How We Will Win

Submitted by CCRider

Guest Post by Jeff Diest

You do not defend a world that is already lost. When was it lost? That you cannot say precisely. It is a point for the revolutionary historian to ponder. We know only that it was surrendered peacefully, without a struggle, almost unawares. There was no day, no hour, no celebration of the event—and yet definitely, the ultimate power of initiative did pass from the hands of private enterprise to government.

There it is and there it will remain until, if ever, it shall be reconquered. Certainly government will never surrender it without a struggle.1

We enter 2022 with the hope and optimism made possible only by the most clear-eyed assessment of reality. Garet Garett’s remarkable words, published in 1938, are right at home in the new year. They are also liberating. There is no going back, no restoration, no “reform”—the America we thought we knew is gone. Tens of millions of Americans now believe both the US federal government and the major institutions in this country—from media to big corporations to universities to Hollywood to Big Pharma and the medical establishment—are actively working against their interests. They have no self-interest in defending a world already lost.

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10 Positive Stories from 2021 That Will Lift You Up

Submitted by Rsb

Via Todd Starnes

As we head into a new year, let’s look back at some good news along the way.

Here are some of my favorites from 2021:

10. Riverdale star uses acting skills to put pedophiles behind bars, rescue kids

Marisol Nichols, who plays Hermoine Lodge on the Warner Bros and Netflix series Riverdale, actually goes undercover to catch sex traffickers and rescue children caught in modern-day slavery.

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Doug Casey on the Importance of Ethics Amid the COVID Hysteria…

Via International Man

Importance of Ethics

International Man: Over the last few years, the global hysteria has shined a light on the morality of most people and their personal ethics. It has been eye-opening, to say the least.

Let’s discuss the meaning of ethics and what it means to live by them.

Webster’s Dictionary defines ethics as:

  1. the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
  2. a set of moral principles: a theory or system of moral values
  3. a set of moral issues or aspects (such as rightness)

What do you think about the average person’s ethics? And which ethics do you live by?

Continue reading “Doug Casey on the Importance of Ethics Amid the COVID Hysteria…”

Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

They never have, even at peak effectiveness. A huge US database offers proof

Even at the peak of their protection earlier in 2021, Covid vaccines barely reduced the risk of hospitalizations in vaccinated people who had “breakthrough” infections, new data show.

Vaccinated people in a study published Tuesday had a nearly 1 in 200 chance of of requiring hospitalization for Covid in the first six months after being “fully vaccinated.”

That stunning risk came even though the median age of people in the study was only 51, and most were relatively healthy.

Deaths, ventilator use, and other severe outcomes also occurred regularly in vaccinated people. The data comes from a study of about 600,000 vaccinated Americans seen at over 100 academic medical centers.

The study was published online Dec. 28 in the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA Internal Medicine.

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New ages 5 to 11 year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I just read about the latest CDC studies for ages 5 to 11 in The NY Times. The Times said the studies showed the vaccines are safe. That’s complete bullshit. Here’s what the data actually said.

Original Bozo Larry Harmon leaves behind famed clown legacy | OffBeat with Phil Potempa |


For 5 to 11 year-olds, the numbers in the latest CDC paper indicate a death rate than is 10X higher than any sane stopping condition. The myocarditis rates in boys are at least 6X normal. The CDC paper is yet more evidence that the vaccines should be stopped immediately.

I just saw this NY Times headline, “Covid vaccines rarely lead to problems in younger children, according to two C.D.C. reports.”

Two more misleading, flawed CDC studies

OK, here we go again. More flawed CDC studies.

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WELCOME to the Year 2022! – Looking Back on Where Britain has come from during the Last Year – Letter from Great Britain [01-01-22]

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

LOCKDOWN UPDATE:  Boris could listen to the doom-mongers urging him to impose tighter rules, just as Nicola Sturgeon, in Scotland and Mark Drakeford in Wales have done. But they are just piffling sub-nations ruled by despotic socialists.  Or Boris could be brave and look at the actual data, as several members of his Cabinet have been urging him to do.  Decisions will be this week coming.

The data from South Africa suggesting Omicron is 80% milder than Delta. The data suggesting that, far from doubling every couple of days, the number of daily infections will plateau. The data suggesting that, for whatever reason, the link between Covid infections and hospitalisations has been broken:  BUT they don’t want to hear this!

On the other hand have a laugh for a few minutes at this dark humour:

AS THE NEW YEAR DAWNS, let’s review where we have come from these last 12 months:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Johnny Cash plays San Quentin State Prison – 1958


“Folsom Prison Blues” gave Johnny Cash his first top-10 country hit in 1956, and his live concert performance at Folsom—dramatized memorably in the film Walk The Line—gave his flagging career a critical jump-start in 1968. But the prison with which Johnny Cash was most closely associated wasn’t Folsom, it was San Quentin, a maximum-security penitentiary just outside of San Francisco. San Quentin is where Cash played his first-ever prison concert on January 1, 1958—a concert that helped set Merle Haggard, then a 20-year-old San Quentin inmate, on the path toward becoming a country music legend.

Haggard was a product of Bakersfield, California, a hard-bitten Central Valley town that was the final stop for tens of thousands of poor, white farmers and laborers who migrated west during the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s seeking work in the factories, farm fields and oilfields of California. These Oklahomans, Texans and others referred to by the blanket term “Okies” brought with them a love of country music, and not just any country music, but “Loud music that plays until all hours,” as Wynn Stewart sang in his 1962 country hit “How the Other Half Lives.”

Merle Haggard would eventually become an architect of the hard-driving, no-frills Bakersfield Sound, which shook the Nashville establishment in the 1960s. But not before he ran afoul of the legal establishment in ways that most country singers only sing about.

Haggard did his first stint in jail at age 11, when his mother turned him over to the juvenile authorities as “incorrigible.” As a teenager, Haggard went into jail at least three more times, and went out via escape at least once. In 1957, at the age of 18, Haggard was arrested on a burglary charge and sentenced to 15 years in San Quentin. He ended up serving only two years of that sentence, though, and he credits Cash with giving him the inspiration to launch a career after prison that included 38 #1 hits on the country charts, including “Sing Me Back Home,” “Okie From Muskogee” and “Today I Started Loving You Again.”

Of Johnny Cash’s prison debut, Haggard said this: “He had the right attitude. He chewed gum, looked arrogant and flipped the bird to the guards—he did everything the prisoners wanted to do. He was a mean mother from the South who was there because he loved us. When he walked away, everyone in that place had become a Johnny Cash fan.”

Sword & Shield

Guest Post by Freed Radical

Stand firm on this passage from God’s word as we do spiritual battle to recover and rebuild our nation and world, and defeat the evil that seeks to destroy us.

Psalm 9   (NASB)

19 Arise, O Lord, do not let man prevail;
Let the nations be judged before You.
20 Put them in fear, O Lord;
Let the nations know that they are but men. Selah.


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100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom

Submitted by mark

This 11 minute Big Picture vid is an outstanding 2022 wake up call to send to your family and friends who do not know these basic truths…for them to become part of the GREAT AWAKENING!

Once watched it will be impossible to forget. Those of us who are awake must flood those still asleep with these truths!

The only antidote to the GREAT RESET being shoved down our throats by the International ‘Globalist Cabal’ behind this festering international evil is THE TRUTH!

They haven’t won yet…and the answer for their version of 1984 is 1776!

From the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank & Big Pharma to the Great Reset. America stands at the crossroads.