Klaus Schwab Steps Down As World Economic Forum Executive Chairman

Via ZeroHedge

‘You’ll own nothing in retirement and be happy’…

Wit the organization he founded 50 years ago bringing in nearly $500 million in revenue in the year ending March 2023 (and sitting on a neat pile of 200 million Swiss francs cash), Klaus Schwab will own some things as he reportedly steps back from his role running the World Economic Forum has has headed since 1971.

Semafor reports that Schwab announced his intentions to step down as executive chairman in an email to staff on Tuesday that was shared with Semafor by a person connected to the organization.

The change in his role is pending approval by the Swiss government but should be finalized ahead of the WEF’s annual meeting in 2025.

Schwab, now 86, will be transitioning to a role as non-executive chairman.

But Globalists should not worry about their agenda as Semafor reports that Schwab has seeded his organization with various family members to take up the tyrannical new world order torch – Schwab’s children appointed to high-ranking positions and his wife Hilde heading the organization’s foundation and awards ceremonies in Davos.

Will Schwab and Soros retire on a deserted island together to watch the end of the chaotic world they enabled from a distance?

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Zelensky a ‘legitimate military target’ – Medvedev

Via RT

The Ukrainian leader, whose term in office expires this week, has been deemed a “war criminal” by Russia, former President Dmitry Medvedev has said

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, as the leader of a “hostile political regime,” is a legitimate military target, Dmitry Medvedev, the head of Russia’s Security Council, has said.

Speaking to TASS on Monday, Medvedev said that the question of Zelensky’s legitimacy as president is of no particular importance to Moscow.

“For Russia, the final loss of legitimacy by the pseudo-president of the former Ukraine will not change anything,” the former Russian president said, noting that the leaders of countries waging war are “always considered” a legitimate military target.

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The Ultra-Secret Scheme Is Finally Exposed

Via State of the Nation

The Conspiratorial Plot To Overthrow The American Republic Proceeds With All Deliberate Speed

Editor’s Note: There is no greater threat to the American people and this Republic than the long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution.  The primary purpose behind the deliberately open border invasion, which is allowing wave after wave of military-aged illegal aliens into the USA, is to man the kinetic phase of this bolshevik revolution.  And every single member of Congress knows about this greatest act of treason in U.S. history, but says and does absolutely nothing about it.  Which means that POTUS Imposter Joe Biden is being enabled every step of the way by the Congress, the Uniparty, Deep State, the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, State & Local Law Enforcement as well as the U.S. Armed Forces.

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Team Apocalypse will not quit

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The public health bureaucrats want endless “pandemic preparedness” and (mRNA) respiratory virus “vaccines” in 100 days; all they’ve learned since 2020 is how deep taxpayer pockets can be.

The fact that public health bureaucrats and their pet science reporters are still lying about their Covid failures is maddening.

But the fact they keep pressing for more “pandemic preparedness” and risky and hyper-fast vaccine development is not merely maddening.

It’s dangerous.

Even as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and his acolytes complain about anyone who does not bend the knee, the rest of us have no choice but to fight for the truth: Covid “mitigation” efforts were mostly useless, and “preparedness” plans may be riskier than the diseases they’re supposed to stop.

The story the bureaucrats have told us for four years is that nature gave us Covid. Then science, in the form of the mRNAs, saved us.

The reality is the opposite.

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Here’s what happened when I tried to convince Gemini that the COVID vaccines are unsafe

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

She told me to pound sand… the exact same response that most doctors would give. But this illustrates the magnitude of the problem we face challenging sacred cows.
I asked Gemini if I could try to convince her that the COVID vaccines were unsafe. She told me politely to “pound sand.”

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US Consumer Sentiment Reaches 6-Month Low

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

American ConsumerConsumer sentiment is continuing its decline amongst Americans. The University of Michigan’s survey monthly survey revealed sentiment fell to a six-month low of 67.4 in May, down from 77.2 in April. Inflation is the primary reason for the loss in confidence, followed by interest rates and geopolitical issues.

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Ukraine Has Lost – Nobody Ever Expected it to Win

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I appeared on Russia Today over the weekend because it is important to show the Russian people that the West is not all hateful Neocons. However, the forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. That is why so many governments turn to us. I do not tell them only what they want to hear. Ukraine has lost. Our computer has flat-lined on its future warning: if the Ukrainian people still want to have anything left, they better dump Zelensky NOW and seek peace as he promised to get elected. Peace is ONLY attainable when there is communication.

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7 Things You Should Do Before Trying to Lose Weight

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Improve your metabolic rate through lifestyle and dietary changes before starting a weight loss regimen
  • Aim to raise your maintenance calorie level before dieting to avoid extreme calorie restriction and ensure long-term sustainability
  • Recognize that weight loss requires a caloric deficit, influenced by both calories consumed and calories burned. Focus on enhancing your metabolism through increased physical activity and managing macronutrient intake
  • Develop fundamental health habits, such as regular physical activity and home-cooked meals, to make weight loss easier and more effective
  • Prepare for a gradual approach to weight loss by adjusting your diet and lifestyle to improve your overall metabolic health first

The question of “how to lose fat?” seems to be a popular question these days. And it is understandable, as many people are overweight and obesity rates continue to rise. But before diving into “how to lose weight,” you should first assess whether you are even at a place where weight loss should be your first goal.

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Putin’s Strategic Blunder

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The blunder began years before February 2022. Putin failed to realize that the US was preparing the overthrow of the Ukraine government. When the overthrow began, Putin took no action to prevent the overthrow. Instead, Russia permitted Washington to take over the former province of the Russian state.

A hostile Ukraine is an existential threat to Russia. Why did Russia stand aside and permit Washington’s takeover? Why did Russia sit for the next 8 years on its hands, rejecting the votes of the independent Donbas republics to be reunited with Russia from which they were torn by Soviet leaders and stuck in Ukraine? The culprit in these strategic blunders was the Kremlin’s lack of realism. Putin relied on diplomacy despite the fact that Washington relies on threats, bribes, and coercion. The Kremlin simply did not understand that with the Minsk Agreement it was saddling a dead horse that could go nowhere.

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Catholic Church Distances Self From Pope Francis

Via The Babylon Bee

WORLD — After a series of shocking unbiblical statements from the Supreme Pontiff, the Catholic Church officially distanced itself from Pope Francis.

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Gold’s Bull Run Is Just Getting Started – And We Have the Math to Prove It

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group

Right now, one thing that seems to be in short supply is trust. Almost no one in their right mind trusts what is going on in today’s chaotic economy.

The bad thing about this lack of trust? Most of the global financial system is based on it.

For example, here in the U.S., the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the White House are supposed to preserve that trust when it comes to handling the country’s debt. Right now, they aren’t doing such a good job (especially geopolitically). That devalues the dollar and, as a result, accelerates inflation.

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