You gotta love cops and you gotta love government unions. Our police commentors tell us that 99.9% of cops are just like us. They are good people looking out for the best interests of the citizens. The story below tells you everything you need to know about cops. They don’t think a cop who slams a defenseless woman in the face for no reason is a bad cop. Not only don’t they think he deserves to be fired, they are going to throw a nice big party for the thug. This is the mindset of police unions and their members. They don’t give a fuck about the public. They want their gold plated pension, retirement at 50, lifetime healthcare, and freedom to kick the shit out of the public without consequences.

All government unions need to be crushed and discarded. This prick needs to be scorned and ridiculed. Fundraiser my fat ass.

Union to fete Philly officer who hit parade-goer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Members of the city’s police union are planning a fundraiser for a lieutenant who is being fired for punching a woman at a parade, an encounter caught on video.

Earlier this month, the city’s police commissioner announced that Lt. Jonathan Josey was suspended for 30 days with the intent to dismiss.

Mayor Michael Nutter apologized to the woman, saying he was “appalled,” ”sickened” and “ashamed” by the video. It shows 39-year-old Aida Guzman being struck in the face and falling to the ground, her face bloodied, and then being led away in handcuffs during a street festival associated with the city’s annual Puerto Rican Day parade.

The Philadelphia Daily News reported (http://bit.ly/WZImtO ) that union members are supporting Josey and holding a five-hour, $30-a-person fundraiser for him on Oct. 28. Fraternal Order of Police President John McNesby said the proceeds will go toward Josey’s living expenses.

“It was inappropriate for the city to apologize to this woman and drop the charges until the investigation was complete,” McNesby said. “And we still don’t believe it’s a fireable offense.”

The fundraiser isn’t an official union event, McNesby said. But the newspaper reports it’s being advertised on union letterhead and on the union website.

City Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez said she was disappointed because the fundraiser makes it appear that officers condone Josey’s actions.

“While I understand that the FOP has to defend one of its own, I am extremely disappointed because this will appear that they are condoning the very visible actions of Josey, which hurts the image of their good officers,” said Sanchez, who represents the district where the encounter occurred.

Guzman’s attorney said he had no strong objection to the benefit.

“We don’t think he should be reinstated, that’s for sure,” attorney Enrique Latoison said. “But as a defense attorney, I understand that his people are going to defend him and look out for him.”

A disorderly conduct charge against Guzman has been withdrawn.



“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
George Carlin

“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
Oscar Wilde

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29

“A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.”
Oscar Wilde

“There are three types of lies — lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
Benjamin Disraeli

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell


I bet you were wondering what Admin does in his spare time for fun.

After spending my weekend writing a depressing article about the decline and fall of the American Empire, I got up at 5:15 am, got in my itsy bitsy Hybrid and dodged 18 wheelers on my hour drive into the killing fields of West Philly. I put in a full day at work and then for fun I walked over to the Annenberg Center at 5:00 pm to watch a documentary about the impending collapse of our country because of our debt and a panel discussion with four Wharton professors. The conclusion – we’re fucked.

The documentary was extremely well done. It was similar to David Walker’s I.O.U.S.A. which came out in August 2008, just before the financial collapse. Here’s the problem. David Walker’s documentary showed the perils of our national debt and the impending disaster if we didn’t address our unfunded liabilities related to Medicare, Social Security and future deficits. The National debt in August 2008 was $9.6 trillion. Today it is $16.2 trillion. I don’t think Walker’s recommendation was to increase the Debt by 69% over the next four years. Obamacare was passed, adding millions of people into Medicare and digging us deeper into debt. When you’re in a hole, you’re supposed to stop digging. We dug faster.

They can make documentaries until they are blue in the face, but Americans will yawn and flip the channel to Dancing With the Stars to see Bristol Palin self destruct. If this documentary comes on your local PBS station (until Romney pulls the plug) I recommend you watch it. They are going to 20 different colleges to promote this film. It is the Millenials who get fucked the worst, so they should get angry. We’ve left them a shit sandwich with a side of shit.

We have no leaders willing to level with the American people. We have an American people who want to be lied to. Nothing will be fixed until the entire system implodes. Sad but true. The panelists seemed to hold out hope that after the election the Simpson/Bowles plan would be resurrected and enacted. I doubt it.  



PBS documentary ‘Overdraft’ explores U.S. debt situation

After the screening, Wharton professor Michael Useem moderated a discussion

By Fiona Glisson · October 9, 2012, 12:32 am

In last week’s presidential debates, Governor Mitt Romney said that he would cut funding for PBS as part of his plan to balance the budget and decrease the national debt.

Last night in the Zellerbach Theatre, The Wharton School and the Penn Institute for Urban Research hosted a screening of Overdraft — a PBS documentary — which discusses the causes and dire consequences of the United States’ soaring national debt.

After the screening, management professor Michael Useem — who is also the director of the Center for Leadership and Change Management — moderated a panel discussion.

The documentary, which can also be found on YouTube, was commissioned and funded by the Travelers Institute, a think tank founded by Travelers Insurance Company. It applies the company’s management, experts and knowledge to issues of public policy.

“We wanted to raise awareness about the importance of public policy decision-making and things that our experts can help with,” said Joan Woodward, the president of the Travelers Institute and executive vice president of public policy for Travelers.

Though the Traveler’s Institute funded and contributed information to the documentary, they had little say in its editorial content. WTVI-TV — Charlotte, North Carolina’s PBS affiliate — produced the film in partnership with Susie Films.

The documentary outlined how the housing crisis, the resulting economic downturn and unbridled government spending contributed to the burgeoning national debt.

It then showed various perspectives concerning how portions of the government’s budget such as health care, defense and social security were not solvent.

Heather Huang, a junior exchange student in Wharton, found pharmacy owner Tom Miller’s story particularly effective. His pharmacy in Marion, Illinois, went under because the state government could not afford to reimburse him for patients’ Medicare and Medicaid prescriptions. She liked that the film interviewed “common people and related [national debt] to their lives.”

While it did not provide specific solutions, the film stressed that something must be done.

Introducing the film, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Travelers Companies Inc., 1974 Wharton bachelor’s and MBA graduate Jay Fishman stressed that we are on an “unsustainable path to $2 trillion [yearly] deficits if we don’t do something about it.”

Echoing a quotation from Revolutionary-era financier Robert Morris, University President Amy Gutmann commented while introducing the film, “Our own interest and the public good still go hand and hand.”

Wharton is the first stop on a nationwide tour of a growing list of business schools that include the Institute for Economic Policy Research at Stanford University and MIT’s Sloan School of Management.

