Via Ben Garrison


Disturbing! Two Electric Buses Explode Within One Month… What’s Next?

Via The Blue State Conservative

Our friends on the left purport to be caring, reasonable, and embracing of common sense. But in reality, they’re none of these things. To combat a Chinese virus about which we still know very little, they try to cram down potentially dangerous mRNA vaccines about which we know even less. In the name of ‘equality,’ they push for hormone blockers and irreversible surgery to mutilate the bodies of troubled children confused about their gender.

And in an effort to achieve ‘climate justice,’ they’re willing to go as far as it takes to accomplish their goals, up to and including complete authoritarianism.

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Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID

Via Mercola

doctors hunted by pharma

Story at-a-glance

    • A California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license
    • Misinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation by the state
    • Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health
    • California has also introduced six other bills seeking to enshrine tyranny into law, including bills to criminalize “amplification of harmful content,” create a centralized vaccination registry, strip funding from law enforcement that refuses to follow public health orders, mandate COVID jabs for school children, authorize minors to consent to vaccination, and require school districts to conduct routine COVID testing
    • If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO

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Leak of Dobbs Decision Shines Further Light on the Evils of the Modern Left

Via The Blue State Conservative

For decades, the American left has furthered its agenda via leftists on U.S. courts. Thus, as I have previously noted, in order to get their way on a wide array of issues—abortion, marriage, LGBT issues, immigration, and the like—democrats have not had to win elections. They merely needed control of the courts. With right-minded originalists replacing authoritarian leftists on courts throughout America, the left’s hold on state and federal courts (much credit to President Trump!) has waned. This is especially true with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

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The New American Nightmare

Via International Man

An International Man lives and does business wherever he finds conditions most advantageous, regardless of arbitrary borders. He’s diversified globally, with passports from multiple countries, assets in several jurisdictions, and his residence in yet another. He doesn’t depend absolutely on any country and regards all of them as competitors for his capital and expertise.

Living as an international man has always been an interesting possibility. But few Americans opted for it, since the U.S. used to reward those who settled in and put down roots. In fact, it rewarded them better than any other country in the world, so there was no pressing reason to become an international man.

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If You Don’t Want an Emperor, Stop Giving Him Your Money

Via Sovereign Man

Elon Musk may be the richest man in the world, but he has a long way to go before he catches up with Jakob “The Rich” Fugger—a powerful merchant banker who lived in the 1500s.

(Fugger’s name rhymes with ‘cougar’, not ‘bugger’. But as you’ll see below, it was aptly spelled ‘Fucker’ on occasion.)

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Joy Behar Has A Hilariously Pathetic Solution To Roe Debate

Via The Blue State Conservative

One of the character flaws that tend to afflict many Hollywood celebrities is an utter lack of self-awareness, and Joy Behar of ABC’s The View gave us a perfect example on Tuesday. Reacting to the leaked document from the Supreme Court indicating that the landmark Roe V. Wade case enshrining a woman’s right to abortion is about to be overturned, Behar stated the following: Continue reading “Joy Behar Has A Hilariously Pathetic Solution To Roe Debate”


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

This headline indicates that the flu wiped out the birds, but that’s not true. They were deliberately culled. Why make it sound like something else when it is clearly not? The reporter never even mentioned it so I had to find another source.

So far, the bird flu has mostly been a problem for birds. It’s not the disease that’s killing most of them, however — it’s their owners.

When chicken, turkey, and egg companies detect one infected bird, they kill the whole flock in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. And they’re doing so using a variety of excruciating methods, including spraying birds with a suffocating water-based foam or closing off barn vents to raise temperatures so the birds die by heat stroke, a practice called ventilation shutdown, which can take 1.5 to 3.75 hours to kill them.

Via ZeroHedge

Egg Prices Soar As 10% Of Nation’s Hens Wiped Out By Devastating Bird Flu

Food prices are rising across the U.S., but the latest sticker shock at the supermarket is in the eggs and poultry aisles, as the deadly bird flu wreaks havoc on the country’s egg-laying hen flock.

