Watch this video now before YouTube censors it

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hosts a panel of experts including Joe Ladapo, Robert Malone, Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and other discussing the pandemic response. Watch it before it is censored.

It’s guaranteed that YouTube will censor this video. Watch it before it just disappears:

My favorite comment was:

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Here’s some of what you may not know about Ukraine—about the US coup eight years ago

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Here’s some of what you may not know about Ukraine—about the US coup eight years ago, what’s happened since, and what is happening right now

Videos that offer us a view quite different from the one we’re getting from the media non-stop, across the board—a propaganda narrative devoid of truth or decency

First, I strongly recommend, to those who haven’t seen them, Oliver Stone’s two documentaries, Ukraine on Fire (2015) and Revealing Ukraine (2019).

“What You’re Not Being Told” about Ukraine: a video on the US coup in 2014, including parts of the hacked phone conversation between Victoria Nuland, of the State Department, and Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine:

The entire phone conversation between Nuland and Pyatt:

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‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’

Via The Defender

Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill that could criminalize First Amendment rights, while the U.S. Surgeon General formally demanded tech companies turn over data on organizations and individuals who post “COVID-19 misinformation” on social media platforms.

By Meryl Nass, M.D.

Two news stories this week reveal how the federal government plans to treat COVID “misinformation” as a crime.

Two news stories this week reveal how the federal government plans to treat COVID “misinformation” as a crime, and what role tech companies will play in rounding up the “criminal.”

This is truly frightening.

Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill to provide tech companies cover via legislation that could make it possible for Congress to “legalize” censorship and criminalize First Amendment rights to freedom of speech.

Here’s a press release describing the bill:

“U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), both members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, on Wednesday introduced legislation to counter the threat that misinformation and disinformation pose to public health as evidenced by the widespread false narratives throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Promoting Public Health Information Act would support efforts across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with outside stakeholders to communicate effectively during a public health emergency and address health misinformation.”

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Bonfire of the Governments, Part One

Expect chaos to continue making new highs.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

When Machiavelli wrote The Prince he had Vladimir Putin in mind. The president of Russia has adroitly sought, maintained, and used power, the theme of Machiavelli’s masterpiece (see “The Black Belt Strategist,” Robert Gore. SLL, July 19, 2018). That he is an amoral snake is both true and laughable as a criticism coming from the amoral snakes who populate Western power structures. Nobody who slithers to the top of those pits is anything other than an amoral snake. Western snakes hate Putin because he’s repeatedly outsnaked them.

Call Putin a rattlesnake for he clearly rattled before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. That he was ignored is a worrisome indication of the epistemological breakdown that grips the West. Its leaders are unable to grasp that Putin meant what he said because they rarely mean what they say. Facts are not facts and the truth is whatever narrative they’re promoting at the moment. It’s become axiomatic that power flows from control of the narrative.

Until it doesn’t. Power flows from understanding reality and making use of what it can offer. If narratives were power, Ukraine’s army would be in Moscow by now. We haven’t seen this kind of excessive excrement from governments and their media minions since . . . Covid. Narratives are for simple-minded sheep and the wolves who devour them.

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Say Hello to Russian Gold and Chinese Petroyuan

Via The Saker

The Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union and China just agreed to design the mechanism for an independent financial and monetary system that would bypass dollar transactions.

By Pepe Escobar with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle

It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed.

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This Week in the New Normal

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. Justin Trudeau’s complete lack of self-awareness

On Friday Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared at a meeting of Toronto’s Ukrainian community – sans mask, but bearing Ukraine ribbon – to deliver a stern warning: we need to be aware of “slippage” in our democracies.

Justin says“leaders are becoming more authoritarian”.

And he’s right – Less than three weeks ago he invoked the Emergencies Act to criminalise peaceful protest and then seize and/or freeze the private property of people who had done nothing but donate money to peaceful protesters.

