Equity Crack Czar

Via Comically Incorrect

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The Declining Prospects Of A Donald Trump Presidency

Via Blue State Conservative

About a month ago, Donald Trump gave an extended interview to The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens and it didn’t play well for me. I wrote my response to that interview here. I had long been considering possible alternatives to a Trump run, but with each passing day it seems that the conservative agenda is ready for a different nominee.

Apparently, I am not the only one. Two recent articles from my inbox – one from this same site by a regular contributing author and the other by the intellectual heavyweight and inimitable Ann Coulter – both featured compelling arguments reaching similar conclusions: Trump’s reign might be over. Both are worth taking the time to read.

Continue reading “The Declining Prospects Of A Donald Trump Presidency”

Should Minimum Wage Implementers be Jailed?

Via International Man


Notice the question posed above mentions implementers, not supporters. The latter consists of, what? 95% of the electorate? We can document that some 2/3 of the voters favor a minimum wage of $15. It is my estimate that virtually all voters favor this law at some level. That is, perhaps at most 5% of those who cast a ballot favor wiping this enactment entirely from the law books.

The former, in sharp contrast, consist of at most a few hundred people, perhaps 1000 at most. It would consist of all the senators and congressmen who passed this legislation, the judges who rule in its favor, the police who arrest those who violate it, and the jailers who incarcerate them.

Continue reading “Should Minimum Wage Implementers be Jailed?”

Canada Has Been Usurped by a Maoist

Via Gates of Vienna

An Interview With Vlad Tepes


Vlad lives in Ottawa, so he has been at the epicenter of the Freedom Convoy action from the moment the trucks began rolling onto Parliament Hill a week ago. He has been down there every day, mingling with the protesters in the bitter cold.

I sent the following questions to him last night, and his answers are below.

The news media are filtering out anything that reflects positively on the Freedom Convoy. Some news reports say the number of protesters on Parliament Hill has dwindled, and is down to 200 or so. Is that accurate?

It isn’t really like that. The first weekend, which was the 30th and 31st, had not that many trucks but a crazy huge number of people. Tens of thousands for sure. Maybe over 100,000 people. There would have been way more trucks, but every device they could think of was used to prevent trucks from getting to Ottawa and downtown. Many more than are in Ottawa are still held up on old roads and farms. But I was there today at Parliament, and there were three times as many trucks as when the protest started. There were a few hundred people, but it was a Wednesday afternoon. I am told that this coming weekend should see a record number of protestors. More even than last weekend. Keep in mind it was below zero F on Saturday, and there was still an insanely large crowd.

Continue reading “Canada Has Been Usurped by a Maoist”

What if China had an Olympics and nobody watched?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The Winter Olympics starts today. In Beijing.

Try not to throw up in your mouth.

During the Cold War, the Olympics was problematic, but at least the competition stood for something bigger – a way for Russia and the United States to show their prowess without getting anyone killed.

In the generation since, the Games has metastasized into something far worse: an overproduced, synthetic, corrupt, crazily expensive celebration of an entirely hollow globalism, paid for by corporate sponsors shilling their brands.

Continue reading “What if China had an Olympics and nobody watched?”


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer via Timesnewsuk

Total elimination of meat production could save the planet, study says

A total elimination of meat production around the world in 15 years could slash global carbon emissions by 68 per cent and save Earth from global warming, a new study says.

Researchers have performed computer modelling scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions up to the 22nd century using publicly available data from the UN.

Eliminating all animal agriculture in the next 15 years would drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, they found.


This is the Satellite Temperature Graph Google Doesn’t Want You to See

Via Dailysceptic

This is the latest January temperature record produced by satellites accurately taking global measurements on a 24 hour basis. It shows barely any deviation last month (0.03°C) from the 1991-2020 average as shown by the blue line. The 13 month red line average reveals movement of just over 0.1°C. Furthermore, the satellite record is now revealing no global warming for seven years and three months.

Continue reading “This is the Satellite Temperature Graph Google Doesn’t Want You to See”

What Government Health Officials Don’t Want You To Know: Micro Blood Clots, The Key to Explaining COVID Harm

Via Blue State Conservative

What should receive far greater attention is the formation of microscopic blood clots throughout bodies caused by spike proteins.  These are not found through conventional medical scanning and imaging technologies.

