Real Personal Income Down 20% from One Year Ago

Via Brownstone Institute

by David Stockman

Well, here’s another shocker. This Commerce Department report showed that real disposable personal income in March came in at -19.9% versus March 2021.

That staggering shrinkage, of course, is still another testimony to the old saw about “what goes around, comes around.” That is, last March real disposable incomes soared by nearly 29% owing to the massive Biden stimulus payments. But since then inflation has blasted skyward, even as Washington has run out of nerve on the fiscal stimulus front.

Y/Y Change In Real Disposable Income,February 2020 to March 2022 Continue reading “Real Personal Income Down 20% from One Year Ago”

This Week in the New Normal

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. Meet Homeland Security’s new “disinformation czar”

The Department of Homeland Security is getting a big addition to its purview this week – “the truth”.

Yes, the Biden administration is funding and staffing a new sector of the DHS, one focused on countering “disinformation” from Russia, China, “people smugglers” and other “foreign threats”.

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The World Order Has Changed… Here’s What it Means for Your Net Worth

Via International Man

By Chris MacIntosh

World Order

There is momentous change taking place right now.

Part of a disturbing trend over the last few months has been one of financial institutions and governments stealing other people’s money in broad daylight.

Jeff Dorman wrote a worthwhile piece on the collapse of the LME as well as other associated topics. Continue reading “The World Order Has Changed… Here’s What it Means for Your Net Worth”

CDC Secretly Tracked Americans’ Locations During COVID Lockdowns

Via Sovereign Man

Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

CDC Secretly Tracked Americans’ Locations During COVID Lockdowns

During the pandemic, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) secretly tracked Americans’ locations, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Request.

The CDC bought aggregate location data from a company that harvests user data from smartphone apps. Although the data is anonymized, in some cases it is relatively easy to link it to individuals.

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No Matter What Weird Language Biden Prefers, Today Is Still Mothers’ Day

Authored by Laramie Seven via,

The word “mother” is being erased by the federal government, in accordance with the executive order that President Biden signed on his first day in office on January 20, 2021.  Along with other sexed words (father, brother, husband, wife, daughter, son), the edict “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation” is leading to the elimination of traditional terminology.

The proliferating bastardization of the language would be laughable if it weren’t so insulting:

Continue reading “No Matter What Weird Language Biden Prefers, Today Is Still Mothers’ Day”

“The Whole Planet Is A Pot, And We’re All Frogs”

Authored by Ugo Bardi via The Seneca Effect blog,

The lockdown in China: if the powerful are doing something that looks stupid, it’s because whatever they’re doing IS actually stupid

I received several comments on my post “The Shanghai Lockdown: a Memetic Analysis,” and I think that some were so interesting to be worth reproducing in a full-fledged post. The first comment comes from an anonymous commenter living in China. It seems to me believable, and also consistent with my interpretation.

In practice, the Chinese were (and are) not the only one who are conditioned by factors such as avoiding a loss of face.

Italians did the same during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.

There seems to be an enormous psychological problem that when you discover that you have been conned, you don’t want to admit that. It makes little difference if you are Chinese, Italian, or another nationality.

There follows a comment by “Mon Seul Desir” on which I fully agree. So much that I used it in a condensed version for the title of this post.

When something looks insane, most likely, it IS insane.

Continue reading ““The Whole Planet Is A Pot, And We’re All Frogs””


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

New Renderings Show Inside Luxurious Space Hotel To Open In 2027

Space is no longer only a place for the world powers but a new domain for private businesses to capitalize on. The latest example is an out-of-this-world space hotel set to open in low Earth orbit at the end of this decade.

Orbital Assembly Corp., a California-based startup, bills itself as the “world’s first large-scale space construction company” and is slated to open the Voyager Station in 2027, equipped with restaurants, a cinema, spa, and space pods (rooms) for 400 people.

