Congratulations to the Happy Couple. Walmart is the witness of your love.


Legend says, he’s still there until now.


This was found in the kids section!


Can’t be too tall, right?



Will Xi Jinping’s “End Of Days” Plunge China & The World Into War?

Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute,

  • Xi Jinping, China’s mighty-looking leader, has an “enormous array of domestic enemies.” — Gregory Copley, president of the International Strategic Studies Association and editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, to Gatestone Institute, February 2022.
  • Xi created that opposition. After becoming China’s ruler at the end of 2012, he grabbed power from everyone else and then jailed tens of thousands of opponents in purges, which he styled as “anti-corruption” campaigns.
  • Beijing is panicking, adding nearly a trillion dollars in total new credit last month, a record increase…. When the so-called “hidden debt” is included, total debt in the country amounts to somewhere in the vicinity of 350% of gross domestic product.
  • Not surprisingly, Chinese companies are now defaulting. The debt crisis is so serious it can bring down China’s economy—and the country’s financial and political systems with it.

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Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Richard Hirschman, a board-certified embalmer, has been finding “strange clots” in the bodies of the deceased since the rollout of COVID-19 shots
  • Hirschman describes, and has photographed, unnatural, fibrous clots that are filling vessels and veins, making it difficult for embalming to occur; his colleagues have had similar experiences finding the fibrous clots
  • Many of those affected were said to have died from a heart attack or stroke
  • Since November, Hirschman states that more than 50% of the bodies he embalms are affected by the strange clots
  • If you’ve been injected, consider fibrinolytic enzymes on an empty stomach, which digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes and pulmonary embolisms

Richard Hirschman, a board-certified embalmer and funeral director with more than 20 years of experience, has come forward with some mysterious and disturbing findings. In the time period since COVID-19 shots were rolled out, starting around the middle of 2021, Hirschman states that he’s been finding “strange clots” in the bodies of the deceased.

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Autopsies Show: Vaccinating Teens for COVID Is Literally ‘Heartbreaking’

Guest Post by Madhava Setty, M.D.

Autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine prove the vaccine caused their deaths. Pathological findings suggest there may be a way to distinguish SARS-COV-2 infection-induced myo/pericarditis from vaccine-induced cardiac injury. Vaccine-induced heart injury can be sub-clinical, but how often?

Pathologists who examined the autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine concluded the vaccine caused the teens’ deaths.

Pathologists who examined the autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine concluded the vaccine caused the teens’ deaths.

The three pathologists, two of whom are medical examiners, published their findings Feb. 14 in an early online release article, “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose,” in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

The authors’ findings were conclusive. Two teenage boys were pronounced dead in their homes three and four days after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose.

There was no evidence of active or previous COVID-19 infection. The teens had negative toxicology screens (i.e. no drugs or poisons were present in their bodies).

These boys died from the vaccine.

Continue reading “Autopsies Show: Vaccinating Teens for COVID Is Literally ‘Heartbreaking’”

[NEW TBP MERCH] The Truth is Treason

The Burning Platform’s newest design is now available on Libertas Bella!

Truth is Treason T-Shirt
The Truth is Treason T-Shirt

“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act. Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” – Ron Paul

The powers that be have set their attention to controlling the narrative with the same enthusiasm that a hound saves for his bones. The journalists submit their stories to political aids for review before they publish them.

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‘Mr Plod’ in Big Trouble – Ukraine Rolls on as Censorship Expands across the Media Landscape – whilst the British Economy is Dying – Letter from Great Britain [02-19-22]

GOOD NEWS! My book, “The Financial Jigsaw”, has now been accepted and published at my academic network.  Scroll down and Hit:  ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book:   I will be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

BREAKING: A new attempt will be made to force publication of the full Sue Gray report on whether No 10 parties broke Covid laws. If passed, the “humble address” motion tabled in the House of Commons by the Lib Dems would compel ministers to release the documents within two days of the Met concluding its investigation. A vote could take place next week, with Tory MPs urged to give their support.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  “If you are in a prison, but like it there, are you then unfree? Indeed, if you like prisons, you may even be prepared to incarcerate yourself.”  QED: You only know it’s a prison if you know you are a prisoner; viz, do people with smart phones, using the NHS app to isolate for ‘n” days, know they are being corralled?

BEFORE we get on to Britain’s problems, we have Ukraine to think about this weekend.  David Stockman at ZH has an excellent essay incorporating the history of this chimeric nation which places the present drama into context – IMHO is a must read:

Continue reading “‘Mr Plod’ in Big Trouble – Ukraine Rolls on as Censorship Expands across the Media Landscape – whilst the British Economy is Dying – Letter from Great Britain [02-19-22]”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – FDR orders Japanese Americans into internment camps – 1942


Forced Internment of Japanese Americans

Search the Database of Japanese American Internees (Record Group 210) | National Archives

On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, initiating a controversial World War II policy with lasting consequences for Japanese Americans. The document ordered the forced removal of resident “enemy aliens” from parts of the West vaguely identified as military areas.

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David Stockman on Scientism and the New Road to Serfdom

Via International Man


It’s long past time for conservative folks to wake up. Today’s great threat to capitalist prosperity, personal liberty and constitutional government as we have known it is not Marxism, socialism or any other variant of traditional left-wing ideology.

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Brandon Straka Founder of the #WalkAway Campaign On the Events of 1/6

Submitted by Brewer55

If you want to hear, in great detail, just how far we’ve fallen as a constitutional nation that no longer respects and upholds the Bill of Rights, listen to Brandon Straka’s account of what he has gone through, and continues to go through, as a result of just being on the grounds outside of the capital on 1/6.

“Conspiracy theories should be known as spoiler alerts now.”


Hunter Biden Arrives At White House In Fake Mustache And Glasses To Receive Free Crack Pipe

Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A few days after the Biden Administration announced its new “Free Government Crack Pipes for Equity” program, the president’s son Hunter was seen sneaking around the premises in a false mustache and glasses to see where he could get one for himself.

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