Producer and Susie Films founder Scott Galloway hopes the film will serve to educate students and encourage them to be involved in public policy. “My hope is that they get a better understanding of the issues,” he said. “I do hope that they recognize that a lot of these issues are solvable.”

Students who attended the event echoed Galloway’s thoughts, discussing the film’s education value. Dan Clay, a Wharton MBA student said the film was “really helpful in explaining why the debt matters.”

Second-year Wharton MBA student William Wang said the film stressed that “fiscal responsibility goes a long way.”

Katie Willis, a graduate student in the School of Social Policy and Practice studying non-profit leadership, appreciated that the film motivates viewers to take action. “The urgency of the speakers within the film felt like a call to arms, which I enjoyed because this is such a pressing problem.”

State Sends Illegal Immigrants Packing. And Nobody Wants the Jobs [Law of Unintended Consequences]

In yet another case of the law of unintended consequences (which virtually anyone could have predicted), Alabama’s HB56 law was meant to drive illegals out of the state to purportedly “free up jobs” for native Alabamians.  Well, guess how that worked out?  They don’t want the damn jobs.  See, it’s too easy to live off Uncle Sam.  If it’s a choice between 99 weeks of working a real job or 99 weeks of free checks from the government, what do you think people are going to choose more often than not?

According to this recent BusinessWeek article, employers simply can’t find enough workers to fill the roles traditionally employed by illegal immigrants, so the next best option is to import legal immigrants.  Refugees from Africa…

Continue Reading What Happens When You Fire all the Illegal Immigrants


Your comments are getting more viewership as TBP demolished our one day visitor record by 15%. We broke the 30,000 visitor barrier for the 1st time. When I started this blog in 2009 we would get 30,000 visitors in a month and 10,000 of the visits were by Smokey and Stuck. Let’s hope the newbies have a sense of humor, thick skin, and aren’t put off by foul language, disgusting pictures, or vitriolic attacks. If not, fuckem.

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04 Oct 2012 14,530 57,146 332,346 3.16 GB
05 Oct 2012 13,315 54,753 296,220 2.86 GB
06 Oct 2012 10,228 39,501 203,957 2.18 GB
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hk Hong Kong hk 1,058 4,749 68.40 MB

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th Thailand th 944 6,390 47.69 MB

it Italy it 925 7,891 62.05 MB

  Others 19176 160398 1.36 GB


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http://www.thedailycrux.com/Post/41457/-Chilling–report-reveals… 2,816 2,848
http://stevequayle.com 2,811 2,875
http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php 2,800 2,800
http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/4246/corner-copperfield-and-b… 2,037 2,037
http://www.zerohedge.com 1,876 1,876
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-10-08/guest-post-decline-deca… 1,704 1,704
http://dollarcollapse.com 1,270 1,302
http://whatreallyhappened.com 493 524
http://www.facebook.com/l.php 311 311
http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com 255 255
http://td5howard.livejournal.com/201061.html 229 229
http://www.valueforum.com/forums/show.mpl 215 215
http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com 209 209
http://www.facebook.com 196 204
http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article36916.html 184 184
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http://www.blacklistednews.com/Guest_Post%3A_DECLINE%2C_DECAY%2C… 96 96
– Others 5,494 7,305


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Date: October 8, 2012 Contact: John Stuart

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                         [email protected]

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The majority of Americans seem OK with just waddling through life, accepting the lies and misinformation blasted from the boob tube and their various iGadgets by their owners, gorging themselves to death on Twinkies and Cheetos, paying 15% interest on their $10,000 rolling credit card balance, and growing ever more dependent on the welfare/warfare state to provide and protect them from accepting personal responsibility for their lives. A minority of critical thinking people have chosen to question everything they see and hear being spewed at us by the propagandist mainstream media, the corporate fascist government, and the powerful banking cabal that has an iron grip upon our throats as they choke the life out of the global economy in their never ending desire for more riches and more power.

The decline of the Great American Empire cannot be attributed to one factor or one bogeyman. There are a multitude of factors, villains, and choices made by the American people that have led to our moral, civil, social, and economic decline. The kabuki theater that passes for our electoral process is little more than a diversion from our imminent fate. Neither candidate for President has any intention of changing the course of the U.S. Titanic. Our rendezvous with destiny has been charted, and there aren’t nearly enough lifeboats. Those who built the ship and recklessly navigated it into a sea of icebergs will be the 1st into the few lifeboats. The leaders we’ve chosen, the choices we’ve made, and our unwillingness to deal with facts and reality have set in motion a disaster that cannot be averted. It’s a shame the majority of Americans have the math aptitude of a 6th grader, because the unsustainability of our empire can be calculated quite easily. Math is hard for Americans, but denial and delusion are easy.      

Oddly, a couple of late September days in Wildwood NJ were able to crystalize many of the aspects of our cultural and economic decline in my mind. I should have just enjoyed the 72 degree temperatures, a few beers, and the freedom to read a book on my deck. I wish I was just oblivious to my surroundings, but my weekend in Wildwood NJ was an eye opener. Everywhere I turned I saw something that made me laugh, shake my head in disgust, or wonder how our government could have become so inane, incompetent and out of control. We all generalize based upon our preconceived beliefs, but sometimes what you see is what you get. The weekend started normally with a morning bike ride on the boardwalk with my wife and son to the Hereford lighthouse in North Wildwood. Along the way we passed the usual suspects on the boardwalk: the obese, the tattooed, the pierced, and the blue haired. I wish I was exaggerating, but I saw a dozen hoveround and rascal scooters carrying extremely obese Americans on par with this person:


If I wanted to be politically correct, I’d call the fat asses cruising on their “free” rascal scooters, the weight challenged disabled on their powered mobility enhancement vehicles. You know a trend has become a massive scam, when South Park dedicates an entire show to the shame of obesity and the scooter brigade. The majority of the scooter squad jamming up the boardwalk was less than 50 years old. They weren’t disabled. They were just too obese and lazy to wobble down the boardwalk to the next junk food joint. They were certainly in the right place. The Wildwood boardwalk is home to pizza topped with cheese fries, chocolate covered bacon, fried Oreos, funnel cake topped with powdered sugar, and 64 ounce sugar laced lemonade. The place would make Nanny Bloomberg’s head explode.



