This moron is hysterical. Her nickname is “where’s my limo”. She has a chauffer drive her the one block from her residence in D.C. to her office on your dime. I see lots of people with distended stomachs in West Philly, but they aren’t distended because they are starving. The food stamp program is a joke. You can buy ice cream, cheetos, grape soda, and KFC with your EBT card. Doesn’t SNAP stand for supplemental nutritional assistance program? There is at least $30 billion of fraud annually with this Obama voter bribery program. Watching the mind of an ultra-liberal in action is fascinating and disturbing. This woman is actually one of the idiots in control of this country.



I just received a call from my oldest son. He was crying. His best friend died in a one car accident last night. A young life snuffed out in an instant. Hug your children.

INJURIES / FATALITY (Harleysville, Montgomery Co)

Fire Dept & EMS responded to a report of a accident involving vehicle into a tree with one occupant ejected onto the roadway. DOA reported by EMS. There was no additional information available at the time of this post
Last update: (08:55)
Source: MontCo DPS & Breaking News Network


Fourth Turnings are driven by changes in the mood of the various generations. The mood in this country darkens by the day, despite what the corporate MSM peddles 24/7. The status quo establishment ruling class are 100% in agreement that Snowden is a traitor. The majority of Americans are now in disagreement with those in power. Considering the ruling class is using their Bernaysian propaganda methods in an all out effort to herd the sheep toward their barn, the sheep are beginning to balk. At least Obama still has black folks thinking Snowden is a traitor. I wonder where the poll takers found the black folk to interview. If you asked 100 people in West Philly about Edward Snowden, 80% would think he was the Sixers’ 4th round draft pick out of Creighton. The other 20% would pull a knife on you.

Maybe some of the women on this site can explain how the majority of women in this country think the Federal government hasn’t done enough to protect us from phantom terrorists. Are they brain dead? Have they been watching to much Keeping Up With the Kardashians? Are they just plain stupid?

Latest Snowden Poll Results: 55% Say Whistleblower; 34% Say Traitor

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/10/2013 09:57 -0400

Immediately in the aftermath of the Snowden revelations, various political action committees and their ideologically affiliated polling services took to convincing the general public that according to “popular opinion”, a “majority” of Americans found Snowden to be a [traitor|hero]. A month later, with the the dust having settled somewhat, the US public has had some more time to consider the implications of living in the United Stasi States of America. And sure enough, another poll has just been released, this time by Quinnipiac. Its findings are as follows: a majority of U.S. registered voters consider Edward Snowden a whistle-blower, not a traitor, and a plurality says government anti-terrorism efforts have gone too far in restricting civil liberties, a poll released today shows. Fifty-five percent said Snowden was a whistle-blower in leaking details about top-secret U.S. programs that collect telephone and Internet data, in the survey from Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University. Thirty-four percent said he’s a traitor.

The view of Snowden as a whistle-blower rather than traitor predominated among almost every group of respondents broken down by party, gender, income, education and age. Black voters were the lone exception, with 43 percent calling Snowden a traitor compared with 42 percent saying he was a whistle-blower.

More from the poll:

The poll also showed that by 45 percent to 40 percent, respondents said the government goes too far in restricting civil liberties as part of the war on terrorism. That was a reversal from January 2010, when in a similar survey 63 percent said anti-terrorism activities didn’t go far enough to protect the U.S. from attacks, compared with 25 percent who disagreed.


“The massive swing in public opinion about civil liberties and governmental anti-terrorism efforts, and the public view that Edward Snowden is more whistle-blower than traitor, are the public reaction and apparent shock at the extent to which the government has gone in trying to prevent future terrorist incidents,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of Quinnipiac’s polling institute.


“The verdict that Snowden is not a traitor goes against almost the unified view of the nation’s political establishment,” Brown said.


Facing espionage and other charges and with his passport revoked, Snowden has been holed up at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport since arriving there on June 23 from Hong Kong, which refused a U.S. extradition request. President Barack Obama’s administration has been pressuring other countries not to grant Snowden asylum, and U.S. officials who have called him a traitor include House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican.


The poll showed both Democrats and Republicans about evenly divided on whether government counter-terrorism measures have become excessive. Independent voters view the methods as having gone too far by 49 percent to 36 percent.


The fact that there is little difference now along party lines about the overall anti-terrorism effort and civil liberties and about Snowden is in itself unusual in a country sharply divided along political lines about almost everything,” Brown said.


A gender gap emerges, though, on the government’s anti-terrorism programs. The poll showed that men, by 54 percent to 34 percent, see the government as having gone too far in its efforts while women, by 47 percent to 36 percent, said the measures haven’t gone far enough.


Despite this divergence, figures for the genders from Quinnipiac’s January 2010 poll exemplify the overall change in attitude on the issue. Male respondents, by 61 percent to 28 percent, said in the earlier survey that the government hadn’t gone far enough to protect the country. Among women, 64 percent said the same.


Likewise, among Republicans the percentage who said government has gone overboard in restricting civil liberties in the fight against terrorism grew to 41 percent in the new poll, compared with 17 percent three years ago.

Of course, this poll will promptly be overturned by another poll conducted by MSNBC (or comparable), finding that 120% of Americans believe Snowden deserves the chair. And the farce will go on.


I notice that some of the conservative websites I follow are not outraged in the least by the coup in Egypt. This is one of those situations that separates the phony Constitutionalists from the people who believe in the Constitution. The neo-cons hate Muslims in general and religious Muslims in particular. They hate Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. I’m sure he’s an asshole and his followers are dangerous fanatics. I’m also sure the Egyptian generals that backed Mubarek and his dictatorship for decades are also evil fuckers. The entire Middle East is a religious clusterfuck of dangerous fanatics who blow each other up. The Egyptian people elected Morsi through the democratic process. Many Egyptians hate his guts and hate his policies. The American people elected Obama. Many Americans hate his guts and hate his policies. The Egyptian military overthrew Morsi last week and placed him under arrest. They are now killing his supporters as they riot. Is it OK for our military to overthrow Obama because his popularity rating is now only 40%?

For the slow witted (Congressmen, MSM pundits) here is the definition of a coup:

The sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military.

There is absolutely no doubt that a democratically elected leader of Egypt was overthrown and deposed. Our LAW states unequivically that foreign aid of $1.5 billion MUST be stopped immediately. Obama, his minions, Congress and the mainstream media tell me that laws must be followed when it comes to my every day existence. But the slimy snakes in Washington DC from both parties have decided they can ignore laws when they interfere with their agendas. The $1.5 billion will continue to flow to Egypt because our owners think it’s good for business. Most of this money benefits our Arms Peddlers in the military industrial complex. The lesson from this episode and dozens of other episodes over the last few years proves that the rule of law is meaningless in this country. Numerous laws will be enforced on the peasants but will be ignored and flaunted when they apply to the lords of the manor. Laws are designed to control you and allow the oligarchs to pillage without consequence.

