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In 2021, they tried to destroy me for telling the truth

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

This isn’t paranoia. Hard evidence shows the White House and media targeted my right to speak – and support my family. If not for all of you, they would have succeeded. Yeah, I’m still angry.

I haven’t forgotten.

Or forgiven.

Last week, a Congressional committee released a massive report detailing how the Biden Administration stampeded the First Amendment in 2021 during its doomed quest to force mRNA vaccines on every American adult.

By July, with the mRNAs failing and Covid deaths rising, the White House privately and publicly attacked Facebook, trying to make the world’s biggest social media company censor jab critics. Facebook executives were furious – and worried about the Constitutional implications of the pressure they faced.

Yes, a private company proved far more concerned about the First Amendment than the government officials sworn to uphold it.

At the heart of the pressure campaign: Andrew M. Slavitt, a Democratic operative and healthcare investor. Slavitt pushed Facebook for censorship both during his official stint as senior advisor to the Biden Covid response team, which ended in June 2021, and afterwards – when the documents show he secretly represented the White House in conversations with Nick Clegg, a senior Facebook executive.

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Putin Doesn’t Bluff

Guest Post by Jim Rickards

Two weeks ago, the Congress passed (and President Biden signed) four key pieces of legislation related to national security.

Three of the bills provided assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. They received the most attention. The one that got the least attention was a mixed bag of provisions, such as a forced divestiture of TikTok.

Included in that bill was something called the REPO Act that authorizes the president to steal any Russian assets, including U.S. Treasury securities, that come under U.S. jurisdiction.

The impact of the REPO Act is limited by the fact that only about $10 billion of Russian sovereign assets are actually under U.S. jurisdiction. Yet the act contemplates that this theft will be a down payment on a much larger theft to be conducted by NATO allies in Europe.

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Ukrainian Military Attempts to Assassinate Zelensky

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Zelensky Money HungryAs I have warned, Zelensky is seen as a puppet of the West, and they are starting to realize that he is destroying all of Ukraine on orders from the American Neocons. I have been warning that any assassination of Zelensky will come from within. Ukraine has reached the same realization where there was an attempt to assassinate Hitler to save Germany.

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US Taxpayers Forced to Pay an Additional $559B in Student Loan Forgiveness

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

StudentBrainwashedCollegeShort of joining Hamas, there is nothing Joe Biden will not do to secure the Gen Z vote. The latest plan will “forgive” $7.4 billion worth of student loans, which brings the total of loan cancelations under Biden to $153 billion. This new wave will benefit 277,000 borrowers/voters and cost the American public $559,000,000,000.

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How We Can Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty

Guest Post by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at-a-glance

  • “Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivized “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge
  • COVID-19 was handled so egregiously that it woke much of the public up to this grift and the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential threat to its business model
  • To address this “threat” the WHO (World Health Organization) has covertly created a treaty behind the scenes which usurps national sovereignty and gives international health agencies terrifying control during “health emergencies”
  • A grassroots activist movement advocating for health freedoms has accomplished something remarkable in their fight to derail the WHO treaty and they need your help

Throughout COVID-19, the more money countries spent complying with the WHO’s guidelines for mitigating COVID-19, the more people died.1 Because of this, many countries in Africa had a COVID-19 death rate which was less than 1%2 of that seen throughout the Western World.

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White Genocide is in the Cards that Are Being Played

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Three decades ago in my book, The New Color Line, I pointed out that Alfred W. Blumrosen, compliance chief of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, turned the statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act on its head and used the EEOC to create race-based legal privileges for blacks, thereby reducing white Americans to second-class citizenship. In place of equal employment opportunity Blumrosen and the liberals of the time used “affirmative action” to create and enforce privileges for blacks in university admissions, hiring and promotion.

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The Catalyst for a Banking Renaissance

Guest Post by Nick Giambruno

Every day, there are over 2,000,000,000 consumer transactions around the world.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and other large companies process many of these payments.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, does not have anywhere near the capacity to handle this kind of volume.

There is a hard limit on the maximum number of transactions the Bitcoin network can process—about 576,000 transactions a day, or about 0.029% of all the world’s consumer transactions.

That’s why recording every Starbucks or McDonald’s transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain was never possible.

It was also never desirable.

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Bad-Loans Hit Record-High As Used-Car Prices Suffer Worst Bear-Market Ever

Via ZeroHedge

A bear market in the used car market was confirmed in November and has since worsened through April. At the same time, negative equity values are hitting new record highs while auto insurance rates have soared the most since the mid-1970s. While gas prices at the pump are elevated, the environment to operate a vehicle is probably one of the worst ever. Just listen to Gen-Z and millennial users on X bitch and moan about $1,000 monthly car payments and other absurd costs associated with driving.

The Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index fell to 198.4 in April, a 14% drop from one year ago. This is the index’s lowest print since the first quarter of 2021. As for the bear market, the index is down 23% from the high and quickly falling – there could be air pockets given the rapid upward moves three years ago – and that demand has been suppressed given a high-interest rate environment.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – General Lee’s army beats Grant’s Union troops to Spotsylvania – 1864

On May 8, 1864, Yankee troops arrive at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, to find the Rebels already there. After the Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-6), Ulysses S. Grant’s Army of the Potomac marched south in the drive to take Richmond. Grant hoped to control the strategic crossroads at Spotsylvania Court House, so he could draw Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia into open ground. Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – General Lee’s army beats Grant’s Union troops to Spotsylvania – 1864”

The Digifuture in Its Parts

Guest Post by Fred Reed

How time flies, said Fred with scintillating originality. When I was a young lad in rural Virginia in the mid-Sixties, the only thing digital was the local drive-in movie, known colloquially as the Finger bowl. Now the world runneth over with bits and bytes and screens and all. Regarding which:

Much of the unpleasantness of life springs from the need to identify ourselves. To this end we have driver’s licenses, passports, ID , and credit cards.

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They are running up their credit cards and depleting their savings because everything is so fucking fantastic. Just buy stocks and bitcoin, while ignoring the signs. What’s the worst that can happen?

Russia issues military ultimatum to UK

Via RT

Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons

Moscow will retaliate against British targets in Ukraine or elsewhere if Kiev uses UK-provided missiles to strike Russian territory, the Foreign Ministry told London’s ambassador on Monday.

Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the ministry following remarks by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the UK to strike deep inside Russia.

Casey was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could be any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the meeting.

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