THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Aircraft squadron disappears in the Bermuda Triangle – 1945


At 2:10 p.m., five U.S. Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers comprising Flight 19 take off from the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station in Florida on a routine three-hour training mission. Flight 19 was scheduled to take them due east for 120 miles, north for 73 miles, and then back over a final 120-mile leg that would return them to the naval base. They never returned.

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Guest Post by John Stossel


I’ve reported how Facebook censors me.

Now I’ve learned that they also censor environmentalist Michael Shellenberger, statistician Bjorn Lomborg and former New York Times columnist John Tierney.

Facebook’s “fact-checkers” claim we spread “misinformation.”

In my new video, Tierney argues that the “people guilty of spreading misinformation are Facebook and its fact-checkers.”

He’s right.

Facebook doesn’t do its censoring alone. It partners with groups approved by something called the Poynter Institute, a group that claims “a commitment to nonpartisanship.”

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Is it in the end all just words?

Guest Post by eugyppius

We must break out of the awful hygiene prison our societies have become. The problem, is how. I can’t figure out a way through the towering cement grey uninteresting stupidity of the bureaucrats. I can’t see how to change their direction or fix their vileness. And I will tell you another thing: While I am astounded by and immensely grateful for the response I have had here, by the many readers I have gained, by your interest in my ideas, and even by the volume of people who regard my views with hostility—in my own head, I have a very small hammer, and I am assaulting a massive stone fortress. I know a lot of other people are doing the same thing, but it can be hard to see them sometimes.

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Media Stirs Up Omicron Hysteria, Points Finger at Unvaccinated

By Rob Verkerk, Ph.D.

No sooner had the Omicron hysteria hit the headlines, politicians, aided by a compliant global lockstep media, started identifying scapegoats and telling the world’s population to prepare to roll up their sleeves.

Lockstep political decision to roll out leaky “vaccines” occurred around the world immediately following the Omicron announcement.


  • Lockstep political decision to roll out leaky “vaccines” occurred around the world immediately following the Omicron announcement.
  • Circumstances with a new, heavily mutated variant, vastly different population immunity and knowledge about “genetic vaccine” effectiveness, nothing like those 12 months ago when first generation COVID injections were rolled out globally.
  • Omicron may be more infective, is likely no more dangerous — but may be more likely to evade injection-induced immunity.
  • There is no conclusive evidence that Omicron originated in Africa — which happens to have the lowest injection rate and case rate of COVID-19.
  • Mass injection of first gen injections, followed by re-worked Omicron-specific jabs, could cause disastrous consequences, including accelerating development of further variants and antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of disease.
  • We consider some of the possible political and economic drivers behind the new unscientifically backed policy to up the ante on injections.

No sooner had the Omicron hysteria hit the headlines, politicians, aided by a compliant global lockstep media, started telling the world’s population to prepare to roll up their sleeves.

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Do Covid Injections Compromise Natural Immunity?

by Tessa Lena – December 3, 2021

People as Software Platforms

A few months ago, I wrote an article about the war on natural immunity and ability, in which I discussed how we were being ushered toward a subscription model under which we would have to obtain a life-time subscription to the artificial immunity service — with boosters from here into infinity.

The notion of a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service is dystopian, and I was hoping to be wrong. But alas, the messaging around the need for boosters due to waning immunity seems to indicate that this is where we are heading, unless we don’t participate.

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“Where Is The “Shining City On The Hill”? ….. RUSSIA!

I love Russia Stock Vector Image by ©artlosk #1265471

If I were in my 30’s I would SERIOUSLY consider learning Russian, and moving there.  Russia is transforming into everything America once was. No, I am not kidding. Prove me wring.


