Jim Rogers 2022 – The Worst Bear Market is Coming

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Guest post by Alex Berenson

The world’s most mRNA vaccinated countries now have shockingly high Covid infection rates. Hospitalizations and deaths are rising fast too. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Immediately.

Something is rotten in Denmark.

And Australia.

And Israel.

Where nearly 1 percent of the entire population just tested positive for Covid.

Not in a month. Or a week. In one day.

You read that right.

On Saturday, Israel had 84,000 new infections, the equivalent of almost 3 million in the United States. Infections in Israel have risen unthinkably fast since late December. They’re are up 100-fold in one month, driven by the collapse of booster protection and the arrival of the Omicron variant.

Israel is not alone. Denmark reported 42,000 cases yesterday, equal to almost 2.5 million in the United States. France, the second-largest country in Europe, reported the American equivalent of about 12 million new infections in the last week. Australia had a tremendous surge in cases earlier this month, though it seems to be subsidizing for now.

Continue reading “AN URGENT WARNING”


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer


Victor Hugo watched as ancient France and all of her monuments and edifices were destroyed by the same kinds of people that today pull apart the foundations of heritage America.


A fascinating insight into the manner that history is rewritten by those who are alien to that shared experience.

“The vandalism is architected. The vandalism settles in and lounges. The vandalism is celebrated, applauded, encouraged, admired, caressed, protected, consulted, subsidized, defrayed, naturalized. The vandalism is the one who undertakes works on account of the government. It’s installed itself insidiously in the budget, and it nibbles it quietly, like a rat its cheese. And sure, it earns its money. Every day it demolishes something of the little that is left of that admirable old Paris. What do I know? The vandalism has whitewashed Notre-Dame, the vandalism has retouched the towers of the Palace of Justice, the vandalism has razed Saint-Magloire, the vandalism has destroyed the cloister of the Jacobins, the vandalism has amputated two steeples out of three on Saint-Germain-des Pres. We might in some cases speak of buildings that it has built. The vandalism has its newspapers, its cliques, its schools, its chairs, its public, its reasons. The vandalism has for it the bourgeois. It’s well nourished, well paid, buffed with pride, almost scientist, very classical, good logician, strong theoretician, joyous, powerful, affable if need be, good speaker, and self-satisfied. It plays the patron. It protects the young talents. It is professor.”

‘Pandemic’ narrative over…false flag in Ukraine next?

Via Off-Guardian

During the past week, the world has looked on as the now two-year long COVID-19 mainstream media narrative collapsed almost instantaneously.

In timing that cannot be described as anything less than suspect, in the same week that the World Economic Forum held its virtual Davos Agenda event, Ireland and Britain announced the sudden and immediate ending of virtually all Covid measures and the World Health Organisation called for the end of Covid-related travel restrictions, with the organisation also stating that the end of the ‘Pandemic’ may be in sight, in stark contrast to a recent announcement that such a prediction was premature.

With the theme of the World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual summit meeting, due to be held in May and the first in-person meeting of the forum since 2019, being ‘Working Together, Restoring Trust’ the optimistic among us may say that there has been an acceptance amongst the global elite that the growing awareness worldwide of the corporate power-grab over public life that the past two years has entailed, as well as the steady march towards a digital ID system as envisaged in Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution via the use of vaccine passports, has become so widespread that it is no longer feasible to continue the current COVID-19 media narrative.

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The Tonga eruption & Volcanic Winter?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was massive. It would have covered much of California engulfing from San Francisco down to Los Angeles. They are still trying to figure out how big this event was yet it was certainly one of the largest to have taken place in modern times. The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) is measured from 1 to 8. Pinatubo, which is considered similar to the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai eruption, scored a 6 on the index. However, Pinatubo produced an eruption column of gas and ash that rose 40 km into the atmosphere, whereas this Tongan eruption was at least 20 km high.

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22 Ways to Stop Vaccine Passports

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The end-goal of vaccine passports is to surveil and collect not only medical information but also financial transactions, political affiliations, religious and philosophical beliefs and more
  • Disguised as a tool for convenience and safety, digitized IDs, such as mobile driver’s licenses, will be embedded into everyday life and used to control everything from food and sustainability to travel and mobility
  • There’s still time, however, to stop the imposition of totalitarian control worldwide, and a key way to do so is to fight back against vaccine passports
  • Investigative journalist Corey Lynn shared 22 ways to stop vaccine passports, from not complying and leaving your cellphone at home to using cash as much as possible and not supporting establishments that require vaccine passports

Vaccine passports are poised to change the world as you know it, creating a digital trail of your every move. Right now, it’s injection status that’s being highlighted, but the end goal is to surveil and collect not only medical information but financial transactions, political affiliations, religious and philosophical beliefs and more.

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San Francisco Store Clerk Confused As Shopper Actually Tries To Pay For Merchandise

The Babylon Bee

SAN FRANCISCO—A cashier working the closing shift at a small mom-and-pop store on Sutter St. was left shocked and bewildered when a customer tried to pay for her items.

Store security footage reveals the customer roamed the store calmly while looters plucked most shelves dry. She picked up a few trinkets before heading to the register.