Inflation data tracked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found a dozen of eggs jumped 23% in April compared with the month before to $2.52. Prices reached levels not seen since early 2016, a period that followed the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak of 2014-15, which led to a 50% increase in egg prices in the second half of 2015.

Continue reading “NEWSPEAK 101”

“We didn’t understand” that COVID is “kind of like flu,” says Bill Gates

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Note his logic: “We didn’t know then that COVID’s really just a flu; so it was pretty scary that the world, including the United States, didn’t go on alert nearly as fast as it needed to.” (Not “as fast as we thought it needed to,” but “as fast as it needed to,” suggesting some crossed wires inside “Bill’s brain.”)

And yet, funnily enough, Dr. Fauci, of all people, did know that COVID is ‘kind of like flu,” as he noted in February, 2020. So Gates’s “experts” weren’t in touch with Dr. Fauci?

If there’s any justice in the world, this mass-murdering predator (who went to Epstein’s island 37 times) is hiding out, surrounded by his bodyguards, and flinching every time he hears an unexpected noise. And if there’s any justice in the universe, Bill Gates will spend eternity in that condition.

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Home Theft

Guest Post by John Stossel

Home Theft

Did you know that in some states, if you miss one tax payment, local politicians will take your home, sell it and keep all the profits?


Tawanda Hall was behind on her taxes. She was on a payment plan but had missed $900. She didn’t expect Southfield, Michigan, to take her entire house because of that. It was worth $286,000 more than what she owed.

“I’m still in shock,” says Tawanda Hall in my new video. “They took my whole house, my whole family’s livelihood.”

John Bursch, a lawyer for the county, says while this practice may sound unfair (yes, it sure does), “It’s also unfair to force those who pay their taxes to subsidize those who don’t.”

“I pay taxes!” Hall responds. She works as a nursing assistant. “I lift people. I bathe people. I work hard.”

When Hall found out she was going to lose her home, she tried to pay off the debt.

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How To Prepare For Food Shortages, Hard Times On A Shoestring Budget: Preppers’ Advice

By Allan Stein of The Epoch Times,

Most people don’t bother to prepare for uncertain times until it’s too late. It’s the “ant and the grasshopper” parable written on a human scale.

“The problem is that while fear is a great motivator, it isn’t conducive to smart decisions,” said Diane Vukovic at, an online personal preparedness website.

“No matter how terrified you are about a certain event happening, you still need to go about prepping in a calm, logical way,” Vukovic told The Epoch Times.

A storage room stacked with food is seen at a preppers ranch in Mathias, West Virginia, on March 13, 2020.

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Submitted by mark

Here is an e-mail conversation I have had with someone who recently went to see the musical Hamilton and was raving about it. I sent them this with the comment:

“I’m glad Hamilton lost the duel”.

They said back: “Ah whatever it’s an amazing musical”.

I said: “That may be true…but the principles behind it and the people it is most popular with because of those principles are both dark, evil…and currently behind the controlled demolition of your country.

Radical chic Hollywood/Broadway movies/plays (propaganda & brainwashing) of a certain ilk have been paving the road to hell for unaware Americans for generations.

You can understand it/them and understand what they have done and are doing or just join the mooing herd singing their catchy tunes…the choice is yours.

Via Aim for Truth

Meet John Barker, Esq., the British Crown spy banker who handled Alexander Hamilton and whose banking progeny are ripping America apart today

“Hamilton made the First Bank of the United States a centerpiece of his financial plan. Modeled on the Bank of England* . . .” Geo. Washington’s Mt. Vernon Online

* Monarch-controlled-protected; monopoly; unaccountable; private; opium, slavery, continuous war dependent; debt slavery-based; fiat currency; usurious; elitist interlocked; anti-competitive trading

Hamilton’s first four banks were British shills and have become J.P. Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citizens, HSBC and BNY Mellon today