Dead Planet Earth

by the subway philosopher™

Out of left field, literally, comes Bright Green Lies, in which a trio of hardcore, tree-hugging, woke, feminist  environmentalists painstakingly eviscerate the hypocrisy, delusions and utopian pipe turbine-dreams of the modern Green movement, including its most infamous proponents. The book is surprisingly entertaining as it unerringly dissects the insanity that imagines exchanging fossil fuel consumption for vast swaths of land and sea crammed with wind turbines, solar panels and other ‘renewable’ technologies, all while maintaining industrialized consumer lifestyles.

      Does modern industrial civilization end with a bang or a whimper?

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Candace on “The Verdict”

This is an honest and frank discussion of the issues surrounding the recent conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder and manslaughter of George Floyd.  I admire Candace Owen for standing on principle, addressing these issues in a way that offers a bridge across the racial divide.  She is a brilliant young woman able to back her ideas up with both wit and knowledge. 

I hope Candace considers a run for the US House in 2022.  I believe she has an important message that needs to be heard on the national, if not global, stage.

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The Cleveland Joke: Rust Belt Humor

A guest post by Richey Piiparinen


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Rust Belt Dignity: Life after Rust in Cleveland

Guest post by Richey Piiparinen

Everything is Awesome and There’s Nothing to See Here

Me getting waterboarded with radiation.)

It started with a mutation that kicked off a cell division that birthed a brain mass that made me see things that were not there and to miss things that were. That’s cancer purified. To take was working and break it. To take what was pink and charcoal it. To take what was pliable and harden it. To take what was benign at worst, and beautiful at best, and change the parameters so invasive and scarred were the new bookends that bounded what’s possible, if not probable.

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Are We Seeing End Times Events?

Whether you believe any supernatural deity impacts, effects or affects* any of the events which impact, effect or affect all of humanity, there are plenty of strange events of which many of us have witnessed that suggest we are living in “never seen before” circumstances, both manmade and otherwise.  This is eleven minutes long, but around the 6 minute point, the natural disasters occurring worldwide are discussed.

Is it Prophecy or Fallacy or just wishful delusion?

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AwakenwithJP on Biden’s Town Hall Disaster

As always, JP lets us know all the facts we need to believe and be ready repeat when asked.

By the way?  I think JP’s discussion of the Chinese atrocities against humanity and how our President calls it cultural differences is some fine political satire.  I think JP is a bit too close to the truth on this one and may end up getting banned on You Tube for such excellent composure during what is obviously very intensely funny.

It’s so hilarious I think I’ll link the story which illustrates those cultural differences the President mentioned. 


Legal Issues Regarding mRNA Shots: Dr. Mercola

Hat tip Steve (from Biden Admin post from ZeroHedge)

A very informative video on the deceptive medical practices used to promote the mRNA shots as vaccinations when they are, in Dr. Mercola’s assessment, actually gene therapy.  The legal ramifications could be far-reaching.

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The Art of Upcycling and Guerilla Economics

Guest post by The Orangutan

My parents were Depression Kids; born in the early 1930’s. My maternal grandfather took several pay cuts but cherished his employer kept him employed during those tough times. My mother would retell stories from those days of visitors who came to the house seeking a meal in exchange for performing some light duty chores. As a young child she vividly remembered one stranger who ate his meal alone on the porch; when she asked my grandfather why he would not eat with the family, my grandfather replied that he was simply too ashamed to do so. Those were desperate times that lacked today’s social safety nets, and folks had to make do. And so, they did, perhaps with some hubris that would have been harder to find just a decade earlier. Seems that kind of hubris is nowhere to be found today.

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The Rise of the Military Industrial Corporate Oligarchy

This twenty-four minute video explains how profoundly the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens’ United vs FEC viewed Corporate status as citizen changed election law regarding political speech and campaign donations.

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Loving Your Servitude: Happy Valentine’s Day from Huxley & Orwell

I think those of you who enjoy the contest between the two dystopian views will enjoy this short video.  Not only is it eerily narrated by Huxley himself, prescient on so many details of our current culture it makes me wonder about other aspects of Huxley’s vision.  However, I believe the artist’s version of the story told on the drawing board is also fascinating. 

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Total Population and Information Control

What do “they” want?

This 15-minute discussion between NSA Whistleblower William Binney and Pat Robertson illuminates exactly what sort of information the U.S. government gathers on its citizens and for what purpose it will ultimately be used.

I believe you will find the revelations by Binney as disturbing as I find them, especially now that we all realize the data gathering began as soon as the government figured out how.  No wonder a lot of people around here have decided to just go dark.

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Twitter Permanently Suspended President Trump’s Account

The social media purge just ramped up to a fever pitch. Earlier they banned Sidney Powell, General Flynn, and many others. Now the technocrats just killed off their own platform and woke the sleeping giant at the same time.


They were warned. If the posts are true they just cross the #1 redline and there’s no going back.

The American Restoration

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for the Burning Platform

Let us assume for a moment that the war is over. Let us further assume that the Restoration has begun. The bloated corpses of erstwhile plutocrats, communists, and other leftist rabble festoon the lampposts of the nation. The deep state has been unearthed. The leadership imprisoned, shot, or on the run. Vast swaths of urban American lie in smoking ruins, including large parts of Washington D.C. The flotsam and jetsam of war,  the bloody detritus of internecine conflict, sloshes across the continent. The political landscape is irrevocably altered.

Should such a horrific vision come to pass, we would do well to be certain of the reasons we chose to fight. That brings us back to the here and now. The purpose of this essay is to lay out, as I see it, the broader vision of why we must fight. Perhaps a second part will serve to explore the details of what comes after. Make of these words what you will. I have finished my gut check and await now, with calm spirit, the coming storm.

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End of Civilization and a Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria (Redux)

I thought it interesting to listen/watch these videos from early in the year and compare to current events.  It seems as if the year happened without our permission.

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