Via Ben Garrison

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The Imbecile King who put his foot on the gas pedal

Guest Post by Simon Black

Charles II was only three years old when he became the supreme ruler of the Spanish Empire in 1665. But anyone who took just one look at the child knew they were all doomed.

Charles had come from a long line of prominent European nobles known as the Habsburgs– a family so exclusive that they frequently married one another in order to keep their blood line ‘pure’.

Genetic defects abounded as a result.

Charles II inherited some of the worst of these genetic defects; his father and mother were uncle/niece. And his grandparents were first cousins.

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When are people going to wake up and realize they have been bamboozled, misled, and lied to?  It’s not about health. It never has been about health.

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Letter From A Banished RCMP Officer

Canada is set to lose upwards of 20% of it’s federal police force because of the first round of vaccine mandates. As the 3rd jab follows and is a requirement for employment, more will follow. Municipal police forces are rejecting the mandates because they can see the endgame. The federal government does not appear to share their concern.

The system is breaking.

Via the Easton Spectator

Hi everyone,

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict. I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.” Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.

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Guest Post by

If I say that 2020 was the year of the virus, and 2021 the year of the vaccine, most people would probably agree. But 2021 was so much more than that; it was also the year of propaganda, media capture and narrative control at levels beyond anything we’ve ever seen. Even if many -most- people haven’t experienced it that way.

And that has likely had more negative impact on us than the vaccine itself. A close call perhaps, I know. The good thing that has come out of this is that so much of it has been exposed. Much of the underlying tendencies towards authoritarianism, and disregard for truth, and blind desire for profit, for a Great Reset, population control, abandonment of freedoms and human rights, it’s all there now for us to see.

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“Mass Psychosis” Trending on Twitter

Via Off-Guardian

The concept of a ‘mass psychosis’, an unrecognised force which is influencing humanity in its darkest hour, has been gaining traction on social media. It might provide a useful mechanism to explain how so many people could be fooled by a fake pandemic, but is it in danger of letting certain narrative kingpins and zealots off the hook?

In The Last American Vagabond’s The Daily Wrap Up, Ryan Cristián covers Mass Formation Psychosis’ recent public exposure. He says that the media’s attempt to recast this issue as ‘far right’ is ‘waking people up to the illusion of the two party paradigm’. He adds that mass formation is a ‘large part’ if not the ‘entirety’ of the covid phenomenon, but adds the caveat that there are ‘a lot of other factors involved’.

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Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for ages 18-64 are up 40%

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

This is huge. Something is killing healthy people at an unprecedented rate. It isn’t COVID. Could it be the “safe and effective” COVID vaccine? I think so. Here’s why.

What You Need to Know Before Your Next ER Visit - Mather Hospital

Start by reading this story, “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64.” Read the whole thing now.

Note: In the event this story “disappears” from view, I kept a backup. You can’t be too careful nowadays.

This is big. Really big. And I’m not the only one that thinks so.

Key points:

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Dr. McCollough Says Outpatient Treatments For COVID-19 Have Been Suppressed

Authored by Jan Jekielek and Masooma Haq via The Epoch Times,

Dr. Peter McCullough told The Epoch Times that the public should question why the governments and public health officials around the world have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments in their efforts to fight the COVID-19 virus, instead promoting a massive effort on vaccines.

Lots of messaging on the vaccine, but zero mentioning on treatment, none. And it’s been from the very beginning. There is a theme here, I hope everyone’s starting to get the theme. There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment, people who are sick with COVID-19,” said McCollough.

“But there is a complete and total focus on people who don’t have COVID-19 and giving them a vaccine.”

McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and lead author of the first paper on early COVID-19 outpatient treatment involving a multi-drug regimen. In a recent interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program, he discussed a wide range of evidence on COVID-19 preventative treatments that are being used around the world.

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Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is

Our great challenge in the 21st century is not Russia. Indeed, in the long term, we want Russia on our side in the long struggle between the U.S. and the West, and Communist China.

While all facts are true, not all facts are relevant.

And what are the relevant facts in this crisis where 100,000 Russian troops are now stationed along the Ukrainian border?

Fact one: There is not now and never has been a vital U.S. interest in Ukraine to justify risking a war with Russia.

History tells us that. Even as Ukraine was suffering in the Stalin-induced Holodomor, the terror-famine of 1932-33, President Franklin Roosevelt granted diplomatic recognition to the Bolshevik regime.

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Best Performing Global Stock Markets — Compare the Real Economy — Global Trade Flat for 10 Years — Most Deadly Covid Nations — Then There is Omicron [01-02-2022]

My colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics posts a weekly editorial Hat Tip: Gerry: http://boomfinanceandeconomics.com/#/

BOOM seeks out the very best information from authoritative sources and strives for consistency in its quality and trustworthiness. In evidence of this, BOOM has developed a loyal readership which includes many of the world’s most senior economists, central bankers, fund managers and academics. We strive to always have good relationships with our readers. If you want a real edge in understanding the complex world of finance and economics, subscribe to BOOM as a Follower on LinkedIn or as a Subscriber (Free) to the BOOM Newspaper at http://boomfinanceandeconomics.com/#/


BEST PERFORMING GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS – COMPARISON WITH THE REAL ECONOMY:  The best performing large global stock markets during 2021 in the advanced economies measured in their local currencies and using the respective MSCI Share Price Indexes were — France (up 21.8 %) , Sweden (up 24.7 %), Canada (20.3 %) and USA (20.8 %). India advanced by 25.3 % — the best performing stock market in a large economy. Notably, China fell by 22.9 %. These numbers are all as at 7th December but final end of year performances would have not been much different. Property prices also boomed in 2021 in many advanced economy nations, especially house prices.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – L.B.J. envisions a Great Society in his State of the Union address – 1965

Via History.com

On January 4, 1965, in his State of the Union address, President Lyndon Baines Johnson lays out for Congress a laundry list of legislation needed to achieve his plan for a Great Society. On the heels of John F. Kennedy’s tragic death, Americans had elected Johnson, his vice president, to the presidency by the largest popular vote in the nation’s history. Johnson used this mandate to push for improvements he believed would better Americans’ quality of life.

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