In case you hadn’t noticed:

  • Wall Street bankers engineered the largest control fraud in world history and not one banker has gone to jail. Over 1,000 bankers went to jail during the S&L Crisis of the early 1990’s.
  • Mortgage brokers and the Wall Street banks colluded to create fraudulent mortgages, package them as MBS, paid off rating agencies to get a AAA rating, sold them to clients, shorted them knowing they would explode, and destroyed the lives of millions in the process. No one was prosecuted or went to jail. 
  • Wall Street bankers have commited foreclosure fraud on a grand scale (robo-signing) and not one banker has gone to jail.
  • Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson lied to Congress and the American people about the true implications of the September 2008 meltdown and neither has been held accountable.
  • Eric Holder gave assault weapons to Mexican drug lords, which were used to kill U.S. law enforcement officers, and no one has gone to jail.
  • The government is illegally collecting meta-data from all Americans in violation of the 4th Amendment. No one will be prosecuted.
  • James Clapper lied to Congress about spying on the American people. There is no effort to prosecute him for this crime.
  • The Obama administration has used the IRS to punish political opponents. No one will go to jail.
  • Jon Corzine stole $1.2 billion directly from the accounts of his clients. He is not going to be prosecuted.
  • Wall Street banks are caught using inside information on a daily basis to generate billions of illegal profits. The government fines them a few million. No one goes to jail.

Tacitus was right:

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”

Our state is corrupt to its core. A true patriot, Edward Snowden, reveals the illegal traitorous actions of the government (Obama, Congress, NSA) and he is vilified by the oligarchs and their MSM mouthpieces. Edward Snowden should be hailed as a hero, but those in power will use their interpretation of the LAW to throw him in prison for life.

The message is obvious to anyone who chooses to think. THEY will use the law to crush you and keep you controlled, but the LAW does not apply to them. THEY are above the law. You are not free. You are a slave. The democratic process does not exist in this country. The system will never be changed from within. Their power, wealth and control is immense. The future will resemble Orwell’s vision unless enough people like Edward Snowden make a stand.




We may have found our new George Carlin. Two weeks ago Russell Brand made the talking heads on MSNBC look like corporate propagandist fools. Now he scorches the blatant criminality of bankers. We need people like him to connect with the Millenials and get them angry enough to lead the coming revolution. Slowly but surely more people are awaking from their stupor and realizing we live in a corporate fascist state that is designed by the ultra-rich to benefit the ultra-rich. Wall Street bankers and Washington politicians are part of a criminal conspiracy to bilk you out of your wealth through inflation, accounting fraud, and debt manipulation. Open your eyes. Brand and many others already have.

Credibility Trap: When Only Comedy Can Dare Speak the Truth

Here is a link to the entire show from which this clip has been excerpted.
The credibility trap is a means by which the perpetrators co-opt, and essentially attempt to hold to blackmail, the entire power structure of the status quo. Note too how the CEO defense and other gross generalizations of culpability and the law are such an instrumental part of the aftermath of this type of widespread corruption.
These financial con men do not rely on loyalty, trust, and the truth, because they have no part of it. Instead they use deception, threats and blackmail to achieve their ends, always, no matter in what patriotic or ideological wrappers they may seek to cloak their perfidious means.
As a bonus, here is a clip of Russell Brand completely unhinging the spokesmodels and poseurs on MSNBC. I found it to be almost embarrassingly hilarious. These consider themselves to be serious journalists of the highest order, and look down upon those who struggle on in bringing truth to light without the high pay and reassuring cocoon of corporate sponsorship.
Posted by Jesse


The Wall Street shysters and their mouthpieces on CNBC have gleefully ripped Meredith Whitney and her prediction of thousands on municipal bankruptcies. Her timing was early. She didn’t realize that Bernanke would bow down to his masters and produce a 100% stock market gain by pumping $2.5 trillion of free money into the veins of the Wall Street addicts. His actions have solved nothing. Municipalities across the land have unfunded pension and health benefits in excess of $4.5 trillion. And this calculation is based upon annual investment gains of 8%. That’s hysterical when long term bonds yield 2.5% to 3.5% and stocks are priced to deliver 3% over the next ten years. Using a true investment rate of 3% to 4% reveals a true unfunded liability in excess of $6 trillion.

It seems Pennsylvania is ground zero for unfunded pensions and my Township is one of the worst examples of governmental incompetence in the state. How could one state account for 25% of ALL the public pension plans in the entire country? I guess we’ve cornered the market on dumbass public officials, greedy government union drones, and a delusional populace that can’t understand basic math. The Governor and the legislature know that government pension obligations are a looming fiscal disaster. What actions did they take when they passed the 2014 budget last week? NOTHING!!! There are elections coming up in November. You can’t get re-elected by telling voters the truth or getting government union employees mad. This is why we’re doomed. No politician has courage. Greedy government drones will never willingly give up what was promised them by slimy politicians. The average voter thinks money grows on trees. When the next financial crisis hits and wipes 30% to 40% out of these pension plans, accounting fraud and underfunding of these pensions will come home to roost. Meredith’s predictions will come true as municipalities declare bankruptcy and government workers end up with 20% of what they were promised.

My township of Towamencin is singled out in this article as an example of a municipality that has screwed its 17,600 residents by promising its police, firemen and other government workers more than they can ever deliver, without jacking up taxes significantly on the citizens. I pulled up the details of the Towamencin pension plan and annual budget at these links:

According to these reports the Towamencin pension plan is only 61% funded. A township with a $16 million annual budget owes $9.5 million to its workers. It’s assets have an actuarial value of $5.8 million. Of course, all of these figures are complete bullshit because they are based on an 8% annual return on the invested assets. Using the 3% they will actually achieve, the plan is underfunded by $5 to $6 million. That is $800 per household in the township. What is it with politicians and promising public employees gold plated benefits that far exceed what people in the real world receive? In the early 2000’s the annual pension payments for Towamencin were in the $100k per year range. Then Tom “code red” Ridge and the idiots in Harrisburg passed the “No Government Drone Left Behind” law and set in motion a future fiscal disaster of epic proportions.

