Cliché Series # 5: Perceiving Profiles Confined Within Certain Configurations

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Whenever anyone uses the term conspiracy theory or calls someone a conspiracy theorist in any debate, they are, in most instances, revealing their own contempt prior to investigation.  This is, in fact, an exemplification of prejudice even by those claiming their minds are open.  In truth, they are not willing to consider any evidence that might challenge what they have previously decided to be untrue, or unproven; these, of course, being two very separate prospects.

If people were intellectually honest they would acknowledge, at the very least, the POSSIBILITY of SOME truth behind what they designate as “conspiracy”. Or, should they wish to engage in the discussion, they would debate using opposing facts; or any additional contravening corroboration behind their perspectives and ideological positioning.

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Stabbing With Their Steely Knives, They Just Can’t Kill the Beast

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor…

– Ezekiel 28: 15-17

In horror stories originating from the times of the first songs there have always been common enemies.  Creatures of sinister intelligence, blind violence, disingenuity, clever crafters of schemes, or often containing the capacity for all of these; lurking in the dark, or hidden in plain sight, but always waiting and watching.  Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs suffered through the antics of wily wolves. Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel agonized before the wicked wills of warted witches; and with Jack of Beanstalk fame it was jeering giants who longed to grind his bones for bread, alive or dead.  Star Wars had Darth Vader and the Lords of the Sith, whereas it was the evil eye of Sauron that ruled over J.R.R Tolkien’s shadowy land of Mordor.  And for most of the world’s religions today it remains Lucifer, the morning star, who fell from heaven by the weight of a prideful heart and now reigns as the Prince and Power of the Air; tempting, taunting, and tantalizing, all of mankind.

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The “Experimenter”: Understanding Why Shit Happens and How Conformity Kills

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

During inclement weather days, late nights, lazy weekends, and when one’s eyes tire of small print or words and images levitating in digital ether, Netflix offers a video library of sorts allowing the viewer to recline, and imbibe knowledge in a relatively easy way.  Many of Netflix’s films consist of documentaries, nonfiction stories originating from books, historical retellings, or fictionalized narratives derived from actual circumstances and people. Two such films, recently viewed by the author of this post, are historical accounts, originated from books, and retold from the perspective of the actual persons who lived the events recounted therein. These two films, currently showing on Netflix, include: “First They Killed My Father” (2017) and “Experimenter” (2015).

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Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;

The photo above was posted on Drudge and was, ironically, linked to The Sun.

Also, if you have time, check out this horrifying video:

Signs in the heavens, economic bubbles, trials by fire, hurricanes and the raging of the seas. Somehow I’m thinking my property insurance premiums are about to increase.  But will the center hold? If not, how will we know? I’m looking at the bond market. If that blows, there goes the dollar. I suppose a North Korean EMP might do it as well.  What say you?

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THE STAND: Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the summer of 1985 I was taking some college classes at a nearby university and working two part-time jobs. Most nights I was involved with a local martial arts club and on the weekends I would spend time with one of my two girlfriends.  Although that last part may sound somewhat sordid, in reality, it was pretty harmless. The girls both knew of each other and understood I was taking some time to decide.  Unfortunately for them, however, I left both behind upon meeting another gal that July.  She is my wife today.

Looking back at those few months centered between the fall and spring seasons of that year, I believe it was the time in my life where I felt the most autonomous and carefree.  It was also the summer that I read Stephen King’s, The Stand.  Although the book was published as a hardcover in 1978, my version (which I still own) was the 1980 paperback edition that changed the story’s timeline to events beginning in June of 1985.  Ironically, this was the very month when I started reading the book.  The coincidence resonated with me at the time and was what I considered to be a universe-inspired “agreement”; a designation I picked up while reading Carlos Castaneda’s “Don Juan” some years before.

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Cliché Series # 4: What We Do Is Who We Are

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The impending winter makes fall a busy time. Even rainy days are spent finishing off an area of my basement before snow flies. Unknown until recently, Yellow Jacket wasps had been illegally invading, and illicitly breeding, behind the exterior border of my home; even creating a hive in the wall so large it filled a 30 gallon trash bag.  Once I noticed the excessive activity of the winged terrorists outside, I soon discovered the interior drywall had become discolored and soft. I speculate within another one or two weeks they would have burrowed through. This would have been extremely unpleasant, especially had it occurred in the middle of the night while we inhabitants were asleep, unsuspecting.

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2001: A Space Odyssey of Transcendent, or Transcendental, Evolution?

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The screen is dark.  Eerie and oddly dissonant music begins to play. The screen remains black.  At two-minutes and fifty seconds the music stops, followed by six seconds of silence over the blank nothingness before the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer MGM logo fills the screen as the symphonically ascending chords and drumbeats of Richard Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra increase in volume.  In a view from the moon, the sun rises behind and then above the blue sphere of the earth.

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Questions of the Day: The Number 23


I was going to point out my experience (below) the other day on Hardscrabble Farmer’s “The Children’s Story” post but decided against it because it just seemed a little too strange, even for this place.  But I keep thinking about it. And wondering. So now I am just curious.

