The Necessity of Human Action

Via International Man

In 1987, Levon Helm, a former cotton farmer from Arkansas, sat brooding in his yard, trying to describe why his apparent success had turned to near-bankruptcy:

“Well, it’s hard to put your finger on. You get behind financially and once you get behind financially, you seem to get behind spiritually. And your luck turns against you.”

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The Official Story

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

The official story is that we live in a free democracy where our teachers tell us the truth about our nation, our government and our world when we are children, and then the free press continue telling us the truth about our nation, government and world when we are grown, and then every few years we have free and fair elections in which we use this truthful information to make decisions about which politicians and policies to vote for, and it is only by pure coincidence that what we vote for just so happens to benefit the most wealthy and powerful people on the planet.

In the official story, the democratic process consistently fails to let us progress beyond a status quo of profound inequality, injustice, oppression, exploitation, war and ecocide because that’s simply how people are voting in their free and fair elections. The official story maintains that this occurs because the populations of all free democracies coincidentally happen to be organically divided into two ideologically opposed camps of equal size, creating a political deadlock which just so happens to benefit the people who profit from profound inequality, injustice, oppression, exploitation, war and ecocide.

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Six Critical Questions

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

In a rational world the scientific and medical establishment would be long past any pro-mRNA propaganda. The jabs have failed. They were a (semi-)noble experiment, but they’ve failed. The proof fills hospitals and morgues from Tel Aviv to Edinburgh.

Instead researchers would be trying desperately to answer the questions about what may happen next:

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The Air of Despotism

Guest Post by T.L. Davis

Tucker Carlson names world's 'most fearful despot' - newsR VIDEO

We saw it first in Australia, New Zealand and Austria, the sense that the state had a right, a duty, to go to war against some segment of their peaceful populations due to political differences. What I mean by “at war” is the imprisoning of those populations in place; the demand to take part in cynical medical experiments in order to regain freedom. To some degree this happened on January 6th, too. What is most noticeable, however, is the tendency for Western “democracies” to now act in violent, evil and vengeful ways against those who protest maltreatment. Never is there a consideration of ending the offending policies and it’s that recalcitrance that speaks to something bigger, more foundational than a mere disagreement between governments and their citizens.

In Canada, I’m sure that the Canadians thought that their government would not be as brutal or as openly hostile to them as the U.S. government is toward Americans, because, as the world has been taught by acolytes of George Soros, Americans who love freedom are evil, racist rednecks unworthy of respect or civil treatment. Canadians believed, until lately, that their government was above the sort of brutality that one might expect to be leveled on their redneck counterparts.

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Now We’ve Done It: We Pissed Off The CIA

I’ve been a proud contributor to ZH for 13 years. They have published every article I’ve ever sent them. They are far bigger than TBP and have provided me with a large percentage of my readership. I’m sure my articles are what the Deep State/CIA/MSM scumbags think is misinformation, when we all know it is the truth. ZH and TBP continue to expand readership as the MSM dies and more people open their eyes to the corruption and evil that runs our government and financial system. Fuck the MSM, Biden, the CIA, the FBI, Wall Street, and Fauci.

Via ZeroHedge

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While the collapse of public trust in the mainstream media is nothing new, with Forbes recently reporting that “Fewer Americans than ever before trust the mainstream media“, it is only a much more recent phenomenon that members of the media’s highest echelons – such as the NYT’s Matthew Rosenberg – have started asking themselves and their (few remaining) readers the much more difficult question of why is public trust of media so low.

Unfortunately, instead of following up with some much needed top-to-bottom cleansing and fundamental reassessment of how the MSM pursues, analyzes and reports news, the media has simply fallen back to its traditional tactic of spewing baseless hit pieces against outlets they would rather see silenced and/or censored.

Most notably in recent weeks, this has been observed vis-a-vis Joe Rogan’s incredibly popular podcast which has emerged as one of the biggest competitors to traditional media.

This morning, it is Zero Hedge that has again been singled out for pursuing non-establishment groupthink.