Know this: They result from COVID spike proteins that screw up fine blood vessels causing micro blood clots.  The spike protein molecules from COVID infection are the same as what happens when COVID vaccines pump huge numbers of them into your body.  So, vaccines create the same blood clot problem as COVID itself in many people.

Continue reading “What Government Health Officials Don’t Want You To Know: Micro Blood Clots, The Key to Explaining COVID Harm”

Steve’s fact-based COVID-19 hub

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I read in the media that Spotify has a fact-based COVID-19 hub. So I thought I’d create my own so you’d have a choice on which facts you want to believe.


Spotify made a press release about their new platform policies which prohibits any information which in their sole opinion may cause offline harm or poses a direct threat to public health. They refer people to their “fact-based” COVID-19 hub for accurate information.

I didn’t like their fact-based hub at all, so I decided to write my own simplified version that takes just a couple of minutes to read.

Here it is.

Continue reading “Steve’s fact-based COVID-19 hub”

Letter to Justin Trudeau

Guest Post by Margaret Anna Alice

Letter to Justin Trudeau; Magician Disappearing Himself

“The quality of mercy is not strained.

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

’Tis mightiest in the mightiest. It becomes

The thronèd monarch better than his crown.

His scepter shows the force of temporal power,

The attribute to awe and majesty

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings,

But mercy is above this sceptered sway.

It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings.

It is an attribute to God himself.

And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy seasons justice.”

—William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Hey, Justin1,

Here is some unsolicited advice that may just salvage your legacy from the legendary humiliation you are presently hurtling toward at 105 kilometers per hour. Continue reading “Letter to Justin Trudeau”

This Time IS Different

Bursting the financial bubble - This Time IS Different - Miller on the MoneyAsset prices soaring to ridiculous levels, well beyond anything regarding true, intrinsic values creates a bubble. Eventually things come crashing down. Those holding overpriced assets lose a lot of money and the ripple effect can cause economic hardship to many others.

Ozak Durmus tells us about “Tulipmania”:

Tulipmania was the first major financial bubble. It happened in Holland between 1636-1637. …. The term “tulip mania” is now often used metaphorically to refer to any large economic bubble when asset prices deviate from intrinsic values.

…. At the peak of tulip mania, in 1637, some single tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled craftworker. Tulip mania reached its peak during the winter of 1637, when some bulbs were reportedly changing hands ten times in a day.”

Historians ask, “How could people be so stupid?” Many times (dot-com bubble) investors ignore history, tell themselves “This time is different!” and repeat the process.

Continue reading “This Time IS Different”

New Zealand Refused Entry to a Pregnant Citizen, so She Went to Afghanistan…

Via Sovereign Man

Charlotte Bellis is a journalist who was based in Afghanistan during the US withdrawal.

She covered the Taliban’s first press conference after it took control of the country last summer, and asked, “what will you do to protect the rights of women and girls?”

Now Bellis, a New Zealand citizen, could ask the same of her home country. Seriously, this story is incredible:

Continue reading “New Zealand Refused Entry to a Pregnant Citizen, so She Went to Afghanistan…”

Biden Addresses Soaring Inflation, Blames Pandemic, Lies About Wages

Via ZeroHedge

teaser image

As his approval rating plunged below 40 for the first time – and is now significantly below that of President Trump at this time in his term – President Biden knew he had to come out and address the fact that despite all his promises, the average American is facing prices on consumer goods rising at their fastest in 40 years.

In a statement from The White House, the president blames the pandemic, says he has lots of tools, empathizes with ‘real stress at the kitchen table’, and then tells a giant fib about wages…

Continue reading “Biden Addresses Soaring Inflation, Blames Pandemic, Lies About Wages”

Stucky QOTD: Are you Put’in It Back?

China’s imports to the USA increased 16% this past year to over half a trillion dollars.  Our trade deficit with them is beyond ginormous. They own us. The USA has not had a trade surplus since 1975.

NBC refused to air this ad.


Q1):  How often to you check the label to see country of origin?

Q2).  If it’s from China, do YOU put it back?

—- Q2-A)  If not … wtf is wrong with you?

Continue reading “Stucky QOTD: Are you Put’in It Back?”