickle in.

Israel is considered to have among the world’s highest vaccination rates, with 5.3 million of its citizens having been inoculated with two doses, with weeks ago headlines declaring it had reached ‘herd immunity’ – only for the headlines to give way to reports of the alarming rapid rise of breakthrough cases.

And now it appears that even the much touted COVID booster shot could be failing to protect: “Internal Health Ministry data shows that 14 Israelis have been infected with COVID-19 a week after receiving a booster shot, Channel 12 news reports,” The Times of Israel writes Sunday.

Image via FT

Continue reading “14 Israelis Have Caught COVID-19 Even After Booster Shot, Some Hospitalized”

Digital Health Passports Are Trojan Horse For Cashless Society

Submitted by Steve Z.

Via Technocracy News

Technocracy’s view of managing the health of society and a cashless system is synchronized with their concept of the “science of social engineering.” The “engineers” write the prescriptions for total control. Seeing health passports as being separate from a cashless society is incongruous.  ⁃ TN Editor

Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the uninformed masses.

The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code – trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence.

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As Delta Variant Loses Fearmonger Strength, The Powers-That-Be Create a New Boogeyman: ‘Delta Plus’


By J.D. Rucker • Aug 7, 2021

When a character in a soap opera becomes stale, producers often send them off for a while. They always replace them with a new but similar character. For example, an attractive female antagonist who gets too annoying to viewers may end up going to jail for a season or two, but shortly afterwards the show invariably introduces a different attractive female antagonist to fill the void. Things get really interesting when the original attractive female antagonist comes face-to-face with the new attractive female antagonist.

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Guest Post by HopeZeroKelvin

For a MANDATORY health intervention to be justified both morally and ethically, it MUST show both an individual and a societal good with balanced risk to both with compelling data that is free of censorship of opposing views, industry bias and political coercion.

For example, you can’t allow somebody with multidrug resistant TB who is noncompliant with medications to freely roam throughout the community. In Texas, a judge will mandate a stay in our TB hospital where you will take your medications until you are no longer infectious. It is an individual good is the patient gets treated and a societal good in preventing other infections of a dangerous organism. (More dangerous than COVID19). The individual harm is having their liberty curtailed for several weeks, societal harm is costs for legal proceeding and the medical care. This intervention meets all the above criteria.

Continue reading “SOCIETAL GOOD OR HARM?”

No hijab for Iranian chess champion

Guest Post by Georges S


While many Westerners are in full support of the hijab, the rag that forces Muslim women to hide, thus allowing men to place them into a submissive state, when Western women wear it in support, one can be amazed when a brilliant mind decides to live free.

Mitra Hejazipour is a world class chess champion and decided that she had remain hidden long enough. (she’s actually good looking. She was banned from the Iranian team and is now part of the French chess team.

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All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

Mask up and vaxx up you lowly animals, but don’t expect Obama, his billionaire butt buddies, and his Hollywood elite douchebag friends to do the same. They are better than you. There won’t be enough lampposts when this situation goes kinetic.

Via ZeroHedge

Watch: Video Of Obama’s Maskless Martha’s Vineyard Birthday Bash

A performer at President Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard “scaled-down” birthday party allegedly uploaded pictures of the event and was immediately forced to delete them.

Rapper Trap Beckham and manager TJ Chapman snapped pictures of the ‘epic’ birthday party with hundreds of maskless liberal elites partying like royalties while the ordinary folks, under the new health guidelines, are forced to wear masks and social distance at bars and restaurants.

Before the pictures were deleted, fans of Beckham saved them that show there’s a two-tier society of liberal elites drinking top-shelf liquor, smoking expensive cigars, and eating fancy food in a maskless environment. The recording artist and his manager took pictures of themselves smoking weed behind the scenes.

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Cruise ships are still a thing after last year?

We’re doomed. If this isn’t proof that humans are incapable of learning from the past, nothing is.