Finding Some Pre-Apocalyptic R & R

Last year I was fortunate enough to RV down the Northwestern Pacific Coast with some friends and family; then do some boating, fishing, swimming, and jet-skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Next, however, I will be renting a property on a beach with private ocean access.

WEEKEND QUESTIONWhere is a fun place to vacation (anywhere on earth) that is a good value for the money?

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A Digital Noose ‘Round Every Corner

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Graduation season.  Parties, commencements, speeches and lots and lots of photos.  Recently, I loaded all of the pictures onto a PC and saved them into a folder, digitally labeled and timestamped, for posterity.  The next day, I noticed a message from Microsoft.  It said:  “Click here to see the photo album we created for you!”  I clicked and saw the very same photos I had loaded just hours before.  However, I never requested for my personal memories to be shared, let alone arranged into an album organized by the company whose operating system runs my computer.  Evidently, somewhere a while back, a box must have been checked, or unchecked, thus surrendering my right to privacy.

Every day I receive e-mail requests from, Facebook and other networking websites to follow, like, or join, with people I am actually acquainted with in the real world.  The messages ask me if I “know” them as I see their photos and information along with the opportunity to electronically consummate with them, should I so choose.

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Full Circle: An Encore Performance, New Venue, Fresh Actors

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


 History is written by the victors.

Winston Churchill


The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

Proverbs 22:7


The Wheel of Time is a notion shared by many religions and philosophies.  In modern paganistic traditions, like those celebrated by Wiccans today, annual festivals are arranged into what is called the Wheel of the Year and marked by various equinoxes, solstices, and the dates in between. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered destiny as spinning like “yarn” on a wheel; and the Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, once wrote how the universe is “change”, life is what “our thoughts make it”, and of time’s cycling to and from infinity while aligned into a succession of finite periods.  From the days of the earliest Druids through the life of the Viking Leif Ericson, the most commonly used nomenclature for Wheel of the Year festivals are descended from the Celtic and Germanic cultures.

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An Inquiry into Values: Men and the Art of Life-Cycle Governance

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not. The same particle does not rise from the valley to the ridge. Its unity is only phenomenal.  The persons who make up a nation today, next year die, and their experience dies with them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance”, paragraph 48.


Our current modes of rationality are not moving society forward into a better world. They are taking it further and further from that better world.

Robert M. Pirsig, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Chapter 10



On April 24th, 2017, an author and philosopher by the name of Robert M. Pirsig passed from this world.  Pirsig, born in 1928, was best known for his 1974 book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” which is a semi-autographical account of his personal philosophical exploration into the concept of “quality”.

At the age of 9, Pirsig’s IQ measured at 170 and, at the age of 15, he enrolled at the University of Minnesota to study biochemistry.  After becoming disillusioned with the validity of the Scientific Method’s ability to genuinely reduce seemingly unlimited numbers of hypotheses, Pirsig’s attention diverted from his studies and, within two years, he was expelled for poor academic performance.  At the age of 18, Pirsig joined the Army and developed an interest in Eastern culture and philosophy while stationed in South Korea.  He eventually returned to college and obtained degrees in chemistry, philosophy, and journalism.  He also studied Oriental philosophy at Benares Hindu University in India.

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Prisons of Pleasure or Pain: Huxley’s “Brave New World” vs. Orwell’s “1984”

by Uncola via


Definition of UTOPIA

1:  an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

2:  a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions

3:   an impractical scheme for social improvement


Definition of DYSTOPIA

1:  an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives

2:  literature:  anti-utopia


 Many Americans today would quite possibly consider Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” to be a utopia of sorts with its limitless drugs, guilt-free sex, perpetual entertainment and a genetically engineered society designed for maximum economic efficiency and social harmony.  Conversely, most free people today would view Orwell’s “1984” as a dystopian nightmare, and shudder to contemplate the terrifying existence under the iron fist of “Big Brother”; the ubiquitous figurehead of a perfectly totalitarian government.

Although both men were of British descent, Huxley was nine years older than Orwell and published Brave New World in 1932, seventeen years before 1984 was released in 1949.  Both books are widely considered classics and are included in the Modern Library’s top ten great novels of the twentieth century.