We’ve all seen the commercials for the Scooter store urging anyone on Medicare to rush in and get a power scooter or wheelchair “at little or no cost to you”. The entitlement “free shit” mentality permeates our culture. There is a cost and it is over $800 million per year, paid for by the 53% who pay Federal taxes.  Records from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services show that the cost of motorized scooters and wheelchairs to the government health service for senior citizens rose 179% between 1999 and 2009, the last year for which full records are available. This data is fascinating as the number of Americans over the age of 65 only increased by 18% over this same time frame. The bill in 1999 was $259 million; in 2009 it was $723 million – and is surely over $1 billion today. This is another billion dollar scam being funded by your tax dollars, but there are no spending cuts possible according to our beloved Congressmen.

A recent report by Medicare’s inspector general also showed that 61% of the motorized wheelchairs provided to Medicare recipients in the first half of 2007 went to people who didn’t qualify for them. (Only people who cannot get around without one are supposed to be eligible.) The inspector general found that Medicare is billed an average of $4,018 for a motorized wheelchair that normally sells for $1,048. As a taxpayer, you will be shocked to find out that people are selling their “no cost” Rascal 600 B mobility scooters on eBay. I’m sure the keen eyed government drones working in the Health & Human Services agency are policing the resale of taxpayer paid for scooters. I find it amusing that scooters have various naming classes, just like BMW and Mercedes. The vast majority of people I see tooling around on their “mobility scooters” are just plain fat. They aren’t over 65 years old. On my Sunday bike ride I was flabbergasted and amused by the sight of a 350 pound woman on a Rascal with the pedal to the metal pulling a 275 pound man in a wheelchair attached by rope. The plague of slow metabolism is sweeping the countryside.    


While I was relaxing on my deck reading and trying to blot out the nightmare visions of obese boomers in Rascal formation like German panzers invading Poland, a brand new SUV pulled into the parking lot across the street. After five minutes, the driver’s side door opened and out sidled a four foot five, two hundred and fifty pound female senior citizen in all her girth. She waddled to the back of the SUV and opened the hatch to extract her walker with wheels. She began berating the three hundred pound dude that got out of the passenger side to come and get his walker. Then she motored off towards Laura’s Fudge, while her hubby conserved his energy waiting by the SUV. Minutes later she scooted her way back hauling a sack of fudge. They then trundled off towards the boardwalk, most likely headed for Kohrs Bros for a double dipped fudge ice cream cone or some Boardwalk fries smothered in cheese.   


Based upon my unscientific assessment of the people walking on the Wildwood boardwalk, I would conclude that 35% of the people are obese, 40% are overweight by 20 or 30 pounds (myself included), and 25% are in relatively good shape. After checking the government statistics, my assessment appears to be accurate. Who is to blame? The easy answer is to just blame the individual for their lack of self-restraint and inability to contain their impulses. But when you consider that 160 million out of 232 million adults in this country are either overweight or obese, along with 11 million adolescents, there must be something more sinister behind the phenomenon. There is no doubt that a major portion of the blame must be laid at the fat feet of those who could have exercised restraint over their cravings, but the words of master propagandist Edward Bernays provides another factor in the equation:

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” – Edward Bernays


Bernays reveals a truth that is self-evident to those with critical thinking skills. Sadly, few Americans exhibit any thinking skills whatsoever. Our society has bifurcated into those who control and those who are controlled. The overlord Double Plus Alphas in our society consist of the Wall Street banker cabal, the executives of our mega-corporations, Federal Reserve governors, Washington DC politicians, Federal government apparatchiks, the propaganda experts in the mainstream corporate media, and the secretive billionaire set that manipulate and maneuver behind the scenes. The first step in controlling the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons, as Aldous Huxley knew in 1931, was to indoctrinate them with propaganda in our government run schools. This mission has been accomplished. The vast majority of school children graduate from the government school system with no ability to think critically or question what has been spoon fed to them as facts. The fascist alliance of corporations and the state begin in the public schools, with product advertisements by corporations now subsidizing school budgets. The road to obesity is paved with chicken nuggets, fries and pizza dispensed by the government schools on a daily basis.

Just as in Huxley’s Brave New World, America has been built upon the principles of Henry Ford’s assembly line—mass production, homogeneity, predictability, and consumption of disposable consumer goods. In the dystopian novel, members of every class, from birth, are indoctrinated by recorded voices repeating slogans while they sleep. Huxley didn’t imagine the power of TV and other mass media outlets to do the same while we are awake. We are bombarded day and night by propaganda from mega-corporations to buy their products. Mass consumption of processed food sold by the likes of multi-billion dollar corporations Kraft, Pepsico, Coca Cola, General Mills, Nestle, and Unilever is the chief cause of the obesity epidemic in America. The few know how to manipulate the many through messaging, repetition and persistently molding the opinions of the feeble minded non-thinking masses. The billions spent by corporations on advertising to convince the masses that eating a Wendy’s Baconator, KFC extra crispy bucket, or Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, washed down with a two liter Mountain Dew or Cherry Coke, is a tribute to the invisible government running the show. Huxley and Bernays had it all figured out eighty years ago:            

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the masses by the invisible government Alphas has transmuted citizens into overweight, non-thinking, debt dependent, egocentric consumers. This was not a mistake. The powerful interests used their control over the banking system, media outlets, and political system to lure the willfully ignorant into a debt financed lifestyle through the Federal Reserve created inflation, Wall Street peddled credit cards, auto loans and “creative” mortgages. The manipulators convinced the manipulated that borrowing today to buy houses, cars, bling, tech gadgets, clothing, and fast food was preferable to what previous generations of Americans had done – save to buy things they wanted or needed. This behavior seems to be completely irrational as a people that once saved 12% of their income and carried a moderate amount of debt chose to reduce their savings to 0% and not worry about tomorrow.


It is easier to understand when you realize who benefitted from this purposeful shift in societal norms. The low debt, high savings, production era from 1950 through 1980 benefitted the working middle class, allowing millions to improve their standard of living. The rising debt, low savings, consumption era, from 1980 through today, benefits the 1% Alphas while impoverishing the middle class and sentencing the lower class to a lifetime of dependent servitude to the state. Who benefitted from debt fueled conspicuous consumption and continues to benefit today? The peddlers of consumer debt on Wall Street and the mega-corporations that convinced Americans they couldn’t live without that 5,500 square foot McMansion, BMW X5, stainless steel appliances, 84 inch 3D HDTV, iPhone 5, diamond encrusted Coach handbag, and thousands of other Chinese made trinkets that pile up in underwater homes across the land, benefitted tremendously. The proliferation of debt resulted in obscene profits for the financial sector, record profits for the mega-corporations that shipped production to Asia in order to take advantage of the slave labor, and three decades of wage stagnation and increasing debt for the average working middle class American.    