“I wasn’t really paying attention,” said the cashier, Brian Risico. “We get lots of looters, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a paying customer. No one taught me how to use the register.”

“Then this chick comes up,” he continued. “She’s– I don’t know. Normal? She placed some products on the counter and asked for the damage. I thought she was going to hurt me, but it turned out she wanted to know how much money she should give me.”

Risico stared blankly at the woman for a minute before panicking and fleeing in terror. The unnamed customer then placed a twenty on the counter and left. The twenty-dollar bill was promptly stolen.

According to sources, Risico eventually returned and started his hourly sweeping of the store. Sweeping the store regularly is important to avoid “slip and falls” that can provoke lawsuits from looters.


American Companies Swoop in To “Fix” Inflation (But They Left Out This Fine Print)

Via Birch Gold Group

American Companies Swoop in To Fix Inflation But They Left Out This Fine Print

Since it isn’t likely that inflation will ease any time soon, we should prepare for “sticker shock” in the near future (unless you’re experiencing it already).

That’s because inflation robs you of buying power, stealthily, without actually changing the balance in your bank account. That’s true unless income rises faster than inflation. At least this preserves your buying power.

In another sense, though, we’ve already been robbed. A 7% pay raise should translate into 7% more buying power, 7% greater opportunities to experience the things you enjoy with your family. Or 7% more savings added to your nest egg.

If only that were the case.

Continue reading “American Companies Swoop in To “Fix” Inflation (But They Left Out This Fine Print)”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Tennessee passes nation’s first prohibition law – 1838

Via History.com

The first Prohibition law in the history of the United States is passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores. The bill stated that all persons convicted of retailing “spirituous liquors” would be fined at the “discretion of the court” and that the fines would be used in support of public schools.

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US Federal Courts Reject Biden’s Tyranny but Austria Shows Its True Nazi Colors

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The American political system based on the separation of powers has held for now against the tyrannical developments that are sweeping away civil liberty in the “free West.” The US Supreme Court deep-sixed Biden’s mandate that employees of private businesses must be injected with the dangerous Covid “vaccine” despite the evidence that the “vaccine” does not protect against Covid but does cause injury and death. The Supreme Court ruled that the president is without statutory authority to issue such a mandate, an obvious ruling as in the US law is the responsibility of Congress.

Now federal district judge Jeffrey Brown has ruled that Biden also lacks the authority to issue a mandate that all federal employees be injected with the Covid “vaccine.” The president’s authority is limited to “workplace conduct” and a coerced medical procedure does not fall under workplace conduct. https://www.theepochtimes.com/bidens-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-federal-workers-blocked-nationwide_4227992.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-01-21-3&utm_medium=email&est=hf0tLZiC7MsaRklkXYcBKfAtpefQ52HfX7s6AS6VU%2Bgw9xUFzwyO2w%3D%3D

As I reported — https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/01/20/england-ends-all-covid-passports-mask-mandates-work-restrictions/ — the British government has refused to continue with the tyranny and has ended all Covid passports, mask mandates, and work restrictions.

Continue reading “US Federal Courts Reject Biden’s Tyranny but Austria Shows Its True Nazi Colors”

“The Virus Stops With Every Vaccinated Person:” Eight Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly

Via The Blue State Conservative

I began an article yesterday with the line: If coordinated lies could stop the spread of respiratory viruses, Covid would have ended in March of 2020. It applies just as much to this article. The following quotes come from Tony Fauci, Joe Biden, Rochelle Walensky, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, and others who promised – promised! – us that the vaccines were going to end this alleged pandemic.

From the beginning, all talk of preventative care, repurposed drugs, alternative treatments were not only ignored but disparaged. Several states threatened to pull the licenses of doctors and pharmacists who either prescribed or filled prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Even now, a doctor in Maine has had her license suspended and made to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for dispensing these beneficial treatments. (Seriously, even if they did nothing, how is that worse than injecting yourself with a brand-new, lab-made cocktail of goodness knows what?). It isn’t just medications; something as cheap and simple as supplementing with vitamin D or going outside in the sun were actively suppressed. Southern California, home to some of the most beautiful landscapes and endless supply of Pacific sunshine, shut down beaches and parks upon threat of arrest.

Continue reading ““The Virus Stops With Every Vaccinated Person:” Eight Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly”

Hong Kong Executes Thousands of Pet Hamsters Over COVID Hysteria

Via Sovereign Man

Here’s our roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Hong Kong Will Execute Thousands of Hamsters to Prevent COVID

Because China is subjecting Hong Kong to its zero COVID policy, health authorities in the city went crazy over one untraceable case of the Delta variant.

They couldn’t figure out how an employee of a pet store caught the virus. So they tested 178 hamsters, chinchillas, and rabbits associated with the store.

11 hamsters showed traces of COVID.

Naturally, the government decided to round up 2,000 hamsters sold since December 22 and execute them all.


Hong Kong’s health secretary acknowledged that there is no evidence hamsters have transmitted COVID.

But she decided to ignore the science, and murder the pets children may have received on Christmas morning.

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