The population of Towamencin has not budged since 2000. The annual pension payment has gone from less than $100k per year to over $900k per year. It now accounts for 6% of the annual budget and 11.5% of the general fund budget. It is on automatic pilot and will exceed $1.2 million in three years. This is before the inevitable stock market implosion. After the 30% to 40% losses, the annual required contribution will ramp up to $1.5 million as their tax revenues contract. The politicians that run this township have a history of delusional fantasies. They borrowed millions and used eminent domain to build a $500,000 bridge to nowhere. They wiped out five baseball fields and a quaint antique mall with the delusion of a retail paradise. The bridge is beautiful. It leads from one massive vacant weed infested parcel to another vacant parcel. They did build a massive brand new municipal building for the government drones. They poured millions into a pool that losses patrons every year and operates at a loss. These brilliant financial moves have led to annual debt service of $1.7 million, or 11% of their budget. By 2015 the pension and debt service costs will account for over 20% of the annual budget.

Math is hard. Politicians are toadies. Government union employees are greedy. The taxpayers are on the hook for the promises made by toadies to greedy government drones. Reality will smack all of these delusional morons. The obligations cannot be honored because it’s mathematically impossible. Taxes would need to double in order to honor the unfunded liabilities. If the government drones don’t accept large cuts in their pension and health benefits, municipalities will go bankrupt and the drones will be screwed even worse. The parable of the scorpion and the frog will play out because unions NEVER accept reductions in their benefits. It’s their nature.




Over on the “California Fleeing” article posted by AWD, I took a few pings for not writing off California as a failed state just yet and pointing to California’s geographic location and its abundance of natural resources. Those pings ticked me off, so I guess I’ll have to give you Doom and Gloomers a reality check. Here goes.

California is the nation’s #2 producer of commercial seafood, after Louisiana.

California is the nation’s #3 producer of commercial timber, after Washington and Oregon.

California is the nation’s LEADING producer of commercial hard minerals, including silver, copper (yes, copper – not Montana or Arizona, but California), manganese, tungsten, and uranium. If you throw in the value of oil and natural gas production to the mineral mix, it still ranks #3 behind Texas and Louisiana.

California has the greatest variety of minerals to be found anywhere in the U.S., with 39 minerals of commercial value found ONLY in California. Think Rare Earth minerals for starters, because your laptops, iPads, and smart phones wouldn’t work without them.

California ranks #1 in the U.S. for tourist visits and tourism dollars. “Hey, SSS,” you might ask, “what does tourism have to do with location and natural resources?” “How about its climate, beaches, Yosemite National Park, the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe, Redwood forests, Sequoia National Forest, and Death Valley for starters,” I would answer. Places like Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, ski areas, sports tournaments, zoos, Hollywood movie set tours, and world class resorts don’t hurt, of course.

I saved the best for last. Do you like to eat? Well, do you, punk?

California is the #1 farming state in the U.S., by a country mile. It is the #5 supplier of food on the entire fucking planet. It produces 50% (!!!!) of U.S. grown fruits and vegetables, and get this, it is the #1 producer of dairy products – milk, cream, ice cream, and cheese – in the nation. Not Wisconsin, amigos, California.

As for so-called “specialty foods,” no other state comes close to California. The list is long: almonds, artichokes (mmm, tasty), avocados, figs, olives, pistachios, plums/prunes, pomegranites, raisins, and walnuts, just to name a few. All of this enormous agricultural activity is made possible by California’s unique location and its wide variety of climates and soils.

Here’s my bottom line. Even a long, recent string of extremely liberal governments in Sacramento has been unable to destroy this wealth of natural resources which sustains California even today. Not that the liberal left in that goofy state isn’t trying. And I certainly don’t dismiss some critical issues California faces, with water and energy production at the top of the list.

But, for the above reasons mentioned, I wouldn’t write off California just yet. Mother Nature has blessed that state many times over. Too bad the majority of voters there don’t appreciate it, or even realize it.

Actual photo of SSS, TBP’s lead investigative reporter who smugly dismisses his detractors.



I would like to add a word to our vocabulary (I have even submitted it to Urban Dictionary and it’s currently under review):

tyra-nanny (noun) (tee-ruh-nahn-nee): a tyrannical fascist governing body that commits its atrocities under the falsely altruistic auspices of security and protection, i.e.  A fascist nanny state.  (adj): tyra-nannical

mean nannyevil nanny

police state have a nice day

Each 4th of July is more empty than the last.  I will spend this day of mourning with a few family and friends, likely wearing a shirt with a RP, TJ, or BF quote across it and explaining it to people who are inquisitive.  I refuse to fly the US Flag, this nation is barely a shell of itself.  When you see signs like this how can a person think they are free?

July 4th park rules

In protest we should be waiving the Gadsden Flag.

gadsden flag

Today we live in a seemingly constant state of government surveillance and control.  The alphabet agencies such as the EPA and FDA are regulating and making rulings on what we can and can’t do with our property.  The FBI, NSA, TSA, DHS and ATF operate under the pretense of violence and the threat of violence so that you won’t do things deemed “naughty.”  They know what is best for all of us, and will harm and threaten to harm us for our own good.

The purpose of the USA government as it was created was to protect liberty. My definition of liberty is aligned with TJ’s.

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action, according to our will, within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.”

~Thomas Jefferson~

Does that sound the US of A today?  What does Jefferson know, he was just a slave-owning Founding Father? (sic)  But ignore the name of the quotee and examine the idea within the statement.  Liberty is not being able to collect SSDI, welfare checks, SNAP cards, send your lil monsters to a parasitic Public School System and using the threat of violence and force to make people pay for you to live.  Liberty is not legislating the type of food we are allowed to eat and/or how much trans-fats or sugar are in said food.   Government wasn’t put in place to teach our children. It isn’t meant to be the pseudo-parents and guardians of all the adult citizens.  We are supposed to be our own guardians.  We are supposed to be free and sovereign beings and our children are supposed to be taught by their parents and families.

Ammendments like the 1st, 2nd and 4th mean exactly what they say.  When verbage from the 2nd ammendment is ignored but the Commerce Clause it used to regulate every possible human function and action, the government is not the custodian of freedom, it is the destroyer of it.

Edward Snowden is being hunted and chastised by our criminal government because he told us the crimes they were committing and rights they were routinely violating.  Those who scream the loudest that he is a traitor are the ones with treasonous blood on their hands.  Finding the perpetrator of treason is similar to finding the person who farted in a crowded room.  The Feinsteins, Boners, Grahams, Schumers and Kings are the ones spewing shit from their mouths.

He who accuses, blew the fuses. He who pointed the finger, pulled the finger.
He who accuses, blew the fuses.
He who pointed the finger, pulled the finger.

