The real question is who has been directing the BLS to report fraudulent numbers? Is it directly from the White House or is it some left wing bureaucrat desperately trying to obfuscate how bad Bidenomics has been for America?

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Illegal Migrants Gone Wild On Streets of Midtown Manhattan

Via ZeroHedge

A pack of illegal aliens viciously fought each other with sticks, belts, and whatever they could get their hands on outside a migrant hotel in Midtown Manhattan.

Footage of the fight was uploaded on X on Sunday. The scenes show parts of Manhattan transformed into what appears to be third-world-esque as law and order lapses under a city controlled by rogue Democrats.

The Row is one of many hotels and shelters converted to house illegal aliens in NYC from the open southern border. About 200,000 migrants have flooded the city since early 2022. There are as many as 64,000 in these shelters.

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The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease in their 40s or 50s could be underestimated

Guest Post by Paul Brandus

Could you develop this disease at such an early age? Your family history could be telling, medical professionals say

In the movie “Still Alice,” Julianne Moore plays a woman who is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Last week, I watched a movie called “Still Alice,” starring Julianne Moore. It was disturbing and heartbreaking to watch.

Based on a true story, Moore (who won an Academy Award for her performance) plays a razor-sharp Columbia University professor who, at the age of 50, begins to get confused about things — getting lost on campus, fumbling for words, introducing herself to people she introduced herself to 10 minutes before, and so forth.

Concerned, she consults a neurologist, who delivers a lightning bolt: Alice has a rare, early form of Alzheimer’s disease, and that it’s genetic, meaning her children are highly predisposed to being afflicted as well.

Continue reading “The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease in their 40s or 50s could be underestimated”


WRSA has been off-line for the better part of a week. I have been in contact with the Administrator, offering any help he might need. TBP and WRSA are almost 100% aligned on virtually all issues facing the world today. We cross-post articles and memes on a daily basis.

It sounds like he has a team of IT volunteers working to get a new version of WRSA up and running. A denial of service attack on TBP in 2016 brought the site to its knees and just as I was about to pull the plug, TMWNN stepped into the breach and saved TBP. I’m sure WRSA will be back up and running in the next few days.

You can still follow them on Gab, as they continue to post articles and memes on their gab page:

This is why WRSA and TBP depend upon the generosity of its readers to keep the lights on, while we struggle against the forces of darkness.

Aussie Senator Says Elon Musk Should “Be In Jail And The Key Be Thrown Away”

Authored by Steve Watson via,

An Australian Senator has called for X owner Elon Musk to be jailed for life for refusing to adhere to the Australian government’s demands to remove a video of the brutal attack on a Christian Bishop in Sydney last week by an apparent Muslim extremist.

After Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was attacked at his church in Sydney, the video taken from a live stream quickly went viral on X.

Australian officials, and politicians from both sides of the spectrum immediately called for the footage to be removed, yet Elon Musk has refused to do so, saying that X is a platform for freedom of expression and it will not censor content that is not illegal.

Australia’s so called ‘eSafety Commissioner’ Julie Inman-Grant, an unelected official, has ordered both X and Meta to remove footage of the stabbing under the Online Safety Act, passed in 2021, which empowers the eSafety department to demand the removal of so-called ‘class 1 material’.

X was ordered by the Australian Federal Court on Monday to block all users from viewing the footage.

Continue reading “Aussie Senator Says Elon Musk Should “Be In Jail And The Key Be Thrown Away””

US would beat China in a war – U.S. intel official

Via RT

The PLA has strong capabilities but the Americans have experience, an official has said

If a conflict between Washington and Beijing broke out today, the more experienced American force would prevail but with significant casualties, a US military intelligence official has told reporters.

The unnamed official gave a background briefing on Monday about threats facing the US military. He downplayed the Chinese H-20 stealth bomber, currently in development, as “probably nowhere near as good” as the American B-2 or the upcoming B-21 – while praising the Chinese J-20 fighter as “highly capable.”