The financialization of America was a conscious decision by the oligarchs. They controlled the issuance of credit. They controlled the currency and level of inflation inflicted upon the masses. They controlled the corporations selling consumer goods on credit. They controlled the Congress, courts, and government agencies with their deep pocket lobbying and buying of influence. Lastly, they controlled the media messages and molded the opinions and tastes of the masses through their Bernaysian propaganda techniques perfected over the decades. In one of the boldest and most blatant acts of audacity in world history, the Wall Street/K Street oligarchs wrecked the world economy in their insatiable thirst for profits, shifted their worthless debt onto the backs of taxpayers and unborn generations, threw senior citizens and savers under the bus by stealing $400 billion per year of interest from them, and enriched themselves with bubble level profits and bonus payouts. Meanwhile, median household income continues to fall, real GDP is stagnant, true unemployment exceeds 22%, and 47 million people are living on food stamps.   


The propaganda being flogged by the oligarchs since 2009 is the supposed deleveraging by the American consumer and trying to convince the ignorant masses to resume borrowing and spending. It’s working. Consumer credit outstanding is at an all-time high of $2.73 trillion as the Federal government has dished out billions in student loans to 50,000 University of Phoenix MBA aspirants sitting in their basements quivering with anticipation of on-line graduation and future six figure job with Goldman Sachs. The Feds have also added the impetus to the “strong” auto sales through their 85% TARP ownership of Ally Financial by doling out 7 year 0% auto loans to subprime borrowers in urban enclaves around the country. The oligarchs aren’t worried about these loans being paid back, because they are reaping the profits today. The future losses will just be foisted onto the taxpayer, as always. Total credit market debt of $55 trillion now exceeds 350% of GDP. The National Debt of $16.2 trillion will exceed $20 trillion in 2015 no matter who wins the Presidency in November. The oligarchs adapt and control whoever occupies the White House. It is essential for our owners to keep debt growing at an exponential rate or the Ponzi scheme collapses.

Narrow minded ideologues want a simple answer to a complex interaction of generational, cultural, economic, political, and criminal factors that have conspired to put the country into a predicament that, at this point, will inevitably lead to economic collapse. The truth is the American people have learned to love their servitude. They have willfully chosen ignorance over truth. They’ve chosen to believe what their keepers have instructed them. They’ve chosen to trust the storylines generated by the corporate media rather than think critically and question everything. They’ve chosen obesity and sickness over health. They’ve chosen debt financed faux wealth over savings based real wealth. They’ve chosen safety and security over liberty. They’ve chosen dependency over self-reliance. These choices were aided, abetted and promoted by the Alphas through their ability to manipulate and control the unthinking masses. Huxley understood the power of propaganda and brainwashing decades before it was perfected by our owners.  

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”Aldous Huxley

The saddest part of this episode of the Decline & Fall of the American Empire reality show is the continued delusion of the majority of the populace, as their desire for material goods and fair share of the entitlement pie outweighs their sense of obligation to their children and grandchildren. Their chosen ignorance is fulfilled through their attachment to their personal digital ignorance gadgets and supported by what passes for government education. The truth is obscured and hidden under waves of triviality, reality TV, and data manipulation by our government masters. The dystopian nightmare that engulfs our country has thus far resembled Huxley’s vision of a shallow populace easily distracted by consumerism, pleasure seeking, cultural trivialities, and a never ending ability to be distracted by meaningless minutia. Orwell’s darker vision of surveillance, captivity, information control, authoritarianism and pain will become the norm once the existing social order falls.   

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.”Neil PostmanAmusing Ourselves to Death

I despair for my country that has chosen to eat, amuse and borrow itself to death. But my despair is deepest for my children and their future. The greed, corruption, myopia, selfishness, and disregard for the well-being of future generations by current and past generations has left a barren and bleak landscape for my children. The Huxley vision of America consuming and amusing itself to death is coming to a painful conclusion, as the limits of a fiat currency and debt based lifestyle become evident. Those in power are preparing the masses for a more Orwellian vision of America when they are forced to pull the plug on the existing paradigm. The Patriot Act, NDAA, military exercises in our cities, militarization of local police forces, warrantless surveillance of our communications, searches and seizures in our airports and train stations, purchase of millions of rounds of ammo by government agencies, implementation of drone technology, camera surveillance, attempts to control the internet, manipulation of economic data, and executive orders allowing the President to take over all commerce while imprisoning citizens indefinitely without charges, are the next step in our descent into a dictatorship of tears.

The question is whether we will stand idly by, fiddling with our gadgets, tweeting about Honey Boo Boo, or will we regain our sense of duty to the future generations of this country. The manipulators are powerful, rich, connected and FEW. Those being manipulated, controlled, and abused are MANY. There will be a revolution in this country whether you like it or not. The existing social order will dissolve during the next fifteen years. What replaces it is up to us. George Carlin described what our owners want.

“Politicians are put there to give you that idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, and they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, and the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear.

They’ve got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want—they don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest.”

What do “We the People” want?      



I thought you might like to know this happened at a nice hotel in a nice area of Philly. Imagine the scene if they actually ever had a wedding in West Philly. Kickin it Philly Style. Tasers, batons, and wedding cake.


The Positive Power of Crisis

by Charles Hugh Smith..

Only in crisis do human beings actually change anything.

If there is any demarcation with profound implications going forward, it isn’t the line between the 1% and the 99% or the line dividing the Status Quo into two safely complicit ideological camps: it is the divide between those who squarely face the burden of knowing the present is unsustainable and those who flee into the comforts of denial. Those who accept the burden of knowing are part of the solution, those who cling to denial are part of the problem.

Those who accept the burden of knowing do not necessarily have answers, but they are alert to alternatives and potential solutions. Those in denial can only hope that reality can be buried for a while longer


Thus we have pronouncements that “the euro is irreversible,” that progress is being made, and so on. Nothing has been fixed, but those clinging to denial are comforted that crisis has been pushed forward once again.

Pushing problems under the rug doesn’t solve them; they only get worse. This is the positive power of crisis: only in crisis do human beings actually change.

As long as “enablers” are around to protect them from the consequences of their actions and choices, addicts are free to pursue their destructive (to themselves and others) ways. The addicts can be sociopaths or they can be “normal;” the unifying characteristic is their terror in facing the end of the Status Quo, even when the Status Quo is patently destructive and unsustainable.

In the Status Quo, the “enablers” include everyone who gains if the Status Quo continues unchanged, as they are hoping to collect their share of the unpayable promises that have been issued to buy political support or silence, i.e. complicity.

