Trudeau Dreams of Dictatorship

Via Armstrong Economics

In 2013 a reporter asked Justin Trudeau which country he most admired. “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime,” Trudeau smiled and stated with seriousness. He went on to say how he admired (i.e., envied) how dictators could simply implement laws on a whim without the consent of the people, and added a nod to climate change policies as the left does not see that as a problem yet.

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Oil Soars, Ruble Tumbles On Report “US Believes” Putin Will Launch “Horrific, Bloody ” Invasion Of Ukraine Next Week

Via ZeroHedge

When it comes to the geopolitical hot spot du jour, every day it Groundhog Dog, with a random daily leak out of the deep state through its preferred mouthpieces hinting that a Russian invasion on Ukraine is imminent even if there is zero evidence confirming this, and today was no different…

… only today the deep state has been especially persistent and moment ago PBS reported that according to three (deep state) officials, “the U.S. believes Putin has decided to invade Ukraine and communicated those plans to the Russian military,” with two admin officials saying they “expect the invasion to begin next week—echoing what Secretary of State Blinken has said.”

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

If they were real, would you put this person in charge?

In the words of Kevin McCallister, I don’t think so.

The National Pulse

EXC: New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.

A recent, high-level hire at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy is a drag queen, LGBTQ+ activist who has “lectured” on kink at college campuses and participated in interviews about fetish roleplay. In one interview, Sam Brinton – now a top Biden official – even discusses having sex with animals.

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Tomorrow marks the two week anniversary of the Great Canadian Trucker Protest.

Hundreds of truck drivers and their supporters blocked the streets of downtown Ottawa on Thursday, part of a dayslong protest against public health measures.

Ambassador Bridge traffic: Detroit bridge to Canada reopened after blocked due to truck driver protest over COVID restrictions - ABC7 Chicago

The Blockade on the Ambassador Bridge connecting Canada to Michigan has become disruptive to  Michigan’s economy. Gretchen Whitmer is calling on Canada’s national and local governments to take immediate steps to open the bridge. The Biden admin is also urging Canada to use federal powers to stop the disruption at the boarder.

Will Canada be pressured by the U.S. to use military force on it’s protesters?

Should the U.S. even be getting involved?

If Canada brings in their military, what would be the result? Does it end well, or badly, for the Canadian Government?

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Dishonesty is a Bad Business Plan

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Dr. Fauci Is A Liar!

The whopping untruths launched onto the people of Western Civ by their governments reformatted the brains of millions so badly that they shuffled obediently into a mass formation and ran over a buffalo jump. What a stampede it has been!

But suddenly, the remaining buffaloes are balking at the cliff’s edge, seeing the bodies pile up below. Some of the bulls have even turned the other way and started charging back across the darkling prairie at the creatures driving the herd with their klaxons of deceit. All authority, from Vienna to Vancouver stands revealed as psychopathic — it apparently seeks to kill and injure as many as possible. Talk about the needle and the damage done! Why else persist with vaccines that don’t work and which provoke the most lethal disease mechanisms as side-effects?

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2 Predictions

Guest Post by Raul Ilargi Meijer

1/ If the US truckers manage to organize themselves anywhere close to the way their Canadian brethren have, in projects like Convoy To DC 2022 or American Freedom Convoy 2022, they will cause absolute mayhem stateside, and the Biden admin will very rapidly lift the -announced- vaccination mandates for truckers. This will force Canada to do the same. Of course the demands of the Canadian truckers are now much broader than their own vaccines, and US truckers may well go that way too.

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As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic”

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The Covid19 narrative is broken, that battle is over. Yes, there are still pockets of token resistance, little embattled squares who aren’t ready to give up the ghost just yet, but for the most part the establishment are letting it go.

Country after country after country are “relaxing” their Covid restrictions, abandoning vaccine passport plans and attempting to “get back to normal”.