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Dogs of War: Fight to the Death

by Uncola via

And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

Mark Antony, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, III.i

Last week, on April Fool’s Day, I read how the month of March 2017 was a “turning point” for Hillary Clinton as she, once again, challenged Donald Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches where she encouraged her former foot soldiers to:  “Resist, persist, insist, enlist”.  Upon reading those words, I was reminded of the little girl in the movie “Poltergeist” who said:  “They’re baaack”.

Yes, they’re back like “Ate”, the Greek goddess of discord and vengeance.  Well, actually, in truth, they never really left.

In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, the main character isn’t Caesar.  On the contrary, the story is mostly about everyone else.  If prose could be equated to cuisine, then “Julius Caesar”, although the Bard’s shortest play, was, nevertheless, a veritable feast; an exotic, psychological buffet of torn loyalties, political treachery, honor, patriotism, friendship, intrigue, tragedy, and revenge.

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Obama & Media Collude to Hack Trump Transition

by Uncola via

Staying true to form, the same presidential administration that weaponized the Internal Revenue Service against its political opponents earlier this decade, has now been discovered to have utilized former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, to, most recently, illegally “unmask” members of the Trump Administration in order to provide their names to the mainstream media in efforts to politically undermine the incoming presidential team.

Rice, coincidently, is the same woman who lied to the national media on multiple occasions by blaming the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya on a YouTube video.

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April Fools: The Emperor’s Fine Apparel

by Uncola via

Whenever I fire up the internet on my desktop, my browser automatically defaults to, because reviewing the headlines there is a perfect way to understand what Big Brother wants John Q. Public to believe.   According to Pew Research, MSN is the third most popular news website on the interwebs.  Even when considering news aggregate sites like Drudge, MSN still obtains several times the page views, although as Politico has reported, the Drudge Report remains the leading source of referral traffic for many of the top news organizations in the country.

As most of you know, MSN (Microsoft Network) news stories, similar to Drudge, will link to an entire array of online media sources ranging from mainstream outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, Fox News, NBC, ABC, et al; but Drudge will venture slightly more into the foreign press including websites such as The Daily Mail, which Wikipedia labels as a tabloid; and will point more often to the Alternative Media which the Mainstream Media has characterized as “fake news”. These “alternative” news sources would include websites such as Zero Hedge and

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The Eyes: Windows to the Soul

by Uncola via

I wouldn’t be surprised if the week of March 20, 2017, will go down in history as a Fort Sumter-like spark which began a cascading series of events that will soon spread like wildfire, engulfing the entire world with inescapable social and political ramifications.

On Monday, March 20, 2017, elite banker and rabid globalist, David Rockefeller, died at the age of 101.  Whenever I think of this disturbing fellow, I picture him behind a mask at a party with Stanley Kubrick and Tom Cruise in that dark mansion from the movie, Eyes Wide Shut.

Although the mainstream media has mostly reported on Rockefeller as a philanthropist, he was, in fact, someone who the journalist and former LBJ aide, Bill Moyers, once called “the unelected but indisputable chairman of the American establishment”.

Rockefeller himself once said:

Some even believe we {the Rockefellers} are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States… If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

In a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, that Bill Clinton also attended, Rockefeller additionally acknowledged the mainstream media’s collusion with, and commitment to, the New World Order.

He said:

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Life Imitates Art: Any Other Examples?

The story of the little boy being felt up by the TSA pervert made headlines over the last few days, including Zero Hedge, and then the trailer was introduced (all throughout the MSM) for the movie “It”, based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name.

I immediately noticed a similarity between the TSA pederast and Pennywise the Clown as they both terrorize the children.

On TBP in the past, George Soros has been compared to a Sith Lord from Star Wars, and most, recently, Admin has compared President Trump to the “Mule” from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.

Can you think of any other apt comparisons today of life imitating art, or vice-versa?

America Burns Under Bumbling Trump

by Uncola via

Washington (AP)  –  In the wake of terror attacks throughout Europe, including the March 2017 ISIS assault on the Parliament building in London, many Americans believed it could never happen here.  They were wrong.

In a series of attacks yesterday, portions of Honolulu, Seattle, and Chicago have been cordoned off until authorities have finished collecting evidence.

In Honolulu, the motive of Mohammad Awad Basara, a British-born Mexican national, is still unknown.  At approximately 7:30 PM Aleutian Standard Time, Basara drove a stolen dune buggy at high speeds across Waikiki Beach killing three people and injuring dozens.