This is going to seem a little bizarre, but here it goes anyway (and followed by a few questions):

The night before Hardscrabble’s “The Children’s Story”  post, I started watching “The Number 23” (Starring Jim Carrey) on Netflix.  Why?  I have absolutely no idea.  I just saw it and started watching.  I stopped it about halfway through and went to bed, but I will probably finish it at some point.  In the story, Carrey plays a guy who starts making ubiquitous connections with the number 23.

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Crossing the Line: Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

On August 21, 2017 the narrow line of a solar eclipse’s shadow cut a path of totality right through the middle of the United States, dividing north from south.  If one believed in signs from the heavens they could make a pretty good case of an astronomical pairing to recent headlines depicting America as broken in two.  Of course the division began long ago, perhaps from the time of our nation’s earliest constitutional convention, through the Civil War era, and onward into modernity as the country has once again become mired in a civil war; this time the fight raging between the globalists and those striving to maintain constitutional national sovereignty. Obviously, before the utopian one-worlders can realize their ultimate new economic, political, and possibly spiritual, order, the atavistic and anachronistic United States must fall.  It is a fight unto death.  The winners take all.

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Cliché Series # 3: Dissimulators Dispersing Disingenuous Dangers

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The 2016 Presidential Election was quite the spectacle. During the primaries we watched Donald Trump go politically-incorrect Rambo on sixteen milquetoast republicans whose names I can’t recall right now.  During the Democratic Primaries, Bernie “Santa Claus” Sanders kept winning state after state; yet the superdelegates all fell into Hillary’s column.  In fact, after Sanders won eight out of nine primary contests by double digits, Clinton received more superdelegates in an electioneering process that even the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, admitted was rigged for the politically elite against “grassroots” candidates.  What a con.

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A Battle Hymn: The Anthem Against the Inappropriately Entitled

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Growing up in a small Midwestern town in the fading light of Norman Rockwell’s America, I came of age during the saccharine seventies amid the cannabis-crammed rock and roll arenas that were, seemingly, counter-weighted by endless replays of ABBA and The Bee Gees within the Frequency Modulated atmosphere of that era.  During the eighties, I became an optimistic young Republican under the stewardship of Ronald Wilson Reagan; a moderately successful businessman in the nineties; and, later, a concerned patriot of the new millennium.

Immediately following the subprime mortgage crash of 2008, the election of Barack Obama and, especially, after the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/2012, I became increasingly aware of the tectonic shift beneath the American landscape and soon realized that Norman Rockwell, like Elvis, had left the proverbial “building”, never to return.  The best way I can describe it is that the real power structures behind the United States, Inc., as well as the globalist, collectivist, political left, finally took their “their gloves off”, so to speak.  Indeed, their “masks” were removed and nothing was hidden anymore.

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Cliché Series # 2: Racing Against the Sun

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

We all get busy.  So much to do, so little time.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand around talking all day; I have a lot to get done and I’m losing daylight.  Career commitments, family obligations, cooking, cleaning, shopping, mowing lawn, gardening, appointments, meetings, volunteering, reading, studying, writing, or working out; the clock is always ticking; the deadlines constantly looming.

Therefore, we must:  Make hay while the sun shines.

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Cliché Series # 1: The Proverbial Volume in the Glass

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

I like to collect thoughts.  For me, it’s no different than someone who collects baseball cards, or antiques, or classic cars, or books, or coins.  In all of these examples, the collector finds value in the collected.  The value may be manifested as monetary worth, private enjoyment, personal or professional significance, of educational benefit, or, of course, in many other ways.  Very often the thoughts collected in me noggin are delivered in the form of clichés.  For many people, especially writers, the fact that a saying has been handed down through many generations, or shared by millions of others, tends to detract from its overall value; or, at the very least, is considered as somehow “less than” the same concept formulated into original wording or revealed in an otherwise novel manner.

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They Live: Choose Before You Die

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Sometimes, during the summers, I like to stay up late.  When not reading or writing, I will usually resort to watching a series on television.  I enjoy series because the character development and storylines are far more in-depth than what is viewed in a mere two-hour movie; although I do watch them as well.  On HBO, I have experienced The Sopranos, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, True Blood, and a few others.  On AMC, it was Breaking Bad and I still watch The Walking Dead. What I like about Netflix, however, is the ability to access a virtual cornucopia of diverse programming on any device; at home, on the road, and easily “un-paused” with the flick-of-a-finger anytime, anywhere, within the matrix.

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This Violence of Lies: The Red Line in the Sand?

“They use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.

“All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.

“And when that happens, they’ll use it as an excuse for their outrage. The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m freedom’s safest place.”

Shipwrecked in the Sands of Time: Lessons from History

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Today, across the globe, there remains a clash of cultures as ancient as religion; as violent as tides crashing upon the shores of nations; islands separated within seas of humanity.  Ongoing wars rage on in the middle-east as democracies fight theocracy, and waves of Islamic immigrants flood onto the shores of western nations like tsunamis.  Although oil and water will not mix well, there are those who perennially hope to try; and, if history serves as any right measure, the blending will continue to roil and boil like ships on fire in perilous ports.

Will the captains in the Western nations lead us safely on our journey?  I think not. To know where we’re going, we must first understand where we are, and where we’ve been.

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