Of Despots and Sheeple

(I don’t know if this has appeared on TBP before, but this very well-written piece should inspire those among us willing to stand up for the rest of us in Virginia today and beyond.)

By Lynn Stuter
January 1, 2013

Since the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, the anti-gun mafia has been out in full force, inclusive of the lamestream media talking heads, governors, mayors, legislators – state and federal, special interest groups like Sarah Brady’s foaming-at-the-mouth anti-2nd Amendment bunch, and Hollywood weirdoes, to say nothing of the Marxist in the White House; the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns has sprung forth with a PSA – public service announcement – in which a plethora of Hollyweird types appear, calling on Washington to come up with a “gun control plan.” There’s a reason I don’t support the Hollyweird industry – actors may have money, they may have media presence, they may wine and dine with the elite; but, for the most part, they haven’t got the common sense God gave a goose.

Continue reading “Of Despots and Sheeple”

Gen X Says Shut Up!

You’re going to read this, and you’re going to say, how is this about tech? I’m gonna head you off at that pass: This is a message from Internet, the generation that became the voice that set the tone for everything you love about the Net. And it’s pissed. -Editor

[M G’s note for TBP… this is a fascinating viewpoint article.  I hope others here at TBP read it and comment.  I have a couple of Generation X friends.  One of them is black.  Haha… that is funny, but Neika will back me up on that.  And, of course?  I’ve got pictures.]

I pasted the article in full, since it was originally shared from the link at the bottom.

Continue reading “Gen X Says Shut Up!”

The TSA and Security Theater: Understanding American Airport Security Following 9/11

Following the attacks of September 11th, Congress passed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA), creating the Transportation Security Agency (TSA). The TSA replaced private security screening companies with one government agency. Since then, air travelers have bowed to pat downs, bans on water bottles and other inconvenient, intrusive procedures as the “new normal” at our nation’s airports. But does any of this make us safer?

The short answer is no, it doesn’t. What’s more, laid out below is the quantifiable evidence that the TSA is a massive boondoggle that has done little to keep Americans safe while they travel. Indeed, it might make us less safe by providing a false sense of security, as American politicians shy away from ever questioning the efficacy of the TSA (or other elements deemed necessary for “homeland security”).

Perhaps more disturbing is the established record of TSA agents stealing from passengers. You’re far more likely to get robbed by a TSA agent than you are to get protected by one, a shorthand for the bureaucratic state if there ever was one.

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Where were 2019 Holiday sales so great exactly?

We do not think the “sales reports” about Black Friday and other 2019 holiday sales figures are at all accurate. In general, it is our belief that “spending” as a whole this Christmas season is DOWN.

Each year, season, or whatever period of time – news outlets, media publications, and other propaganda-spewing entities “report” the state of the economy or retail industries. They say “up” or “down” depending on what will benefit them the most. Much of these so-called reports, we believe, are utter fabrications (for whatever reason).

As you will surely remember many examples of “fraud” over the years. Accounting fraud. News fraud. Economic fraud. People, in general, have no problem lying, if it benefits them or those who pay them. We live in a fraudulent society across the board now.

So a properly cynical person will take nearly all “mainstream” news – and almost automatically assume it is something different than what it portrays. “Cui Bono?”

Continue reading “Where were 2019 Holiday sales so great exactly?”

$180 per YEAR for cell phone service!

Hey there TBP’ers – I wanted to share something with you all about how you can reduce your cell phone service to just $180 per year.

We do this – and it’s via Mint Mobile.

(If you like this – please sign up via our link – we get referral credits!)

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Guest Post by The Zman

The weather last weekend was not very good here in Lagos, so I tuned in for some of the football games. I used to watch a lot of college football, but that has waned quite a bit over the last few years. When I consume college football, I’m usually doing something else, so I half listen and pay attention when I hear some excitement. These days, you can rewind the action if you miss something, so this sort of consumption is a lot easier than in the old days. You can watch the highlights in real time.

Continue reading “Unbear-a-ball”

Linux tutorial – Part 2

By: Solutions Are Obvious

Note : Much of this may be tedious for some people but vital to others. What’s provided isn’t 100% perfect in every detail as that would require a book; a never ending book. It should cover 95+% of cases.

Further, it’s wordy but for a reason. I’m trying to anticipate questions and answer them before they’re asked. I believe that the more demystified the process becomes, the easier it is for people to make an informed guess to answer their own questions because no one can answer all of them.

A suggestion – read the whole thing at least once before attempting anything.

Continue reading “Linux tutorial – Part 2”

Are Ivy League Schools immune from 4th turnings?

I had an interesting conversation the other day. Are Ivy League Schools immune from 4th Turnings?

It seems that our “educational” systems in this country carry on regardless of what happens in the world.

Look at most Ivy League schools (like Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, etc.), they’ve been around for centuries!

Including many previous “4th Turnings.”

Continue reading “Are Ivy League Schools immune from 4th turnings?”

Why independent websites matter {more than ever!}

Greetings to whoever stumbles upon this article! We hope you stick around to read it. We’re going to talk about the current state of “communication” (in quotes on purpose) in the world today.

