So now we know. If the Venusians had just stopped driving SUVs, ate fake meat and bugs, lived in 15 minute city gulags, switched to solar and wind power, drove EVs, and owned nothing, they would have defeated climate change and would still be happy to this day.


Israel acting like ‘spoiled child’ of the West – Erdogan

Via RT

Israel is lashing out at Hamas’ cross-border attack because it has de-facto Western approval, the Turkish leader has suggested Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) arrives at King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital Riyadh for an extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic summit to discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip on November 11, 2023 © Getty Images / Mustafa Kamaci/Anadolu via Getty Images

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has hit out at the collective West for inaction amid what he said was an ongoing “massacre in Palestine,” adding that the Israeli government is behaving like a “spoiled child” in its response to Hamas’ cross-border attack on October 7.

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Via Automatic Earth

The Giant Hand of Vyrnwy: There was this tree in Wales that was 124 years old, it reached higher than a 20 storey building (63.7m (209ft). It was damaged in a storm and had to be felled. Artist Simon O’Rourke carved what remained into this hand as a memorial, a last attempt to reach the sky.

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Is Abortion, Not Trump, The GOP’s Albatross?

Authored by Matthew Boose via American Greatness,

Republicans should restrict abortion wherever and whenever it is prudent to do so…

How many times do voters have to send the message before Republicans get the picture?

America loves abortion. Is that cavalier? Unfortunately, it’s the truth. Decades of “me, me, me” culture have taken their toll. We are in the end stages of democracy, here, and there may be no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Nothing is ever free. Because of Dobbs, abortions are much harder to get in a number of states. The right made a bargain to save lives, and the cost is pain at the polls.

Tuesday’s election was a wipeout for conservatives. Everyone is quick to blame Donald Trump, but the real loser was Ron DeSantis – although it’s hard to say what he had left to lose.

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WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA’s Shadow

Via ZeroHedge

Consider the source (and the timing)…

No lesser deep-state mouthpiece than The Washington Post just dropped a bombshell with the revelation that Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky “was integral to the brazen sabotage operation” on the Nord Stream pipeline, “according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation.”

The bombing, dubbed a “dangerous assault on Europe’s energy infrastructure” by US and Western officials at the time, marked a critical juncture in the ongoing tensions between Russia and the West. By targeting the pipeline, the operatives (whoever they were) struck a blow to a critical artery of Russian energy exports, a sector that has been at the heart of European-Russian economic relations.

Additionally, as the Goebbels-ian narrative that ‘Russia did it’ was pushed by mainstream media (and politicians), it enabled further ‘aid’ to be sent to Ukraine, to ‘protect interests’.

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America Attacked on All Fronts, WWIII Underway

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says just about every aspect of American life is under attack by Deep State demonic globalists who want to “take down America.”  Let’s start with the U.S. banking system that is teetering on insolvency and locked in a growing liquidity crisis.  Quayle explains, “This is a watershed moment in the world today.  In the world of financial happenings and events, we are watching the takedown, breakdown and total onslaught by multiple nations, namely the BRICs nations with total abandonment of the U.S. dollar.  World War III is underway. . . .

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‘COVID Unmasked’ — How to Take Back Our Nation

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has released a four-part documentary, “COVID Unmasked,” which details how the COVID pandemic was used as a convenient opening act for a global takeover
  • Part 4 details how we can peacefully take our country back by ensuring our county sheriffs are willing to do their duty, which is to uphold and protect the constitutional rights of their residents
  • Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it”
  • No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated
  • No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) recently released a four-part documentary called “COVID Unmasked.” Part 4 is featured above. The trailer and previous three episodes can be found on CHD.TV.

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The Stat That Says What 96 Percent Won’t Admit

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Do you know what percentage of EV owners own only an EV?

About 4 percent.

The rest – about 96 percent – own another vehicle that isn’t a battery powered device. What does this say about battery powered devices?

It arguably says it all.

It could be said that battery powered devices work for only 4 percent of the people who bought them – the remaining 96 percent having bought an EV for essentially the same reason that people buy antique cars or boats; i.e., because they wanted a toy.

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The Will

Guest Post by T.L. Davis

It occurs to me that there is a lot easier way to deal with illegal immigration than we have tried so far. Trump implemented something like this with his “Remain in Mexico” policy. Granted, the reason the US has been unsuccessful in stopping illegal immigration comes not from a lack of ability or understanding of how to build a wall, but from the lack of desire. The regime in power wants to dilute the strident patriotism of the average American. After several generations of working away at the elementary school level to erode love of country with propaganda, the communists have thrown in the towel and went for straight importation of foreign nationals to accelerate the timeline to 2024.

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Homesteading – A Cautionary Tale – Part 2

Via The Survival Blog

The urgent drives out the merely important on a homestead

Maintenance is of critical importance.  If you do not maintain the fencing, for example, you may find yourself chasing animals down a country road.  That seems to happen often around these here parts.  Someone’s horses or cows are always out.  Dogs abound.  I have a neighbor who brings their pregnant cows to the adjacent acreage to calve.  I only had to track my neighbors down once to let them know a cow was out.  The cow was peacefully grazing in the graveyard nearby!  They have since repaired the fencing.  Thankfully, there are no nearby bulls that want to bother my dairy girls.

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Study Links Cellphone Use to Lower Sperm Count, but Authors Downplay Findings

Guest Post by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

A Swiss study found high cellphone use was associated with reduced male fertility measures. But experts criticized the authors for speculating newer phones emit less radiation and for their ties to a group aligned with telecom industry interests.

Men who frequently use their cellphones may suffer from lower sperm counts than those who do not, according to a new Swiss study that adds to the mounting body of evidence showing a link between cellphone use and decreased male fertility.

The study found that men who used their phones more than 20 times a day had significantly lower sperm counts and decreased sperm concentrations — two critical measures of male fertility — than men who used their phones just once a week.

These men had roughly 21% higher risk of sperm counts and 30% higher risk of sperm concentrations falling below the World Health Organization’s reference values for fertile men.

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Iceland Declares Emergency As ‘Quake Swarms’ Signal Potential Volcanic Eruption

Via ZeroHedge

Authorities in Iceland declared an emergency and issued an evacuation order for thousands of people in a popular tourist town in the country’s southwestern Reykjanes Peninsula after quake swarms intensified in the last 48 hours – sparking fears that the next big volcanic eruption could be imminent.

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