“A rotting soul sometimes emerges in the face.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.”

Sir Francis Bacon

“Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.”

Hunter S. Thompson

“And now it’s conspiracy see, they’ve made that something that should not be even entertained for a minute, that powerful people might get together and have a plan. Doesn’t happen! You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!”

George Carlin

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Bob Dole Switches To Democrat Party

Via The Babylon Bee

RUSSELL, KS—Former Senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole has passed away at 98, marking his transition from a lifelong Republican to a reliable Democrat voter.

“Bob Dole was an American hero and a patriot,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “We are grateful for his service to the country, and we welcome him to the Democrat Party as a faithful Democrat voter for the rest of time.”

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The Mother of all Truth BOMBS!

Submitted by mark

One of the most articulate, insightful, fearless Christian Intellectuals on the planet…explains what the Globalists have done, are doing, and want to do…while they depopulate the planet…and turn your children and grandchildren (those who survive) into injected, mind controlled slaves.

This is one of the most wide ranging, captivating, informative, and revealing interviews on the internet today.

No punches pulled…no hydra snake head left unnamed or un-blamed!

I realize many don’t want to watch a long video…however, if you miss this you have truly missed The Mother of all Truth BOMBS!

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly

Guest Post by Allon Friedman

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s controversial plan to enforce COVID-19 vaccinations for large businesses—recently enjoined by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals— was ostensibly designed to minimize “deadly outbreaks of COVID-19.” The ability of COVID-19 vaccines to protect life is at the heart of the OSHA mandate and the fierce debate over similar mandates now embroiling much of the world.

Nearly 18,000 scientific papers have been published since last year on COVID-19 and vaccines, so the task of sifting through the evidence to help critically evaluate whether vaccines reduce risk of death seems daunting. It turns out, though, that two studies stand so far above the rest in terms of rigor and quality that they are uniquely suited to help us address the question of vaccine protection.

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Stucky QOTD: —- Offing Yerself

A lot of you are avid preppers for any apocalypse, whether it comes from an asteroid, man made, or God. It appears some of you can literally survive for years.  Congrats, there is nothing wrong with that.  Really, I wish you the best.

But, it’s not for me.  Take a nuke war for example.  I have a minus one thousand percent desire to live in a radioactive world, fighting zombies, rationing my bread, and seeing my sperm glow in the dark.  I have always said my Plan A is a bullet to the head … instantaneous and painless.  There is no plan B, and never will be.

BUT …. what if I miss??  What if my hand jerks slightly out of fear a fraction of a second before I pull the trigger?  What if I become a vegetable the rest of my life?  Indeed, there are more than a few cases of folks f*cking up their own suicide.  Then of course there’s the question of the Resurrection.  What if God can’t reconstruct a head that’s in a thousand little fragments?

There needs to be a better way.  And here it is … brand new technology from Switzerland-Netherlands.  Behold …… the SARCO CAPSULE!

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Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’ is a Joke

Guest Post by Ron Paul

On December 9-10 President Biden will preside over an online “Summit for Democracy,” which claims it will “bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action.”

What a joke. This is not about promoting democracy. It’s really about undermining democracy worldwide with US interventionist foreign policy.

Yes, the conference is anti-democracy, not pro-democracy.

The countries whose elected leaders do the bidding of the United States – disregarding the wishes of those who elected them – are to be favored with an invitation to this “virtual” event. The countries that pursue domestic and foreign policy that is independent from the demands of the US State Department and CIA are not allowed into Washington’s sandbox to play.

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A Brief History of Epic Mass Madness

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The thesis called mass formation psychosis put forward lately by the Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet — a good digest here in text, not video — goes a long way to explaining the disgraceful mindfuckery that Western Civ has fallen for in our time, promulgated by a thinking class that descended into abject madness. It’s well worth reviewing.

