Sitrep: Russia is too slow, and other canards

Via The Saker

Sitrep: Russia is too slow, and other canards

Looking back at the bigger picture, i.e., Russia is too slow, and other canards:

February 21 president of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR and promised to support the republics. On February 24, President Putin announced a special military operation in Ukraine in response to the appeal of the leaders of the republics of Donbass with a request for help.

The President stressed that Moscow’s plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. Since that time, an operation has been underway on the territory of Ukraine to denazify the country and liberate the civilian population from the Kiev regime.

So that is a refresher on what the focus and objectives are of Russia’s SMO.  Keep this in mind in your commenting.

“Reach Out and Touch Someone”

Highly recommended by Andrei Martynov, Larry Johnson tells us exactly what this means:

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Nausea Rules

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

What the Looming Economic Collapse Could Mean for Education (Opinion)

The way financial markets puked this week, they must have started reading the news. Let’s face it, the headlines are a little short of reassuring. The $6.49 price on a gallon of diesel is enough alone to tell you that the nation can’t do business the way it’s set up to do, and there isn’t a new model for running things ready to launch — not even Klaus Schwab’s utopia of robots and eunuchs.

What’s out there, rather, is a model of breakdown and collapse which the Woked-up, globalist neo-Jacobins are doing everything possible to hasten. US-inspired sanctions on Russia have quickly blown-up in America’s face. How’s that ban on Russian oil working? Do you understand that US shale oil — the bulk of our production — is exceptionally light in composition, meaning it contains not much of the heavier distillates like diesel and aviation fuel?  ‘Tis so, alas. Truckers just won’t truck at $6.49-a-gallon, and before long they’ll be out of business altogether, especially the independents who have whopping mortgages on their rigs that won’t be paid. The equation is tearfully simple: no trucks = no US economy.

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A Twitter bluecheck just suggested that two conservative Supreme Court justices be killed. Twitter (apparently) took no action.

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Apparently Twitter’s rules against free speech extend to me and other Covid and vaccine skeptics, but not to this from @simongwynn:

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UK government data shows if you’re under 80, you should NOT take the COVID vaccine

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I’ve been asking everyone: Show me the all-cause mortality data proving the vaccines are safe. I finally got the data. It’s from the UK government. I was right. They were wrong.

Mortality in Ukraine Over the Last 25 years: How Many Deaths Could Have Been Avoided | VoxUkraine


I looked at the official mortality data from the UK government Office of National Statistics from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022. I compared the all-cause mortality (ACM) for people who got 2 shots at least 6 months ago with the unvaccinated. This provides a minimum reasonable “runway” to observe the outcomes.

The data clearly showed if you are younger than 80, you shouldn’t get the shot.

Should you get the shot if you are over 80? That’s not clear because the data was too confounded to get a reliable answer (our “sanity check” wasn’t satisfied as described below). Until we see reliable data, it’s irresponsible to make a recommendation to take the intervention for those over 80.

Bottom line: Based on this data, NOBODY should get these vaccines, unless they want to increase their chance of dying.

The younger you are, the less sense it makes. It is criminal we are vaccinating our kids.

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Zelensky & World War III

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Our computer warned back in 2013 that Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. I warned that the ONLY way to prevent that was to split Ukraine based on the language. While the propaganda is that Kyiv is fighting for freedom and democracy, they have refused to allow Donbas to vote and recognize their independence. The hatred in the West of the Russian-speaking East is well documented. It stems from the period of Stalin’ starving of 7 million Ukrainians to pretend that Communism was working. The fact that Stalin was not Russian but a Georgian has been lost in the pages of history.

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WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil

Guest Post by Tessa Lena

who new pandemic treaty

Story at-a-glance

  • In December 2021, the World Health Organization announced their plan to develop a new pandemic treaty
  • The new treaty has the potential to undermine national sovereignty as we know it
  • In 2009, the WHO changed the definition of the word “pandemic” and then used the new definition to declare an influenza pandemic and activate massive vaccine purchasing agreements
  • The definition of “public health” is being used in a misleading manner to push for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Dr. Tess Lawrie was on a call with the WHO as a part of the public commentary submission process, and the call left her “shaken”

This story is about the proposed new World Health Organization pandemic treaty that can potentially eradicate the national sovereignty as we know it. It is also about the banality of evil and the impact of our individual daily choices on the future generations and the history of the world.

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Do the Pfizer “data dumps” really mean anything?

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The latest batch of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine files just dropped. 80,000 pages of patient files and “trial data” and so and so on.

You can read them all here.

The question is, do they really tell us anything we don’t already know?

The big revelation doing the rounds at the minute is that the vaccines were never trialled with, and were specifically not recommended for, pregnant women.

But is this new information?

When governments started “recommending” the Covid vaccine to pregnant women in the Summer of 2021, everybody who had been paying attention knew that position was not backed up by any data at all.

OffG got temporarily banned from twitter for pointing this out.

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Alito 5 Must Stay the Course

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Alito 5 Must Stay the Course By Patrick Buchanan

Pro-abortion Democrats say a woman’s “right to choose” must remain paramount and sacrosanct. But the “right to choose” what? As President Joe Biden just described it bluntly this week, it is the right to choose to “abort a child.”

In February, five Supreme Court Justices voted in camera to overturn Roe v. Wade and send the issue of abortion back to the states, where it resided until 1973.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett had all signed on to the majority opinion overturning Roe that had been drafted by Justice Samuel Alito.

The right-to-life movement was only weeks away from a stunning victory in its half-century struggle to overturn Roe.

This suggests that the leak to Politico of the Alito draft was the work of a saboteur seeking to derail the course of the court by the media explosion he or she knew it would ignite.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – John Steinbeck wins a Pulitzer for “The Grapes of Wrath” – 1940


John Steinbeck's estate urged to let the world read his shunned werewolf novel | John Steinbeck | The Guardian

John Steinbeck's 5 Most Iconic Works Book Marks

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Irredeemable Orange

Via Eric Peters Autos

The Orange Man is still pushing “vaccines.”

He did an interview about a week ago with Piers Morgan during which he not only touted their wonderfulness in a general sense, he took personal credit for “saving millions of lives.”

He said nothing about the millions of lives he personally wrecked. The thousands of lives the “vaccines” have taken.

So far . . .

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We know ‘crazy’ when we see it…

Via Sovereign Man

In 1962, a movie theater in Ohio screened a French film called Les Amants, which contained a risque sex scene.

And, simply for showing the movie, the theater’s manager was arrested and convicted of violating Ohio’s obscenity laws.

The manager appealed his conviction, and the case made it all the way to the US Supreme Court.

Fortunately for the theater manager, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor. And the case famously gave rise to Justice Potter Stewart’s standard for obscenity:

“I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be obscene”, he wrote, “But I know it when I see it.”

That same standard of “I know it when I see it” applies to a lot of things when you think about it.

For example, it’s difficult to nail down a precise definition for mental incompetence. But I know when I see it— like when the President of the United States sticks his arm out to shake hands with thin air, then bumbles around stage like a lost puppy.

Similarly, we all know crazy when we see it.

For example, when AOC cackles about Socialism, Bernie Sanders praises Cuba, the media calls flaming riots “mostly peaceful”, and Nancy Pelosi makes a tiny circle with her thumb and index finger to pronounce that a multi-trillion dollar spending bill will “cost nothing”… we all know that’s crazy. We know it when we see it.

The crazies have been out recently howling against Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter.

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