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An Empire Self-Destructs

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Empires are built through the creation or acquisition of wealth. The Roman Empire came about through the productivity of its people and its subsequent acquisition of wealth from those that it invaded. The Spanish Empire began with productivity and expanded through the use of its large armada of ships, looting the New World of its gold. The British Empire began through localized productivity and grew through its creation of colonies worldwide—colonies that it exploited, bringing the wealth back to England to make it the wealthiest country in the world.

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“You Stole From The Trump Organization, Correct?”: Michael Cohen Hands Trump Prosecution Another Terrible Day

Via ZeroHedge

Prosecutors in Donald Trump’s New York ‘hush money’ trial may have colluded with the Biden administration, but apparently none of the galaxy brains involved thought far enough to consider that their star witness, Michael Cohen, might cause their ‘case’ to implode.

NY Attorney General Letitia James (L), Michael Cohen, NYC DA Alvin Bragg


To wit: last week, Cohen was ‘dog walked‘ through several lies he’s told over the past few years.

Today: Cohen admitted he stole from the Trump Organization.

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The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Guest Post by Ron Paul

As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside Russian territory. The Biden Administration has to this point avoided involvement in such attacks, likely because Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will strike any facility that supplies or facilitates strikes inside of Russia, wherever they may be.

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Fugazy Land

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“The crisis of meaning only becomes a problem when society becomes resigned to it, accepts a condition of meaninglessness, and seeks to dispossess humanity from the insights and truths it learned through the ages.” Frank Furedi

Really, you must agree: just about anything can happen now, and probably will, and possibly all at the same time — war, sickness, a disordered economy, chaos in money and finance, savages pouring across the open borders, assassination, mayhem in the streets, systems failure, mental illness everywhere you look. You have a sinister, blob-infested government acting like a desperate, cornered animal, fronted by a venal phantasm trailing a personal history of crime. What could go wrong? All of it.

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Did MOSSAD just assassinate the Iranian President as revenge for the unprecedented drone/missile attack on Israel?!

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: The real problem here for Tel Aviv is that NO ONE believes them anymore.  In point of fact, it would be hard to find any country within the entire world community of nations that ever believed a single word coming out of the Zionist State of Israel.

In other words, even Israel’s allies (are there any left anywhere in the world) don’t trust a single word coming from the utterly barbaric Netanyahu regime.

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The Left’s Funny Definition of Fascism

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

According to weirdos, Donald Trump’s likely return to the White House will usher in an age of fascism unprecedented in American history, which is odd since a Trump presidency was recently precedent in American history, and that interregnum of constitutional governance brought us our only respite from nascent fascism – as defined by people who know what fascism is – in the last fifteen years or so. We heard this in 2016, too, and in 2020 as well.

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Closer to Nuclear War

Guest Post by

I can’t help but wonder what proponents of America’s participation in the old Cold War dinosaur known as NATO are thinking about NATO officials who are contemplating sending NATO military personnel into Ukraine to train Ukrainian troops in their war against Russia. Those who relish the idea of nuclear war between the United States and Russia undoubtedly must be ecstatic over the possibility of such a move.

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“We’re lending money we don’t have, to kids who are never gonna be able to pay it back, to train them for jobs that don’t exist anymore”

Zelensky – Dictator for Life – Investors Get Out – Ukraine Will No Longer Exist after 2027

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Many Ukrainians see Volodymyr Zelensky as a dictator who has betrayed his own country for a handful of silver. From tomorrow, May 20th, Zelensky’s presidential term is formally at an end—but no new elections will be held as long as Ukraine is under martial law because he would be overwhelmingly voted out. He preaches that Ukraine is fighting for freedom and then denies them the right to vote on his policies – so much for freedom and democracy. Zelensky has no incentive for peace at this point in time.

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MIT Abandons DEI Program

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

LGBTQWe are equal in all ways besides talent. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced that it will end its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs because they simply do not work. Faculty at MIT will no longer be required to attend race-based training or be screened for such during the hiring process.

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The Federal Reserve Continues To Pull the Wool Over Everyone’s Eyes

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The New York Federal Reserve bank reports that US household debt has hit a new record. Americans are increasingly using credit card debt at high interest rates to pay for their living expenses. Delinquencies are rising. About 17% of Americans are using 90% or more of their credit card limit and an additional 11% are using 60-90% of their credit card limit. That means 28% of American households are heavily indebted at high interest rates that prevent their ability to pay down the debt. Many struggle to make minimum payments, which means their debt increases monthly from interest alone without new borrowing.

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