“The goal has always been to make it possible for large amounts of people to live, work and thrive in space,” Tim Alatorre, Orbital Assembly’s chief operating officer, told CNN.  

The company plans to use robots to construct the celestial hotel shaped like a Ferris wheel. The 650-foot-wide wheel-shaped structure will spin with an angular velocity fast enough to generate moon-like levels of artificial gravity for guests.

Continue reading “NOW TAKING BETS”

What do the FBI, “our free press” and the #MeToo movement have in common? They all could not care less about the rape of children

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Maria Farmer talks about her long ordeal as a victim of the trafficking network run by Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell for (as she points out) “the feds”

Epstein didn't kill himself - Wikipedia

Why is it that the fate of trafficked children matters not at all to those three entities?

And, for that matter, why was the misery of children under lockdown not a thing throughout Year COVID (2020), despite the skyrocketing of suicide among the young? And why, these last two years, has it been not just acceptable, but obligatory, and a sign of “virtue,” to make little kids wear masks, and sit six feet apart, all day in school? (As I’ve observed before, the suffering of deaf children in a world of masks was also not a thing.)

Continue reading “What do the FBI, “our free press” and the #MeToo movement have in common? They all could not care less about the rape of children”

Megalopolis x Russia: Total War

Guest Post by Pepe Escobar

The decline and fall of the American empire: Joe Biden's biggest challenge  |

After careful evaluation, the Kremlin is rearranging the geopolitical chessboard to end the unipolar hegemony of the “indispensable nation”.

But it’s our fate / To have no place to rest, / As suffering mortals / Blindly fall and vanish / From one hour / To the next, / Like water falling / From cliff to cliff, downward / For years to uncertainty.

Holderlin, Hyperion’s Fate Song

Operation Z is the first salvo of a titanic struggle: three decades after the fall of the USSR, and 77 years after the end of WWII, after careful evaluation, the Kremlin is rearranging the geopolitical chessboard to end the unipolar hegemony of the “indispensable nation”. No wonder the Empire of Lies has gone completely berserk, obsessed in completely expelling Russia from the West-centric system.

The U.S. and its NATO puppies cannot possibly come to grips with their perplexity when faced with a staggering loss: no more entitlement allowing exclusive geopolitical use of force to perpetuate “our values”. No more Full Spectrum Dominance.

Continue reading “Megalopolis x Russia: Total War”

‘All He Wanted to Do Was Play Hockey,’ Says Grieving Dad

Sean Hartman was so eager to go back to playing hockey that he agreed to get the COVID Pfizer shot so he can be allowed back on the ice. He went to the hospital for a “bad” reaction to the jab, and was sent home with a prescription for painkillers. Days later, Sean’s mother found him lying dead in his bedroom — watch his heartbreaking story in this video.

Your next pandemic will be controlled by the WHO

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

After all, they did such a WONDERFUL job with this pandemic … NOT!!!! So the US is going to cede control in the next pandemic to the WHO and I don’t think it can be stopped.

Read these articles:

  1. Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO
  2. The W.H.O’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ will end Freedom as we know it and hand the ‘keys to power’ to its largest private funder, Mr Bill Gates

The WHO is a disaster. Early treatment (outpatient) was the right way to handle this pandemic and the WHO did absolutely nothing in that area. Only a completely inept agency wouldn’t have had that as one of the pillars of a pandemic response.

Continue reading “Your next pandemic will be controlled by the WHO”

Revelation of the Method

Guest Post by Dustin Broadbery

CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’

Fast forward thirty years, and there’s no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow.

From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.

Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It’s a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don’t even know that they don’t know that they don’t know what’s happening.   To quote one former anarchist.

Continue reading “Revelation of the Method”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The theme song from “Welcome Back, Kotter” is the #1 song in America – 1976


Where 'Welcome Back, Kotter' at first wasn't welcome - CNN

Welcome Back Kotter Horshak GIF - Welcome Back Kotter Kotter Horshak - Discover & Share GIFs

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