Via Ben Garrison


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How Did Mueller’s $40 Million Trump-Russia Investigation ‘Miss’ Hillary’s Hoax?

Authored by Sundance via The Last Refuge (emphasis ours),

One of the public revelations created by the trial of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, and Hillary Clinton’s contracted opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, manufactured the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.  How did Robert Muller not find this?

The Clinton hoax is the key takeaway within the testimony of Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, during the Sussman trial.  Of course, every intellectually honest person who watched events unfold already knew that.  However, the DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years.  Now they are in a pretending pickle.

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Oregon Schools To Provide Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms

Via Sovereign Man

Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Oregon Schools To Provide Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms

A new law taking effect this fall requires all schools in Oregon to provide free menstrual products such as tampons and sanitary pads in all student bathrooms.

Including the boys’ room.

The law defines “student bathroom” as “a bathroom that is accessible by students, including a gender-neutral bathroom, a bathroom designated for females and a bathroom designated for males.”

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Can Europe Survive Without Russian Coal and Oil? Here’s What It Means for Skyrocketing Prices…

Via International Man

by Chris MacIntosh

Russian Coal and Oil


Wait, you mean dirty stinky polluting coal? That coal?

Which brings me to….


So the EU, already in the middle of the worst energy crisis since the Arab oil crisis and likely worse, is now pushing to eliminate imports of Russian coal. Just so you understand the importance of Russian coal to Europe…

Some 70% of Europe’s thermal coal comes from Russia. Coal accounts for about 20% of continental Europe’s electricity production (as of 2019; perhaps it is 25% now). Continue reading “Can Europe Survive Without Russian Coal and Oil? Here’s What It Means for Skyrocketing Prices…”

Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

EXCLUSIVE: “Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

Archbishop Vigano is a world leader with the courage to stand up to the globalists who are attempting to take over the world. He provides a letter to the people of the world this morning.  Archbishop Vigano writes:

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Fauci Recommends Stopping Spread Of Monkeypox By Covering Eyes, Ears, Mouth

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Monkeypox pandemic has finally breached the shores of the United States, with the CDC confirming a staggering 1 infections so far. In response, America’s favorite, most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, issued a statement recommending people stop the spread of Monkeypox by covering their eyes, ears, and mouth.

Fauci accepted 137 TV interviews and a book deal after issuing the guidelines essentially recommending people look the other way rather than investigate the source of this new outbreak.

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Via Bloomberg

Germany to Stop Russian Oil Imports Regardless of EU Sanctions

May 15, 2022, 5:24 PM EDT

Germany plans to stop importing Russian oil by the end of the year even if the European Union fails to agree on an EU-wide ban in its next set of sanctions, government officials said.

Efforts to seal deals with alternative suppliers are progressing at the chancellery in Berlin and the government is confident it can solve remaining logistical problems within the next six to seven months, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

With European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday to discuss the next round of sanctions, EU diplomats have floated a delay in the phased-in oil ban after Hungary objected, saying the step would be too damaging to its economy.


The Real Story Behind The Baby Formula Crisis Isn’t What You Think

Via The Blue State Conservative

by Tom Williams

The baby formula out-of-stock rate nationwide sits at 40%, according to a report from Datasembly. In Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Texas, and Tennessee, the rates were greater than 50% during the last week of April. See below an ABC report on this baby formula shortage. Continue reading “The Real Story Behind The Baby Formula Crisis Isn’t What You Think”

Rising to the Bait – Again

Via Eric Peters Autos

$40 billion is still a great deal of money – even in the Biden Thing’s America. Except it’s not going to help Americans. Rather, the Biden Thing has taken $40 billion out of the pockets of Americans, to finance all-but-war with nuclear-armed Russia by arming and abetting Ukraine.

When the government – and the corporations that own the government – want war, they  usually get what they want. Continue reading “Rising to the Bait – Again”

Carlos Hathcock: The Forgotten History of the Iconic Marine Sniper Known as White Feather

Carlos Hathcock is not a name that is widely known, even in military circles, but he is one of the most successful and prolific snipers in American military history. Hathcock boasted 93 confirmed kills during his time in the United States Marine Corps. With his longest official kill clocking in at 2,500 yards and longest unofficial kill being estimated at 2,800 yards, he is something of a legend. The M21 variant Springfield Armory M25 White Feather incorporated the nickname bestowed upon him by the North Vietnamese Army. They called him “White Feather,” because of a white feather that he kept in the band of his hat.

