Over Half of New IRS Audits Targeted the Middle Class

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the American public is on the hook for immediate liquidity every single year via taxation. The misconception that Biden would only target the wealthy needs to be dispelled as a recent study reveals that 63% of new audits targeted Americans earning under $200,000.

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How Ultraprocessed Foods Are Slowly Killing Us

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In a lecture at The Royal Institute, Chris van Tulleken shared details of how ultraprocessed foods impact human health, tracing a timeline from the mid-1970s when childhood obesity was a mere 2% to the present day, just 50 years later, when it now hovers at 20%
  • Van Tulleken notes that processed foods are not the same as ultraprocessed foods because processing is ancient and people have been grinding, salting, smoking, curing and fermenting food for hundreds of thousands of years. As he says, humans are the “only obligate processivores”
  • Food products are not just a sum of the nutrient parts, as has been demonstrated in multiple studies, including a case study by van Tulleken in which he discovered that after just four weeks of eating 80% ultraprocessed food, he experienced heartburn, anxiety, 15.4-pound weight gain and poor sleep
  • Based on research, van Tulleken proposes the brain is a prediction engine, and taste is an early warning system that your body uses to warn of toxins and predict the nutrients that are on the way to the stomach. When the tongue signals sugar, fat, or protein that doesn’t arrive, it may trigger a stress response that causes you to eat more
  • Ultraprocessed food manufacturers propose that obesity is caused by not getting enough exercise or not having enough willpower. Yet, the evidence suggests these theories are invalid and that obesity and other diseases are linked to consuming ultraprocessed foods that may be slowly killing us

Consumption of ultraprocessed foods in the U.S. grew from 53.5% of the total calories consumed between 2001 to 2002 to 57% of the total calories consumed between 2017 to 2018.1

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This Week in the New Normal

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. UK Assisted Dying Law

The UK will almost certainly have legalised euthanasia by the end of the year, if not this government then it will be among the first acts of Sir Keir Starmer’s “progressive” administration after the general election.

The propaganda for this has been going and going and going for years, but it’s been a particularly hot-button issue for the last few months.

Here’s a particularly manipulative example from today’s Guardian:

Woman having assisted death calls for UK law change

It’s all about an unfortunate woman with terminal cancer who is waiting to die under New Zealand’s euthanasia law, she tells the paper the UK should:

“Look at what New Zealand has done, and do it even better. There is a lot of focus on the right to life, but people should have the right to a peaceful, gentle death.”

It’s hard to imagine how, given the last four years, anyone could aspire to be more like New Zealand. But then again I’m not a power-hungry autocrat striving to reshape the world into my own authoritarian hellscape.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – A raid is set for MOVE headquarters – 1985

Via History.com

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, police begin evacuating people from their Osage Avenue homes in order to prepare for an operation against MOVE, a Black separatist group that had assembled a large arsenal. By the end of the botched confrontation, 11 people were dead and 61 homes had been burned down.

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The Broken Magic Trick Behind Dollar Dominance

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group

The total debt owed by the United States federal government has reached incredible levels. Today, the total is $34,541,727,970,599.17 – but by the time you read this article, it’ll probably be higher.

I say “probably” because the debt is growing exponentially that by the time you read this, it’s quite possible that another few hundred billion have taken the total over $35 trillion.

Look at the official chart and attention to how fast total debt has risen since the turn of the century:

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Huge Financial Shock Inevitable & Hitting Now

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst.  Even though he has a wildly popular book on CV19 vax deaths and injuries called “Cause Unknown,” he is now turning his attention back to the economy.  Dowd warns the economy can fall out of bed at any time.  Dowd explains, “What’s coming up next is a credit cycle.  We are going to see commercial real estate go into problem mode.  There are a lot of loans that need to be rolled over in 2024 and 25.  A lot of these properties are down 80% . . . .  There is huge credit risk coming.  The prediction of bank failures is accurate.  We are going to see, over the next 12 to 24 months, banks go belly-up.  Then, they will have to get merged with bigger banks.”

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An Attack on Intelligence

Submitted by Bob P

Guest Post by Patrick Lawrence

Not in my lifetime,” I used to think when contemplating America’s decline and fall—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic such that it stands for the ideals it professes to uphold but unreservedly ignores. Blind justice, disinterested leaders and institutions, tolerance of others, freedom of thought and speech, a Jeffersonian respect for reason and knowledge: Those who come after me will see the imperium’s collapse and will begin the work of restoration, but not I.

