OPERATION DEMOLISH GAZA: The Well-Concealed Back Story

Via State of the Nation

The Hidden Agenda Behind
Israel’s Gaza Land Grab

Editors Note: No one does false flag operations and naked land theft like the Zionist State of Israel.  After all, the apartheid regime in Tel Aviv has been at it in Palestine since 1948.  Hence, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the transparently staged Hamas ‘surprise attacks’, carried out under close Israeli supervision, were designed to provide a false pretext for Israel to launch a full-blown invasion of Gaza and to perpetrated a subsequent land grab.

KEY POINTS: As a matter of now-proven historical fact, it was MOSSAD, MI6 and the C.I.A. that created Hamas as a countervailing force to the Palestine Liberation Organization.  Just as the Twin Towers were built in the 1960s to free-fall collapse into their own footprint via a controlled demolition by the Khazarian Cabal on 9/11, so too was Hamas created to self-destruct following the 10/7 black ops.  In this manner, Israel made sure that they could brazenly ‘justify’ demolishing much of Gaza, which they have already done, in order to steal the very valuable Palestinian land (See exposé posted below in its entirety)

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How Chicago has become a sh*t-hole city (and it’s not the only one)

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Under globalism (working, by and large, through “liberal” politicians), America’s great cities—like the First Amendment—are no more

From Jerry Newfield:

Jerry’s Substack

Chicago Blues

A close family friend died at a Assisted Living/Nursing Home on October 18th the day all residents were scheduled for yet another COVID injection. My good friend was the only person out of more than a hundred residents (not including staff at the facility) who never complied with the call for COVID vaccination. He lived to nearly 98, and never took a fl…

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Yep, they’re still trying to make fetch happen

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

And by fetch, I mean this fall’s mRNA Covid boosters. The elite media is STILL pretending there’s unmet demand. Luckily, no one is listening – or taking the shots.

Can’t make it up.

Though The New York Times tried. On Monday, the Times ran a piece bemoaning the difficulty Americans supposedly face in getting new Covid boosters. The headline:

Some Covid Vaccines Are Still Hard to Find

This is a complete inversion of reality. Or, as the kids say, LOL.

The Centers for Disease Control no longer offers up-to-date statistics on Covid shots. But some state health departments still provide weekly data. They show that even in blue states that once embraced the mRNAs, demand for the jabs is near zero.

The flop comes despite public health and media exhortations and massive advertising campaigns from the jab companies. Health bureaucrats and Pfizer and Moderna hoped that positioning Covid jabs as once-a-year injections alongside flu shots would increase demand.

They were wrong.

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Epic Fail: MedCram founder tries to prove that anecdotes are unreliable

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

There have been nearly 10,000 died suddenly events since the vaccine rollout. Roger Seheult says this is nothing new, citing 30 sudden deaths before 2021. Seriously?? 30 << 10,000 last I checked.
It’s always happened, but now it’s a super popular trend ever since the COVID vaccines rolled out

Executive summary

I tweeted that “Anecdotes often paint a more accurate picture than gamed RCTs.”

MedCram founder Roger Seheult responded with a list of 30 sudden deaths before 2021 in his tweet in response. The goal is to try to gaslight you into believing that what you are experiencing with your own eyes is “normal.”

The problem is there have been around 10,000 sudden deaths since 2021 according to Mark Crispin Miller who is a legend for tracking these deaths. I just got off the phone with Mark to confirm that.

So my friend Roger needs another 9,970 examples to provide a credible rebuttal. He gave up after 30. Color me not impressed.

Does the phrase “A day late and a dollar short” ring a bell?

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The Collapse of the American Republic

Why Are We Flooded With Outrage-Producing News Stories?

Guest Post by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at-a-glance

  • The mass media’s business model revolves around emotionally enraging and upsetting its audience because that makes more money than informing and empowering the public
  • This business model has transformed the political process from one where differing parties come together to find the compromise which most makes sense to one where everyone prioritizes beating the other side
  • Our susceptibility to this business model arises from the strain modern life has placed on our nervous system. Once in this dulled state, humans have difficulty responding to anything besides strong or provocative stimuli and hence often miss many of the most important facets of life
  • One of the most important things you can do for your health is to understand exactly how the mass media emotionally manipulates you and boycott all of that toxic content

A common mantra in the media is “if it bleeds it leads,” which encapsulates the observation that disturbing and graphic news stories are the most effective way to ensure an audience will be hooked to the story, especially if the disturbing headline can be packaged with some type of potential solution to the problem.

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Dr. Richter’s Diabolical Experiment

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Ever heard of Dr. Curt Richter? Neither had I.

During the time in the United States where nearly anything was done in the name of science (these days, not so much, now anything is done in the name of money) Dr. Curt Richter, a renowned physiologist and behavioral scientist, conducted his seminal experiments on rats. He presented his most famous experiment sometime in the mid 1950’s at Johns Hopkins University.

These tests aimed to uncover the effects of despair and hopelessness on the survival rate of rats.

Apparently, the kindly scientist placed his beloved rats into buckets of water and began timing their frantic swimming. You see, the rats believed they were going to drown, and did whatever they could to save their pathetic lives.

They didn’t realize that the good doctor had a gentle soul and would rescue them before their watery demise. But he didn’t. Not at first at least. And many rats met their maker after about 15 minutes of futile paddling.

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I’m a Jew & I’m NOT a Genocidal Racist — Why Do Israel “Supporters” Keep Telling the World that I Am?

Guest Post by Michael Lesher

Remember the serial murderer who called himself “Son of Sam,” and whose unpredictable homicides terrorized New York City for twelve months some 46 years ago?

If you do, you’ll probably remember the public mortification that convulsed the Jewish world when the killer was apprehended in August 1977 – because his name turned out to be David Berkowitz.

“It was a dark week in New York City” for Jews, wrote Josh Nathan-Kazis about Berkowitz’s arrest in a 2019 retrospective. In fact, so eager were Jews to dissociate themselves from a homicidal maniac that when evidence surfaced that Berkowitz had been adopted as a child, Forward ran that discovery on its front page, exulting that the killer wasn’t really Jewish after all. (Unfortunately for Forward, it turned out that both of Berkowitz’s birth parents actually were Jews.)

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Gaza Is Not the US/Israeli Target

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This report from M. K. Bhadrakumar in India via Consortium News — https://consortiumnews.com/2023/11/08/us-israel-poised-to-open-lebanon-front/ — indicates that my analysis of October 30, 2023 — https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/10/30/the-israeli-hamas-conflict-is-a-continuation-of-the-9-11-plot/ —  is correct that the October 7 Hamas attack was a reopening by US neoconservatives and Israel of the Middle Eastern Wars, the purpose of which is to remove Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran as barriers to Greater Israel.  What is called Israel’s right to self-defense is a euphemism for Israeli expansion.

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Is A Cyber 9/11 Coming?

Authored by Marie Hawthorne via The Organic Prepper blog,

Talk of a “Cyber 9/11” has been circulating for years.  With the next presidential election twelve months away now, some folks are predicting that a major cyber event will happen before then, throwing a monkey wrench into the 2024 election process.

What the heck is Cyber 9/11?

What does Cyber 9/11 mean?  Is there a real risk?  What should we be preparing for?

There are two aspects to the Cyber 9/11 concept.  The first is the disaster itself; 9/11 was a catastrophe that ended the lives of over 3000 people in one day.  There are fears that if power grids were hacked or enough damage was done to logistical centers, the ensuing chaos would cause deaths.

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