It seems every week some new “expert” who spent the last two years predicting we’re all gonna die turns up on the news claiming we should “treat Covid like the flu”.

But just because they’re giving slack on Covid does not mean the agenda behind Covid is gone. Far from it.

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2032 & Knowing Your Enemy

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful indeed. However, that does not mean that the future is bleak and that life as we know it will end. Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison on February 8, 1786: “[T]hat insult and war are the consequences of a want of respectability in the national character.” This is precisely what has been happening with cancel culture shutting down all opposition and to “insult” anyone who dares to object. This leads only to war or civil unrest. This is how the Marxists acted, killing over 200 million people or more than 10% of the world’s population at the time, which was 1,600,000,000.

However, because it was concentrated in Russia and China, the loss of life in Russia during the Great October Revolution was minimal. On the night of October 24, 1917, Bolshevik Red Guards began to take control of key points in the Russian capital which included the railway stations, telegraph offices, and government buildings. By the following evening, they controlled the entire city with the exception of the Winter Palace, the seat of the Provisional Government.

What came next was the “storming of the Winter Palace,” which became the event recognized in history as the climactic moment of the October Revolution. However, back then as today, these zealots thought overthrowing the existing government would be a walk in the park. That proved to be the easy part. Bolsheviks took power therefore in a coup and then strengthened their positions through elections to the Soviets. They were imposing their draconian actions, just as Schwab’s Agenda 2030 is today, without the consent of the majority of the people. There was no respect for individual liberty.

Over the next three years, the Bolsheviks who rebranded themselves then as Communists would have to win power in a bloody civil war to forcefully impose their economic theory of Karl Marx upon everyone, just as Schwab is doing today, which will also lead to blood in the street and civil wars. The Bolsheviks had to win to reestablish order in a country that had descended into anarchy brutally also controlling the present with the same canceled culture.

This ruthless implosion of Marxism and the rejection of freedom led to civil war. By the time of the revolution, the Russian Empire collapsed and various regions began to separate declaring their independence such as Finland, Poland, Southern Russia, Ukraine, Ural, and Siberian far-East.

The White Russians, the anti-Communist freedom supporters, had no choice but to resist and thus initiated the civil war in 1918. To ensure that there could be no return to monarchy, that is when they killed the Czar and his entire family to leave no heirs. The Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled Russia for three centuries, came to an abrupt and bloody end in July 1918. Nicholas and his family had been held under house arrest for more than a year following the October Revolution. They were executed brutally by Bolshevik soldiers.

There was foreign assistance by both German and Entente forces. Japan and the US also took part on the side of the White Russians, however, it was minimal. By 1919 the goal was to help the White Russian forces in the civil war, but when the Whites collapsed the forces were withdrawn by 1920, whereas Japan did not withdraw until 1922. The failure of the White Russians was really the result of war fatigue and the horrors of World War I, and then in 1919, the collapse of commodities prices and the onset of a deep economic recession. The total death toll has been estimated at 10 million.

It was Stalin and his Great Purge taking the food from Ukraine where he caused another 7 million deaths through starvation. The event that set off the Great Purge took place in 1934 with the assassination of Sergei Kirov, who was a prominent Bolshevik leader. That sent Stalin into a paranoid fit. He is said to have outright sent at least 750,000 people to be executed during the Great Purge, which took place between about 1936 and 1938. Like Trudeau attaching labels to the truckers to cast them as evil people, Stalin did the same. Stalin used terms, such as “fifth column,” “enemy of the people” and “saboteurs” to describe those who were sought out during the Great Purge. He executed Kondratief for saying to say that communism would not last because everything moved in cycles. A tyrant will ALWAYS label his opponent as a criminal of some kind. In total, it has been estimated that Stalin killed 20 million people who died in labor camps, forced collectivization, famine, and executions. This is the true face of Marxism that Schwab is celebrating. The World Economic Forum, to me, I believe is the real terrorist organization that makes Bin Laden look like a kindergarten strategist.

