Orwellian West or New World Order?

I’m starting to feel my oats, so here goes nothing.

Uncola’s thoughtful, thorough, and timely analysis of many aspects of our current state of affairs has spurred my thoughts and desire to share some of my recent individual research down various rabbit holes.

One comment in particular taken from the great comments that can be found in THE BURNING PLATFORM , really got my mind racing.

Taken from comment section from Uncola’s most recent expose:

Continue reading “Orwellian West or New World Order?”

Starting a BLOG in 2018 is hard as HELL!

By NJroute22

njroute22 logo
Creative logo, eh?

Hey TBP’ers!

I’ve been a reader of TBP since practically the beginning. I’ve also commented a lot and contributed guest posts in the past.

Probably my favorite site to read online! But that isn’t the point!

We’ve taken on a new identity (NJroute22) and decided to start a new blog for central New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania.

The blog is called NJroute22.com – and thanks go out to the Admin Jim for allowing me to post on TBP. (And please take a look and tell me what you think!)

Today’s introductory post is about how ridiculously difficult it is to start a blog in 2018. It’s literally hard as hell to make a “blog” successful. Not impossible, but an uphill battle all the way. Not for the faint of heart, or those who do the “bare minimum.”

Continue reading “Starting a BLOG in 2018 is hard as HELL!”


I’ve been meaning to post this for a couple of days but my plate is pretty full at the moment.

I’m not posting it because is has anything to do with Q, 8chan or Trump. It does, but regardless of that, it’s a resource akin to Drudge Report. It’s called NOTABLES. Why? 8chan is just semi-organized message board manned by volunteers. Each message thread is limited to 751 posts and then it is locked and a new thread started.



I’m going to use this post to document the unfolding, historic and deeply disturbing events as regarding impending armed conflict between the US, Syria, Russia, perhaps Iran and God knows who else and the removal of the only vestiges of sanity on the part of the Trump administration.  The bright side is that John Bolton is not the new Sec. of State (would it make any difference?) .  The bad news is that John McCain is still alive.  Perhaps I will be proven wrong, I hope so.  My instincts tell me that Trump, when threatened, will respond as all immature, shallow bullies do, which is to strike back.  Full throttle, wide open.  Say hello to 1914.



Trump is not much of a comedian. Because of that, this is a bit of a slog but it gets better as it goes on and he gets a few good zingers off. I’d have loved to have seen a video of the faces in the crowd….mostly Operation Mockingbird print media propagandists……er….I mean journalists. (wink, wink)

Transcript of President Trump Speech During Gridiron Dinner…

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[Transcript] “Well, thank you very much. It’s an honor to be here and, I must tell you, that Melania and I are really thrilled. We really looked forward to this. … I didn’t know what to expect, but it’s really quality people … quality people. So, thank you very much.

Its been really another calm week at the White House. We finally have it running like a fine-tuned machine. Its fine-tuned. Its a beautiful piece of work. … But before I get started, I wanted to apologize for arriving a little bit late. You know, we were late tonight because Jared could not get through security. … Ivanka, you’ve got to do something, … Jared but I will tell you, hes a good guy. He has suffered. He is a great guy he really is.

I know the Gridiron is really an old tradition in Washington, been around a long time, and one that’s important to many of you in the media. So, I was very excited to receive this invitation and come here and ruin your evening in person. … My staff was concerned heading into this dinner that I couldn’t do self-deprecating humor. They were worried about it. They said, Can you do this? And I told them not to worry.


Because Murica

How Far Can the Americans Be Pushed?

In his article, the Saker articulated in his regular rational and captivating style, the issue of Russian patience, or should we say frustration, with America’s actions and inactions in Syria. And, as I was reading the article, I began to think about looking at the situation from the other side of the mirror in a tongue-in-cheek manner; looking at it from the American perspective.

I thought back to an article I had written on the very same theme some years ago, focusing and predicting on what a desperate America would do.

The sad and ironic reality is that America does not walk the talk of competitiveness and level playing fields. America’s definition of a national threat is different from that of any other country in human history; except perhaps for ancient Rome.

Continue reading “Because Murica”


Q’s stated purpose is to provide clues about topics to investigate so that memes can be made to red-pill an ignorant and unsuspecting public. This is needed to prevent them from losing their minds when they are shown what we denizens of TBP largely already know. However, I’m convinced this is only prelude to a much bigger purpose. Start with this eight minute video.

As this Q phenomenon continues to evolve I’m coming to the conclusion that Q and POTUS are working together to ultimately remind Americans how to be Americans again. Being an American comes with responsibilities. Being an American comes with obligations. Freedom and liberty also come with responsibilities and obligations. Call them “duties” if you prefer. Freedom isn’t free.


Muck’s Minute  #53 The Future of Mankind Part XIII

ADMIN NOTE: Sadly, I received an email from Muck two days ago with the following message:

“Just a note to let you that I lost the love of my life yesterday.”

Muck and his sweetheart had been together for over 50 years. I can’t imagine the pain he must be experiencing this week. I’m not sure if he wanted this to be public, but I thought his TBP family might be a comfort during this difficult time.

Begin Part XIII

It will soon be moot, for in a short while (another 50 years or less) there will be not be a sufficient number of family nucleus around to work to maintain that standard of living and the actual 50+% cut in standard of living that we, in the richest country in the world, have suffered will continue to spiral downward until it is obvious to all that we can no longer maintain the basis of our own prosperity. Will we end up with two moms and a dad so three people can work to support one household? There are some plus and minus points to that idea as other cultures have discovered long ago!