Our owners have been at war with us.  The criticial thinking members of the populace are the enemy of the state.  RP sums it up well in his recent quote:

My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified  information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy.”

~Ron Paul~

There are plain clothes ABC agents running and yelling at 20 year old girls with guns in hand because she bought a case of bottled water that they suspected was alcohol.  Six agents staking out the area around a convenient store in Virgina terrorized a college student buying water.  She saw people yelling, waving guns, pounding on her windows and jumping on her car so she did the only rational thing.  She quickly got the fuck outta there.  After escaping, she then called 911 to report she had been attacked.  Her attackers promptly showed up to arrest her and charge her with assaulting law enforcement officers (Read the story HERE).  All this because a 20 year old college student might be drinking alcohol.  To supposedly protect the children from alcohol we allow gun waving sociopathic baboons terrorize us and our children.  This is insanity.

cops jumping on car

The police and DHS are becoming the domestic military force that our rulers need to keep us “in line” and make sure we don’t get too uppity.  A man saw a situation where there were police, he was told to turn down the music in his car.  He did and then exited his car and while walking his dog he started to film what was going on to “make sure no one’s civil rights were being violated.” After the situation settled down the man returned to his vehicle and put his dog in the car.  The police, who hate being filmed approached him, questioned him and started to arrest him.  His dog (a 3yo 130lb rottweiler) leaped out of the car and ran towards its owner.  In the name of “officer safety” the cops then fired upon and killed this man’s dog in front of him.  Would I feel threatened if I saw a 130lb rott running towards me.  Abso-fucking-lutely, but if I was a worthless cop fuckwad arresting someone because they were filming me I would deserve to be attacked by this protective companion.  The dog understands the Constiution better than these pigs.  Story can be read HERE (of course this article is in a UK paper because you have to leave the US to get any truthful news).  If that isn’t enough to turn your stomach, read this story posted on The Burning Platform titled THIS IS YOUR STANDARD LEO where an animal control officer (and former pigfuck) executed kittens.  Yes, you read that right, he shot 8-10 week old kittens on a private resident’s property while children were watching from a window.  Don’t for one second believe that the cops won’t summary execute you if they are ordered to do so or is deemed necessary for their or the states’ safety.

cop with gun
Does seeing this make you feel safe?

Protect everyone from drugs, alcohols, guns, violence, poverty, etc… ad infinitum.  But how is this done?  By empowering the State to use violence and terrorism against us and our fellow man.  And what’s the outcome?  We are turning into a society of dependent, pansy-ass whining dipshits that are dumber than a bag full of doorknobs being protected at gunpoint by our owners, a bunch of aristocratic sociopaths.

I wish people would wake up and not swallow the crock of shit spouted by the RA-RA cheerleaders of the MSM’s presstitutes on I-SeeBS and FUX News.

I See BS faux news

Here is a Quiz:

What are acceptable names of this monument?

statue of liberty


A.  “Lady Liberty”, “Statue of Liberty”

B.  Hot French Lady in Toga

C.  “Nanny Security”, “Statue of Serfdom”

Answer:  A (and B) should be the answers but they aren’t true in today’s Amerika.  If you live in the USSA and have been presented the truth and didn’t answer C, then you are a hypocrite and/or a moron.  They should start a construction project, the preliminary blueprints are below.

statue of security

The government has declared that we are their property.  Our livelihood and fruits of our labor and literally our lives are theirs to barter with at the bargaining table that includes the Military Industrial Complex, Banksters, Big Pharma, Big GMO Food and Big Insurance.  And what does an owner do with their property?  They protect it for as long as it is profitable to do so.  We are all milk cows being plucked of our resources by our owners day in and day out, our tags (SS#, DL# and soon E-Verify) mark all of us so everyone knows who owns us.  The only choice we really have is to remain a milk cow or refuse and become a beef cow.

milk cow beef cow

“The owners of this country know the truth: It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

~George Carlin~

They are continually sacrificing a portion of the populace through the meat grinder in the War on Terror.  More warzones are a certainly with these insane megalomaniacs at the helm.  It has been said that War is the health of the State and with the War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Browns (throughout the world), War on the Middle Class, War on Guns, War on Obesity and the War on the US Constitution; the State has never been healthier.  But when the State is healthy, Liberty is dying.

Uncle Sam has gone critical

And all this atrophy of liberty is being conducted in the name of safety.  Safety for the children, safety for the environment, safety for the stupid.  The way the hoi polloi think the world should work makes me sick.  If the government did something that actually enhanced liberty (like repealing the PATRIOT Act) these people would expect the world to stop spinning.

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

~Thomas Jefferson~

I don’t have TJ’s way with words so I will simply say: Fuck Safety!  I demand Freedom along with all its greatness and chaos and I will be taking it back piece by piece.

lady liberty washed away

” None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

JW von Goethe


The Rodney King verdict provoked racial pandemonium in Los Angeles in 1991. The O.J. Simpson trial revealed a huge gap in how white people and black people view justice. I was in a company conference room when the O.J. verdict was announced. The white people gasped and the black people cheered.

If the George Zimmerman trial ends in a not guilty verdict in the next couple weeks, the L.A. riots are going to look like a walk in the park. The urban kill zones, with real black unemployment exceeding 50%, and temperatures exceeding 90 degrees, will explode in violence. Buildings will burn. Businesses will be looted. Cops will kill some rioters. This will spur more violence.

We’ve already got extreme tension between the 99% and the 1% caused by the looting of national wealth by bankers and corporate titans. The generational divisions have grown wider and wider as millenials are saddled with trillions of debt, no jobs, and no hope. Religious tensions are out of control around the globe. China and Russia are actively challenging the U.S. whenever possible. Now we will potentially see the country explode in racial violence.

This will just be another catalyst for this ongoing Fourth Turning. The tensions and cracks in our societal makeup are expanding rapidly. Will the Zimmerman verdict be the grain of sand that causes the collapse of the sand pile? This Fourth Turning is approaching a point when all the tensions lead to a major confrontation.

The article below calls for whites to respond with violence to match the black violence. I wonder if this is exactly what Obama is hoping for. He would use it to push through his gun control plans. My commute through West Philly could get interesting in the near future. 

The Zimmerman Trial: A Civil Rights Lynching

June 29, 2013


The trial of George Zimmerman is a travesty of justice. I cannot refer to the trial as a lynching, considering that most lynchings that occurred in Dixie were done with just cause, as exemplified in the proper execution of the Jewish child rapist and murderer Leo Frank by the citizenry of Georgia.

