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‘World Stealth Organization’? Jimmy Dore, Meryl Nass Warn Against WHO Power Grab

Guest Post by

Dr. Meryl Nass, the founder of Door to Freedom, joined comedian Jimmy Dore to discuss the WHO’s proposed “pandemic agreement” — widely known as the “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations, on “The Jimmy Dore Show.”

Internist Dr. Meryl Nass, the founder of Door to Freedom, joined comedian Jimmy Dore to discuss the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed “pandemic agreement” — widely known as the “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), on “The Jimmy Dore Show” May 8.

Nass warned that these proposals represent a power grab by the WHO, posing a threat to national sovereignty, personal autonomy and health freedom, while promoting controversial gain-of-function research on potentially deadly pathogens.

The two proposals also would intensify censorship of dissenting views.

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The Largest Presidential Rally in NJ History

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Trump.Wildwood.NJ_.Rally_The largest presidential rally in the history of New Jersey occurred over the weekend on May 11. Donald A crowd of around 100,000 came together to listen to former President Donald Trump and show their support for his re-election campaign. Could New Jersey flip red once again?

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Why The USA is Collapsing

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh spoke at a judicial conference for the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which hears appeals from Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Justice Kavanaugh said that unpopular rulings tend to become the fabric of constitutional law, pointing to the unpopular decision at the time in Brown v. Board of Education, which held that separating children by race in schools is unconstitutional. This is often the case, but the nation has become so polarized that you immediately see today, when a Judge rules, they turn to who appointed him to the bench. The presumption is that they rule not according to the Constitution but according to the political party that they are affiliated with.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This is a portrait more so than a report – but it can also be read as the latter.

The other day, at my gym, I saw a guy wearing facial underwear. His underwear was also showing. He was one of those guys who think it’s “cool” – or whatever the term for the same sentiment is now – to wear his pants coming down, so as to permanently expose his actual underwear. It is a shame that there isn’t some way to stop the spread of this . . .

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Latest Polls Show Biden Will Need Twice As Many Fake Ballots To Win Election This Year

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S. — As former President Donald Trump continued to build a sizeable lead in a majority of swing states, the latest polls suggest President Joe Biden would need twice as many fake ballots to win the election this year.

The startling poll results presented the Biden campaign with a sobering reminder that the standard number of fake ballots used in previous election years needed to be increased significantly for him to win again in November.

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Monster Mash-up

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“My take is that the US is incredibly unstable right now, and could go in almost any imaginable direction between now and the election, as well as some unimaginable ones.”John Michael Greer

Did you notice that it took just a little bit of internal chaos to alert the Party of Chaos that maybe chaos wasn’t the greatest thing to be the party of? Something went awry the past two weeks when thousands of creamy coeds on every campus across America donned the keffiyeh and, in effect, demanded submission to history’s most notorious misogynist cult. It struck a most cacophonous chord among progressives, like Kumbaya as orchestrated by Karlheinz Stockhausen. To awaken from Wokery, you see, is a brutal shock to the brain.

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GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Weather Warfare is the preferred method of terrorist attack by the NWO globalist cabal because….

Via State of the Nation

…the geoengineers always enjoy plausible
deniability, especially during the historical
bad weather seasons of the targeted city or

Submitted by The Weather Warfare Watcher

First, watch this bombshell video presentation from May 2, 2024 of Gov. Ron DeSantis tearing apart the New World Order globalist agenda in Florida.

VIDEO: DeSantis Signs Hardline Legislation To
Combat The Aims & Policies Of ‘Global Elites’

For those who didn’t watch it, we’ll summarize.

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The All-Important Doorman

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Picture this: A tribal leader from a distant country visits the US. He’s brought to a large apartment building in New York City. When he gets out of the car, he looks up at the great building and is quite impressed. A uniformed doorman exits the foyer and comes out on the sidewalk. The tribesman sees the gold braiding and brass buttons of his coat and immediately decides that this is a very important person. Again he looks up at the building and says to the doorman, “This is a very great home you have. You must be very important indeed.”

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How do the idiots in South Carolina keep re-electing this psychopathic fag?

How To Neutralize The Campus Communists

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

You may have noticed the campus communist uprisings are fading into the background, at least for the moment. It was pretty clear that the entitled – and universally ugly – spoiled mutants (and their professional cadre organizers) were starting to get on the collective nerves of normal Americans, plus the Biden clique was already committing to betraying Israel in favor of the terrorists. The regime media has dialed it down as they served their purpose.

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House Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

A few votes could change the course of history. The Equal Representation Act questions whether illegal migrants should appear on the next US census in 2030, effectively granting them representation. The 206 to 202 vote was passed on party lines, with ALL Democrats voting in favor of permitting illegal migrants to be counted as American citizens for redistricting purposes.

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Over Half of New IRS Audits Targeted the Middle Class

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the American public is on the hook for immediate liquidity every single year via taxation. The misconception that Biden would only target the wealthy needs to be dispelled as a recent study reveals that 63% of new audits targeted Americans earning under $200,000.

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How Ultraprocessed Foods Are Slowly Killing Us

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In a lecture at The Royal Institute, Chris van Tulleken shared details of how ultraprocessed foods impact human health, tracing a timeline from the mid-1970s when childhood obesity was a mere 2% to the present day, just 50 years later, when it now hovers at 20%
  • Van Tulleken notes that processed foods are not the same as ultraprocessed foods because processing is ancient and people have been grinding, salting, smoking, curing and fermenting food for hundreds of thousands of years. As he says, humans are the “only obligate processivores”
  • Food products are not just a sum of the nutrient parts, as has been demonstrated in multiple studies, including a case study by van Tulleken in which he discovered that after just four weeks of eating 80% ultraprocessed food, he experienced heartburn, anxiety, 15.4-pound weight gain and poor sleep
  • Based on research, van Tulleken proposes the brain is a prediction engine, and taste is an early warning system that your body uses to warn of toxins and predict the nutrients that are on the way to the stomach. When the tongue signals sugar, fat, or protein that doesn’t arrive, it may trigger a stress response that causes you to eat more
  • Ultraprocessed food manufacturers propose that obesity is caused by not getting enough exercise or not having enough willpower. Yet, the evidence suggests these theories are invalid and that obesity and other diseases are linked to consuming ultraprocessed foods that may be slowly killing us

Consumption of ultraprocessed foods in the U.S. grew from 53.5% of the total calories consumed between 2001 to 2002 to 57% of the total calories consumed between 2017 to 2018.1

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