The “handlers and enforcers” of the neofeudal Status Quo–the political and financial Elites and their Upper Caste of managers and apparatchiks–are consciously shoving problems under the rug, in the hopes that some sort of unknown magic will restore the elixir of “growth” that has reliably bailed out the corrupt, increasingly fragile skimming operation (the Status Quo).

The Internet boom bailed it out in the 1990s, and the global housing bubble bailed it out in the 2000s. Now the skimming operation has run out of miracles, and its true nature–it is fundamentally a cargo-cult–has been revealed. Central bankers and their political toadies are in effect praying for a miraculous return of prosperity by painting radio dials on rocks and dancing around the campfire late at night.

The process of shoving structural problems under the rug takes two forms: one is to manipulate data and news flow to “manage perceptions” that all is well, that the Elites have the will and power to force the system back to “set point.” The Machine’s visible failure to do so after four years of ceaseless “fixes,” stopgaps, reassurances, pronouncements and increases in complexity suggests not that it has the power to do so, but that it has lost the ability to repair the boilers with policy/intervention duct-tape.

The other is propaganda: announcing that the latest “fix” will do the trick, or more perniciously, that the present crisis is not an “unrecognized Depression” but merely another “business cycle” recession. Human habituate rather quickly to a range of “normal,” and so the substitution of manipulation for accountability becomes “normal” over time.

The “new normal” isn’t just a decline in purchasing power and employment; it is the slow loss of institutional legitimacy as the lies and obfuscations pile up.

But since the underlying dynamics are continuing to expand, masking the problems only increases the fragility and vulnerability of the system as the extremes are pushed ever farther out the curve.

For example: if too much leverage is the problem, the Status Quo solution is to increase leverage and hide the increase in opaque derivatives, offshore banking accounts and “dark pool” trading.

Now that collateral has vanished, the leverage in the system is near-infinite. The Status Quo “solution” is to issue new phantom assets to replace the assets which have become recognized as illusory.

How many iterations of the game can be run before some non-linear second-order effect causes the sandpile to collapse?
Rather than fear the crisis, we should embrace it, for it is only in crisis, when all the lies, half-measures, excuses and backstops have broken down, is positive transformation possible.



Colma should be happy. Another reason people will be staying away from California. So let me get this straight. Tax revenues are plunging because rich people are leaving the state and no one can afford to shop anymore. Cities are declaring bankruptcy left and right because they promised government workers gold plated health and pension benefits. Gas prices are 17% higher than the rest of the country because they haven’t allowed a refinery to be built in three decades. They have an unemployment rate over 11%. And Moonbeam Jerry Brown is urging them to vote themselves a tax increase in November so he can keep the lights on in Sacramento. At least they have nice weather.

Calif. gas prices jump by up to 20 cents overnight

SAN FRANCISCO — Californians woke up to a shock Friday as overnight gasoline prices jumped by as much as 20 cents a gallon in some areas, ending a week of soaring costs that saw some stations close and others charge record prices.

The average price of regular gas across the state was nearly $4.49 a gallon, the highest in the nation, according to AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge report.

In Southern California, the price jumped 20 cents a gallon overnight to $4.53 in Ventura. And in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area prices went up 19 cents to nearly $4.54. And it wasn’t any better to the north, as a gallon of regular gas in San Francisco averaged nearly $4.60.

In many areas, prices have jumped 40 cents in a week as refinery problems have created shortages and helped send wholesale prices soaring. Some stations ran out of gas and shut down Thursday rather than pay those costs.

Even Costco, the giant discount store chain that sells large volumes of gas, decided to close some stations, the Los Angeles Times (lat.ms/OGwEV2) reported.

“We do not know when we will be resupplied,” read a sign at one Southern California Costco, according to the Times.

Other gas stations charged more than $5 a gallon. The Low-P station in Calabasas charged $5.69 Thursday. The pumps bore hand-written signs reading: “We are sorry, it is not our fault,” the Times said.

While gas prices have spiked around the nation, refinery outages and pipeline problems have added to woes in California.

Among the recent disruptions, an Aug. 6 fire at a Chevron Corp. refinery in Richmond left one of the region’s largest refineries producing at a reduced capacity. A power failure in Southern California has affected an Exxon Mobil Corp. refinery, and a Chevron pipeline that moves crude to Northern California also was shut down.

The national average for gas is about $3.79 a gallon, the highest ever for this time of year. However, gas prices in many states have started decreasing, which is typical for October.

But in California, gasoline inventories are the lowest in more than 10 years — a situation made worse by the state’s strict pollution limits that require a special blend of cleaner-burning gasoline during hot summer months.

Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst at GasBuddy.com, said he is seeing the highest prices in the state around Los Angeles, where on Thursday at least five stations have crossed the $5 a gallon mark, including $5.29 in Burbank and $5.11 in Norwalk.

Prices will keep rising, he says, because in the past week wholesale gasoline prices have jumped $1 a gallon, but average retail prices have increased only 30 cents.

“This is one of the easiest forecasts: Retail prices are going to skyrocket,” DeHaan said.

The jump in wholesale prices can be particularly tough on independent gas stations that often pay more for their gas because they are not part of a larger chain.

Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service, said he’s heard of a few California station owners shutting their pumps rather than charging the $4.90 a gallon or more necessary to break even.

“Wholesale price increases lead to retail price increases,” Kloza said. “But there is some restraint among companies who do not want to exercise their current pricing power and irritate their customers.”

Some analysts think prices nationally will begin to decline soon but say California could see a longer spike given its unique fuel requirements.

“Nationally, I believe most prices will wobble to and fro for the next week or so, with an eventual slow but steady attrition in retail gas prices, particularly in the Midwest and Southeast,” Kloza said. “California is a wild card.”


I watched every minute of the debate last night. Millions of people watched the debate. Millions more watched Honey Boo Boo. It will be interesting to see which show was watched by more people – a true reflection on our society. It was clear to me after 30 minutes that Romney was winning the debate. I consider myself a neutral observer that despises both men. As the debate progressed the beatdown became more apparent. Romney essentially obliterated Obama. But, why wouldn’t he? Obama’s record is nothing but failure, debt, unemployment and war. I watched it on PBS, but immediately switched to MSNBC after the conclusion to hear the ultra-liberal spin. I expected them to declare Obama the winner, but Madow and Shultz were practically speechless. They looked like someone in West Philly who was just told their EBT card would no longer work at KFC. Al Sharpton went into a full out rant, practically foaming at the mouth. I switched to CNN and this pathetic excuse for a news organization had the Obama communist supporter Van Jones trying to explain why Obama came across like a dimwitted moron. It was revolting listening to that jackass.