What is being pushed by the Leftist media and elites is a clearly designed attempt to turn a thuggish and brutal criminal into a Saint, while demonizing a man who by all standards of “American” society should be the ideal. While countless numbers of our folkish brothers and sisters languish in prison cells and we all must bear the slings and arrows of the forces of darkness for our love of our people, the Left seems to have overreached on the case of Trayvon Martin, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

The media jumped on the case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman because at first glance it seemed like a home run to the Left. As reports first came out about the case, like sharks who smelled blood, the media swarmed.

The media portrayed the story in their framework before actually examining any of the evidence. On radio, internet, and television the media told us a story of a guy with a white sounding name who went on a vigilante murder spree that left a poor and defenseless black child dead in the gutter. This obviously was racist, it was a modern day case of Emmett Till, and we must have justice! George Zimmerman was probably a local Republican who secretly burned crosses in his time off, while Trayvon was a budding scholar who was cut down in the prime of his life by a murderer, who probably was still upset over Obama’s election. This narrative had the potential to give the Left a bully club to attack gun rights, Stand Your Ground laws, white people (as usual), and the whole host of other Leftist initiatives. The problem with the Left’s story was fundamental, the narrative wasn’t true in the slightest, and from the beginning, things began to unravel.

The first hole in the Left’s narrative about the case was the fact that George Zimmerman wasn’t white. The calls of a “hate crime” began to seem a bit foolish. While actual ethnic cleansing between black and Hispanic groups is occurring in California as witnessed in the Hawaiian Gardens gang case, that does not fit the media framework of racially motivated violence. George Zimmerman had black ancestors, was himself a mixed Hispanic, and was definitely not the white supremacist the media had been hoping for.

The mainstream media decided to create a new racial group “White-Hispanic” but that quickly floundered. The foundation of the Left’s narrative, a racially motivated hate crime, was a foundation built on sand. While the New Black Panther Party marched in the streets demanding Zimmerman’s capture, classic race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton cried crocodile tears on television, and the black community was in a frenzy over another slain martyr in the never ending battle against “Amerikkka”, it seemed profoundly hollow. The facts just weren’t there, and America knew it.

Alongside the attempt to make the undeniably non white George Zimmerman into an Aryan ubermensch, the media began to portray Trayvon as being a young innocent child. Using pictures from years prior to the incident, the world grieved over photos of an adorable young black boy. The media of course forgot to mention that Trayvon at the time of his attack on George Zimmerman, was 6’2, a football player, and a wannabe gangster. Photos he posted online flashing gang signs and other classic thug behavior were hidden from the public until members of the alternative media, like the Council of Conservative Citizens Kyle Rogers, broke the photos to the public.

Trayvon’s social media messages about drug usage, partying, guns, and crime all undid the narrative of an innocent young High School student. Trayvon’s trouble in school, drug possession, possession of burglar tools, suspensions, suspected criminal activities, and frequent instances of getting into both legal and school trouble all indicated that Trayvon was far from the angelic picture the media presented of him.

The pictures of George Zimmerman’s bloody and bruised body following the altercation with Trayvon only cemented that this was not a vigilante killing of an innocent child, but a man’s struggle against a violent and habitual criminal.

Through social media websites and alternative media outlets, the narrative of young innocent Trayvon was torn apart. When pictures of a bloody and bruised George Zimmerman that were taken moments after the shooting were released , it effectively ended the crusade of the media and renowned anti white activists like Al Sharpton. No amount of crocodile tears and candlelight vigils can hide the fact that Trayvon was a street thug who ended up on the wrong side of a gun, not a victim.

The witness statements that confirm that Trayvon was on top of George Zimmerman and beating him, the coroner reports that show the busted knuckles of Trayvon that were consistent with what happens when you beat another person, grass stains on Zimmerman’s clothing, and the close range in which Zimmerman shot Trayvon all confirm Zimmerman’s story, but now it was too late to stop the circus that the media had created.

Due to public outcry, not wrongdoing, George Zimmerman was charged with murder. As farcical as the charges are, they have nothing on the trial. Personally I could not have scripted a more blatant travesty of justice if I tried. The trials held by the deranged Jonathan Crane in the film The Dark Knight Rises actually had fairer charges towards the elite of Gotham City than what George Zimmerman is facing.

In the face of clear evidence, the mob has been able to get the trial that it called for. The autopsy, photos, and witnesses all confirm that this trial should not be happening in the first place. The greatest witness (and most entertaining) is the prosecution’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, deserves her own reality show. Besides uttering multiple racial slurs in court, defending hating white people because of her culture, being unable to read, bragging online about frequent drug use, and about every other black stereotype, she has been the defense’s best witness, albeit accidentally.

The laughable witness is a few I.Q points short of functional and has been obviously coached by the prosecution. All of this is for naught due to the wise words of Forrest Gump’s mother “Stupid is as stupid does.” This trial was over before it began.

As the George Zimmerman trial continues, it is becoming increasingly clear that he should be acquitted. The only thing that would cause his conviction would be if the jurors are threatened or they are totally blind. The black community is preparing for the possibility of his acquittal however, by preparing to kill white people.

Preparing to riot is the proper response to things happening that you dislike, apparently. The black community is preparing for their own miniature RaHoWa. I remember clearly the time that my class in High School got a bad grade on a test and we proceeded to light our houses on fire and break into local businesses. This all seems like the rational and mature thing to do by all accounts. All jokes aside, white people seem to be unable to understand the almost animalistic reactions of the black community. While the conservative media tries to bring out facts, figures, and arguments, the black community remains united in defense of one of their fallen. This strength of racial solidarity is something white people should learn from, not insult. Voting white, rallying around white people, and rioting when our people are harmed would be far more effective than a million letters to the editor or confused conservative articles.

Tweets by the thousands, public declarations, and flash mob violence all show that there is a strong possibility that this court decision will be the same as what L.A saw in the early 1990’s As conservatives get a good dose of fake indignation, the real world realizes that tribalism is going to determine the future, not reality. The black community has firmly rallied around Trayvon and they will not budge. He is one of theirs, and they will get their pound of flesh, either through the court system or through rioting. If white folks had a tenth of the racial solidarity that blacks do, we would have put every ghetto and barrio to the torch a long time ago in revenge for the relentless assaults upon our people by the non white communities

.A tit for tat is what the black community believes in, and that is exactly what whites should embrace. For every white woman raped, home invasion, or murder by non whites, we should exact a revenge so harsh that it would make a Soviet commissar blush. Non whites do not respond to reason, they respond to strength and action. We should take a lesson from the black community, from Al Sharpton to riots. The black community sticks together and fights together, that is what we need more of. Racial solidarity is why we are facing a series of race riots if George Zimmerman is found innocent, and we must be prepared.