So I long assumed. And so does the pace of events suggest I may well be wrong. Things I used to think would take, maybe, 20 years now occur in five or six or seven. If I reckoned some turn of history’s wheel was a decade out, what do you know but that it now seems hard upon us.

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Poke the bear and find out: Here’s why the West should finally listen to Russia’s warnings

Guest Post by Tarik Cyril Amar

We have been through an intense, if muffled crisis in the ongoing political-military confrontation between Russia and the West by way of Ukraine. The essence of this crisis is simple: Kiev and its Western supporters have lost the initiative in the Ukraine proxy war and may be on the verge of defeat, as high Western officials increasingly admit.

In response to this self-inflicted quandary, several important Western players have threatened further escalation. Most prominently, Great Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Cameron publicly encouraged Kiev to use British Storm Shadow missiles to strike inside Russia. French President Emmanuel Macron continued to threaten a direct – not covert, as at present – intervention by French, that is, NATO, troops (In addition, an intriguing and much-discussed article reported that a deployment of 1,500 troops from France’s Foreign Legion had already begun. While its sources were hard to assess, its claims appeared too plausible for easy dismissal.)

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2024 election likely the last to be decided by US citizens

Via RT

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has called the “massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth” the main factor

The continuing influx of illegal immigrants into the US could mean that American citizens could cease to decide the outcome of elections in the country in the not-too-distant future, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has predicted. The South African-born billionaire claimed that the Democrats are wittingly refusing to address the issue in the hope of skewing the balance in their favor going forward.

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“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” – George Washington

“But there’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begin.” Mitch Albom

“I love you every day. And now I will miss you every day.” Mitch Albom

Image result for funny mothers day memes

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Eliminating Cash in Australia ASAP – Number ONE Anti-Free Speech in the World

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Macquarie Bank has announced it will Abolish Cash and it warns customers to prepare for the new CASHLESS WORD to ensure the government knows everything about you and what you are buying or selling. Macquarie has just over $250 billion in assets. They have informed clients that.

“Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts.” 

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Anti-War Mothers – Celebrating Mother’s Day in the US

Guest Post by VN Alexander

I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child.
Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother’s Day, 1870

Originally conceived as a protest to war, Mother’s Day – celebrated in the US on the second Sunday of May – has become a marketing tool to boost consumer spending to give suck to Amazon and FTD florists.

Now that Rosie the Riveter, maker of fighter planes and tanks, is the face of feminism, we tend to forget that many of the early feminists were anti-war activists who had a deep respect for motherhood.

Feminism has been hijacked by politics, and in the US, the great achievements of the Democratic Party – which allegedly cares more about women’s rights than the other half of the Uniparty – has lately won for female kind two weeks of parental leave, better access to daycare, and private breast-pumping spaces.

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Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Epoch Times has acquired official documents that reveal that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2021 had definite evidence that Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines” caused multiple deaths. Despite the conclusive evidence in CDC’s hands, the “health agency” continued to lie for the next two years that there were no adverse effects from the emergency use “vaccines” that were for tens of millions of Americans illegally and unconstitutionally mandated as a condition of employment. https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/robert-malone-live-qa-cdc-internal-documents-reveal-covid-vaccine-related-deaths-fallout-5646991?utm_source=Enews&src_src=Enews&utm_campaign=etv1-2024-05-11&src_cmp=etv1-2024-05-11&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAceE5JjMFys3H%2BbdAvWpUcQzPZ0WlGLZbDFlFfmdQNQ%3D%3D

We were told by the CDC, FDA, NIH, the monster Tony Fauci, the White House Fool, the presstitutes, corrupt medical boards and university administrators, and our doctors that the “vaccine” was effective and safe. We were told this blatant lie, which every scrap of evidence refuted, over and over and over. And a trusting population trusted the “authorities” and paid for it in droves with their lives and their health. Many independent experts, scientists not dependent on federal or Big Pharma money, believe that the deaths and infertility from the “vaccines” are only beginning.

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Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: SOTN published the very first expose on the Internet identifying the OPERATION COVID-19 and the Covid Plandemic as “THE BIG ONE” we had all been waiting for HERE on January 22, 2000.

Every major topic covered in that historic exposé turned out to be true as THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC unfolded over the following years.  In point of fact, it was by far the most read article on any of our several websites since 2008, until Google conspired with Twitter and Facebook to shut it down after just a few days.

What’s the crucial point?