But, at the end of the day it was nothing but a beauty contest between two vacuous stooges put up by our owners. They both blathered on about cutting the defict. They DID NOT talk about reducing our National Debt. They are confident in the fact that the ignorant masses don’t understand the difference between deficit and debt. Under either of these morons, the national Debt will surpass $20 trillion by the end of their term. That is not cutting!!!! The lies about balanced budgets are beyond the pale. The only way to balance our budgets is to dramatically cut the military, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, DHS, and scrap the existing tax system and all its free shit handouts. Neither candidate has any intention of reducing the size of our government. They have the balls to declare that they will create jobs. Bullshit. The Federal Government creates nothing. They take our money and redistribute it to their cronies.

The bullshit that infuriated me the most was the utter crap about energy independence. We consume 18 million barrels of oil per day and we import 10 million of those barrels. We convert some of that oil to gasoline and export 2 million barrels of that per day. The shale oil and shale natural gas storyline has been exaggerated by the hypesters and shysters. It is impossible for us to become energy independent. Should we use everything at our disposal (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, solar and wind)? YES. But nothing will replace oil. And the energy required to produce the energy we need will become increasingly expensive no matter what. To mislead the American public with bullshit slogans about energy independence is criminal.

The American people need the truth. They need someone to hit them over the head with a 2 by 4. Slogans and kabuki theater aren’t going to cut it. At the end of the day, the American people got more truth from the episode of Honey Boo Boo than they did from this farce.



The government slowly and methodically tightens the noose around our throats and no one notices or cares. Do you feel safer than you did in 2000? The Federal government was spending $1.8 trillion per year in 2000. Today they are spending $3.8 trillion, a 111% increase in 12 years. The GDP has risen from $10 trillion to $15.6 trillion over this same time frame, a 56% increase. Do you think the Federal government is twice as good as it was in 2000? Total government spending in the country (Federal, State & Local) has gone from $3.2 trillion in 2000 to $6.3 trillion today. Government spending was 32% of GDP in 2000. Today it is 40% of GDP. Has this been beneficial to the country or your life? We need to open our eyes and realize what is happening before it’s too late.



Your license plate may be an open book

Monday, October 1,2012

A CAR SAYS a lot about its owner, perhaps a lot more than the owner might suspect.

In an extensive examination of automated license-plate tracking technology, The Wall Street Journal reports that the new tracking devices have the capacity to do more than a one-shot confirmation whether a car is legally registered but over time build a picture of the driver’s habits, travel routes and destinations.

And there is now the capacity to store the information cheaply and in huge quantities. One plate-tracking company, according to the Journal, has 700 million scans on record.

As the cost of plate-tracking technology has dropped, more and more police departments are acquiring the devices — more than one-third of large U.S. police agencies in 2012 by one estimate — many of them paid for by the Department of Homeland Security.

Meanwhile, the camera and software technology to photograph and read license plates has improved dramatically.

Law enforcement agencies say they use the devices to identify stolen cars, ticket scofflaws and track the vehicles of suspected criminals.

THE PRIVACY implications are chilling, especially to the International Association of Chiefs of Police that cautioned the devices can record “vehicles parked at addiction counseling meetings, doctors’ offices, health clinics or even staging areas for protests.”

In the course of their analysis, Journal reporters Julia Angwin and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries found that data about a typical American is collected in more than 20 different ways during everyday activities.

And there is a growing capacity to match this data with credit card, cellphone location, online searches and social network databases.

The early entrant firms to the field of tag tracking were typically started by “repo men,” specialists in retrieving vehicles from deadbeats. Scott Jackson, founder of MVConnect, tells the Journal he would never sell the data his firm collects to marketers or the general public.

THAT’S NOT to say someone else won’t. One firm, Baltimore-based Final Notice Location & Recovery LLC, tells the Journal that it has amassed a database of 19 million plates in locations in Maryland and Washington, D.C. The information is given free to police, but the company tells the newspaper that it soon hopes to sell the information to jail bondsmen, process servers, insurance companies and private investigators.

Privacy stands little chance where there is an economic incentive to intrude upon it. Indeed, privacy seems more and more like a quaint notion left over from the 20th century.

— Scripps Howard News Service




Monday, October 1, 2012

Video shows police supervisor hitting woman at Puerto Rican Day festivities

A Philadelphia police supervisor hit a Puerto Rican Day reveler twice in the head so hard yesterday that the blows sent the woman to the ground and then she was charged in the incident, according to police and a video posted on YouTube Sunday.

When the video begins, it appears several revelers are spraying water on the street and on the police officers. It is unclear if the woman is one of them, but she does have what appears to be a water bottle in her hand.

A police supervisor in a white shirt seems to zero in on the woman and as she tries to walk away from him, he comes up behind her and hits her in the face and then in the back of the head. She falls to the ground and seems to be asking the officer “why” as he places handcuffs on her.

Once in handcuffs, she is led away by two other officers and is seen with blood on her face. All the while, a Puerto Rican flag hangs from the back of her pants.

The video, titled “Philadelphia Police Brutality” is 36 seconds long and had 305 views by 11 a.m.

Police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers said the department is “fully aware” of the video and what it depicts. He said the officer involved has been identified and Internal Affairs opened up an investigation in to the incident this morning. He said Commissioner Charles Ramsey, who is in San Diego at a conference, is also aware of the video.

Evers declined to publicly identify the officer, but did say he is a supervisor in Highway Patrol. He did not know if the officer had been placed on desk duty.

Police also declined to identify the woman, who was given a disorderly conduct citation for the incident. According to Evers, the 39-year-old woman’s citation states “liquid and some other objects were thrown at a group of officers causing a large crowd.”

She was the only person given a citation for the incident, Evers said.

The incident did not happen along the Puerto Rican Day Parade route, but rather, at 5th Street and Lehigh Avenue in North Philadelphia, according to police.



Update: The highway patrol supervisor seen hitting the woman in the video has been identified by sources as Lt. Jonathan Josey II, a man who once nominated himself to be a Daily News Sexy Single.

Josey, 39, a Daily News Sexy Single in 2006, said his most outstanding features were his “charm and magnetic personality.” He said he was looking for a “sexy, sexy, sexy” woman and was sick of meeting women that act like girls.

In July 2010 while he was off duty, Josey was stabbed outside a West Philly bar while trying to break up a fight. In March of 2010, he fatally shot an armed robber in Montgomery County when he interrupted a robbery at a 7-Eleven.

