Via The Feral Irishman

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Any aggression against Crimea to be met with crushing retaliation


In recent days, Maria Zakharova continued, Ukrainian forces “have been seen using several US-made ATACMS long-range missiles, which were secretly received a month ago, against Crimea”

MOSCOW, May 3. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned Washington, London and Brussels that any aggressive actions against Crimea and the Crimean Bridge are doomed to fail and will be met with crushing retaliation.

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College Fraternities Rise Up Against Marxist Protesters Chanting For ‘Socialist Takeover Of America’

Via ZeroHedge

Colleges and universities are witnessing a coordinated push to spark a new movement resembling Black Lives Matter ahead of the summer months. This time, it’s under the guise of defending Palestine while embedding Marxist ideologies, such as quite literally calling for a ‘revolution’ to usher in ‘a socialist reconstruction of the USA.’

Once again, George Soros and his Open Society Foundation are funding Marxist chaos across campuses, with Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) having organized them. These professional agitators are trained to rise up for revolution.

So, not enough college students? These radical groups had to import ‘outsiders’.

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US Home Prices Nearing All-Time Highs

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

House US Real EstateHome prices in the US are near all-time highs. As I repeatedly stated, we can no longer look at real estate on the national level. Demand and value are contained to certain states and areas of certain states that the public has deemed most desirable, largely due to political factors such as taxes. Yet, at the moment, buyers are swiping up real estate where available. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller posted a 6.4% gain in February after January’s 6% spike, marking the fastest uptick in home prices since November 2022.

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Beyond Impossible — The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The documentary “Beyond Impossible — The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry” argues that lab-grown and cultured meats, as ultraprocessed foods, could pose significant health risks, challenging the perceived benefits of these meat alternatives
  • Fake meats lack essential nutrients found in natural meats, including specific amino acids that are crucial for muscle maintenance and overall health
  • Despite claims of sustainability, studies show that meat alternatives have far greater greenhouse gas emissions than traditional livestock practices
  • Evidence supports regenerative farming methods as far more beneficial for the environment compared to the industrial farming methods upon which ultraprocessed meat alternatives rely
  • The documentary critiques current global policies that push for meat alternatives, suggesting a broader agenda is at play — one that may compromise food security and individual health through increased reliance on ultraprocessed food

A 2024 systematic review1 of the literature confirmed what multiple studies have shown — the higher your intake of ultraprocessed food, the higher your risk of adverse health outcomes.

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Israel Relocates to Washington, D.C.

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The US Congress has become an extension of the Israeli government. We don’t need a president. We have the Israel Lobby.

The US House of Representatives just passed a bill that means prison for any Christian or anyone for that matter who quotes the Bible that says Jesus was handed over by Jews to Pontius Pilate to be scourged and crucified by the Romans.

The bill, which passed 320-91, criminalizes all criticisms of Israel and Jews as anti-semitism. If the Senate passes this bill, I suppose it will end up in book-burning of many works of literature including Shakespeare.

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The Utterly Corrupt Biden Regime Used Intimidation to Force Media to Prevent Publication of Accurate Information Concerning the Laboratory Creation of Covid- 19

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report 3 days ago on May 1, 2024. It is a product of the good work that US Rep. Jim Jordan is doing. Here is the report:

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Amazon were pressured by the Biden marketing team for Big Pharma’s Death Shot to suppress information incompatible with the official narrative.

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The NYC subway system is safe they said. Take mass transit they said. Save the planet they said. Don’t prosecute criminals they said. Give them free drugs they said. Biden’s America I said.

The Consequences of Civility

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is difficult for people who respect civilities to be other-than-civil, even toward uncivilized people. This is a weakness that has led to the widespread incivility of our times. It is a mistake based upon the erroneous assumption of fair-play and well-intendedness. It is the same mistake made by a man who gets into a fight with someone who does not play by the rules. Who fails to grasp that in a fight, there are no rules.

There is only win – or lose – when you’re forced to fight.

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