This Video Is Not About Skateboarding

It is about The Burning Platform.

It is about Jim, and his desire to express his feelings.  It is about making a platform for his own voice and in the process, creating a platform for other voices.  And it is about your voice.

Each post on TBP probably has something on the order of 10,000 views.  Jim doesn’t post numbers on that but Zero Hedge does and typically their articles get those kinds of numbers.  Of those views, there are only a handful of people who comment.  Let’s say, and I have not counted so don’t hold me to this, something less than 100.

Continue reading “This Video Is Not About Skateboarding”

China’s Big Brother Social Control Arrives In Australia

Authored by Joshua Philipp via The Epoch Times,

Australia is preparing to debut its version of the Chinese regime’s high-tech system for monitoring and controlling its citizens. The launch, to take place in the northern city of Darwin, will include systems to monitor people’s activity via their cell phones.

The new system is based on monitoring programs in Shenzhen, China, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is testing its Social Credit System. Officials on the Darwin council traveled to Shenzhen, according to NT News, to “have a chance to see exactly how their Smart Technology works prior to being fully rolled out.”

I Do Not Suggest That You Watch This Video

So, this is the problem.  There are many people on the right who are not stupid.  Who can speak in entire sentences and who can put together coherent thoughts and do impactful things.  But Laura Loomer is not one of those people.  At least not in this video.

I don’t know about Laura Loomer.  I have never watched a Laura Loomer video.  Some of you might know her far better than I and perhaps you would argue that she is far more cogent normally, but that she was agitated and got a bit out of control.  Fair enough.  That’s not my point.

Continue reading “I Do Not Suggest That You Watch This Video”

You Think You Have It Tough?

You think your world is sliding down a long chute into a swirling pool of cess dragging and sucking you down?  You don’t know pain.  You don’t know suffering.  You don’t live in a country that is owned by the muslims.  You don’t live in a country where the law is sharia.  But you will.  Either you make their living in your land intolerable and they leave, or they will drive you from your land.  If you can’t understand that then you deserve what you get.

But Bluto, What Can I Do? Wormer Dropped The Big One!

You have a voice.  You have a vote.  Express yourself and join in the fight.  If you refuse to participate, then you are a coward.  Don’t be a coward.

Marmalard?  Dead!  Neidermeyer?  Dead?

Nothing is over until we say it’s over.

If this guy can muster the balls to call out the criminals, why not us?

Twitter – The Noose Has Been Placed Over Your Head

As we all sit at our computers hurling our thoughts out onto the hard drives of the inter webs, there are people who are openly showing, and telling you, how they are going to enslave you.  They hand you a phone and you sign away your right to privacy.  They hand you an app and without even thinking you ok their access to your photos, location, and purchases.  They know everything about everyone…as the great dick Cheney said all those years ago, they have now achieved total situational awareness.  And we all gave it to them because we are stupid.

Continue reading “Twitter – The Noose Has Been Placed Over Your Head”

I Am Definitely Not Saying That I Agree With This

And I am not even saying that I understand it all that well, but I did make my living explaining technical things to artists using graphs.  This one really intrigues me.

I saw it on Tim Pool today and hunted down the article, which is here if you care to look.

Continue reading “I Am Definitely Not Saying That I Agree With This”

I Think That We Have All Gotten It Wrong

We all have been writing in articles and comments to articles from the perspective of conservatism.  We think that we seek to conserve something.  Some of us seek to conserve a land that we lived in; a way of life that we remember fondly.  Some hope to conserve their belief system.  Their god, or their science.  They see the foundations of their BS crumbling away as more and more people walk away from the churches, the synagogues, and the mosques. Continue reading “I Think That We Have All Gotten It Wrong”

Another Reason to Avoid Communist Central

OK, for sure they have not been funny for a long time.  Just as with Saturday Night Live, the comedy part of Communist Central pretty much left the room when they found out that they had a platform to disseminate their fowl Communist agenda.  But it’s just a stupid cable tv garbage tier network.  Who could care.  Just don’t watch it.

But the web runs far deeper than you could ever imagine.  You think that they aren’t conspiring.  Of course they are conspiring.  Here is the proof.

Perhaps you are not aware of the controversy so let me esplain.  Jim Jefferies, who I always thought was funny as shit, no really, I loved his standup, got himself a show on Communist Central.  His people reached out to Avi Yemini, who is apparently an Australian Vlogger and IDF graduate for an interview.  He agreed and they taped the interview many months ago in Singapore.  The show that aired was cut so as to show Avi as a bigot.  I know eh.  Who would expect that from a comedy show on Communist Central.

Continue reading “Another Reason to Avoid Communist Central”

You Probably Think of Yourself as a Republican

But you would wrong to do so.  You are not a republican.  You are not a democrat.  You are not important no matter what you believe about what is going on in the world around you.

The doers of the world do while you think.  Your thinking, while great for you, does nothing to affect the actions of the doers.  This is why the doers of the financial system now control what happens in your world while you argue over how many gods can fit on the head of a pin.

You fiddled while merika burned.

Continue reading “You Probably Think of Yourself as a Republican”

I doubt that I can add anything more eloquent than this

The ruling class has failed.  I claim that it is because they think of themselves as the ruling class.  They no longer think of themselves as people, as citizens.  They are better than everyone else.  They have been elected and that has made them better.

But they are not better.  In fact, they are most likely worse because they think that they are better.