Jonathan Josey, one of the Daily News Sexy Singles for 2006, was photographed in June 2006 at Al Capone’s house in Atlantic City


Whenever I see stories like the one below, I find myself focusing on the cultural and societal aspects, rather than what the writer was attempting to convey. The story captures the facts, but not the big picture of why this happened. It’s another sad story that has its roots in the delusion that debt financed spending equals wealth. The reason 30% of all the nurseries in the country have closed in the last five years is because they shouldn’t have been in existence in the first place. The demand for landscaping services in this country was falsely created by Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and their printing presses. Greenspan’s interest rate policies created a false boom in housing. The false boom in housing led to a false boom in landscaping, renovations, decks, patios, appliances, and autos. Delusional Americans by the millions sucked the vaporous equity out of their houses and spent it on shit that made them feel richer. The took over $1.8 trillion out of their houses over 3 years and poured it into the economy, creating the illusion of true demand.


When the housing market crashed, the equity was vaporized, and homeowners were left with billions of debt and no cash. After the greatest housing boom in history, Americans are now left with near the lowest amount of equity in their homes in history. The boom started with Americans having in excess of 60% equity in their homes and today have less than 45% equity in their homes.

The demise of nurseries, Circuit City, Best Buy, millions of contractor jobs, and thousands of other small businesses can be directly blamed on the policies of the Federal Reserve. And now they are attempting the exact same medicine that created the misery in the first place. Their solution to a problem caused by excessively low interest rates and money printing has been to lower interest rates to zero and print money at hyper-speed. I just know it’ll work this time.

The story below glosses over the fact that the owners of this nursery made a choice to give their two daughters the weddings of a lifetime. It says this blew a hole in their budget. What is doesn’t say is that these people borrowed against their business to provide one day of extravagance for their daughters. How American of them. This is where the criminal actions of central bankers meets the stupidity, materialism and shallowness of the average American. If you can’t afford something, you don’t buy it. If you can’t afford an extravagant wedding without risking your livelihood, have a small affordable wedding. These people can blame their business failure on a struggling economy or circumstances beyond their control, but they made choices and are paying the price.

Until the people in this country come to their senses and realize that a debt financed lifestyle does not represent true wealth, we are destined to experience a depression for the ages. There will be thousands more small businesses that go under as the fake boom reaches its final bust stage.

” There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”Ludwig von Mises


Chesco nursery is among many that are withering

After 25 years, Dilworth Nursery has closed. Nationwide, so have up to 30% in the last five years, an expert said.

By Anthony R. Wood

Inquirer Staff Writer

 The Dilworth Nursery in Oxford, PA is being auctioned off.  (Photo by Tony Wood)
The Dilworth Nursery in Oxford, PA is being auctioned off. (Photo by Tony Wood)
The landscape of the nursery business began changing – and most definitely not for the better – about five years ago, but Jackie and Rick Dilworth didn’t expect theirs to end like this.

On Saturday, they circulated among thousands of their possessions – patio furniture, wood cabinets, kitchen items, the inventory of plants – while the practiced voice of an auctioneer spoke faster than the speed of the typical human’s comprehension.

As the result of a conspiracy of circumstances – most notably the struggling economy – after 25 years, the 13-acre Dilworth Nursery in East Nottingham Township, deep in Chester County near downtown Oxford, is closed for good.

The property is for sale, and the Dilworths aren’t sure where they’ll wind up.

“We never anticipated we’d go out this way,” Jackie Dilworth, 51, said. But they also knew, she said, that given the state of the industry, they could not continue to operate their wholesale-retail nursery, which specialized in unusual plantings for public gardens, arboretums, and landscape contractors.

“The business is not going to come back in our lifetime,” she said.

It certainly won’t happen soon, said Charlie Hall, a horticulture professor at Texas A&M University and an expert on industry trends.

Although hard data aren’t yet available, Hall estimated up to 30 percent of nurseries nationwide had closed in the last five years.

In the 1970s, he said, the nursery business was growing at a 14 percent annual rate, but that had slipped precipitously by the end of the 1990s.

He said that today’s twentysomethings could help revive the nursery trade eventually, but that it could take 15 years.

“It’s been a tough stretch for the nursery businesses and landscaping in general,” said Emelie Swackhamer, horticulturist at the Penn State agricultural extension in Lehigh County. For example, Waterloo Gardens retail shop recently shuttered its landmark Main Line store in Devon.

“People were using the equity they paid into their homes to pay for landscaping,” said Gregg E. Robertson, president of the Pennsylvania Nursery and Landscape Association. “That equity isn’t available anymore.

“The nurseries have been particularly hard-hit.”

Still, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties have about 1,000 remaining nurseries, he said, adding, “Horticulturally, it’s one of the richest areas of the country.”

Along with a housing slump that has weakened demand for nursery stock, the industry’s troubles are deeply rooted in demographics, the experts said.

More baby boomers are moving into condos and letting the condo associations do the work. And many of the boomers staying in their homes are losing their appetite for the larger plantings nurseries sell.

In some ways, Swackhamer said, this literally has become a harder business: People are putting more money into “hardscape” – patios, decks, even outdoor additions.

“I think people want that comfort,” she said.

The Dilworths evidently were in the vortex of the industry storm. “That’s the type of nursery that’s been going out of business because of the recession,” said Susan Barton, a University of Delaware horticulturist.

The Dilworths also confronted a problem common among family-run nurseries: a lack of successors. “There’s always issues with transferring the business,” Swackhamer said.

Three years ago, the Dilworths encountered a not-so-common financial issue. Their two daughters got married, and the weddings ripped a huge hole in the Dilworths’ budget. Eschewing a modern trend, they had picked up the entire tabs.

“We did it the old-fashioned way,” Jackie Dilworth said.

Neither their daughters nor sons-in-laws wanted to continue the business.

Thus, on Friday and Saturday, the possessions accumulated over a generation – from spreaders to Adirondack chairs to Barbie dolls – were offered by Petersheim & Longenecker Auction & Appraisal Co. A pair of snowshoes went for $40; a metal patio set, $115.

About 100 people showed up to pick over plantings that included dwarf pine, blue plume cypress, and forest pansy redbud.

One of those attending, John Wallace, said that although he was sorry to see the nursery go, he would be sorrier to lose his neighbors.

“They’re very good people,” he said, “hardworking people. We’ll miss them.”


