Feeding the Liberal Flock: The Real Reasons for the Congressional 1/6 Committee

Guest Post by Glenn Greenwald

What follows is the last section of my article earlier this week, documenting why Congress’s Select Committee to Investigate 1/6 is both unconstitutional and an assault on civil liberties.

Underlying so much of the anger and resentment surrounding 1/6 is the complete dissonance between the narrative fed to the citizenry by Democrats and their media allies on the one hand, and the legal realities on the other. It must be infuriating and baffling to a large sector of the population to have been convinced that what happened on January 6 was an unprecedentedly dangerous insurrection perpetrated by an organized group of seditious traitors who had plotted to kidnap and murder elected officials, only for the Biden DOJ to have charged exactly nobody with any criminal charges remotely suggesting any of those melodramatic claims.

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Test Run?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

They don’t stage rehearsals for nothing. It is important not only to get the script right but to gauge the reaction of the audience. This may have been the primary objective of the Boston Marathon bombing almost nine years ago.

The bombing itself was far from unprecedented, awful as it was. There have been far worse bombings throughout American history – the very worst but least well-known of them being the 1927 bombing of a school in Bath, Michigan in which 44 people were killed. It remains – by far – the deadliest such incident in American history. Only three people were actually killed by the bombs supposedly planted by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev aided by his brother, Tamerlan.

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Fauci Says Attacking Puppy Torture Is An Attack On Science

Via The Babylon Bee

BETHESDA, MD—Concerned citizens are raising questions about some experiments conducted by Dr. Fauci’s NIH, including one where puppies were tortured to death, their vocal cords severed to mute their screams. In an interview, Fauci said that anyone who attacks puppy torture is attacking science itself.

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Virus gonna virus

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

We are almost two years into the plague di tutti plagues, the virus with a 3 in 1,000 death rate (give or take), which rounds down to roughly 0 in 1,000 for the non-elderly and morbidly obese.

Along the way, lots of different states and countries have pursued lots of different strategies, from Zero Covid to Zero Restrictions, from early vaccines to late vaccines to (basically) no vaccines.

Two years should be long enough to know who wore it best, amirite? So let’s go to the videotape!

Here’s the United Kingdom (heavy early lockdown, 70% vaccinated, tons of testing, just like the public health people want)

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Is U.S. Response to COVID Pandemic an Official Government Psychological Operation?

Guest Post by David Marks

The possibility that U.S. government psychological operations, or PSYOP, have been engaged to sway the public to accept COVID vaccines should be investigated thoroughly.

Cult of the vaccinated

Those who have questioned the intentions behind government policy in response to the pandemic continue to observe the unreasonable intensity of supporters of mandated protocols. Declaring vehement loyalty to vaccine therapy, their minds are closed to any further input.

Vaccination proponents don’t want to see or hear anything contradicting their very confident, though most questionable position: that a benevolent government, supported by a monolithic, knowledgeable, scientific community, is successfully dealing with the crisis.

In addition to the challenges of an uncompromising public debate, some of us face a personal crisis: The compassionate principles of long-term relationships are being tested.

With entrenched devotion to vaccines, loved ones and friends who were once willing to discuss most other topics, refuse to engage. At a minimum, they express disappointment in our lack of understanding and compliance. When forthright they confess their judgment — our unwillingness to conform causes continuing affliction.

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Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

Authored by Jack Davis via The Western Journal (emphasis ours),

New concerns are being raised about side effects from the Moderna vaccine against the coronavirus.

Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported. The pause on the Moderna shots had been scheduled to end on Dec. 1.

Finland, Iceland and Denmark have taken similar steps. Norway is encouraging men under 30 not to get the Moderna shot, but is not mandating it.

For months, the Moderna vaccine has been under scrutiny because of data that shows young men who receive it are at increased risk for myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart.

The Daily Mail reported that one U.S. study that has not yet been peer-reviewed concluded that “young males under [age] 20 are up to six times more likely to develop myocarditis after contracting COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated.” Continue reading “Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The United Nations is born – 1945

Via History.com

On October 24, 1945, the United Nations Charter, which was adopted and signed on June 26, 1945, is now effective and ready to be enforced.

The United Nations was born of perceived necessity, as a means of better arbitrating international conflict and negotiating peace than was provided for by the old League of Nations. The growing Second World War became the real impetus for the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union to begin formulating the original U.N. Declaration, signed by 26 nations in January 1942, as a formal act of opposition to Germany, Italy, and Japan, the Axis Powers.

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The Hidden Thief Robbing Next Year’s COLA (And More)

Via Birch Gold

The Hidden Thief Robbing the 2022 Cost of Living Adjustment

If you had dreams of retiring soon, perhaps even next year, and starting your “dream retirement” off on the right foot … you could be in for a bit of a nasty surprise.

That’s because there’s a hidden thief picking the pockets of most people’s retirement accounts.

Despite the mainstream media’s spin on just how fabulous next year’s cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) from Social Security will be. For example this dreamy USA Today article couldn’t contain its excitement:

Now that’s more like it.
Older Americans scraping by on meager increases in their Social Security checks the past decade will reap a relative windfall next year.

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Fauci Funded ‘Cruel’ Puppy Experiments Where Sand Flies ‘Eat Them Alive’; Vocal Cords Severed

Via ZeroHedge

While recent attention has been focused on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health funding the genetic manipulation of bat coronaviruses in the same town as the bat coronavirus pandemic emerged, a bipartisan group of lawmakers have demanded answers over ‘sick’ experiments on drugged puppies, according to The Hill.

“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive,” writes nonprofit organization the White Coat Waste Project. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies.”

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