One last dagger that is already pointed at the heart of our own economy is debt. As Robert Heinlein put it, TAANSTAFL or “Their ain’t no free lunch”.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute  #53 The Future of Mankind Part XIII”

Muck’s Minute #52  The Future of Mankind Part VII

Genetic research is just like anything else the human race has come up with.

Prostitution for example. Far better to acknowledge its existence and its necessity in the scheme of things and allow it to do business openly with as little hindrance as possible. Regulate it only as much as is required to protect the participating public and do that only based on scientifically peer reviewed evaluations of actual (not perceived) dangers. (I know – fat political chance of that ever happening).

As a short aside, I once labored atop a mountain top near Ely, Nevada at a NASA Tracking Station. Nevada enjoys the legal, supervised and regulated operation of whore houses. In my three years of living in Ely (which had three houses of prostitution at the time), there was only one legal case of a sexual nature brought before the people’s court. It happened that a cab driver picked up a lovely young lady as a fare and during the ride, exposed himself to her in an obscene manner. The young lady, outraged by such crass behavior, turned in the cabbie who was subsequently arrested and fined appropriately. The young lady was employed by the Green Lantern as a prostitute and obviously preferred to leave her work behind when she was off shift (so to speak).

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #52  The Future of Mankind Part VII”

Muck’s Minute #51 The Future of Mankind Part VI

 Part VI

There is no way to ever stuff a genie back into the bottle. Whatever tools humans discover and fabricate, they use. Whatever weapons humans design and are capable of building will be used; be it nuclear, biological, genetic, chemical or anything else..

As an aside, I am all for genetic redesign of humans myself. Imagine a human being modified to live comfortable beneath the oceans. What a wonderful thing to be able to populate and explore that 80% of Earth now out of our reach.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #51 The Future of Mankind Part VI”

Muck’s Minute #49 The Future of Mankind Part IV

The Future of Mankind Part IV

Start Part IV

Population expansion , regardless of how fast it explodes will never overrun the Earth because sooner than later, population density will contribute to that demise, either through resource exhaustion, pestilence or war.

In the more densely populated areas of the world, pestilence is a likely result of packing too many humans in with too many of earth’s other creatures that are required to feed us. Look at China, India and Indonesia today. The National Institutes of Health openly estimates that a disease will cross over the animal/human barrier within the next few years that will adapt to a human/human basis of transferal. Because this disease (such as avian or “swine” flue) is new to the human race, no defenses are there to combat it and a vast world-wide pandemic will follow that has the potential of killing millions and millions of humans. It is not a question of “If” this will happen, it is a question of “When”.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #49 The Future of Mankind Part IV”


Q has been rather chatty and extra cryptic over the last few days. Apparently some of the bad actors are monitoring 8chan. Not all of Q’s messages are intended for the anons. Yesterday (I think), Q said 2 of the top ten were “here now”. Speculation was the Clinton’s, Papa &  Barbara or Papa and Baby Bush and David Rothschild. Whoever they were, he seemed to be laughing at, and taunting them. Between Q’s posts and the drop from Dilley’s source plus the dirt being dug on 8chan, I get the impression that Trump feels that the people have heard enough. The last three words of his tweet seem like a command.


Continue reading “Q AND DILLEY UPDATE”


237dde No.324395

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK – Secret Societies.

Where we go one, we go all.


Continue reading “OVAL OFFICE PRAYER”


The anons have been talking this up and creating relevant memes since PizzaGate, well before Q arrived on scene. Things ramped up when Q came along and there has been steady chatter and research going on. From what I’ve read this affects every city and nearly every single town in America.

Places exist where girls and women are held captive specifically to be used as breeders to supply the market with the youngest of victims. Sadly these practices are not limited to the USA. Europe and the Middle East are said to be worse than the USA but I suspect that can only be judged in volume, not depravity.

Child trafficking is the part of Trump’s Swamp draining that I think will break America’s heart and it will only be prelude to the Satanic ritualistic torture, abuse and sacrifice that goes on as well. I cannot even imagine what it will be like for families of children that have simply vanished from the Earth with no trace once these everyday horrors are revealed. 

I can only hope that once the political, economic and inhumane practices of our overlords are revealed that the human race will never forget and never trust our leaders so freely again. Our leaders need to be held to a much higher account from here on out. Failure to do so will only allow it to happen again. 




Brenden Dilley is a grass roots candidate for Congress in an upcoming special election for Arizona’s District Eight. I wish he was in my jurisdiction. He’s just a normal guy. A real person, who wants genuinely make his little part of the world a better place. I think he’d fit in here on TBP.

Some kind of “US intel contractor” employee has been providing Dilley with Q like intel drops. Dilley says this is because he is trustworty and can be relied on to release only approved intel without embellishing it. He can often be seen in his videos reading it directly from a screen and sometimes the contractor is able to respond to typed questions from Dilley in real time.

These intel drops square with Q’s drops quite nicely. With both intel sources scoring confirmation in the news later.



I would like to implore ALL readers of The Burning Platform to join the ongoing and expanding MEME WAR. You don’t need to create any memes although I know that some of you have some serious talents in this regard.

As most of you know, Q, real or not, has asked that people create and distribute memes to red-pill the public in order to ease the shock that many Americans are sure to experience when they learn that their entire lives have been based on lies and the details of memogate, pizzagate and numerous other previously hidden activities of the deep state are revealed.