Francis Marion has joined the western freedom convoy and is sending pictures  from the scene. As our on the spot TBP correspondent sends more pictures, I’ll add them to this thread.


Pentagon Pulls Forces From Ukraine For “Safety & Security” As Biden Phones Putin

Via ZeroHedge

The Pentagon has confirmed Saturday it has ordered soldiers who were in Ukraine training national forces out of the country, amid US fears that a Russian military offensive is imminent. It appears the US is moving its military assets out of the way, not wanting them to be targets of any potential invasion.

Specifically US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin identified that the some 160 Florida National Guard soldiers who had been in the country since November would be moved “elsewhere in Europe”.

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Stucky QOTD: Pinching Pennies

I love my ’95 Buick Century.  Most reliable car I have ever owned.  The major repair in 15 years of driving … an alternator.  But, for a small 6 cylinder the gas mileage is crappy … 22mpg. So, I let the gas tank run down to near empty.  It was just shy of SIXTY DOLLARS to fill it up!!  Ouch, man! That hurts. Bad.  So, I’m looking for ways to stretch muh Dollahs.  Perhaps you are also?  Maybe we can learn from each other.

Folks, there are tons and tons  of web sites and articles out there that addresses ways to save on expenses.  What I am interested in, however, is in real-world-real-people experiences. In other words, what YOU, my fellow TPBers, are doing.  Thank YOU!

Q:  What are you doing to “pinch pennies”?

(P.S.  Fact is,  I have enough money to last me until I die.  As long as I die before the beginning of spring.)

Continue reading “Stucky QOTD: Pinching Pennies”

GoFundMe Freezes Funds For Child’s Heart Surgery After Finding Out He Supports Trucker Protest

Babylon Bee

OTTAWA—The popular fundraising site GoFundMe has frozen funds for a local 5-year-old’s heart surgery after it was discovered that the boy was a supporter of the Canadian Trucker Protest.

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EXCLUSIVE: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases died from the vaccine

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. In this exclusive interview, she reveals that 93% of her last 30 cases died due to clots from the COVID vaccine.

Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. She speaks out for the first time in this exclusive interview:

The big news is that she found the unusual clots in 93% of the last 30 people who she embalmed. This is significant because she isn’t selective about who she embalms.

Not all embalmers will see a 93% clot rate. Richard Hirschman only sees these clots in 65% of his cases.

Either way, we have identified what is the #1 cause of death in America today; a killer that is much bigger than COVID.

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Is there something more sinister than money behind the “new HIV” scare?

Via Off-Guardian

Just yesterday we ran a story highlighting the sudden shift in news coverage, away from Covid and towards HIV/AIDS.

In brief, testing drives and government vows to “end the AIDS epidemic” accompanied news of a scary “new variant”. We won’t detail it all again, you can read it here.

Our article reasoned that this was likely just a play to keep people scared, and sell a lot of mRNA “vaccines”, and while that is definitely a factor, further research has shown other potential angles to take on this story.

Whilst there’s not enough information to form any definite conclusions there are some very interesting questions to be asked and theories to consider.

Firstly, there’s the idea that the “scary new AIDS variant” is not just a phantom used to sell vaccines, as COVID has always seemed to be, but could actually be a cover for illnesses and injuries caused by the vaccines themselves.

Continue reading “Is there something more sinister than money behind the “new HIV” scare?”

The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

This is the most disastrous economic mess I think I have ever seen in history or my personal career. Here we have a collapse in the confidence of governments thanks to the COVID regulations. There is even confusion in businesses in NYC do they demand masks or is that now out completely? The WEF conspirators thought they would win. Just look at the Truckers who have brought Trudeau to his knees.

Biden and Western Leaders are begging Putin to PLEASE invade Ukraine. They now think this will provide the distraction they need to escape from their disastrous COVID scam that was the brainchild of the WEF and has FAILED to work.

Continue reading “The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level”

What Is Washington Up To?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

U.S. alleges Russia planned fake video as pretext for Ukraine invasion |  CTV News

It appears that my column this morning and an earlier one is incorrect when I say there is no Ukrainian crisis.  What I meant is that there is no real crisis.  But there is a Washington-orchestrated crisis that will be made real by a Washington false flag event and endless propaganda from the Western media.

Washington continues to hype the claim that Russia is going to invade Ukraine.  Yesterday Biden warned American citizens to leave Ukraine now, because he will not send US soldiers to rescue them and escort them out of Ukraine once the hostilities begin. He said that sending US troops to Ukraine could lead to a world war.

Continue reading “What Is Washington Up To?”

British Energy Crisis obscures PartyGate as Brits become much Poorer – Failing Trust in UK.Gov Bombshell explained by Sir John Major – Letter from Great Britain [02-12-22]

GOOD NEWS! My book, “The Financial Jigsaw”, has now been accepted and published at my academic network.  Scroll down and Hit:  ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book:.    I am able also to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected]

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: If you are given an opportunity to improve yourself, say: ‘YES’ immediately – don’t think about it or you will find reasons not to.

BREAKING NEWSSir John Major made a stinging speech at the Institute of Government on Thursday, criticising BoJo and his government for his misbehaviour and repeated lying:

“Boris Johnson has been condemned by Sir John Major as a lawbreaker whose disregard for honesty and ministerial standards risks undermining the UK’s long-term democratic future, on another politically bruising day for the prime minister.”  Although he has a brief respite from the threat of a confidence vote by Tory MPs as parliament is in recess for 10 days:

Continue reading “British Energy Crisis obscures PartyGate as Brits become much Poorer – Failing Trust in UK.Gov Bombshell explained by Sir John Major – Letter from Great Britain [02-12-22]”

Joe Rogan Steamrolls CNN – Slams Brian Stelter And Don Lemon Over Misinformation

Via ZeroHedge

Joe Rogan pulled no punches in his latest podcast episode, where he savaged CNN and its top anchors for not reporting ‘honest’ news, and said that the network’s abysmal ratings are a reflection of a lack of trust – while more people “believe me or trust me or want to listen to me talk.”

Rogan, 54, reaches approximately 11 million listeners per episode – and there’s a reason why.

The answer is not to silence me, the answer is [for] you to do better,” said Rogan. “The answer is for you to have better arguments. When you’re on television talking about how I’m taking horse paste, and you know that’s not true. “He’s taking horse dewormer.”

“What you should have said, “How did Joe Rogan get better so quick? How come he got COVID that’s killing everybody and he was better in five days, negative in five days, working out in six days?” How come that’s never discussed?”

CNN notoriously knocked Rogan for taking ‘horse dewormer’ because ivermectin was part of his Covid-19 treatment regimen. He subsequently annihilated CNN‘s Sanjay Gupta over the network’s lies.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Bill Clinton acquitted on both articles of impeachment – 1999


Clinton–Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

In November 1995, Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old unpaid intern. Over the course of a year and a half, the president and Lewinsky had nearly a dozen sexual encounters in the White House. In April 1996, Lewinsky was transferred to the Pentagon. That summer, she first confided in Pentagon co-worker Linda Tripp about her sexual relationship with the president. In 1997, with the relationship over, Tripp began secretly to record conversations with Lewinsky, in which Lewinsky gave Tripp details about the affair.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Bill Clinton acquitted on both articles of impeachment – 1999”