Because serfdom was not abolished in Russia until 1861, the common people owned nothing. So Marxism sounded attractive. They had nothing to lose as people do today. Thus, going after the aristocrats seemed like a just cause. Consequently, the left welcomed the Revolution as the start of a new era, with harmony and equality for all people. They were also inspired by the slaughter of millions of soldiers during the First World War, and thus the October Revolution seemed to offer an alternative—a government ruled in the interests of the common people that would ultimately produce a communist utopia.

I am laying out the game plan, for if we understand what Schwab’s army will be doing, it is up to us to resist and defeat this agenda. The mainstream media is under control and they will do everything to support Schwab against the people. Some are just following orders on a me-too basis, which other organizations like the London Financial Times are up to its neck in Communist philosophies. We must know our enemy, how he thinks, and his objectives.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it is on the front of an oncoming train. This will also be an incredible OPPORTUNITY to remake government the same way the Founding Fathers followed their victory with the American Revolution. This time we once more get to recreate government and the world we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

This is why they call anything that exposes the truth a CONSPIRACY THEORY so they do not have to answer the issue. Instead, they just slander the problem. The object is to keep us unaware, and thus unprepared for the real agenda.

I will be doing a report on post-2032 and the opportunity this presents. Yes, there must be some chaotic times we must navigate through, but in the end, we get to try a new form of government developed from the past mistakes of all those who have gone before us.

Someone Needs to Tell the Kremlin that the “Ukraine Crisis” Is Over

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

As I have warned for some time, sooner or later the Kremlin will lose its patience with Washington and its European puppet states.  Signs of this are now appearing.  The normally very diplomatic Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov,  just compared his discussion with his British counterpart, Liz Truss, with talking to a deaf person.  He added: “Russia has been cheated and wronged for many years, many times, when it comes to agreements and obligations from other states.”

At a February 10 press conference, Lavrov said his Ukrainian counterpart was “lying with a straight face” and is a member of the “school of Goebbels, and maybe even surpasses the art of the chief propagandist of the Third Reich.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia will not attend this year’s Munich Security Conference because the conference “has been increasingly transformed into  a transatlantic forum” and has lost “its inclusiveness and objectivity.”  This is a sign that Russia is learning to give up on endless talk.

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Stress Test for a Fading Superpower

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Stress Test for a Fading Superpower By Patrick Buchanan

And as we went crusading for a new world order, Vladimir Putin’s Russia gradually recovered from its crushing Cold War defeat, and China began to move out of America’s shadow to become the most powerful rival modern America had ever faced.

Because America entered both world wars of the 20th century last, while all the other great powers bled one another, and because we outlasted the Soviet Empire in the Cold War, America emerged, in the term of President George H.W. Bush, as “the last superpower.”

We had it all. We were the “indispensable nation.” We saw further into the future. We could impose our “benevolent global hegemony” on all mankind. And so it was that we set out to create a “new world order,” plunging into successive wars in Iraq, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Syria, Libya, Yemen.

So doing, we bled ourselves, distracted ourselves, exhausted ourselves and sundered ourselves, until half the country was echoing George McGovern’s 1972 campaign slogan: “Come home, America.”

And as we went crusading for a new world order, Vladimir Putin’s Russia gradually recovered from its crushing Cold War defeat, and China began to move out of America’s shadow to become the most powerful rival modern America had ever faced.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Voltaire returns to Paris from exile – 1778


Voltaire - Quotes, Books & Life - Biography

On February 11, 1778, some 300 people visit Voltaire following his return to Paris. Voltaire had been in exile for 28 years.

Born Francois-Marie Arouet to middle-class parents in Paris in 1694, Voltaire began to study law as a young man but quit to become a playwright. He made a name for himself with classical tragedies and also wrote poetry. In 1717, he was arrested for his satirical poem La Henriade, which attacked politics and religion. Voltaire spent nearly a year in the Bastille as punishment.

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