Musings on Inequality

First and foremost, thanks everyone who commented on my inaugural post. I appreciate the warm welcome. And much food for thought.

A couple of people/robots/aliens brought up inequality and why talk about it. While I imagine it’s bad form to call out anybody directly by name, we do need a little anonymous snark to kick things off.

I mean, come on man…

I stopped reading at wage inequity
Sounds like you can’t read at all. The word inequity isn’t even in the piece.

This is a great Freudian slip – inequity tends to be the formal acadamese rather than the informal plain language. The reference was to wage inequality (which actually was in the piece), and we’ll treat it as meaning that moving forward. But first a little bit more snark: to get to that point, the commenter encountered the phrases “Occupy Wall Street” and “Social Security Administration” and kept going. Sounds like a closet commie to me. At any rate, a real American would have stopped after I said I was a tad younger and more liberal. Don’t worry about me, I’m not paid by the reader.

Continue reading “Musings on Inequality”

Howdy y’all

Greetings most finest and noblest of countrymen. I offered to offer my offering of off-putting remarks from hither and yon in this fair land and in Admin’s great judgment and/or moment of weakness he/she/it/they/them said yes.

In all seriousness though I have appreciated Admin’s capacity over the years for equal parts extended – nay wordy – exploration of the minutiae of finance and economics and concise snippets of sarcastic insights into this head scratcher we call humanity. The thing about being a lurker is that it’s low risk. And picking up the vibe that I’m a tad younger and more liberal than the median, I haven’t really wanted to crash anybody’s party uninvited. I came more for the Occupy Wall Street commentary than caring about Donald Trump 11-d chess or whatever it’s up to.

ghouls and ghosts Sega game
How would Oliver Anthony describe this video game thrown in the wash? An old soul livin’ in a new Whirlpool.

Continue reading “Howdy y’all”