Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

Guest Post by Ron Paul

A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.

Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills during the lockdowns. Many small businesses operate on a narrow profit margin, so being forced to “temporarily” shut down or limit the number of customers they can serve is a virtual death sentence.

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The Supreme Court Denies Rumors but not the Substance

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Supreme Court has come out and made a statement denying that Chief Justice Roberts screamed in a room because they met by phone. This shows that they have been monitoring the comments since they denied the Texas lawsuit when there was no justification for “discretion” to deny taking the case. This is like asking if someone beat their spouse on Sunday, and they say no I was at church. If later caught, they simply say: Oh, sorry, I thought that was Saturday. They did not deny refusing to take the case because of protests. There were other rumors that Chief Justice Roberts on a phone call to Justice Breyer also said they will not take any case from Trump on the election.

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Yuletide Visitations

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Welcome to the longest night of the year, the moment of maximum mystification and terror for frail humanity, fretting that the sun might be going away for all the rest of time. Scanning the smoke signals from America’s loudest engine of mystification, The New York Times, one searches in vain for some evidence that Joe Biden still exists. There is barely a cookie-crumb trail of some hypothetical cabinet appointments, plus a few obviously insincere and artificial sugarplums about “healing the nation.” Where-oh-where is the party’s avatar and the country’s savior, Ol’ White Joe, in these fraught hours?

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The Stupid Establishment’s Lies Will Be Its Undoing

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Stupid Establishment’s Lies Will Be Its Undoing

The coming vaccine fiasco is going to be yet another example of our idiotic ruling class’ utter incompetence and total paucity of wisdom. It is clear that there is going to be a huge backlash in the form of people refusing to take the vaccine. The vaccine may actually be quite good – real doctors (not fake doctors like Lady McBiden) have told me it is. I have no dog in the fight, since my bloodstream surges with powerful antibodies that have already defeated the puny COVID virus and render me invulnerable to its .05 percent death rate for my demographic. But other people could use a vaccine, and yet tens of millions of them won’t believe the vaccines are safe and/or effective entirely because the Establishment is stupid.

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U.S. Treasury “Major Security Incident” (Whoops!) Reveals Near-Universal Risk

From Birch Gold Group

Over 90% of the Fortune 500 & Treasury Dept Hacked?

One thing is certain, 2020 isn’t over yet.

In what could be called one of the major gaffes of the year, The U.S. Department of the Treasury was hacked, and the hack could have been carried out by foreign entities.

One person even told the Washington Post, “This is looking very, very bad.”

Reuters shed light on what will likely be a developing situation, including the possible foreign involvement:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Pan Am Flight 103 explodes over Scotland – 1989


On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York explodes in midair over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members aboard, as well as 11 Lockerbie residents on the ground. A bomb hidden inside an audio cassette player detonated in the cargo area when the plane was at an altitude of 31,000 feet. The disaster, which became the subject of Britain’s largest criminal investigation, was believed to be an attack against the United States. One hundred eighty nine of the victims were American.

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“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

A “Case” in Point

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Automotive News has published a piece about the death of Pennsylvania car dealer owner Jack Thompson of old age – at the age of 89 – which was headlined “Due to COVID-19.”

This “case” highlights much that is wrong – with malice, deliberately – about the way “cases” are tabulated.

While Thompson’s death is sad, it is not aberrant. Eighty-nine-year-old men tend to die Because they are eighty-nine.

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32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

Submitted by Mark M.

There is reason to believe the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous. Only those who who know nothing about the criminal record of vaccine manufacturers or the history of vaccine injuries would agree to accept it into their bodies. Its advocates say it is safe and effective, but they cannot produce scientific confirmation of that. Development of previous versions of this same type of vaccine had to be halted due to adverse reactions, including death, with laboratory animals.

Governments have given “fast-track” status to market the new vaccine with only a fraction of the testing that normally would be required. Even this limited testing has revealed adverse reactions, which the manufacturers have dismissed as not relevant. All this is why these doctors and other healthcare professionals around the world are warning about this vaccine.

Even Its Employees Think Social Security Is in Trouble

Via Birch Gold

We’ve known that Social Security has been on the verge of a substantial change (at minimum) for quite some time.

You can see how disturbing things could turn out by looking at the bar graph below from Peter G. Peterson Foundation. It reveals a cumulative cash deficit of $2.9 trillion from now to 2035, after which, the trust fund (Social Security’s bank account) will be empty:

Social security's cumulative cash deficit

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