The descent was provoked by the existential anxiety over the collapse of techno-industrial economies and the end of progress as-we’ve-known-it. (Have you noticed: it was the self-styled “progressives” who went the craziest?) As Dr. Desmet lays it out, the disconnectedness of contemporary life, its lack of meaning or purpose for many, leads to unendurable anxiety. All that inchoate fear seeks desperately to attach itself to some real object, some thing or some force that can be comprehended, fought, and triumphantly overcome. Finding such a target produces an intoxicating sense of communal connection, purpose, and meaning, driving actions that are often crazy and also absolutely impervious to rational debate.

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We May Be Sterilizing an Entire Generation

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
  • There’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
  • In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We’re now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
  • Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens

Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and toxicologist and director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. April 23, 2021, she delivered a three-minute public comment to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

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Why did Gavin Newsom and family take a vacation in Cabo, Mexico?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I think he went there for stem cell treatments to treat his GBS. He had to bring the entire family along because if he went by himself, that would be too hard to explain.

Gavin Newsom and his family were Mexico from around November 22 to approximately November 28. I’m guessing it was to get stem cell treatments for his Guillane-Barre Syndrome (GBS). What do you think?

There was a press announcement on Monday, Nov 22 announcing the “vacation.”

Here’s the full story (with pictures of Newsom in Cabo) that appeared in the California Globe written by my friend Katy Grimes. Here’s her earlier story.

Why Cabo? After all, as Senator Ted “just trying to be a good Dad” Cruz explains that Cancun is much nicer! (Note: Ted of course was just being funny. Cabo is nicer than Cancun.)

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Biden – the Manchurian Candidate Decline & Fall of America

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have had long and disturbing conversations about what the HELL is really going on. The Constitution is being shredded under the Biden Administration and I have warned that the 2020 election was NEVER between Trump v Biden – it was Trump v the Overthrow of the United States, precisely as Klaus Schwab stated in the 2030 Agenda that has been in your face all the time. Biden is nothing more than the senile Manchurian Candidate who has always done anything for money.

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Aborting Roe Will Not Save the Dems in 2022

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Aborting Roe Will Not Save the Dems in 2022

The panicking Democrats are tweaking the old “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” cliché, arguing that when the Supreme Court gives babies life, try to make that aid their campaigns. But “You won’t let us kill kids!” may fly in Scat Francisco and other barren, childless blue hellholes, but as a campaign theme (along with such perennial favorites as “Stop being mean to criminals!” and “You are all racist!”) it’s not a winner. When families are trying to find $100 to fill up the old Dodge Caravan, “Republicans made it harder to abort babies in red states” loses to “Democrats aborted Keystone” every time.

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Now Or Never: The Great ‘Transition’ Must Be Imposed

Authored by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

A new wave of restrictions, more lockdowns, and – eventually – trillions of dollars in new stimmie cheques may be in prospect…

Were you following the news this last week? Vaccine mandates are everywhere: one country, after another, is doubling-down, to try to force, or legally compel, full population vaccination. The mandates are coming because of the massive uptick in Covid – most of all in the places where the experimental mRNA gene therapies were deployed en masse. And (no coincidence), this ‘marker’ has come just as U.S. Covid deaths in 2021 have surpassed those of 2020. This has happened, despite the fact that last year, no Americans were vaccinated (and this year 59% are vaccinated). Clearly no panacea, this mRNA ‘surge’.

Of course, the Pharma-Establishment know that the vaccines are no panacea. There are ‘higher interests’ at play here. It is driven rather by fear that the window for implementing its series of ‘transitions’ in the U.S. and Europe is closing. Biden still struggles to move his ‘Go-Big’ social spending plan and green agenda transition through Congress by the midterm election in a year’s time. And the inflation spike may well sink Biden’s Build Back Better agenda (BBB) altogether.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The Great Halifax Explosion – 1917

Via History.com

At 9:05 a.m., in the harbor of Halifax in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, the most devastating manmade explosion in the pre-atomic age occurs when the Mont Blanc, a French munitions ship, explodes 20 minutes after colliding with another vessel.

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