The GOP Must Adopt a ‘No Prisoners’ Agenda for 2023

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The GOP Must Adopt a 'No Prisoners' Agenda for 2023

We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022, and there will be a temptation to sigh and wipe our brow and think it’s all over, but instead of relaxing in 2023 the GOP needs to attack. Think Attila the Hun charging at the head of his horde. Think George Patton leading the Third Army. Think Brian Stelter, who is a potato, when he sees a buffet. We need to crush their dreams and make them howl in the run-up to 2024, when we will retake the presidency and put a sharpened stake through the shriveled heart of the leftist monster.

We will have power soon. We must use it.

They will cry. We must drink their tears.

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Freedom Convoy Demonised – CIA-colour revolutions celebrated

Via Off-Guardian

Since the 22nd of January, despite receiving no mainstream media coverage whatsoever, thousands of Canadian truck drivers and their supporters embarked on a Freedom Convoy throughout the world’s second-largest country.

A mass-protest in response to the Canadian government’s decision to widen their already authoritarian Covid measures by mandating that truck drivers re-entering Canada from the United States, the world’s largest land-border and a vital component of the Canadian economy, have to be fully vaccinated – vaccine passports being a key step towards the Digital ID system as envisaged by Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution, with the World Economic Forum chairman previously highlighting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as one of the group’s ‘young global leaders’ during a 2017 conference.

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Dystopia Disguised as Democracy: All the Ways in Which Freedom Is an Illusion

Via The Rutherford Institute

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”—Frank Zappa

We are no longer free.

We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.

We think we have the freedom to elect our leaders, but we’re only allowed to participate in the reassurance ritual of voting. There can be no true electoral choice or real representation when we’re limited in our options to one of two candidates culled from two parties that both march in lockstep with the Deep State and answer to an oligarchic elite.

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Joe Rogan mocks his controversy in surprise stand-up appearance

Via RT

“If you want my advice, don’t take my advice,” says Rogan, in response to recent headlines

Joe Rogan mocks his controversy in surprise stand-up appearance

Headlining a small comedy show in Austin, Texas, Joe Rogan took to the stage to speak about the recent controversy surrounding him and his podcast on Spotify, and comment on the recently circulated video compilation of him using the n-word on his show.

“I used to say it if [I was talking about] a Richard Pryor bit or something, I would say it in context,” Rogan said. “Somebody made a compilation of every time I said that word over 14 years and they put it on YouTube, and it turned out that was racist as f**k. Even to me! I’m me and I’m watching it saying, ‘Stop saying it!’ I put my cursor over the video and I’m like, ‘Four more minutes?!’”

Rogan added that he hadn’t used the word in years, before saying he found it “kind of weird, people will get really mad if you use that word and tweet about it on a phone that’s made by slaves.”The number one podcast host then addressed the other major controversy surrounding his show – the alleged Covid and vaccine misinformation.

“I talk shit for a living — that’s why this is so baffling to me,” he said. “If you’re taking vaccine advice from me, is that really my fault? What dumb shit were you about to do when my stupid idea sounded better? ‘You know that dude who made people eat animal dicks on TV? How does he feel about medicine?’ If you want my advice, don’t take my advice.”

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EXTREMELY URGENT: The Biden Administration says I’m a terrorist threat.

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Opinion: Are parents domestic terrorists? –

That headline sounds like a joke.

It’s not.

The White House has begun an extraordinary assault on free speech in America. It is no longer content merely to force social media companies to suppress dissenting views. It appears to be setting the stage to use federal police powers.

How else to read the “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin” the Department of Homeland Security issued on Monday? Its first sentence:

SUMMARY OF THE TERRORISM THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES: The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories... [emphasis added]

You read those words right.

The government now says “misleading narratives” are the most dangerous contributor to terrorism against the United States.

The bulletin’s next sentence:

These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. [emphasis added]

You read those words right too.

Continue reading “EXTREMELY URGENT: The Biden Administration says I’m a terrorist threat.”

Negative vaccine efficacy example in the UK

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

This is hard to explain. I suggest this can be a good “conversation starter” with those who believe that the vaccines are effective.


This example shows that triple vaccinated people in the UK are more likely to be hospitalized, not less likely. In other words, the vaccines are doing the opposite of what the health authorities claimed. Mandating vaccination is actually making the problem worse, not better.

The FOIA request

Consider the following FOIA request from Feb 3, 2022:


Now consider the following stats:

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Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest Spreads Globally

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The Canadian “Freedom Convoy” started pulling into Ottawa January 29, 2022, gathering in front of the Parliament building. They have vowed to stay put until the Canadian government agrees to roll back all federal mandates, including the vaccine mandate and the vaccine passport
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tried to downplay the protest, referring to it as a “small fringe minority” of people “who hold unacceptable views” and don’t represent the views of Canadians
  • As the convoy descended on Ottawa, Trudeau moved out of his residence and then claimed to have contracted COVID and that he would remain in isolation for a week
  • Inspired and encouraged by the Canadian trucker movement, truckers in other countries are now organizing their own Freedom Convoys. In Europe, a European Freedom Convoy will meet up in Brussels, February 14, 2022, and remain there “until vaccination passports and associated restrictions are abolished” across the European Union
  • Australia also organized a Freedom Convoy to gather outside the Parliament House in Canberra, starting January 31, 2022, and in the U.S., American truckers are planning a DC Freedom Convoy

Did you know there’s a massive trucker convoy protesting COVID jab mandates in Ottawa, Canada? You’re forgiven if you missed it, because this gigantic movement received very minimal coverage in the conventional press for the first week or so. Ditto for similar trucker protests forming in other countries, such as Australia and Germany.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The French and Indian War ends – 1763


The Seven Years’ War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by France, Great Britain and Spain.

In the early 1750s, France’s expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought the country into armed conflict with the British colonies. In 1756, the British formally declared war against France.

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

They control the horizontal, they control the vertical.

When you become a stone in their shoe, no matter who you are, no matter what kind of person you are, no matter what your reputation may be, they have the ability to do this to you.

Remember this; Life is short, but the Internet is forever.

Congress Launches New Assault on U.S. Workers

Via U.S. Techworkers


Nothing stops the push by Congress for more immigration – not 9/11, not the mortgage meltdown and Wall Street crisis, not dismal Bureau of Labor Statistics job reports and not COVID-19. Despite the fact that about 1 million new lawful permanent residents get work authorization each year, that about 750,000 guest workers arrive annually in a typical year and that dozens of types of nonimmigrant visas include employment permission, Congress is never satisfied.

Congress insists, predictably and tediously, that without more foreign-born labor, the economy will collapse and small businesses will vanish. These baseless claims, consistently proven false, are repeated year after year after year.

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12 Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions, Israel Scraps ‘Green Pass’

Via Children’s Health Defense

Europe is accelerating steps to roll back COVID restrictions as efforts to control the spread of the virus have failed and countries downgrade the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2.

Europe is accelerating steps to roll back COVID restrictions as efforts to control the spread of the virus have failed and countries downgrade the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2.

Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.

Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country’s “Green Pass” COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.

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Whoopi Goldberg vs Roseanne Barr, It’s Great to be a Democrat

Via Blue State Conservative

Not sure why we even worry about Hollywood celebrity types, but they often “open mouth and insert foot” almost every day. Whoopi Goldberg recently on “The View” made some horrendous antisemitic remarks. There are calls that she should be canceled. Others feel she should get a pass. Thoughts turn to others that have fallen into the same situation. A few years back, Roseanne Barr is one that comes to mind.

Let’s make a little comparison and see how these two stories differ.

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