The Early Life of Carlos Hathcock II

Carlos Norman Hathcock II was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1942, and grew up in the town of Wynne, which is about an hour and a half away. He lived with his grandmother during the first 12 years of his life, as his parents were separated.

It was during a trip to visit family in Mississippi that Hathcock first became interested in guns and hunting. Part of this was simply a necessity; his family was very poor and he needed to help feed them by bagging game in the forest. Hathcock greatly enjoyed his time in the woods, often pretending that he was an American soldier hunting down the Japanese during World War II using his father’s Mauser from the war.

Fulfilling his lifelong dream to serve in the Marine Corps, Hathcock enlisted in 1959, at the age of 17. He married his wife, Jo (nee Broughton) Winstead, on the Marine Corps’ birthday, November 10, 1962.

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The Globalists: Here is the Full Roster of Davos 2022 Attendees

Guest Post by Jordan Schachtel

The infamous World Economic Forum (WEF) will host its annual meeting in Davos next week, and we are going to make sure you know who is attending the invite-only gathering.

For those of you who are new to this nefarious organization:

The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its annual Davos conference, acts as the go-to policy and ideas shop for the ruling class. The NGO is led by a comic book villain-like character in Klaus Schwab, its megalomaniac president who articulates a truly insane, extremist political agenda for our future.

Heard one of your politicians declaring support for the “Build Back Better” agenda?

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“Monkeypox” may only be a big distraction from what’s really coming, once 5G is ready to be used (against the “vaccinated”)

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

In this video, after an 8-minute trailer for Plandemic 3, Dr. Buttar launches into a harrowing prediction, based on tips from trusted insiders, of what’s to come. Since he’s been right so far (early on, he took a world of heat for doubting that “the virus” had passed naturally from bats to humans), we should listen carefully to what he’s saying now: that the “vaccines” contain sleeper cells, set to be awakened (sometime this year, he estimates) by three 60-second 5G signals, which will activate the Marburg virus, and other pathogens that will kill “vaccinated” people by the millions, whereupon the WHO and CDC will move to “save” the rest of us by taking over totally and (they intend) forever.

Continue reading ““Monkeypox” may only be a big distraction from what’s really coming, once 5G is ready to be used (against the “vaccinated”)”

Russia Rewrites the Art of Hybrid War

Guest Post by Pepe Escobar

Hybrid War is being fought predominantly in the economic/financial battleground – and the pain dial for the collective West will only go up.

Russia Rewrites the Art of Hybrid War - Ọmọ Oòduà

The ironclad fictional “narrative” imposed all across NATOstan is that Ukraine is “winning”.

So why would weapons peddler retrofitted as Pentagon head Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin literally beg since late February to have his phone calls answered by Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, only to have his wish finally granted?

It’s now confirmed by one of my top intel sources. The call was a direct consequence of panic. The United States Government (USG) by all means wants to scotch the detailed Russian investigation – and accumulation of evidence – on the US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, as I outlined in a previous column.

This phone call happened exactly after an official Russian statement to the UN Security Council on May 13: we will use articles 5 and 6 of the Convention on the Prohibition of Bioweapons to investigate the Pentagon’s biological “experiments” in Ukraine.

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US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

Guest Post by Kyle Anzalone

U.S. Preparing Plan To Destroy Russia's Black Sea Fleet—Ukraine

Shortly after Reuters published an exclusive story that the White House was looking to move advanced anti-ship missiles to Ukraine, an official in Kiev said that the US is making a plan to sink Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs adviser Anton Gerashchenko tweeted, “The US is preparing a plan to destroy the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet. The effective work of the Ukrainians on [Russian] warships convinced [the US] to prepare a plan to unblock the [Ukrainian] ports. Deliveries of powerful anti-ship weapons are being discussed.”

Gerashchenko cited the Reuters report on Washington’s effort to ship Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles to Ukraine. The missiles have a range of up to 300 km and cost $1.5 million each.

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