Continue reading “US would beat China in a war – U.S. intel official”


If you recall, Sweden did not lockdown, did not close businesses and schools, did not force masking on the masses, and did not mandate vaccines. Their top health expert declared natural immunity would win in the end. The regime media, and even Trump, declared Sweden’s death rate would soar. They would experience mass casualties, while the lockdown countries would avoid death from the annual flu.

Continue reading “MASS DEATH IN SWEDEN”


Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: Make no mistake about it, as the following short and simple analysis makes very clear, we have all just witnessed the “GAME-CHANGER OF THE CENTURY“.

In the aftermath of the missile/drone attack launched by Iran against Israel, the whole world has come to know that the Zionist state’s vaunted Iron Dome is nothing but words on a website as shown above.

In a nutshell, Iran’s military turned the so-called Iron Dome into Swiss Cheese without even using their most advanced missile technology.  In so doing, they have put Tel Aviv on notice that they can lay waste to large swaths of Israel in a day and a night, if they so choose to.


WHO, Media Drum Up Fear of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans

Guest Post by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

The WHO’s Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar warned bird flu has an “extremely high” mortality rate for humans and could mutate to pass between humans, despite no record of human-to-human transmission of H5N1.

The World Health Organization (WHO) again sounded the alarm about bird flu last week, warning it has an “extremely high” mortality rate among humans.

The disease, the H5N1 avian influenza virus — also known as “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A,” and simply as “bird flu” — can pass among some animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, it has never passed from human to human, and there have been extremely rare reports of animal-to-human transmission, the agency said.

Continue reading “WHO, Media Drum Up Fear of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans”

Banks Wage War on Gun Ownership

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

WashingtonSecondAmendmentGunsThe government has successfully weaponized the banks against the people. Major banks are voluntarily sharing customers’ private transactions with the federal government “as part of a wildly overbroad financial surveillance scheme intended to identify domestic terrorists,” a group of attorneys general wrote in a letter to Bank of America in regards to discrimination against Christian organizations. The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) is now exposing how banks are cracking down on legal firearm ownership as Washington moves to nullify the Second Amendment.

Continue reading “Banks Wage War on Gun Ownership”

The Movie – Civil War #1 at the Box Office for 2 Weeks Running

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Alex Garland’s films have vividly come across the screen. In the virus pandemic (2002’s “28 Days Later”), the stunning yet uncontrollable artificial intelligence robot (2014’s “Ex Machina”), and, now in his latest, “Civil War,” Alex Garland’s interesting if not fascinating American dystopia has remained the top film in theaters for its second week of release. The release date was April 12th, the day the American Civil War began in 1861. So, there is a lot of thought behind this film.

Republics exist disintered judgment Continue reading “The Movie – Civil War #1 at the Box Office for 2 Weeks Running”

Aspartame Classified as ‘Possibly Carcinogenic’

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Aspartame breaks down into methanol in your body, which is not safely bound like it is in fruits and vegetables. This can lead to symptoms of methanol poisoning, such as headaches, dizziness and vision problems
  • Unlike animals, humans lack the protective mechanism to effectively convert methanol into harmless formic acid. Instead, it’s converted into carcinogenic formaldehyde
  • The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B) in the summer of 2023
  • Aspartame has been linked to various health issues beyond cancer, including metabolic disorders, neurological symptoms, mood disturbances, and exacerbated cortisol production which can adversely impact your neurobehavioral health, immune function and more
  • To determine whether aspartame is to blame for your health problems, eliminate all artificial sweeteners from your diet for at least two weeks, then reintroduce it at high dosage to gauge your sensitivity

The artificial sweetener aspartame is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides most of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.

Continue reading “Aspartame Classified as ‘Possibly Carcinogenic’”

The Real Debt Problem

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Someone sent me an article from something called Patriot Alerts, “Morgan Stanley Sounds Alarm On ‘Death Of US Dollar.’”

The death of the US dollar is not blamed on the Federal Reserve printing trillions of new fiat currency during the years of Quantitative Easing in order to bail out the difficulties of the 5 large banks. It is not blamed on the thoughtless US sanctions imposed on Russia, Iran, and other countries, the only effect of which is to encourage countries to abandon the dollar based system, thus causing a drop in the demand for dollars and US Treasury debt.

Continue reading “The Real Debt Problem”