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Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Shrinkflation is here to stay now that inflation has reached a 39-year high. It will take the Fed time to tame the monster it unleashed by artificially lowering rates, although governments could take immediate action to help the current supply chain crisis. Shrinkflation, by the way, occurs when products remain the same price or rise, while the product size decreases.

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In memory of those who have “died suddenly” from February 1st to 7th, 2022

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Once a euphemism for suicide or fatal overdose, “died suddenly” now means exactly what it says—and it’s more common than it’s ever been, worldwide

Tucker Carlson Falsely Claims the COVID Vaccine Is Killing People (Video)

We now know, from the statistics, that all-cause mortality has been skyrocketing in countries with the highest COVID “vaccination” rates. Such numbers also tell us that more people all around the world have “died of COVID” than did (reportedly) in all of 2020. (396,837 Americans reportedly “died of COVID” under Trump, while 528,379 have so far “died of COVID” under Biden, whose term started with the US “vaccination” drive.) We also know, from the statistics, that children have been dying in greater numbers since they started getting “vaccinated”—as have professional (and non-professional) athletes the world over, and US military personnel.

Meanwhile, honest witnesses in medicine and the mortuary business, and also first responders, have been telling us they’ve seen a huge increase in sudden and untimely deaths, especially from heart attack, blood clot(s), stroke and cardiac arrest. British undertaker John O’Looney notes an increase of “500 to 600%” in deaths due to thrombosis. Such testimony adds dramatically to our general awareness that this “vaccination” drive is killing people in unprecedented numbers—and clearly by design, or else they would have halted it a year ago, when such grim numbers were already worryingly high.

Such statistics are invaluable; and yet, of course, they’re also too abstract to make us properly aware of the true toll that those “vaccines” are taking on humanity, and in the name of “saving lives.” This is why we need, as much as possible, to demonstrate that countless individuals are dying suddenly and, all too often, prematurely, every day. Only when enough of us have fully recognized this toll will it be possible for us to stop this second, incremental, scattered global Holocaust.

Here are those who have “died suddenly” or “unexpectedly” just this past week, either with no cause given (which is most unusual, even for the elderly), or from a heart attack, blood clot(s), stroke or cardiac arrest, or a very sudden and aggressive cancer (an “adverse event” whose increase has been noted by practitioners like Dr. Ryan Cole).

Bear in mind that most of these are deaths that made the news in one way or another, whereas the vast majority of such surprising deaths go unreported.

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URGENT: New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

A preprint in Cell finds vaccine-driven original antigenic sin is deeply powerful. Also: vaccine-generated spike protein circulates in the blood and vaccine mRNA persists for months in lymph nodes.

mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots can be found in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.

Free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.

Vaccinated people infected with variants of Sars-Cov-2 produce antibodies biased toward the original and now extinct variant – rather than the one that has actually infected them.

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DHS: Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders who should be put on trial

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Governments enforcing operation COVID violate the Nuremberg Code –

DHS is now going after COVID misinformation spreaders considering them terrorist threats. Here’s my list of people I think they should be investigating.


DHS is getting tough on COVID misinformation spreaders, i.e., people who spread information that “undermines public trust in government institutions.”

Since DHS has finite resources to pursue all these perpetrators, as a public service, I have created a list of what I believe are some of the country’s top misinformation spreaders.

I sincerely hope that the DHS will focus their efforts on these individuals since they have made statements and/or taken actions (or refused to take action) that result in the undermining of public trust in US government institutions.

It is extremely easy to tell who is telling the truth here: it’s the people who are not afraid of debate. The one thing everyone on our list has in common is that they will never agree to debate anyone with opposing views.

These people need to be stopped now and I’m grateful that DHS is finally taking this seriously as innocent lives are being lost.

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General Milley Tells Congress to Be Careful Who You Shake Your Fist At

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Ukraine’s foreign minister boasts that in the past few months Western governments have handed over $1.5 billion in bribes, that is, aid, and “more than 1,000 tons of arms and armaments” to keep the pot boiling. If the tons are US tons, that comes to 2,000,000 pounds of arms and ammunition.

As I have written repeatedly, as have The Saker and Andrei Martyanov, the Russian military can conquer all of Ukraine in a few hours with very light casualties. The money and arms being sent by Washington and its puppet states in Europe could not affect the outcome.