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Nation Furious At Man Who Shared Medical Misinformation And Said The N-Word

Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Millions of people around the world are calling for the immediate removal and de-platforming of Joe Biden after investigators uncovered his troubling history of sharing deadly medical misinformation and saying the n-word constantly.

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How to “red pill” your friends

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I get hundreds of emails a day from subscribers…but this one stood out. Apparently, a few of my posts have “red pilled” people. Wow. I didn’t think this was possible.

What does 'take the red or blue pill' mean?

To red pill a friend is very difficult to impossible

Before I show you the email I received, here’s a little background about red pilling people (i.e., to snap people out of their mass formation psychosis that the vaccines are safe and effective).

I’ve talked to psychologists that tell me that to “red pill” someone can take days to weeks of extensive work and in many cases, no matter what you do, you will fail.

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Iace memes. Best Collection of funny Iace pictures on America's best pics and videos

Pathological Lying A Sign of Several Health Conditions

Meme Creator - Funny cant get caught lying if you lie about lying Meme Generator at!

Teacher. "Lying is not a job." funny memes : r/failgags

Be honest (heh heh) Is it ever ok to lie? If so, when?

Do tell, if you wish, of an instance in which you felt the need to lie. ( Feel free to post this anonymously under a different avatar)

** Note: feel free to send in your Question of the Day ideas to [email protected]

Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Notified Police After Being Told “Nefarious Elements” Plan To Discredit Protest

Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

Organizers of the Freedom Convoy in the Canadian capital say they have notified police after being told that “nefarious elements” are planning to plant weapons at the Ottawa COVID-19 mandate demonstrations as a “pretext to forcibly remove peaceful protestors.”

In a video posted to Facebook late on Feb. 14, organizers said they had received information from sources they consider to be “reliable” that the weapons may be planted.

The information, they said, correlates with the more than 2,000 firearms that were stolen in the city of Peterborough on the morning of Feb. 13.

Peterborough Police Service officers had said they are investigating the incident regarding the stolen firearms, which were taken from a trucking yard in the city in the early hours of the morning.

The truck and trailer were carrying more than 2,000 firearms with magazines but no ammunition was taken, officials said.

“Today on Feb. 14, we received information from multiple believed, reliable sources that firearms may be planted in Ottawa specifically around the Freedom Convey to discredit the protest and to use as a pretext to forcibly remove peaceful protestors,” organizers of the Freedom Convoy said in the Facebook video.

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The mRNA Covid shots are killing teenagers

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The journal of the College of American Pathologists has a stunning report today on the cases of two teen boys who died following mRNA Covid vaccines.

Both boys died in their sleep less than a week after the second dose, and neither had any known health conditions prior to death.



The report’s lead author is Dr. James Gill, the chief medical examiner for the state of Connecticut and the 2021 President of the National Association of Medical Examiners.

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Russia Withdraws Some Troops From Ukraine Border After Media Said Invasion Was Imminent

By Paul Joseph Watson of

Shortly after media reports suggested a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Moscow announced that it was withdrawing troops from the border and then claimed “western propaganda” had failed.

Goaded by the Biden administration, major news outlets like the Sun reported that the invasion was set for tomorrow, with a “massive missile blitz” planned, along with 200,000 troops at the ready.

But within hours, it appeared the media had jumped the gun.

Major General Igor Konashenkov announced that all Russian troops would begin to be withdrawn from the border region.

“As the forces complete their military exercises, they will, as always, complete a multimodal march back to their permanent bases,” Konashenkov stated. “The divisions of the South and West Military Districts have finished their tasks and have already begun loading the rail and automobile transport, and today will begin moving back to their military garrisons.”

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Cary Watkins confirms embalmer Richard Hirschman’s story about the telltale blood clots

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Watkins has over 50 years experience embalming people. Hirschman showed Watkins the clots more than four months ago. Watkins had never seen anything like it.

This tweet pretty much summarizes everything you need to know about this article:


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