Justin says“countries are allowing too much misinformation and disinformation”

And he’s right – The Canadian establishment reported that the Freedom Convoy was full of white supremacists who were stealing food from homeless shelters and being funded by “foreign agents”. None of that was ever proven true.

Justin says“our current political climate emboldened Putin, and made him think he could get away with starting a war” Continue reading “This Week in the New Normal”

Covid Deaths Continue to Decline in the Unvaccinated But Not in the Vaccinated, UKHSA Data Show

Via Daily Sceptic

Another week, another Vaccine Surveillance Report from the UKHSA (week 9). This week’s analysis is a little longer than usual as we’ve included methodological information.


According to the UKHSA data, infection rates continue to drop, infections continue to have lower rates in the unvaccinated and the vaccines continue to increase the risk of infection. The impact of the recent Omicron wave can be clearly seen in the rates data:

This gives an unadjusted vaccine effectiveness of:

Displayed in this way it can be seen that apart from in those aged under 18 we’re seeing a broadly level but negative vaccine effectiveness for one and two doses, with a rapidly declining vaccine effectiveness for three doses of vaccine.

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Russia, Ukraine Prove Gold Is Still the Best Safe Haven

Via Birch Gold Group

Russia, Ukraine Prove Gold Is Still the Best Safe HavenImage via Reuters/Ilya Naymushin

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Gold remains the best safe haven despite volatility, how geopolitical tensions are further compromising the bond market, and renowned money manager weighs in on new all-time highs for gold and silver.

Gold’s volatile week and why it matters little in the metal’s trajectory

Last week has been a volatility showcase that is rarely seen in the gold market. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent gold flying past its 2011 high and up to $1,976, the highest level in a year and a half. The very next day, gold posted considerable losses and ended Friday’s trading session around $1,890. This surge and immediate slump in prices frustrated and disappointed a lot of traders, but we should remember that, for most of us, buying gold is not a trade. It’s an investment.

Even so, there are many takeaways from these wild couple of days, and a few important reminders.

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More Than One-Third Of Americans Would Risk Nuclear War Over Ukraine


I vote to give them an AK-47 and sending these fucking insane Americans over to the front lines in Ukraine to fight the evil Russians. Do they know Zelensky is welcoming foreign mercenaries to help?

Oh, they just want to send someone else’s children to die as cannon fodder for the military industrial complex and Deep State. Got it.

Since all of these people live in blue states, can we ask Mr. Putin to just nuke cities with more than 70% democrats.

Via ZeroHedge

With Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky receiving a standing ovation Wednesday morning after his brief address to Congress, you should know that over 1/3 of Americans polled by Pew Research support the US ‘taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.’

As Pew reported on Tuesday:

Public Expresses Mixed Views of U.S. Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

35% favor U.S. military action even if it risks nuclear conflict with Russia

Three weeks into Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, nearly half of Americans (47%) approve of the Biden administration’s handling of the Russian invasion, while about four-in-ten (39%) disapprove; 13% say they are not sure.

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The US Military Has Its Own Version of VAERS, And The Results Are Frightening

By Fed Up Texas Chick Via TheTenPenny Report

On January 24, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) held a round-table discussion on the COVID shots and other treatment protocols. Near the end of the 5-hour discussion, attorney Thomas Renz stunned attendees with data obtained from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). This data was obtained by Renz from three whistleblowers who felt the data must be shared with the general public.

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Best March Madness Memes 2021 - Bragging, Brackets & Trolls

Since Stuck threw some sort of anti-NCAA tournament tantrum and said he wasn’t going to set it up or participate, it’s left to me to keep the tradition alive.

March Madness NCAA Tournament Memes - | Expert Predictions, Picks, and Previews

For all you crotchety old farts who hate sports and think participating in a harmless bracket challenge is evil, don’t even comment on this thread. We don’t give a fuck what you think. Most of you ancient fossils couldn’t figure out how to log-on anyway.