The liberal rag Phila Inquirer had this story on their front page today as an example of the “great” things being done by our beloved Federal Government. We pass Hammonton NJ on the way to the shore. It’s a podunk farm community. They employ Mexicans to pick blueberries. If the USDA was providing low interest loans to increase the blueberry crop or develop some new crop to sell to foreign countries, I wouldn’t blink an eye. But, why the fuck is the U.S. Department of Agriculture taking $600,000 of my tax dollars and supporting some theater of the absurd for farmers? This crap just piles higher and higher. We are borrowing $1.3 trillion per year from foreign countries and then we loan $600,000 at the same rate we are borrowing to some theater that will surely go under in the next 3 years. And most of the morons reading this story will see no problem with it. They won’t even question why the Dept of Agriculture has the ability to lend and grant their tax dollars to any business they choose. When you add up the money doled out to mega-corporations, bankers, the free shit army in West Philly, ethanol producers, the military industrial complex, senior citizens, and redneck theaters, your head should explode. But it won’t. The country is rejoicing. The NFL referee strike is over. Yippee!!! 

Arts angel to a theater in rural N.J.? USDA

By Howard Shapiro

Inquirer Staff Writer

 On stage at  the Eagle Theater in Hammonton, NJ are, from left, Ted Wioncek,  James Donio (Chairman), and Ed Corsi. PHOTO / CURT HUDSON
On stage at the Eagle Theater in Hammonton, NJ are, from left, Ted Wioncek, James Donio (Chairman), and Ed Corsi. PHOTO /
A little semiprofessional theater amid the farmland of Hammonton, N.J., has become the beneficiary of more than a half-million dollars in grants and low-interest loans from a most unlikely arts angel: the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Eagle Theatre, in the center of what’s known as the blueberry capital of the world, is wasting no time spending that money – its backstage area is filling with building materials and spiffy, soon-to-be-installed sound and lighting equipment, and construction has begun on a lounge-cum-wine bar for its patrons.

Eagle’s 2013 calendar features an eight-show season that includes the first production in the area of Lombardi, recently on Broadway, and the big-cast musicals A Chorus Line and Hair. Coming up this fall: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, the theater’s perennially popular Rocky Horror Picture Show, and a holiday extravaganza.

The Agriculture Department money is coming directly to the theater in three acts, so to speak: a $23,000 grant to improve its historic building and its ticketing and computer programming; an $89,000 20-year loan at 3.5 percent interest, mainly to enhance stage equipment; and a 30-year loan of $482,000 at 3.38 percent interest, to buy its building.

“It’s an unusual project for the USDA to finance,” said Howard Henderson, the department’s rural-development director for New Jersey. “This is a fascinating way we’ve been able to benefit a rural community.”

The Rural Development program, financed by Congress, exists to strengthen or help establish facilities in rural communities that will improve downtowns, provide services, and encourage local activities. But money usually goes to such projects as firehouse restoration or, as in New Jersey’s northern Sussex County, a plan for hospice units.

Henderson said he wasn’t surprised when the Eagle Theatre applied for the money 18 months ago, because it was no secret around Hammonton that “we have feet on the ground in rural areas.”

“But it’s unique. I believe this is the first theater we’ve done in Rural Development in anybody’s memory over, say, the last 30 years” – much of the time that such money has been available through the Agriculture Department.

It’s not unusual for local politicians to join arts groups in seeking federal money; indeed, community theaters and arts centers in nearby Millville and Vineland have been given new life by communities that believe the arts help revitalize downtowns. In the Philadelphia area, that’s also been a mantra in Media, Bristol, Souderton, Ambler, and especially Center City, where then-Mayor Ed Rendell championed Broad Street’s Avenue of the Arts.

It was the same idea that led to the Eagle Theatre’s revival in 2006, when a 6,000-square-foot warehouse – a block from the town’s main street and within eyeshot of NJ Transit’s station on its Atlantic City Line from 30th Street Station – was about to be demolished for a parking lot.

“I became interested in knowing its history,” said Hammonton native Tracy Petrongolo, an independent filmmaker and at the time leader of Hammonton’s first arts and culture committee. The Atlantic County town – population about 15,000 – is small enough that “if you ask the right people, you will learn the history of every building,” she said, “and we found out that was the old Eagle Theatre.”

It was opened as a silent-movie house in 1914 and sometimes had vaudeville action on its stage before becoming a warehouse only 13 years later. In the 1940s, a church moved in, and in the ’60s, a local family bought it for use as storage for their auto-parts company.

The nonprofit Hammonton Revitalization Corp., along with residents called Friends of Eagle Theatre, took out a loan to buy and rehab the theater – money that most of the Agriculture Department’s loan has replaced. No tax money was used to acquire or restore it; the town chipped in, with money and sweat equity.

“The Friends of Eagle Theatre themselves were actually in there with sledgehammers,” said Petrongolo, who later ran as an independent on an arts platform and won a council seat.

Hammonton now has an arts district that includes the Eagle Theatre, a branch of South Jersey’s Noyes Museum, a branch of Richard Stockton College, a dance studio, the longtime Hamilton Arts Center, and a dozen new working lofts for artists.

One night last weekend, the little theater on Vine Street began humming 20 minutes before showtime as about 140 people streamed in for one of the final performances of a two-act romp, Completely Hollywood (Abridged). The show, which affectionately mocks films, was given a high-style production and featured one of Eagle’s two artistic directors, Ed Corsi, in the cast.

It was a crossover audience, you might say, ranging in age from young adult to seniors, and crossing racial and ethnic lines. That included Mexican Americans, who make up more than 20 percent of the town’s residents and who have turned it into a South Jersey capital of lively Mexican restaurants.

Some carried in popcorn, candy, and sodas from the fresh-popcorn counter, a throwback to the 208-seat theater’s early days.

Eagle is a semiprofessional house – “We pay actors a negotiable stipend,” said its other artistic director, Ted Wioncek 3d – but it also deals show by show with Actors’ Equity, the national actors’ union, for some productions. Wioncek and Corsi say that, given its steady growth, they foresee a day when Eagle joins the ranks of major theaters by holding a standard Equity contract.

The show was about to begin, and the theater’s board chairman, James M. Donio – a mover and shaker about town who has been a supporter since revitalization began – was there to greet audience members individually. He was the force behind the funding application to the Agriculture Department.

“Every step of the way, there was a lot of process and paperwork to go through to make sure they vetted a request from a theater,” he was saying. “There’s a lot of that with firehouses that apply – and this is a theater. And every step of the way, we could give them everything they requested.”

The houselights were about to dim as the stage was illuminated for another evening of theater in the blueberry capital of the world.