The next Watts race riot could be headed to a city near you, all because a black thug got exactly what he deserved. If this is 21st century America, only a crazy person would want to live here.

There Is Nothing To Celebrate

Next Thursday is the 4th of July.  This day used to commemorate America’s Independence, now it is a mournful reminder that exemplifies the United States’ tyranny.

head in sand

Turn Your Back This Fourth of July

by Peters

June 27, 2013

In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing to play along with the absurd pantomime on the 4th of July that we live in an even nominally free country – one with the rule of law, an operative Constitution and respect for individual rights. One that isn’t a thugocracy.

We can turn our backs on the flag. Decline to participate when urged to cheer and sing.

4th lead

No fireworks. No barbeques.

We can sit down – and bow our heads.

We can mention the unmentionable: That there is no longer any meaningful limit to the power of the government over our lives. No line beyond which it may not tread. That it lies, spies and tyrannizes.

We can admit to ourselves the shoddy – and frightening – reality bubbling up all around us.

By so doing, we can shatter the illusion that this government operates with anything remotely approximating our consent. This is absolutely essential. The 4th of July pantomime requires that we deny the obvious – that we instead pretend we’re free people living in a free country; one in which the government is accountable to the people, one in which the government is limited by law. One in which people can’t simply be dragooned into prisons without due process, held incommunicado, tortured. A country with a president who doesn’t have kill lists – or use the instruments of state power to punish and intimidate his political opponents. One in which citizens must be suspected of a crime before their personal correspondence is filched through and recorded for later use against them. One in which a traveler is free from arbitrary and random searches of his person and effects.

back turned

One in which the attorney general of the United States isn’t able to get away with providing guns to gangs or brazenly lie about his use of the power of his office to go after political “enemies” rather than pursue justice.

All these things are everyday realities. And the reality is that the America we once celebrated on the Fourth of July is gone, replaced by something dark and ominous.

It is painfully obvious – so why pretend otherwise?

More to the point, why should we celebrate this ugly transformation?

Mourning is what’s called for.

If we decline to play along – and we still have this option, for the moment – we can shatter the idea that all of the foregoing loathsomeness is done with our approval. We can redefine the relationship between ourselves and the government in an honest way. No more pretending we’re free. No more pretending we’re protected by the rule of law – and not ruled over by a thug caste – a mafia – that does literally whatever it wants, to anyone, at any time – without any real consequences whatsoever. None of this requires elaboration. Everyone knows it to be true. The Constitution is no longer even payed lip service to. It is a sick joke.

We are in the position of a battered spouse who is expected to rouge her bruises and tell her friends that – whoops! – she fell down the stairs. But hubby is a swell guy.

beaten wife

I say, to hell with that.

I say, let’s not give them the cover they still apparently crave. I say, let’s out them – by openly displaying our bruises and no longer denying how we got them. Let the world see the true nature of the relationship between us and those who rule us.

China had its Tiananmen Moment – when one brave man stood up to a column of tanks and changed history by the simple act of refusing to play along. By peacefully forcing the thugocracy’s hand. It faced a hard choice: Either it could either run that man down in full view of live TV, crush him under the treads of a T-72 and thereby give real-life and incontrovertible evidence of the true nature of the relationship of the Chinese government vis-a-vis the average Chinese. Or it could back down – and thereby be compelled to alter the relationship in a way at least somewhat more favorable to the average Chinese.

4th final

We have a similar opportunity coming up. A chance to confront the police state by refusing to pretend it’s not a police state. By coming to grips with what it is.

And what it is is nothing to celebrate.

I urge you to join me this July 4th in turning your back on the flag – on all grotesque homilies to a country that no longer exists, because of the government which does exist – and which desperately wants us to keep on playing patty cake and pretending that it doesn’t.

Throw it in the Woods?   

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Perfect timing.

Neil Howe: “The Fourth Turning Has Arrived”

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2013 20:22 -0400

Submitted by Adam Taggart via Peak Prosperity blog,

In 1996, demographers William Strauss and Neil Howe published the book The Fourth Turning. This study of generational cycles (“turnings”) in America revealed predictable social trends that recur throughout history, and warned of a coming crisis (a “fourth turning”) based on this research.

Fourth turnings are defined by disorder and great changes brought on by a breakdown of the systems and operating principles that dominated the prior three turnings.

Our society has entered a fourth turning (consisting of the twenty-year periods leading up to and out of it immediately.)


It is a season you have to move through before you are born again — so to speak — as a society, and regain institutional confidence. You have to go through a crucible to get there.


I think the fourth turning started — probably, if I were to date it now — in 2008: the realigning election in that year of Barack Obama against John McCain. And, obviously, simultaneously with that, as we all recall, an epic, historic crash of the global economy from which we still have not recovered.


We are sort of hobbling along in kind of a low-earth orbit, with continued high unemployment and excess capacity — not just in the United States, but around the world. And, of course, all the rules of economic policy seem broken and lie in fragments on the floor. People are wondering what the heck do we do in this new era.

Each of the generational cohorts living within this turning (e.g. Boomers, Gen X, Millennials) have roles to play.

This is a period when, in each of these turnings, each generation is moving in their new phase of life. Boomers are beginning to retire, they are beginning to redefine the senior phase of life. X’s are beginning to assume mid-life roles as the dominant parent generation and leaders. These are people born in the ‘60s and ‘70s. And, Millennials are fully beginning to come of age and redefine young adulthood. And, meanwhile, a very small generation is just beginning to come on stream, which remembers nothing before 2008.


We can already see these generational divisions forming, and it is interesting how each generation is to some extent defined by the thing they have, they just have no memory of, they just barely have no memory of (e.g., Boomers are defined by the World War II that even the oldest of them cannot remember).

History gives us patterns that predict how these generational archetypes will collaborate, compete and collide with one another as we enter into crisis. Understanding these in advance will give us a big advantage on the types of policies and solutions most likely to yield success. And we sorely need these, as the problems we’re heading into have no easy answers:

There are patterns here which we recognize, and it is very important not to have historically amnesia. To look back and see where we have been, see where we are going, and more importantly, to understand the dynamics behind these social trends have familiar parallels. We just need to have the historical imagination to look far enough backwards and forward to see where else they have happened or to see where they possibly will happen again.


I am nervous. I am nervous about the future right now. I think we have a lot more deep issues, deep crises to save in the economy. I am also very nervous about what I see geopolitically.


We cannot possibly afford the government we have promised ourselves. And, that will be a painful process of deleveraging, and it is not just deleveraging the explicit debt that we have already actually formally borrowed, it is all the implicit debt. And, I think we will deal with it, because we have no other choice.