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Flies for breakfast? Insects are about to be pet food, and the effort will aim for human plates as well

Via Marketwatch

InnovaFeed aims to bring insect-based protein ingredients to snacks and sports nutrition products as soon as this year

InnovaFeed uses a zero-waste vertical farming model to breed black soldier flies

Black soldier flies for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Paris-based biotech company InnovaFeed is investing in a future where this could be an everyday possibility.

First, the company is partnering with Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. ADM, +0.93% to bring the ingredient to pet food.

InnovaFeed has announced a partnership with ADM’s pet food division to expand the sustainable pet food industry into the use of insect protein. The move also marks InnovaFeed’s expansion into the U.S. market.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Presidential election decided in the House – 1825


Which American President Was the First to be Photographed? - HISTORY

As no presidential candidate received a majority of electoral votes in the election of 1824, the U.S. House of Representatives votes to elect John Quincy Adams, who won fewer votes than Andrew Jackson in the popular election, as president of the United States. Adams was the son of John Adams, the second president of the United States.

In the 1824 election, 131 electoral votes, just over half of the 261 total, were necessary to elect a candidate president. Although it had no bearing on the outcome of the election, popular votes were counted for the first time in this election. On December 1, 1824, the results were announced. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee won 99 electoral and 153,544 popular votes; John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts received 84 electoral and 108,740 popular votes; Secretary of State William H. Crawford, who had suffered a stroke before the election, received 41 electoral votes; and Representative Henry Clay of Kentucky won 37 electoral votes.

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“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.” ~ Laurie Halse Anderson

“There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.” ~ Oscar Wilde

“Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one who finds the gold.” ~ Proverbs 11:27

Velocity Equity

Guest Post by Eric Peters

There’s not much left for the Woke to target, but “speeders” will do. There is a lack of equity on the road, you see. Some drivers going faster than others.

And “getting away with it.”

Mayor Pete Buttigieg – now a federal “secretary,” the innocuous-sounding term given to people who function as national-level dictators within the area of their fief – wants to make sure they don’t by making sure they pay for it. All of them. All of the time. Or as close to that as possible. He wants to do that by erecting a national grid of automated speed enforcement cameras that would “self-enforce” speed limits and thus achieve the equity of velocity he seeks.

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More Studies Confirm: We Were Right

Guest Post by Justin Hart

The truth will out! These latest works bolster our case on several fronts.

In the last few weeks numerous papers have appeared showing event more wins and confirmation for Team Reality. Big thanks to our friend The Robber Barron for pointing them out:

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer


Tyson Foods Soars To Record After Hiking Beef, Chicken And Pork Prices By Double Digits

Stock of Tyson Foods, the world’s second largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork after Brazil’s JBS S.A., is soaring 9%, hitting an all time high and is one of the S&P’s best companies this morning…

… after the company reported blowout earnings (thanks to passing on surging food prices) and announced that it is raising prices even more as it grapples with a tight labor market and smaller livestock herds. According to the report, beef prices jumped by 32% in the quarter, with chicken up ~20% and pork 13%.

Continue reading “EVERYTHING IS FINE”

War Is Important

Guest Post by Check Six

Our Wars are Extremely Important and although our Congress keeps funding them with trillions of our tax dollars, as well as trillions of dollars in loans, we have not won a war for the past 75 years.

I believe from my extensive research, and service as an F-4 pilot during the Vietnam era, that the primary problem is our leadership and related manpower in the front lines.  I believe we need to have the people who know most about starting wars show the rest of the troops how war should be conducted on the front lines.  Therefore we could be more successful in reducing the cost of our wars and also be able to choose our wars more wisely if the best and brightest were to show the rest how it is done in the field.

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Trudeau Is Playing with Fire

Via Brownstone Institute

Canadian coronavirus lockdown policies have been, and remain, some of the most stringent and restrictive in the entire Western world. It may be a Commonwealth thing, given that Australia and New Zealand have also descended into unrecognizable islands of cruel and capricious public health tyranny.

In Ontario, citizens are now allowed to eat popcorn at movie theaters that only opened up again earlier this week on Monday at fifty percent capacity, and only because of comprehensive drubbing that the government was subjected to regarding this ridiculous, make-believe public health directive.

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