Via Ben Garrison

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Omicron: We Warned You The COVID Farce Would Never End

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

Remember when Anthony Fauci and other government paid medical “professionals” said that American’s needed to mask up and stay home for two weeks to “flatten the curve” on the covid pandemic? Remember when they came back two weeks later and said they needed another couple of weeks? Remember how they backed off of the lockdowns a little and then came right back with demands for more? Remember in 2019 when people weren’t cowering in their homes and behind masks over a virus with an average IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) of only 0.27%? Remember that?

At the very beginning of the pandemic response I and many others in the alternative media warned that the mandates and lockdowns were never going to end; they are meant to go on forever. I predicted this based on statements made by the very globalists and institutions scripting covid response policy for national governments. In my article ‘Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society’ published in April of 2020, I outlined comments by globalist Gideon Lichfield from MIT built on white papers published by the Imperial College of London. In the article titled ‘We’re Not Going Back To Normal’ he describes the future of the world under covid medical tyranny:

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Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story’

Via Children’s Health Defense

On a recent episode of “The Defender” podcast, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. interviewed data scientist and immunology researcher Jessica Rose, Ph.D., about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and what it tells us about COVID vaccine injuries, especially among children..

“VAERS is telling a very frightening story,” Rose told Kennedy.

VAERS data show 618,548 adverse event reports (as of Oct. 29), but that number doesn’t account for under-reporting, explained Rose. (As of Nov. 19, the latest VAERS data show 664,745 adverse events, excluding foreign reports).

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The Anxious State of the Jittery U.S. Financial Market

From Birch Gold Group

The Anxious State of the Jittery U.S. Financial Market

We are living in strange times. To demonstrate how strange (at least partly), here’s a brief “State of the Economy” as 2021 winds down.

Between November 8th and December 1st, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2,400 points. That loss is quite substantial, but the Dow’s volatility has been incredible since January.

The Dow has whipsawed all year long. It lost, then regained, more than 1,200 points in January, again in May, then again late May through June. You might think the Dow was nervous. Investors certainly are.

Which brings us to the present moment, and more proof that the state of the U.S. financial markets could be described as perilous (at best).

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What A Homeschooling Surge Means For Our Future

Authored by Alice Salles via The Libertarian Institute & Mises.org,

Parents across America were caught unprepared for the mass closure of government schools in 2020. Soon after, however, many decided they and their children had had enough of the status quo. Now at a crossroads, will they choose reform or repudiation?

The wave of ill-advised school shutdowns last year compelled tens of thousands of parents to rethink their children’s education. When the classroom was virtually forced into their homes via Zoom, parents realized just how abysmal the curricula and tutelage were. Statistics on families fleeing to homeschooling must be worrying the education establishment.

From 2012 to 2019, the homeschooling rate hovered around 3.3 percent of K–12 US students. That figure rose to 5.4 percent in spring 2020. By the following fall, that figure had more than doubled to 11.1 percent.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Second chances shouldn’t be missed.

The first chance was, unfortunately.

Our chance – about a year ago – to put stop strips under the runaway tires of the “pandemic” hysteria via mass refusal to perform the sick kabuki of “masking.”

Even in (especially in) the face of “mandates” that we do.

If only   . . . the saddest phrase in the English language  . . . enough of us had done that, then, we wouldn’t be where we are, now.

It would have become unavoidably obvious – people would have literally seen it – that wearing “masks” made of paper or bandana or used granny panties made no difference as regards the prevention of physical sickness. Especially as regards one so benign it doesn’t kill 99.8-something percent of those who acquire it.

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“Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”…seriously?

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

There’s a reason heart attacks and blood clots are about to become a LOT more common…but the vaccine has nothing to do with it. Apparently.

When the vaccine “post pandemic stress disorder” hits

Doctors are warning that hundreds of thousands of people in the UK could be at increased risk of heart disease or cardiac events.

Speaking to the Evening Standard, psychological therapist Mark Rayner and vascular surgeon Tahir Hussein said that the UK could see “300,000 new patients with heart issues” in the near future.