But, my point is this: No one simply solves a terrible problem on a sunny day when they can afford at least for the time being to look the other way. Problems like that are faced when people have no other choice, and it is a really grim day. And, it is white-knuckle time and horrible things are happening with markets around the world, or horrible things are happening, at least historically, we have seen that geopolitically around the world. And, that is when people are forced to act.

Strauss and Howe’s research provides another lens through which to view how the next twenty years will be remarkably different from life as we’ve been used to. It’s one worth looking through.

Click the image below to link to Chris Martenson’s site and listen to his interview with Neil Howe (60m:25s):


Smokey and I disagreed on a few things, but he was right about Kyle Bass. Wherever he is, I hope he can watch this video and smile.

Kyle Bass: “The Next 18 Months Will Redefine Economic Orthodoxy For The West”

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/18/2013 21:33 -0400

Kyle Bass covers three critical topics in this excellent in-depth interview before turning to a very wide-ranging and interesting Q&A session. The topics he focuses on are Central bank expansion (with a mind-numbing array of awe-full numbers to explain just where the $10 trillion of freshly created money has gone), Japan’s near-term outlook (“the next 18 months in Japan will redefine the economic orthodoxy of the West”), and most importantly since, as he notes, “we are investing in things that are propped up and somewhat made up,” the psychology of negative outcomes. The latter, Bass explains, is one of the most frequently discussed topics at his firm, as he points out that “denial” is extremely popular in the financial markets.

Simply put, Bass explains, we do not want to admit that there is this serious (potentially perilous) outcome that disallows the world to continue on the way it has, and that is why so many people, whether self-preserving or self-dealing, miss all the warning signs and get this wrong – “it’s really important to understand that people do not want to come to the [quantitatively correct but potentially catastrophic] conclusion; and that’s why things are priced the way they are in the marketplace.”

2:40 Bass begins

3:15 Central Bank Expansion

“We’ve essentially printed $10 trillion in the last few years” “The first $5 trillion replaced the lost equity in the leveraged financial system and the second $5 trillion is making its way into deposits and expanding the monetary base” “This is unprecedented… and it’s not going to change.”

The numbers that Bass reels off are incredible…

“What we’ve seen is a massive credit-led boom (+11% CAGR) and that can’t last forever”

11:00 “The next 18 months in Japan will redefine the economic orthodoxy of the West

“Japan is so far off the bell-curve that no one wants to talk about it”

“if you repeat things enough, everyone will believe them.”

There are three key myths about Japan that Bass shows are simply false but remain repeated for the comfort of the cognitively biased investment community:

  1. The current account allows the country to self-finance its deficit
  2. The Bank of Japan is not monetizing debt
  3. Retail investors will always support the JGB marketplace

From the nation’s own largest institutions forced to sell assets to the crushing demographics, Bass explains – in greater clarity than the soundbite-idiocy we get each night from Abe/Kuroda/Aso etc…

The smartest money is leaving Japan in a hurry already – Q4 2012 was the largest M&A quarter ever for Japanese firms buying foreign entities – Western productive assets – (just as was seen in Mexico before their crisis) as they try to get out of JPY

25:00 The Psychology of negative outcomes

“as an investor and a fiduciary, I get paid not to be an optimist or a pessimist; I get paid to be a realist”

“Denial” is extremely popular in the financial markets.

Simply put, Bass explains, we do not want to admit that there is this serious (potentially perilous) outcome that disallows the world to continue on the way it has. and that is whay so many people, whether self-preserving or self-dealing, miss all the warning signs and get this wrong.

“no one is ever going to tell you something is wrong”

“we have blind faith in the people running our institutions…that they can figure things out. They are a mental crutch to insure and placate depositors and investors that everything is going to be ok”

“we are running a huge economic experiment,” and you can’t control it all since there are too many variables

Once you understand the psychology of the participants, the key is to understand their actions based on that.

“It is the qualitative shift in the market participants’ belief systems that literally flips a switch overnight”

Bass reminds us of Taleb’s work on central planning: “if you suppress volatility long enough, then when the ‘event’ happens it is greater than the sum total of all the suppressed vol over time.”

He warns – these shifts happen so fast that you will never get hedged or out of the way in time…

32:00 Q & A begins

First he discusses the naysayers on a Japanese bear thesis

“I would like to live in a world where it’s all rainbows and unicorns and we can make Krugman the President – but intellectually it’s simply dishonest”

“If you were advising Abe, what would you say?” – “Quit!”

41:00 General China discussion (in the context of the Japanese-China rhetoric)

43:30 Iceland – not as great as some would suggest

“China is building an embassy in Iceland that can fit 500 people in it. Iceland only has a population of 300,000!”

“You have a roach motel of a country; the New York Times and Krugman saying it’s “The Model”; but they still haven’t addressed the problem of their debt.”

46:35 Do you worry about the US?

“I quit worrying about them because it’s just a waste of time – I always leave DC demoralized”

“The central bank is the great enabler of congressional profligacy”

48:00 How does the small investor play the Japanese market – Bass responds that they can’t and shouldn’t. Shorting JGB futures means high carry costs and negative convexity

And our favorites question!!

49:00 Why can’t the Central Bank just buy all the JGBs and then forgive them?

A speechless Bass responds…

52:00 Bank VaR and under-capitalization


Well worth an hour of your time before the FOMC tomorrow…

What Am I Gonna Do?


What am I going to do? This question has been foremost in my mind for many months now. Years, really. Then, I saw a comment on the forum, which I believe was mostly antagonistic, asking Mr. Quinn what he was going to do. What’s Jim going to do? Stucky? AWD? What are any of us going to do, for that matter? I thought it might help me to gain some clarity into my own thought processes and help me to flesh out some thoughts I’ve had on the future of our country and our economy.

First, let me begin by saying, “I’m a regular guy.” I’m 42 years old, married for 18 years, I have 3 kids under the age of 10. I work for a living. I am a superintendent for a commercial construction company. The company treats me well. I make above-average income, but not into the 6-figure area. My wife has a part-time job at our church, but that’s primarily because she wants to, not because we need to. In other words, I’m in the 99% percent. Nothing special about me or my family roots.

Now, let me back up a few years: In 2007, I moved to El Paso, TX to participate in one of the largest government spending programs I’ve seen, first-hand. The US Army Corps of Engineers spent a gazillion dollars upgrading Ft. Bliss. Entire cities went up in the desert, in a period of a couple of years. A massive amount of construction. Incredible. And good for my family, and all of El Paso and surrounding area in general. While many portions of the country were hit by the economic crisis of 2008, we were largely insulated from (most) negative effects of that crisis.