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Russia’s Greatest Weapon is not a Weapon

An ultimately very healthy but in the meantime very unpleasant realization is gradually dawning in West—an insight that is simply shocking, that fundamentally alters their picture of the world: that the stronger becomes the hurricane of woke transformations that is raging there, the more attractive Russia becomes for hundreds of millions of Europeans and Americans. What is Russia’s most powerful weapon? Is it nuclear? Is it hypersonic (or “hydrosonic,” as per Trump)? Cybermagic, perhaps? No, Russia’s most powerful weapon is its values. And it grows stronger and more dangerous every day, in direct proportion to the intensifying fire of multiculturalism and political correctness that is raging in Europe and in America.

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German Health Minister: ‘We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps’

Via The Babylon Bee

BERLIN—German Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced his aggressive plan to fight COVID, which will include gathering all the unvaccinated people and putting them in special secured areas where they won’t bother anyone.

“Ze key to fighting ze COVID iz very simple,” said Spahn. “Ve must concentrate all ze filthy undesirables into special camps with very tall barbed-wire fences all around, where they will not infect us with their filthy anti-vaxx presence anymore.”

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Pelosi: Rules for Thee but Not for Me

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Rules for thee, but not for me! Nancy Pelosi, who wants to muzzle everyone, was spotted at a public event hosted by the California State Society without a mask. All children over the age of 2 were forced to wear masks, but the law did not apply to Pelosi. In fact, she was seen giving children fist bumps instead of handshakes while standing inches away from them. These politicians truly think we are dumb.

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More Evidence that the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The coercive practices of restricting movement of people and compulsory Covid vaccination are spreading throughout formerly free countries.  Germany has now joined Austria, Italy, and Australia in resurrecting the Third Reich:

The rush to totalitarianism is inexplicable according to the official narrative.  All health authorities now acknowledge that the mRNA “vaccines” do not prevent infection and do not prevent the vaccinated from spreading the infection.  This is the reason that the vaccinated are told they need booster shots every 6 months and need to continue wearing the ineffective masks.  Why booster shots protect when the previous shots don’t is not explained.

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Vaccine inventor: ‘Fundamentally evil’ COVID policies harming children


Dr. Robert W. Malone (Video screen capture)

In a wide-ranging video interview with WND, the vaccine researcher who invented the messenger RNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna shots explained why he opposes universal vaccination for the COVID-19 virus and why he’s been willing to risk the reputation he’s cultivated over three decades and weather the scorn of the government and health-care establishment.

Dr. Robert Malone cited the evidence for his concerns about the vaccines, the mandates and policies he believes are causing serious harm, particularly to children, but he also offered insight on his personal journey during the pandemic that has rocked the world.

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Bikini Economics And The Red Queen

Guest Post by John Wilder

“You heard Marcellus threw Tony Rocky Horror out a four story window for giving me a foot massage? And you believe that?” – Pulp Fiction

Ahh, Chuck Norris, with his hair feathered like the wings of a majestic eagle . . .

We have a built-in bias that there is a way that the world should be, rather than spending effort on understanding how the world it, and adjusting accordingly.

When something “big” happens, the default human condition is to assume that things will eventually go back to the way that they were before the event.  This is normal.  I recall reading in Taleb’s The Black Swan about how his relatives in Beirut kept expecting Lebanon to go back to the way it was before war broke out in the 1970s.  It hasn’t.

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From an immunological point of view, boosters and mass vaccination are as harmful as mold on a wall

Guest Post by Geert Vanden Bossche

Should vaccinated people go get their booster shots or not?

From an immunological point of view, boosters and mass vaccination in general are as harmful as mold on a wall.

The vaccine can not prevent infection nor transmission. By again increasing the antibodies (with the booster), the virus is put under an even higher immune pressure while further expanding its capacity to escape from the vaccinal antibodies (Abs). As a result more infectious variants gain a competitive advantage and hence, will spread stronger amongst the population. This only precipiates and expands the evolutionary capacity of the virus to resist the vaccines. The level of protection WHO has recently been claiming (40%) is anything but due to the vaccines and can only be ascribed to some ‘trained’ innate immunity large parts of the population acquired prior to vaccination as a result of asymptomatic/ mild infection.

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