What’s to blame? Well, that would be “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”. A new condition “yet to be recognised”, even though “many experts believe it should be”.

It’s a totally real thing. They didn’t just completely make it up. Don’t be cynical.

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Now The Public Health Dictators Want You Masked in Your Own Home

Guest Post by Simon Black

Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Santa Cruz California Issues Mask Mandate for Private Residences

Now that another COVID variant has emerged with a scary new name, governments are excited to flex their dictatorial COVID powers once again.

Santa Cruz County, California is back with an indoor mask mandate, but this time with a twist.

The public health order states that in addition to public places like restaurants and gyms:

“Masks must be worn in private settings, including your home, when non-household members are present.”

And yes, this applies to the fully vaccinated.

It’s hard to imagine that this order is legal or how local authorities will be able to enforce the rule.

The sheer insanity is that these bureaucrats think they have this kind of power to begin with.

Click here to read the health order.

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David Stockman on the Consequences of Abolishing the Gold Standard

Via International Man

Abolishing the Gold Standard

Before Alan Greenspan fell off the wagon in pursuit of government power, position, praise, and riches, in his 1966 speech, “Gold and Economic Freedom,” he said the following:

In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value… The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard. (Emphasis mine.)

When Greenspan spoke in 1966, the public debt was just $325 billion and amounted to 40% of GDP. And that figure had been steadily falling from the WWII peak of 125%.

No more. The public debt now standards at $28.1 trillion and 127% of GDP and is rising at breakneck speed.

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1 in 2680 young men develop acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Hong Kong

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

What more evidence does the USG need?

Strong data from a peer reviewed article in the journal of Clinical Infectious Disease shows that there is a significant increase in the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose. Onset of myocarditis was a median of 2 days after vaccination. The clinically significant (acute and/or “mild”) myocarditis/pericarditis incidence rate came in at one out of every 2680 young males.

The results conclude with :

Among male adolescents, the incidence after the first and second doses were 5.57 (95% CI 2.38-12.53) and 37.32 (95% CI 26.98-51.25) per 100,000 persons vaccinated.”

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28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

But get this… it’s only happening to vaccinated moms. I wonder what is causing this? Nobody has a clue.

still births

Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaccinated Mothers. 

Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes the exploding cases of stillbirths in Canadian women and tells Canadians what they can do about itNovember 23, 2021

This is a story we hear nowadays from everywhere, especially from morticians who’ve been horrified by the huge increase in deaths of these babies in vaccinated mothers.

The 4 minute video shows the stillbirths are happening in different parts of the country and they are ONLY happening to vaccinated mothers. Start listening at 45 seconds.

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Stats trick: How Omicron can transition from ‘mild’ to ‘deadly’

Guest Post by Jordan Schachtel

Here’s how it’s going to happen.

Before we get to Omicron, there’s two important things related to COVID Mania that are worth highlighting:

  1. If your COVID test comes back positive on a PCR test, you have a well over 99% chance of recovering from the disease that you are being diagnosed with. This has remained the case since the beginning of COVID Mania. It doesn’t matter which “new strain” surfaces, whether it’s Alpha, Beta, Delta, or the next dominant strain, the result has remained consistent.
  1. The average age of a COVID death both in the United States and abroad is about the same as the average lifespan. In previous global plagues, this was not at all the case. The hysteria surrounding COVID Mania is the product of the world’s largest and most widespread case of wholesale statistics fraud, corruption, and deceit.

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The Companies Enforcing the Vaccine Mandate

If enough employees resist and enough customers boycott these companies, they will reverse their mandates. It’s always about the bottom line in the end for these fuckers.

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Numerous companies plan to fire unvaccinated employees once the vaccine mandate goes into effect. Thousands of people have already lost their livelihoods right before the holiday season. Those who choose their personal health over tyranny will become unemployed, and the impact on America’s workforce will be significant. Payrolls in the US increased by 210,000 in November, but the markets were anticipating a growth rate between 546,000 and 573,000. This policy will not help matters.

Here is a continually growing list of US companies demanding their employees take the vaccine:

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