Why independent websites matter {more than ever!}

We’ve owned and operated NJroute22.com for pushing two years. And certainly, no strangers to “blogging,” as we ran a successful website previously (starting circa 2005 before the over-saturation of “social media.”)

However, our latest creation here is “struggling,” for lack of a better word.

It’s understandable that any good product (today) takes some time to grow – and requires a lot of patience, refinements, adjustments, and know-how.

But in 2019 and beyond, a major shift has occurred. Both in user behavior as well as how the technology works. Equally important.

The main point is, and we feel it has been forgotten – is the real value of independent websites and publishers!

Continue reading “Why independent websites matter {more than ever!}”

Technological Trends are Arrows Pointing Toward Inevitability

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

In the movie “I, Robot” the actor Will Smith played a detective who distrusted robots. But all of the other characters in the film believed he was paranoid because, after all, what could possibly go wrong?  And therein lies the irony of technology today: The human mind can conceive of the most imaginative ways to apply science while simultaneously ignoring the warnings from history and the pernicious potentialities of Pandora’s Box.

The fifth article I posted on my blog was dated three years ago today. It was titled “How to Transplant a Human Head” and remains, even now, as one of my favorites; perhaps because it so directly addressed the Pandora’s Box of my own fear.  In that article, it was described as follows:

Continue reading “Technological Trends are Arrows Pointing Toward Inevitability”

October 1929 News Stories

This assignment in a Journalism History class was to pick a significant historical event and read the month’s Daily Oklahoman and other newspapers to get a sense of what the world was like then.  We were asked to summarize the stories chronologically.

Well, I never follow directions perfectly, but it makes for a better story the way I do it.  Just ask me, not anyone else.

Continue reading “October 1929 News Stories”

Pregnant Mare’s Urine (Premarin) linked to Alzheimers? (Warning! Sensational Title to Draw Attention!)

I hoped to get a certain New Commenter’s opinion and ask him to take a look at Dr. Jay Nielsen’s work on Endocrinology, Hormone therapy and memory issues. (Thoughts,  Known Associate?)


I will try to make some time pointer notes to add in comments, but hoped to get the opinion of a new commenter (long time lurker) who attended the gathering last summer and has tremendous experience in pharmaceuticals.  He has offered to share some of his own knowledge with TBP, and I hope he will take a look at Dr. Nielsen’s videos when he has time and comment on his discussion of corrupt practices at the FDA during Nielsen’s time there.

The discussion on Premarin begins around the 20 minute mark, I believe.  He explains what these hormones really are and the problems he believes the FDA knows to be linked to them.

Warning to Stucky:  He does mention “Mercola” as another online medical source, but only in passing.

I hope others find “healing” in Dr. Nielsen’s very practical advice.  I know several folks who are a lot healthier for his efforts.  And, prepared for upcoming events.

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Alzheimers Cure… Perhaps There is Hope

Watching someone’s mind destroyed by this evil is torture.

Especially one which survived a torture in a POW camp long ago and far away.

I hope we ALL agree to fight together when things are truly worth fighting.

From the link below:

Continue reading “Alzheimers Cure… Perhaps There is Hope”

The Beaches of Normandy 75 Years Ago: Images, Links and Stories

Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower made the final decision to launch Overlord, as the D-Day invasion was code-named, June 5, 1944.   Storms delayed the original invading force,  but only briefly.  Eisenhower assembled and briefed the invading forces on the launch planned for the following day, June 6.



More than two and a half million soldiers, sailors, and airmen were briefed on the details of the invasion, which included landing troops on five sections of beach to move inland on roads and exits secured by paratroopers dropped behind line.

Continue reading “The Beaches of Normandy 75 Years Ago: Images, Links and Stories”

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

If you have small children whose interest might be captured and expanded by a different point of view, I highly recommend taking a look at Flatland:A Romance of Many Dimensions.  The PDF of the book and a recently lllustrated movie are available free online, with links provided below.

I think you may enjoy it as well. I have witnessed many kids’ minds piqued at the concepts introduced and have been rewarded by more than one parent thanking me for the recommendation.

Continue reading “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions”


Below was Muck’s last Muck’s Minute post on May 31, 2018. You could tell his heart was broken. When his wife of 62 years died, you knew his will to keep fighting his cancer was waning. He hadn’t commented since his last post. I tried emailing him, with no response. His grandson Jake commented this morning that his grandfather had passed. From his dozens of posts and hundreds of comments over the years, it was clear Mike had lived a fascinating and eventful life, full of adventure and self sufficiency.

He embodied what everyone on TBP admires in a man. He loved his wife and his kids and sacrificed his own retirement to help them. He was crotchety and grumpy, like most of the old timers on TBP. I thank him for all his contributions and wisdom bestowed on this website and its readers. He wasn’t big on religion, but I hope he was happily surprised when arriving at the pearly gates. Mike Endres lived a life that we should all emulate. 

All 56 of his articles are archived on the right side of the page for those who want to enjoy the wisdom of our great friend.

Continue reading “RIP MUCK”