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BREAKING: Rabbits Found at Bottom of Rabbit Hole

If you watch the video posted below (Hat Tip to RiNS), you will find out the following:

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) says Trump was, indeed, monitored by the Obama Administration.

He said:

I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition,

Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports.

Note the following:

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Breakfast Club: Dining with Friends

by Uncola via

There is a group of us who meet on Saturday mornings for breakfast.  We are four white men; college educated professionals who know each other through a shared involvement and patronage of a community organization.  Our group is comprised of one in their mid-thirties, two in their forties and me as the sole quinquagenarian of the group.

During our weekend morning meal encounters, I will usually try to steer clear from political conversations. However, more often than not, it seems our discussions do drift into politics.  The thirty-something and one of the fortyish gentlemen identify as liberal and the other quadragenarian claims to be a Republican, yet he seemed to favor Hillary Clinton in the last election.  All of them hate Donald Trump, so, this leaves me as the lone racist, fear-motivated, close-minded, privileged, conspiracy-oriented, and deplorably conservative Caucasian at our table.

The following is a condensed summary of my recollection of our conversation from this previous Saturday and it is predominately paraphrased.   As a final qualifier, and as a matter of course, I will admit the ensuing review is recapitulated through the lens of my personal perspective.  This means, although my breakfast companions would likely reject my forthcoming conclusion(s) below, at the same time, I believe they would agree that the subsequent dialogue is narrated accurately, and with the topics arranged (for the most part) in the correct consecutive order of our actual conversation.

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How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake

by Uncola via

Headlines were made last week when the results of an experiment by two New York University professors went viral.  The study was designed to demonstrate gender bias by reenacting the 2016 presidential debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, except the gender for each was reversed.  In other words, a woman recited the statements of Trump and a male reenacted Hillary Clinton’s original comments made during the debates.

The goal of the ‘Her Opponent’ project was to prove that people would not have accepted Trump’s aggressive behavior had it come from a woman, and that Hillary’s debate style would be much more likable if she were a man.

Ironically, the exact opposite happened.

The professors and audiences of the mock debates, however, were ‘unsettled’ to discover that the opposite was true –  Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man.

At last. Although it took a scientific observation to remove the prejudice against Trump’s gender, these people could FINALLY see what the tolerant, open-minded “Deplorable” voters saw all along.

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The Scary Timing of October 31, 2016

by Uncola via

Earlier this week I posted an article regarding the Saturday, March 4th, 2017 wiretapping allegations that were Tweeted by Trump. In that essay, I mentioned the timing of the Obama Administration’s two FISA requests to surveil Trump, including one which was approved in October 2016; and I wondered regarding Hillary Clinton’s knowledge of the matter:

Given the recent wiretapping allegations made by Trump, the timing of Hillary’s Halloween Tweet regarding Trump and the Russians now appears to be a very frightful coincidence….

What then, did Hillary know, and when did she know it?

Beginning  at the 4:50 mark in the video below, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager, Robby Mook, claims Hillary’s October 31, 2016 Tweet regarding Trump and the Russians was in response to an article posted by Slate Magazine that day:

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Agents of Deception, Stewards of Deceit.

by Uncola via

What a week it has been since President Donald Trump addressed congress, just eight days ago.  Within hours of his attempt to unify the nation with a heartfelt speech that was widely praised by his supporters and opponents alike, Democratic Party leaders and their collaborators in the mainstream media once again doubled down on their fabricated Russian election hacking ruse.  Within days, their combined efforts compelled Trump’s newly appointed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to recuse himself from any 2016 Presidential Campaign investigations.

On Friday, according to CNN and their White House Spy Cam, a “frustrated and angry” President Trump had a “fiery meeting” in the Oval Office with his advisors Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer, and Reince Priebus over the “fumbling” of the “situation with Sessions”.

By Saturday, March 4th, 2017, Trump evidently decided it was time to once more push back against those who wish to derail his administration.  In a series of early-morning Tweets, Trump accused Former President Barack Obama of wire-tapping his phones at Trump Tower in New York City during the 2016 presidential campaign and made comparisons to Nixon, Watergate, and McCarthyism.

Continue reading “Agents of Deception, Stewards of Deceit.”