This created cognitive dissonance for me. At that time, I was listening to Glenn Beck on the radio. Say what you will about Beck, but his extreme message was enough to cause me to seek other information elsewhere. I couldn’t understand it: I was working and making good money, being offered multiple jobs with more and more money thrown at me, and the rest of the country was unemployed? How can that be? How can the economy be crashing when all around me, when things are booming?

I committed to read and listen to everything I could on the subject. No rabbit hole was too small to go down.  I chased down every lead, every angle I could to figure out what the fuck was going on. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. I am not necessarily a detail-oriented guy. In other words, many of you can explain the intricacies of the financial system with charts and graphs much better than I can. I grasp the concept of the Fed and our debt-based monetary system at a level I am comfortable with. I don’t understand every chart Jim publishes, but I understand that you can’t pay for debt with more debt.

As a result of my studies, here are some changes I’ve made in my life:

1)    I’ve become a political atheist, with libertarian leanings. In other words, I think the system is fucked but I believe autonomous human beings have the god-given right to be free.

2)    I’ve basically walked away from the church, as an institution, and traditional Christianity, as a religion. Not to go into too much here, but…….well, nevermind.

3)    I got my permaculture design certificate and spend an inordinate amount of time trying to grow my own food and improve my health through good nutrition. I live in a very harsh environment (high desert). You cannot imagine how many times I’ve wanted to throw the garden hose down, and say “Fuck This! This shit is too hard!” But, then, I have a few small successes, like garden-fresh tomatoes, fresh apricots, a delicious home-brew, a nice glass of homemade wine, or fresh eggs from the backyard, or a fresh salad and I get re-inspired. What I’m doing is a good thing, and good for my family, and it’s good for the earth. It’s noble and it’s spiritual.

4)    I see things that others may not understand. I only have one or two people I can share ideas with, in real life. Other kooks, I jokingly say. I have to share most of my ideas on the internet as most of my peer group have no fucking clue, or aren’t interested, or it’s too hard to make changes, or whatever.


The question, though, still remains: What am I gonna do? What do I expect to happen in our future? How do I prepare for what is, ultimately, unknown? I’ve constructed an arbitrary 1-10 scale to evaluate the future with. In other words: On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being full economic recovery and good times are here again, and a 10 being full-out Mad-Max style survival, what do I think our future looks like? At this time, I am steady in the middle, a 5, but I reserve my right to adjust to a higher number (ie, worse outcome) at any time.

Does the information I seek out on the internet only serve to reinforce my beliefs because of bias and prejudice? Do I seek out other sources of information that challenge my current belief system? These are the questions I ask myself.

Here are some of the things I see: I think all TBP readers will agree that a major economic upheaval is going to occur in the next x years. Tomorrow? Or ten years from now? I hear different opinions, from sources I trust, about the time-scale of peak oil. (For a view that opposes Kunstler, et al, listen to Jack Spirko at I think that as the economic situation of our country (and the entire world) gets worse and worse, our Federal Government will increase it’s authoritarian, statist tendencies. More taxes, less freedoms. Those in power are not going to give up that power easily.

What does that mean for me, a regular guy? I don’t have the resources of Doug Casey to move to a luxurious Argentinean private community. I think I am destined to be here in the good old U-S-of-A. How do I best protect my family? Is my plan good enough? Are my resources deep and wide enough? Will I be able to protect my wife and children in the event of a worst-case scenario?

You’ll notice that there are lots of questions. Maybe more questions than answers at this point. But, here are a couple of things I HAVE decided” Fuck ‘em. Those in power. Any of them. All of them. From the Government to the Church to the Media to anyone else in a current position of power, THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY MOTHER-FUCKER WHO WILL TELL ME THE TRUTH! I will rely on myself to discern the truth. The Church, as I see it, doesn’t address half the problems in real life and instead, wants to focus on songs, and leading time-wasting events such as day-long workshops about nothing relevant. (I acknowledge there may be a few outliers in the church structure. I like the work of Triple-X Church, for instance.) The Government and the Media appear to be two whores in the same bed. They will fucking juice my children up on psychotropic drugs, that arguably, turn them into mass-murderers. They will fucking feed me shit for food and fucking poison while telling me it’s “health food.” They will take my guns away to “protect me”. They will take my money from me in the interest of “helping others less fortunate.” My health care gets more and more expensive and I can’t figure out why our budget is so fucking tight every month. So, fuck them all. I walk away from them.

The alternative media (internet) is good, but it takes a huge amount of discernment to distill truth out of the massive amount of information. On the one hand, it’s easy to get bogged-down in the (D) vs. (R) debate. Bush=good. Obama=The Devil. Or, Obama=good. Bush=The Devil. It’s all the same shit, and a distraction. On the other hand, you can get into the reptilian, shadow government, Rothschild, secret illuminati, alien bases in New Mexico stuff, too. Nonsensical, and a time-waster.

How do I fight back against an increasingly authoritarian regime? I’ve got my kids to look after, you know. It will not do me any good to resist and end up in some fucking obscure FEMA camp. (If that’s even for real.) It won’t do me or the country any good to go off and start firing shots and end up in prison for the rest of my life, only to have the shots NOT start the revolution. What a wasted pud-puller THAT would be.

No, for me, I think the solution is to keep my head down, but be on the lookout. At all time. I’m a good little W-2 rank-and-file wage earner. I pay my taxes. I’ve decide it’s better not to hang the Gadsden Flag in my front yard. Keep a lower profile that way. I work hard for my company, with no complaints. I go to church when my wife asks me to. I’ll give some fresh eggs and fresh parsley to my little-old-neighbor lady.

But, on the inside, I’m another guy entirely. Right now, in my head, I’m re-designing my garden beds to be more effective with less work. I’m going to learn to grow medicinal herbs and what-not to take care of my own medical and spiritual needs. I’m going to slowly acquire silver coins, with cash, anonymously, in person at a local shop. I’m going to develop some kind of business that I can work hard but under the radar. I don’t know what this is yet, but does anybody need any lawn work done? I can cut your grass for cash or help you build a garden bed, or something. I may have a little home-brew or some labor or basic carpentry skills to trade you for something in return. I’m learning to play the guitar so I can entertain myself and my wife sings. Family-style sing-along anyone? I’m developing a practice of meditation so I can Be Still when the world around me is in chaos. I’m continually thinking about moving to a less-harsh environment where I can develop a strong sense of community. This one hasn’t been easy, but I trust I will know what to do when it’s time to do it.

In short: Fuck them. Trust myself.